4 posts tagged with pony by o2b.
Displaying 1 through 4 of 4.
Would user-defined style sheets be possible?
Would user-defined style sheets be possible? I'm wishing I could control the presentation of posts more than the customization tool allows (spacing, leading, etc.).
Limit front page posts to once per day instead of 24 hours?
minor feature request: limit front page posts to once per day instead of 24 hours?
TextAd request: show us the urls?
TextAd request: show us the urls?
Time on homepage to match user time?
a minor request: could the time on the home page be user-relative?
i have the annoying habit of taking every timestamp i see at face value, and i'm not in PST, so it creates a little hiccup in my brain.
i have the annoying habit of taking every timestamp i see at face value, and i'm not in PST, so it creates a little hiccup in my brain.