386 posts tagged with music.
Displaying 101 through 150 of 386. Subscribe:
Add Thisismyjam to the social profile widget thingie, please?
Would it be possible to add This Is My Jam to the profile Also On social thingie - aka the social app list? You no longer need an invitation. [more inside]
MeFi Music navigation issue
MeFi Music Problem? [more inside]
Metafilter Music torrent updates!
In October 2010, we posted a torrent of all of Metafilter Music. Here's an update, a torrent of Mefi Music songs from 2011 - 648 songs, 3.5 gigabytes. Share & enjoy, everybody! [more inside]
Spotify playlist from music post.
If anyone is interested, I've put together a Spotify playlist with all songs mentioned in this thread. [more inside]
67: Dam
This podcast covers the tail end of October as well as November. We sort of steered clear of anything from December for the next podcast that will recap the Awesome Post Contest. This one was run high and tight, only at an hour and with no edits during the time we talked. [more inside]
The Extended Remix MefiSwap 2012-1
Happy Friday!
It's time to sign up for the no-stress extended remix MeFiSwap! [more inside]
Music pony request
Pony request: Total play and download counts on Music tracks.
Spotify MeFites
As I was listening to some new music on Spotify I was remembering the fun I've had listening to recommended tracks by MeFi listeners, especially the Christmas tracks. Has anyone created a shared playlist/collaborative playlist with MeFi contributors? Should this be AskMe?
One is the loneliest DJ
So what does a guy have to do to get a listening room rockin' around here? I'd like to revive memebake's listening room for MeFites if anyone else is interested. [more inside]
MeFiSwap 2011-2!
For the last decade or so, hunnerds of MeFites have culled their favorite tracks from their music collection, burned them onto handy, decorative CD-Rs, and mailed them across the globe. It's that time again, so let's MeFiSwap! [more inside]
favorite mixtape asks
Best of mixtape AskMes? [more inside]
Question regarding extensive Grooveshark-quoting of a composer's oeuvre
Is it considered kosher to make a post on the blue that relies heavily on Grooveshark songs? Or is that as much a no-no as posts that provide links to torrents and unauthorized downloads? Grooveshark only streams songs, rather than providing people with downloads, so does that make it as OK as YouTube? [more inside]
Invitation to betatest
So, back in January, a bunch of us hung out in Listening Room and it was groovy but the unilateral 'remove' option caused quite some graar. This led to some of us thinking about rolling our own versions ... [more inside]
F*&king google it.
Why are thread-shitty sarcastic comments in music threads like this allowed to remain? [more inside]
Nerdgasm Furore
There was a song about nerds posted on MetaFilter, and some of the responses to the song were not positive, and now the singer has responded to those responses!
Eff You You Effing Eff
Collaborative music video. [more inside]
MeFi Music RSS feed no longer working in iTunes
Anyone else found that subscribing to the Mefi Music RSS feed as an iTunes podcast stopped working a few days ago? [more inside]
Mix Party!
This was mentioned in the comments section of a metatalk thread about Listening Room, but our very own Narwhal Bacon has released the source for a (far superior, imo) clone of it called Collaborative Jukebox. There is a room open right now for mefites at MixParty.org [more inside]
HTML5 MP3 player request
Pony Request: Adding an HTML5 MP3 player to the Music subsite. [more inside]
Listen Up!
The Listening Room -- which drew a lot of interest from Mefites on its initial appearance back in late January -- is back up. [more inside]
Help me find the crazy mad max bicycle man. I think they were naked?
There was an old post on the blue maybe a year or more ago that linked to a music video that featured an old man riding an overloaded, crazy bicycle to some sort of bizzarro world encampment in the woods. I think everyone was naked or shirtless. Someone took the music out and added foley, and it became a surreal masterpiece of a short film. I can't find it now and it's driving me crazy. Anyone remember it?
As a follow-up to this post, we learned yesterday that YouTube singer Molly Lewis has been invited to Harvard for a Tuesday evening gala honoring Stephen Fry. She'll sing her "Open Letter to Stephen Fry" openly to Stephen Fry. [more inside]
Separating song posts from Music Talk posts
Pony request: in Music, there is the song section and there is Music Talk. Would it be possible for this to be reflected in one's profile? For instance, if you go to Music Activity page for snsranch, it lumps together his songs and his Music Talk posts. It's just a little cluttered to look through because there is no distinction made. Maybe instead of a 'Posts' tab could there be one 'Songs' tab and one 'Music Talk' tab (or something like that)? [more inside]
toppermost of the poppermost
OK, y'all just get over to Metafilter Music and listen to loud magic song. That is all.
Thanks for all the Music
Let's hear it for MetaFilter Music: 5,000+ posts and going strong. I love all of you, from the fine musicians to the devoted commenters and playlisters, to the mods who coded and managed it, to the thousands* of record label execs who've found their next pop star lurking in the shadows here. Here's to another 5,000 posts, then another 5,000, then after that we can re-evaluate. Sincere and heartfelt thanks to everyone who's ever contributed, commented, made a playlist, listened to a tune, or even planned to and hasn't gotten around to it.
See within for some fun MeFi Music links, and a little bit of a primer on how to get your feet wet in our warm little musical community!
*Citation needed [more inside]
See within for some fun MeFi Music links, and a little bit of a primer on how to get your feet wet in our warm little musical community!
*Citation needed [more inside]
MeFiSwap 2011-1 commences.
Fire up your CD-burning lazercheeses, rifle your music collection swamp for suitable floaters, and elect your stamp-licking uberminions.
MeFiSwap 2011-1 commences. [more inside]
Pogo gets out of the house
Pony: AAC uploading to MeFiMusic?
From this distance it's hard to tell whether it's a pony or a stallion: making AAC files uploadable to MeFiMusic? [more inside]
Dynamic duos
January's MeFiMu Collaboration Challenge drawing results are in! [more inside]
Mother, she not like the boom
In case you didn't know, a hilarious, amazing AskMe about a mysterious Christmas Letter has inspired a strange, oddly addictive song on MetaMusic. That is all.
I never know what to put here
Every single request for hip hop recommendations lists the same artists over and over again. [more inside]
MeFiMu pony: replace MP3 files?
MeFiMu pony inquiry: probably too hard to do but how feasible would it be to add functionality to replace the MP3 in a particular song post? [more inside]
Help me find the post I'm thinking of, or the song that was featured in it.
I've been hunting without success for a post about a collector of old "ethnic" records. There's one song in particular that I'd love to hear again... [more inside]
A Metric Buttload of Music
As a followup to not_on_display's requesting a way to
download all of the Metafilter Music songs last month: a torrent is now available. [more inside]
I Want My MeFiMu!
A while back, I tried to set my Flashgot Firefox plug-in to download all of the files with the address music.metafilter.com/music/*.mp3, only to find that FlashGot doesn't like wildcards, only ranges (i.e. [a-z], [1...1000], etc.). But I really would like to have a quick easy way to suck all of this music onto my iPod. Dear AskMeTa, [more inside]
cortex made a meme
Folk music, viral weirdness, and the Ballad of Steven Slater. Josh Millard, known to all and sundry here as cortex, analyses how The Ballad of Steven Slater written by Max Sparber, a.k.a. Astro Zombie, which cortex set to music and performed, went viral. How viral? Wolf Blitzer viral.
Metafilter's Top 40
How would I go about finding the most popular music posts? [more inside]
Mid-year 2010 CD mix swap
It's way past! time to swap mix CDs again, so let the mid-year 2010 (NOT HEMISPHERIST!) MeFiSwap begin! Hooray! [more inside]
Calling out flapjax at midnite
I'm calling out flapjax at midnite for making consistently awesome music posts and being an asset to the community. [more inside]
Can I link to my classmates' MySpace Music pages?
I study popular music, and needless to say I go to school with some pretty amazing musicians and song-writers, many of whom have MySpace profiles and websites with their songs on them. [more inside]
The harmonic relationship between chords that this progression contains are rock-solid.
I've been playing music all of my life, and I've never seen a better distillation of music theory than this comment. It's a full semester's worth of study in a few short paragraphs. I know it's been months since it appeared ... but this is truly worthy of a sidebar, or a book deal, whichever comes first.
Looking for musical flash game
Several months ago, someone posted a flash game where you drew simple white lines on a black background. White balls hit the white lines and, depending on how hard they hit them, produced a musical note. You could adjust the rate of the balls dropping. I can't find this post.
Music crashes in Chrome on OS X.
Music crashes in Chrome on OS X. [more inside]
Calling London...
I am traveling to London tomorrow from the US, will be there for 5 days. Would love to find a few laid back pubs w/ live music -- any suggestions? (I am staying near Soho.)
Any UK mefites out there care to meet up for a pint?
My pony has an iPhone
Pony? Mefi-Music iphone app? [more inside]
Stats for MetaMusic
Would it be possible to tie in some stats to each song uploaded to MetaMusic? Maybe the number of downloads, or votes for "support" like in the Projects section. [more inside]
Give it a watch and a listen, but not just a listen.
What's the difference in MeFi-comment-worthiness between posting a link to a Youtube video of a song and an actual mp3 of the song itself? [more inside]
MeFiSwap Mailing Reminder - Saturday January 23!
Holy smokes, I just got my first MeFiSwap mix CD in the mail yesterday!
Reminder: the mailing deadline is in one week, Saturday, January 23. [more inside]
Reminder: the mailing deadline is in one week, Saturday, January 23. [more inside]
Barenaked Chicken
Barenaked Chicken (Stavros the Wonder Mix) [more inside]
outgoing message masterpiece?
A Metafilter Music Challenge for anyone and everyone... [more inside]