386 posts tagged with music.
Displaying 151 through 200 of 386. Subscribe:
Hit Me, Hit Me, HIT ME with Your Viral Stick!
I Wanna Take A Ride On Your Media Stick! [more inside]
Winter MeFiSwap!
You listen to good music. You pick some of it out, and you put it in a certain order, and you listen to your mix all the time. It's good! It sounds good, too good to keep to yourself. So you burn 5 copies of your mix to CD and you put 'em in the mail. Soon 5 different discs containing 5 different mixes from 5 other people appear in your mailbox, and this is good because you're tired of listening to the mix you made and some new tunes from cool MeFites is just the right thing.
MeFi Swap Winter 2009 is open for sign-ups. [more inside]
MeFi Swap Winter 2009 is open for sign-ups. [more inside]
Mix CDs in Mefi Music?
Is it ok to post dj mixes to mefi music? I guess there are like copyright issues, but what about if it's a link to a third party site?
Worth checking out in Music: Jeff Buckley
And I was just about to download SOS
Maybe there's a memo I missed, but what happened to the mefi music download links? I just get the flash player now.
pony pony pony pony pony pony pony MUSHROOM MUSHROOM!
Music pony requests: Add date posted for each track in Most (Favorited|Playlisted) Tracks of All Time and increase the length of these lists. [more inside]
I'd like help finding an interest thread about music in movies.
I'm looking for the thread in which a person was interested in putting the music in movies, and wanted to know what that occupation was called/how to get there.
Yarr, music and meet-up!
Treasure Island music fest meet-up? It's on Treasure Island, between San Francisco and Oakland, October 17th and 18th.
2007 ColdChef podcast song?
Can someone point me toward the song featured on the 2007 "ColdChef goes six feet under" podcast? [more inside]
Did we really need to delete this FPP just because various defenders of MeFis indie street cred shat in this thread and presumably flagged it a lot? That's kind of a shame, because other people were enjoying it.
Republic in Vancouver tonight for Mark Farina...
Going to Mark Farina tonight in Vancouver. Anyone else going? [more inside]
MeFiSwap Summer 09 Mailing Deadline Reminder - Aug 15!
MeFiSwap Summer '09 reminder thread — Mailing deadline is Saturday, August 15! [more inside]
Where the hell did I put my (piano) keys?
I'm looking for an old post about learning the piano, or possibly learning to play an instrument in general. I don't remember if it was on the green, blue or grey, but I do remember that a MeFite posted in the thread about having completed a book or chapter or some such thing about learning the piano. It was interesting reading, and I'd like to find it again. [more inside]
Meetup at Philly Folk Fest?
Metafilter Music Playlists
User Music playlists. Does anyone actually look at or keep track of anyone's playlist but their own? On a regular basis? And if so, whose playlists do you recommend taking a look at (your own playlist does not count)?
MeFiSwap Summer 2009
MeFiSwap Summer '09
Believe it or not, it's been about that long. Let's mail each other good music. [more inside]
Believe it or not, it's been about that long. Let's mail each other good music. [more inside]
You've always got space in your inventory / How come you've never got space in your heart for me?
Update to an admittedly niche, now expired thread: The Doyouinverts have released an adorable song about Gordon Freeman of Half Life fame sung (by, oddly enough, a dude) from the perspective of Alyx Vance. [MP3 Direct Link] [Lyrics]
Artists' control of their output at Mefi Music
I have a fairly radical idea, concerning MeFi Music, which I'd like to run up the flagpole. You know, see if anyone salutes it. [more inside]
Cross-posting sub-sites?
Is it ok to cross-post a music question you have posted in AskMe to Music? [more inside]
Safari 4 and Music
Can't seem to see the moving yellow line as the song's playin'.
Song plays and pauses fine but no progress bar.
Metafilter Album Portraits
If you were one of the artists in the Metafilter Compilation album a couple of years ago, and you want the original portrait art (free, of course!), please send me your address through Mefi Mail or the e-mail address in my profile; I'm going to mail the drawings out next week. Thanks!
also on: pianoroll.org
Metafilter Radio Set A Raving Success!
Music for Recovery
Looking for mixtapes (Hey, I'm old. And it still sounds better than mix-cds). [more inside]
Mixing MefiMusic Tracks... [more inside]
Metafilter Music Podcast?
Has anyone thought about doing a periodic podcast of tunes exclusively from music.metafilter? Would Metafilter or any of the artists have an issue with someone doing this? Would anyone want to host it or help in other ways? Would anyone listen to it?
Don't leave me this way!
Music pony! Can we get a warning when we're about to navigate away from a page where a MeFi Music track is playing? [more inside]
If I had the force, I would choke the shit out of you.
Can I put this in my metafilter URL? [more inside]
Why do Americans always dance around singing the same song?
38: Zombie Bot Army
First episode after the great server hackening, this podcast covers activity across MeFi for the month of February. It was recorded on the 25th of February and runs about an hour. [more inside]
flapjax at boing boing
flapjax at midnight is featured on Boing Boing for his new album, Roomful of Ghosts, which has a blog too. Yay for an awesome MeFite!
Music.Metafilter access problems
Getting "403 Forbidden" errors for some music.metafilter tracks. [more inside]
I've got a hostage and a list of demands. No, wait, an ageing iBook and a midi controller. Sup?
So, who else is doing the make-an-album-in-a-month rpm challenge? Anyone in London interested in some collaboration? [more inside]
RPM Challenge
Psst, Metamusicians: The RPM Challenge is re-happening. Please let others know if you're in and how to find your project name. Details posted in Music Talk.
CD Swap Reminder - Jan. 20!
MeFi Winter CD Swap reminder!
Hey swappers, the deadline to mail your mixes is one week from today, January 20th. [more inside]
Hey swappers, the deadline to mail your mixes is one week from today, January 20th. [more inside]
35: Overeducated and underpaid
Episode 35 of the MetaFilter Podcast features all three mods talking about the last couple weeks on MetaFilter. It was recorded on December 3rd and after an unfortunate delay, it's finally up. There's a lot of music discussed and sampled and it runs a little more than an hour total. [more inside]
How Will I Know My Song Got 28 Plays??
Did the play counter disappear from Mefi Music?
34: cortex drives the bus
The 34th podcast features newly pantless full-time employee cortex and is unfortunately jessamyn-free. It features recaps from around the MeFi universe and runs about 45min long. [more inside]
Son of MetaFilter Mini Meet Up Now With Live Vintage Blues at the Marco Polo in Georgetown
Son of MetaFilter Mini Meet Up... at the Marco Polo in Georgetown
Good music, stimulating company and conversation were hallmarks of last month's affair and now the stars align again at 8 PM on Saturday, November 22nd, in the Marco Polo once more. [more inside]
MeFiSwap 2008
Related Project Posting Prevention?
I have a Related Project Posting Dilemma. There seems to be no place for me to inform Mefites about a piece of music that I recorded, but did not write. I can't do an FPP, as I'm quite directly related, but I can't post in MeMusic as it's not my piece. [more inside]
Offensive song
Hate speech in MeFiMusic [more inside]
Do mefites have a life offline besides meetups? How can I find out?
Is there a chance we'll have gigs.metafilter.com any time soon? [more inside]
Audio Audit
How accurate exactly is the Play Counter in Music? [more inside]
Jean Grae on music.metafilter
I'm sure music.metafilter can come up with some great stuff for Jean Grae to record or to collaborate on. $800 is not that hard to amass from metafilter donations.
Comment linkability at MeFiMu?
Pony request: Envisioning a golden, glowing future in which any number of other (that is to say, non-dick punching) songs at MeFi Music get the kind of comment action that "the most Favorited track of ALL TIME!" has gotten, I'd like to see individual comment linkability in MeFiMu threads. Like the blue and the other subsites have. Might this be possible?
Are you good with words?
Got any lyrics you'd like to see turned into songs? Got any songs that need lyrics? Post em on here and have fun collaborating with your fellow mefites. There's some cool stuff goin on over in the music section, if you haven't checked it out you should, it's awesome, if you don't mediocre might punch you in the dick [more inside]
Sideblog snaps and props
Oh snap, I made the sideblog.. I'm relatively new here, so it's a bit of an honor for me to be selected for the sideblog for my recent MuFi post.. [more inside]
Gotta scroll, baby, gotta scroll...
This is just a small point, but about those little yellow slider bars on the right side of the music players on the Music top page and the Music Challenges page and individual user's pages... [more inside]
Wonky deleted threads showing up in place of music players.
MeFi Music: MusicTalk threads showing up on main page as deleted threads, tossing out the flash player for the preceding song. Latest example: July 11, the track Settle Down's player is gone and replaced by "Deleted thread:2308", which was actually posted on MeFiMuTa later. [more inside]