386 posts tagged with music.
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"This is all we are" - Goodbye, Wolof
Bassist extraordinaire, author/translator, lover of France, China, Oz, literature and cinema (with a PhD to boot), beloved father, husband, friend, and "big cat of cat family" (to a fluffy black cat), Wolof has passed away. [more inside]
The Music Sounds Better With You
Back by moderately popular demand, it's the MetaFilterMusic podcast! Check out episode 2 on Soundcloud! [more inside]
Do You Like Good Music?
Following a recent MeTa on which interest was expressed in the idea of a MetaFilter Music Podcast, I decided that hell yes and made one - check it out on Soundcloud! [more inside]
Spotify playlist sharing as a potential feature of Mefi Music
This recent AskMe, the sad demise of This Is My Jam, and some recent music posts on the Blue have got me thinking. How feasible is it to set up some kind of venue for members to share music playlists independent of the Mefi Swap? I'm thinking Spotify playlists in particular, and wondering if there's any scope for adding this as an additional feature to Mefi Music. [more inside]
Looking for a recent article on music criticism
The article I'm trying to recall was a very well written reflection on what the purpose of criticism is. I think the author was mainly concerned about music criticism. There was a central thread through out the story of a particular album (from the late 60s or 70s) that a friend of the author interpreted as being a nihilistic tribute to love. It was moving and I wish I had bookmarked it.
edgeways has passed away
Sad news: long-time Metafilter community member edgeways, Edgewood Smith, passed away last week. [more inside]
A thread for Bandcamp Fan Pages
If you buy music on Bandcamp and have made your fan page public, what is it? (Mine is Mister Meows, but lives at runciblejones because such things can't be changed.) The MetaFilter CD swaps have demonstrated that many MeFites are into music that's up my ally, and it'd be cool to see what folks are grooving to on a more regular basis.
Are original field recordings of natural sounds OK on MeFi Music?
I could not find anything specific concerning this in the FAQ. However, since field recordings of nature/city soundscapes may not meet the traditional definition of a "music composition", I wanted to get some clarification. [more inside]
City Songs: the new MetaFilter Music Challenge
Music-lovers of Metafilter, we would like to extend an invitation to you all to join us over at MeFiMusic for the latest challenge: record a song about a city. [more inside]
Pony This Song to MeFi
We have a one-stop button for posting MeFi Projects to Metafilter. Could we also get a one-stop button for posting MeFi Music to Metafilter?
What are some Spotify Playlists made by Mefis?
Over the last year or so, I have absolutely loved every spotify album made by mefis. It is always a high quality compilation. [more inside]
Could we allow comments to be posted on music.metafilter.com by Ajax?
I was listening to a piece of music on MeFi Music and posted a comment. It was great that it asked me first if I really wanted to leave the page, but it occurs to me that you could also set it up so that the comment is posted by Ajax instead so you never leave the page. Last time we had this brought up was Nov 2012 and in the context of long threads rather than threads where posting actively interrupts a listening experience. [more inside]
98: A Land of Contrasts
Episode 98 runs about 1hr 45min and covers the month of October on the sites. [more inside]
MeFi Music Collaboration: A Tribute to Flood!
Just a brief heads-up to get more attention: Over at MeFi Music I've launched a project to cover They Might Be Giants' Flood in its entirety to celebrate the album's upcoming 25th anniversary. Three tracks are already spoken for, so hop on over if you want to get in on this! (Thanks to taz for approving this MetaTalk thread.)
Book on crafting pop hits
Hi, can you identify this post? It was about a songwriter who wrote a book on composing high quality popular songs. The FPP included a rare interview he gave the Guardian and the thread consensus was that the interview was very poorly done. It's for a niece who's making demos. Thanks everybody!
Happy birthday Mefi Music!
Back in 2006, the cover was lifted on the version of Metafilter Music we all know and love! I wanted to wish it happy birthday, and post a torrent for the songs from 2013! [more inside]
MetaFilter Radio on the App Store
Thanks to the work of scottandrew, the MetaFilter Music app (iOS 7+ only) is now available on the App Store for free. [more inside]
92: Numb and Number
Episode 92 of the podcast was recorded yesterday and runs about an hour and twenty minutes long covering all our favorite posts from the past month of MetaFilter [more inside]
So Many Songs. So Many Steps.
There have been a lot of AskMe posts lately (just a few examples) asking for music recommendations, and I'm once again thinking how much I'd like to listen these songs while I walk. Like on a playlist I could easily download and listen to offline, on my Android phone. [more inside]
MeFiSwap 2014-1 - The Songbird Swap - Sign-ups are OPEN!
Do you miss using your optical drive? Have you wondered lately how you're ever going to get rid of that three quarters-full spindle of blank CD-Rs? Maybe lately you've been feeling nostalgic for mix-tapes but are unwilling to revisit the Eighties in all their retro glory? Perhaps you're wondering what music gets other MeFites' tables turning? Well have I got just the thing for you! [more inside]
MeFi Radio pre 1.0 beta testers needed
Want to beta test out MeFi Radio, a new iOS 7.x app? [more inside]
A fun little number and you should hear it
Listen, MetaFilter, 'tis the season and all that, so get yourself over to MetaFilter Music (you know, that subsite you never go to) and check out the absolutely wonderful little Hawaiian Christmas ditty that your fellow Mefier chococat posted, OK? It's called Mele Kalikimaka and it's big fun and just all kindsa damn good and full of holiday cheer and slippery guitars.
MeFiMusic Request Raffle: The Results!
The Great Metafilter Request Raffle hove out of town, leaving a trail of happy requestors and celebrated musicians, as the deadline drew in yesterday. The musical trail it leaves behind ranges from the delightful unexpected to extreme aural oddity. [more inside]
85: Silk Road 2.0
This month's podcast was recorded on October 7th and runs about an hour and forty minutes long, covering most of September's best posts, projects, and questions from the site. [more inside]
All the videos - have 'em all!
In response to threads like this in which there are a lot of videos to watch, I wrote a Chrome extension that plays all the YouTube videos linked on a page, one after another in one player. [more inside]
Hey, Mefites! Check out these Bowie covers by your fellow Mefites!
Start listening now! Right here! No salesman will call! Unlimited offer!
MeFi Music: The Great Request Raffle!
You are cordially invited over to MeFiMusic where we would like your music/song requests, to be fulfilled for the next music challenge! [more inside]
MeFiSwap 2013-2 - THE SWAP BATTLE
Remember physical media? Remember how you can put music on it? Remember snail mail? Remember how you can sent physical media via snail mail?
Well, let me remind you how it's done with the second round of the bi-annual MeFiSwap! [more inside]
Remember physical media? Remember how you can put music on it? Remember snail mail? Remember how you can sent physical media via snail mail?
Well, let me remind you how it's done with the second round of the bi-annual MeFiSwap! [more inside]
83: Legally throwing up on the subway
Episode 83 of the podcast is an extra large one at nearly 2 hours long and was recorded earlier today. Enjoy! [more inside]
Music Challenge - we need your input
Over on music.mefi we're considering the future of the music challenge, which I've been running for a while now, after taking over from Flapjax. This has traditionally been an entry point for people into the world of music.mefi and we'd love to get some input about the direction it should take. [more inside]
79: Kibo Was Here
Episode 79 runs about 1 hour and 40 minutes and was recorded on Friday, March 29th, covering all the best posts from the month of March on MetaFilter. We did our best to abide by the swear jar and only slipped up a few times! [more inside]
78: Finishing Moves
This episode runs about an hour and forty minutes long and features recaps of the site for the month of February. Shortest month, but longest podcast? [more inside]
Show us what you swapped!
Have you gotten your MeFi Swap mixes yet? Are they awesome? Have you found new favorite songs? [more inside]
MefiMusic: MP3 or GTFO
Can we move the music player to the top of Mefimusic posts that exploit the "more inside" function. This has bothered me for years really. Recent feedback has confirmed that this confuses the heck out of people. [more inside]
It's time for another collection of Metafilter Music!
There is so much music here. Here's the annual torrent of all the songs from Metafilter Music, gathering everything from 2012. There were 558 songs, taking up 3.1 gigabytes. Massive, massive props to all the musicians who shared their music! Check it out, and remember, the song threads never close, so if you find a song you love, please drop by and let the artists know! [more inside]
Swap Me Maybe?
80 minutes - 700MB - 5 discs - 6 swappers
Let's swap mixes. Sign up for the 2013-1 MeFiSwap inside! [more inside]
Let's swap mixes. Sign up for the 2013-1 MeFiSwap inside! [more inside]
Pony: soundcloud/mefimusic integration
This is a honkin' big pony but bear with me.
It would be REALLY nice if we could make music posts using embedded soundcloud links, much as we can embed YouTube and Vimeo links. [more inside]
Chart-topping hits of yesteryear
Is it just me or are most of the entries on the the Mefi Music Chart's "Most Favorited Tracks (in the past 7 days)" from 2009?
Franken Piano?
Video about breaking apart a piano and making a new instrument? [more inside]
OK MetaFilter
Back in June everyone was invited to cover a song from Radiohead's OK Computer for the July '12 MeFi Music Challenge #58. (Music Talk thread) Over the past 2 months—the challenge was extended at the end of July—48 songs were recorded covering the entire album and even one excellent B-side. So much about this challenge excited me, like recording and submitting my first (second, and sort-of third!) Music tracks. And I love Radiohead, so. But this part, where I pick my favorite cover version of each song on the album and build my perfect MeFi Music tribute, OK MetaFilter, that's the part I've really been looking forward to.
Come inside for links to playlists for each track of the album so you can build yours too. [more inside]
Pop music mystery
Searching for a (possibly) Canadian female pop singer who was mentioned on here sometime in the past few years. [more inside]
Magical musical singing ponycorn
Hey, how about some way to re-order the songs in playlists on MeFi Music? [more inside]
MeFiSwap 2012-2 The Swappening Mailing Deadline is Saturday July 21! Do it!
MeFiSwap 2012-2, The Swappening, is almost over! I'm on my way to the post office this afternoon to mail out my mixes, and I can't wait to dig in to all the mixes from the (put-together, ahead-of-the-game, super-awesome) swappers who have already mailed out. If you're signed up to swap, the mailing deadline is tomorrow, Saturday, July 21! [more inside]
Hey, that's my song!
Mefi Music appearing automatically and streaming from Hype Machine -- what's the deal? [more inside]
MeFiSwap 2012-2 The Swappening
Hi if you're interested in making a mix of some music, burning it to a CD-R, and mailing it to 5 other MeFites, I'm interested in facilitating your experience. Come inside for the MeFiSwap 2012-2 details. [more inside]
Music player not playing
Some of the music players on mefi music have a strange grey bit where the line goes when play is clicked and don't play when I click play. [more inside]
As seen on Metafilter
This FPP brought the wonderful Alabama Shakes to my attention. It got me to wondering if MeFi has ever been responsible for helping a musical act "break out" before. We've got a lot of members with blogs, Twitter accounts, etc. so we potentially have a lot of clout but is this something that can be measured?
My Little Musical Pony
Pony request: music.mefi's 'most favorited this week' widget on sidebar (or at least this week's most favorited track). [more inside]
Are you on GetGlue
Music player won't pop
Popping out the Music player doesn't seem to work anymore. [more inside]