779 posts tagged with policy.
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No, my post is not about the Imageshack frog
What's the best way to link to a large image on Mefi? [more inside]
you're not helping
Someone wants to help people. The answers? Kill people, kill yourself, kill all the religious people, and stop having babies. People, please. [more inside]
AskMe Noise
Stop breaking the rules! Do not post a comment if you don't have an answer or are helping to look for one. That the asker is breaking the rules isn't an excuse. [more inside]
Mac Envy / Windows Envy / Eliminating Envy is a Step to Buddha-Nature
From this to this - when Windows people are left out it's justified, when Mac users are left out it's a tragedy that must be addressed. Note: tongue firmly in cheek, I know these are two different users. I'm just feeling snarky.
Can You Repeat The Question?
"Second Editions"
I would like to know what people's thoughts are on the idea of allowing Metafilter posters to make a "second edition" of a post after a certain amount of time has passed (a week?, a year?). [more inside]
Metafilter - lessons learned from the BB problem?
Can I post something I tested to Projects?
A friend developed a new Firefox extension. While I didn't write any code for it, I was one of the testers during development and like to think that my input has helped the product. Is this okay to post to Projects?
It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his job depends on not understanding it.
Account Closing Protocol
What would be the reason someone would want to close their account? If someone didn't want to "belong" to this "community", wouldn't someone just quit posting to the site, and reading it? And what of the posts someone has previously posted? Would a request to delete all of someone's own posts be complied with? [more inside]
Can we get a policy regarding the ads on Metafilter?
Can we get a policy regarding the ads on Metafilter? [more inside]
Stealth pay marketing sucks.
Can we get a policy to discourage the pimping of "stealth pay" games here on Metafilter? [more inside]
How to recall conversations with other users
Is there any way to identify threads that contain comments by me and another user? I'm picturing a world where I could click on someone else's profile, and there would be a link "conversations you've had with this user." I suspect I am missing something, but I can't find it.
Answers, not opinions.
I don't understand why some of the answers to this question aren't being deleted. They are expressing their opinions about whether or not it's appropriate to give children psychiatric drugs, or what drugs have worked for children they knew, and that wasn't what was asked.
Full disclosure
A few weeks ago, there was a post about two Muslims about to be deported from Britain. Today in AskMe, the poster reveals that one of the potential deportees is a friend of his. Shouldn't this have been disclosed at the time? Is it okay to make posts about your friends?
Make that in triplicate!
Religious issues aside, do we really need three separate posts covering slight variations of the same thing?
[more inside]
deleted militarization thread
Not sure why the "Militarization of Consumer Companies" thread by five fresh fish was killed? [more inside]
Mission Accomplished
Is there a point to this other than to encourage a pissfest?
AskMe hell
Hey, I'm successful young buck at 30 years of age, but enough about me, why don't you guys talk about me?
Is an Infoviz of MetaFilter copying, stealing, or remixing?
I wanted to take one of AskMeFi's most awesome threads (the one about life-altering experiences) and turn it into an art project. This project is already done, except that nobody knows about it. Here is the link. I am using copies of almost every single post in that thread. This is potentially problematic. I'm asking the MetaFilter Community here, what do you think? [more inside]
Look, Ma, I'm full of piss and vinegar
Scientology and Metafilter: Perfect together?
MetaFilter ad links to Scientology site. [more inside]
Embrace this new feature, and take it to where it needs to go, where the world clamors for it to go -- OPTIONAL HYPOTHETICAL FILTER
For a long time, I have been sad at the loss of HypotheticalFilter. When AskMe was young, such questions would arise. But those days are gone now, as the site matured.
It's simply not done, you'd say. It floods the page with nonsense. It makes the real questions get lost. Still, I thought, I want to know how to dispose of a body, or how long we'd survive without the sun. Who would win in a fight? A squirrel, or a squirrel's weight in ants? [more inside]
The Infinity of Defining Chatfilter
Self-Link for supporting documents?
If I can't find a translation of something I want to post, can I link to the translations on my blog? I'm preparing what will hopefully be a badass FPP on French pop, rap, insult songs and surreal music videos. BUT, most of these songs don't have translations to English and those that do are horrible. So, what if I posted my own translations on my blog and linked to them? [more inside]
How do I hide my boxcutter?
best comment ever?
Why do we not want most popular comments from all time available, the way it is for posts? [more inside]
Mods vs White Lobster
Blog Fight!
What's the company line on excerpting stuff from MeFi on other websites? [more inside]
Privacy or Criminal Activities?
It seems like there have been several questions lately about how to do things that make it easy to do illegal things or hide one's identity generally in a way that does not seem to have a legitimate purpose, or at the very least seems to only have a vague "I want to avoid harassment" or "I want to protect my privacy" purpose. What gives? [more inside]
Those Run of the Mill Hasidic Landlords
Rocking Homelessness?
I'm uncomfortable that this "How Can I Be Homeless?" question was approved. Seems to me this person should not be helped to pursue a course of action that is not only dangerous but which will almost certainly involve his making use of resources intended to help people who truly have nowhere to turn.
This is not the answer you are looking for.
Is using the "best answer" function to clarify the original question or to offset the OP's own comments from the pack really the best use of that feature?
Try it, see what happens
MeFi's Eternal September is nigh, what with the holidays coming and Mac market share rising. Is there anything we can/should do to head off the inevitable flood of "I just got my Mac, now what?" questions that are already asked over and over in AskMe? [more inside]
Rethinking comment deletion
I'm seeing a lot of very eloquent responses to AskMe questions getting deleted. Some of them are very long, and while they could be thought of as containing some offending material, the whole comments are being deleted. I want to propose and discuss just removing the offensive parts -- editing out sentences or paragraphs, and not entire comments, so that the "good stuff" can remain. [more inside]
Buying a WoW account is against Blizzard's TOS.
Sexism debate, displaced.
It appears that some people feel that a non sequitur remark made in the "more inside" portion of a recent post was sexist. Others remain unconvinced. [more inside]
We hate hip-hop
Asperger's shouldn't be thrown out as an explanation or excuse for any behavior unless one has been clinically diagnosed with it.
Because deleting my own memory is not an option
Please, for the love of humanity, erase this MeFi user from my brain. [more inside]
Can we dial back the youtubery?
So this and this were posted this morning, and, being that I loathe YouTube only posts in the first place, it got me thinking...Why isn't there a policy against YouTube-only Posts? [more inside]
Wanted: better jerk skills.
I'm doing a game show in San Francisco
The Projects section seems more geared towards web/internet projects. Would posting my show info in Projects be appropriate?
Farts = not funny; Nuns = hilarious!
Followup FPPs?
A couple of times this week I've run across links that had significant new information on stories that made the Blue recently enough to still be active. By themselves they don't feel meaty enough to merit a new FPP, but if I just tack them at the end of the old FPP it feels like wasted effort that nobody's likely to see. [more inside]
Spelling and grammar guideline?
Write your congressperson?
Talk about your missing periods!
No right name for that bucket of bolts
What makes this kind of ask.me post not chatfilter? There is no real answer to this kind of thing, it's just "hey, we got a new car, help us be cute!"