5 posts tagged with pony by jbickers.
Displaying 1 through 5 of 5.

Fanfare pony request: Ability to not specify an episode

Inspired by this post, I've got a feature request for Fanfare: In the "Episode #" drop-down, add "N/A" as an option. This signals that the post is for the entire season. I think there are a lot of shows that would benefit from single-post discussions (The Fall was previously mentioned, I think) rather than one thread per episode.
posted by jbickers on Sep 24, 2014 - 32 comments

Save for later?

This comment made me realize just how much I wish there was a "save for later" feature. So I guess this is a pony request, or perhaps asking if there is a greasemonkey script that accomplishes something similar. [more inside]
posted by jbickers on Aug 26, 2013 - 54 comments

Categories for favorites?

Pony request: categories for favorites? [more inside]
posted by jbickers on Dec 9, 2007 - 26 comments

Rollover questions? $5 per question? Pony?

God help me, but I'm starting a thread on getting additional AskMe questions. There are weeks that go by with no need to ask anything ... but then there are times when a second question would be a life-saver. Whatabout either (a) "rollover questions," a la Cingular's rollover minutes, say, up to a maximum of 2-3 in the bank at any time; or (b) a fee to ask a second question in one week? I can think of several times when I would have ponied up an additional $5 to ask, say, a work-related question where I knew AskMe's community would have the best answer.
posted by jbickers on Jun 27, 2007 - 127 comments

How about a "books I've read lately" feature on the profile page?

I've got a feature that I'd LOVE to see added, largely driven by the number of "I just finished reading this, what should I read next posts" ... a set of fields on our profile pages where we can add a book that we've recently read/enjoyed (perhaps by ISBN?), followed by a comments box. That way, members could build their "reading histories" over time, and they'd be available to the rest of the community. I realize there are plenty of stand-alone sites that do just this, but I'd love to see it integrated into MeFi, simply because I'd be very interested in checking in from time to time to see what certain posters are reading these days. We all kinda get to know each other over time, and there's an unusually high percentage of very literate people on this site. (Forgive, please, if this has been requested before.)
posted by jbickers on Apr 28, 2007 - 38 comments

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