386 posts tagged with music.
Displaying 201 through 250 of 386. Subscribe:
This guitar fights flashism
Is there a flash-less way to download and/or listen to songs on Metafilter Music?
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Cause there's some life yet, in them thar old posts, I'm a tellin' ya right now!
Can we get an « Older posts button for the new Music Talk section over at MeFi Music? Seeing as how there's only room for five posts at a time (I suppose), it seems like a feature folks will want. [more inside]
Music Talk and Charts and Challenges, Oh My!
New stuff for Music! We've added a Talk section, a page dedicated to Challenges, and made the Charts more obvious. [more inside]
A question and answer area for people to talk about writing/recording music
Request for another way to interact in Metafilter Music. [more inside]
Is MeFi music Creative Commons?
MeFi Music Uploading - Creative Commons license, please? Possible to replace or delete an uploaded song? [more inside]
Add to playlist from more places please
Mefi Music pony request: can we have an "add to playlist" link directly from the pages 1) listing all songs by a particular user 2) listing all songs with a particular tag. [more inside]
The MeFi Music Challenge wants YOU!
The MetaFilter Music Challenge is back, (*cue triumphant fanfare, followed by sound of jubilant, cheering throng*) and suggestions for the monthly Challenge themes are open to all MeFiers. This means YOU! You are hereby encouraged, month by month, to offer suggestions, and if yours is chosen, not only will your name go up in lights at the Music page, but you'll also be the spark that ignites the creative genius of some MeFi Musician. A chance at a little slice of immortality! [more inside]
Go ahead, surprise me.
Would it be possible to have the pop-out player in Metafilter Music play randomly? [more inside]
Return of the Return of the MeFi Music Challenge
ANNOUNCING: The reinstatement of the MetaFilter Music Challenge! (*cue applause*) REQUESTING: Your ideas on Challenge categories and structure. [more inside]
Mefi Music Challenge: The Return (?)
Is there interest in the return of the MeFi Music Challenge? [more inside]
A top 10 artist list in MeFi Music?
MetaFilter Music request: would it be difficult to implement a top 5 or 10 all time of MeFites with the most uploaded tracks, as well as most playlisted or played selections? [more inside]
This is chatfilter, AMIRITE folks?
Favorites... from the past!
Being vain, of course, I noticed this morning that someone favorited my song. The details show two favorites, though, one of which is from 2006. Which I am fairly certain is not the case, unless somebody's got a sweet time machine. [more inside]
Let's sing!
Admit it, MetaFilter really needs a Glee Club. San Francisco singers and would-be singers, lend your voices to make this dream a reality! [more inside]
music videos on mefimusic?
I've recently made a video for a song which I'd previously posted on mefimusic. The video includes a remastered version of the original song plus a reprise.
Would it be kosher to post this to mefimusic, using the reprise as the uploaded mp3? [more inside]
SELECT songs FROM music ORDER BY playcount
MuFi: Can we get a list of songs sorted by play count? Reference
Mefi music player won't play
Can't get the mefi music player to work, even though I just reinstalled flash (it's flash-based, right?). It works on my laptop though, not sure why. [more inside]
is there a way to search for every MeFiter who has posted to Music, but from a particular city?
is there a way to search for every MeFiter who has posted to Music, but from a particular city? Seems like if the search terms are not in the post or tagged by the poster, the MeFi search engine doesn't include the user info... [more inside]
whereis music challenge?
MeFi Music Challenge - wha' happened?
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Reminder: Brad Sucks in concert
Cambridge Meetup reminder filter: The inimitable frenetic, known to most rubes as Brad Sucks, will be performing at Middle East in Cambridge, MA next Tuesday (2/12). [more inside]
MeMu instrument tabs
Could there be a place within Mefi Music for people to post tabs? [more inside]
MeFi Music connection issues
I can only listen to the first few seconds of any song on MeFi music. I hit play, the first 2-3% of the song loads, and then the music cuts out. This seems to be a problem on my end, and I'm hoping someone has suggestions. [more inside]
Music Changes
Some new stuff at Music: play counts, flash player update, and pop-outs! [more inside]
File Under: Finished.
Blind Musicians
For MusicFi: I never have any idea if anyone listens to the songs I've put up, because no one ever comments or gives feedback. Granted, this might be because my songs suck could be better, but it doesn't seem like there's a lot of feedback even for the obviously skilled artists. [more inside]
Our criticism is important to artists.
'Tis the season for secrets
I am looking for a fellow MeFite who is both a Daft Punk fan and proficient with (preferably) Fruity Loops and/or Reason. I'm working on a top secret project that I'd like to collaborate with someone on. Who will bite?
Adding play count
How about adding a play count to songs in the black? [more inside]
podcast_downloading_simplified MP3 XML Music
MuFeature request: simplifying mp3 playlist/XML downloading. Tips?
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The tubes are clogged: Missing MeFi Music
The MeFi Music iTunes feed seems to be broken. [more inside]
God Bless Ye Merry GentleMefites
Lots of people seemed interested in my Christmas music question. With your help, I've finished the job. Thanks so much everyone!
MeFi Music Gadget?
Has anybody considered developing a MeFi Music Gadget (basically, an iGoogle gadget featuring an mp3 jukebox that plays the most recent or most favorited MeFi music posts on a subscriber's iGoogle homepage)? [more inside]
We hate hip-hop
Mefi Music Standalone Player Script
In response to this thread: A little GreaseMonkey script to pop-out all the flash players (that use playlists) into new tabs/windows. Enjoy!
Musical collaborators list?
Karlos the Jackal made an excellent suggestion near the end of an earlier thread, but I don't know whether any of the admins ever saw it. Is a permanent list of available MeFi musical collaborators a possibility?
Music without interruption.
MusicFilter: a possible solution for the flash player problems at MetaFilter Music.
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How afraid should we be of publicizing MeFi Music covers?
How afraid should we be of publicizing that Metafilter Music has some great covers? [more inside]
MusicFilter: interviewing the MefiMusicians.
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Podcast feeds from music playlists seem not to be working.
Podcast feeds from music playlists seem not to be working.. at least it isn't on this one.
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rock and/or roll, to go
MetaFilter Music: The Podcast [more inside]
Mefi Musicians... up for a challenge?
This is too weak for the blue (and many will say for the grey as well), and I'm too close to him for it not to be a "self-link," but I thought that some MeMu users may be interested in Sufjan Stevens' Xmas Song Swap. [more inside]
Metafilter Music Collaboration: deadline looms.
Reminder: the deadline for the Metafilter Music Collaboration is this Friday. So if you want to contribute, now is the time. [more inside]
Ain't nothin' goin' on but the rent.
It's November 4th. Next MeFi Music Challenge(s) please! [more inside]
Would that be a MMOMPG?
Let's have a massive Metafilter Music collaboration. [more inside]
Slow Playback
Make a joyful noise.
First MeFi Music Challenge? 27 eager participants got their feet wet. Second Challenge? 12 serpentine submissions. Third? 9 MeFiers took it to the bridge. Fourth and most recent? 7 made the suprhuman effort. This is not a promising trend... [more inside]
Playlist pony
Last.fm pony please: I'd like to embed the "Recently Listened" (or similar) chart into my profile, much like the flickr photo scroll.
(Alternately, if someone knows how to do that now, I'd appreciate it). [more inside]
no fans my ass
Allow me to nerd out briefly on behalf of one of our own. Say, Mr. William "I invented cyberspace" Gibson, what were you listening to while writing your new bestseller Spook Country?
Why, I was listening to Brad Sucks, nanojath! (see Sept. 1 entry) [more inside]
music challenge topic
Can't seem to find this month's music challenge topic. Is there one?
New font is cool: now how 'bout smaller?
Hey, I see there's suddenly a new font in use for song titles (and linking directly to threads!) at MeFi Music. Looks good to me: the page is more unified. Might I be so bold as to make a further suggestion? Make the song titles a little smaller. I don't think they need to be so big, really, and it'd make more space, so more MeFier's songs could bask a little longer in those bright MeFiMu front page stage lights. Whaddaya think?