November 2010 Archives (all archives)
November 30
Sister Act
This is not what AskMe is for. It looks like there is ample evidence that this question is not made in good faith, enough to err on the side of deletion. [more inside]
MemoryFilter Quiz
MemoryFilter: without looking at the site, how many MetaFilter usernames can you recall from memory? Set the timer for 10 minutes. [more inside]
Request For Complaints
Following the recent Complaints Choirs post, I thought it would be a cute idea to sort out our very own Metafilter Complaints Choir. There's a few of us on it now, but it would be great if you contributed as well. [more inside]
If Pomplamoose can do Hyundai commercials, we can do this. MeFi Shop!
MeFi Shop is open for business. Or will be once we get your contributions.
Thanksgiving was late this year so we're a bit behind on the MeFi Shop. Have something to sell? Let MeFites know about it. [more inside]
Help a friend and fellow mefite in need!
November 29
Searching for the Young Folk Rebels
Searching for an old post. It was a SLYT clip, if memory serves. I bellieve it was the introduction to a movie that featured three people (I think E. European gypsies) playing folk music in a field... [more inside]
Best post contest for December is a go!
December's Awesome Post Contest is a GO! [more inside]
Blew my puny mind, it did
How much does someone's metafilter name influence your impression of them? And have you ever realized you were wrong? [more inside]
Gender (Go nuts). Somebody did.
It's fascinating that the decision by the developers of Diaspora, the ("open" but currently in closed alpha) Facebook alternative to make "Gender" a text field got a lot of attention (mostly on Twitter), a lot of it rather negative. Considering that MetaFilter has always done that. (I pointed it out to them) [more inside]
November 28
Replies in Metafilter?
Replies in Metafilter? I assume this has been discussed in the past, but since my searches in didn't unearth anything, here it goes anyway. [more inside]
The time is now. Now is the time.
"Post about it when it's out. When it is out is the time to post about it. Etc." The whole point of this post was that large portions of the leak are already out on Twitter [1, 2] [more inside]
needs more context?
When is "needs more context" an appropriate reason for deletion? [more inside]
November 27
The Peanut Gallery
I was just wondering... How many of you guys browse askmefi primarily as a source of entertainment, rather than as a potential answerer? [more inside]
My friend's really cool thing ≠ a post to projects
Aren't projects for something that you've done and not a way to show off someone else's stuff? [more inside]
Thanks for deleting my irritable response to a question about how to succeed at writing. I guess it punched a button of mine.
November 26
It's a small Metafilter
In a new world record, I've already received my Secret Quonsar gift, 10 minutes after the final draw. [more inside]
Calling Dr. Sash... Dr. Sash to the Grey room, please?
Dear Orville:
Please refrain from accusing me of derailing a thread by answering a direct question. Thank you. And Jess, sorry for losing my temper. You did right to delete my post. [more inside]
What colour is the MetaTalk background?
What colour is the MetaTalk background? I have terrible colour vision and can't tell if it's grey or a sort of muted lilac. Thanks.
Auschwitz stolen sign update
Thread update: three men have been charged with the theft of the "Arbeit Macht Frei" sign from Auschwitz. One Swede with "neo nazi" ties and two Poles alleged to be commercially motivated. Three other Poles pleaded guilty to related charges earlier this year.
Really? Really?
I tried a search and didn't find anything on what I'm about to mention, but I've noticed a trend in the Blue lately and it's getting on my nerves, and that is when a comment is preceded by: "Really?" [more inside]
November 25
thanks, mathowie, mods, and netizens of metafilter. [more inside]
November 24
Flickr flickr little star, where art thou?
Why in the world will my Flickr profile not link up? [more inside]
I done terrible things to taters... cuttin' 'em, fryin' 'em... you give a tater a man's constitution you can bet he's comin' to pay old Joad a call!
Wrath Minded Taters (SONNL, Single Onion News Network Link, 2.5 mins, site inserts an advertisement before the video unfortunately) [more inside]
Die blinky-cursor, what's up
There's a blinking cursor now, I swear there wasn't before...and I can't keyboard-navigate correctly: What's going on? [more inside]
Ouroboros is a cat.
Lute Cat (not to be confused with Zither Cat) began life as a deletion reason on the blue, was briefly batted about on the grey, was then auctioned off for charity, and is now residing in Projects, ready to be purchased and taken home. Oh won't you love him, Mefi.
Pulling The Cord
Some people in the thread about a woman confronting a flasher on the subway seem to prefer discussing the etiquette behind pulling the emergency cord. Here's a place you can do that, so those who want to discuss the main topic can get back to doing that.
November 23
Get $400 off a scan of your DNA
Personal genomics company 23andMe is holding their one-day $99 sale again tomorrow (Wednesday, November 24th). I'm mentioning it here because we discussed it on MetaTalk last time they had a sale and it generated a lot of interest from MeFites, many of whom signed up. The sale starts at 10 AM, and you must use the code B84YAG at checkout.
Should You Use Yahoo Answers, Metafilter, or Aardvark?
Infographic of the day: a handy chart to help you know the best website to ask your question.
$5 Means We're Not the Product
From Green to Blue
Has there ever been a question on the green with such great responses that it spawned a post on the blue? [more inside]
Double Vision
I'm seeing double in the Popular Favorites. [more inside]
November 21
When a comment leaves the site and enters your BRAIN!
Comments that stay in your mind and pop out unbidden at the strangest of times. [more inside]
Simpson AND Homer AND NOT O.J. AND NOT Ashley
Pony filter: Combine tags so as to EXCLUDE questions that have some specified tag. [more inside]
Minecraft FTW?
You'll take these pleated plants from my cold, dead legs!
Others examples of antagonistic fashion AskMe threads? [more inside]
November 20
Recent screenshot thread?
I swear there was a recent AskMe thread that described a website or program that could take a screenshot of an entire webpage, even if it went off the bottom of your screen. [more inside]
One year old and no name.
Alright, this morning some of us were entertained by an FPP which reminded me that we're now one year on from the 100k raffle and jamaro has yet to name the 100k-reserved account. What's up and when can we expect the suspense to end??!? [more inside]
Ravelry redux
Ravelry ( has been out of closed beta for a while. It also gets a fair amount of love in any fiber-arts-related post on the green or grey. Can we add it to the list of social networks in user profiles? [more inside]
November 19
RSS on favorites
Is there a way to create an RSS feed from my favorites?
A Capella Wonderfulness
If you haven't heard chococat's The Worst Things over on MeFiMu yet, then you've done yourself a disservice. [more inside]
November 18
Happy Mefday to us!
The first wave of $5 noobs celebrate our sixth birthday today. $5 noobs are a community weblog project that allows participants to make comments & posts to MetaFilter on their home or business machines.
MetaFilter on the grid
World Community Grid celebrates its sixth birthday today. WCG is a distributed computing project that allows participants to donate unused cycles on their home or business machines, and to designate the scientific project which will use those cycles. Since its inception, the 43,000 members of WCG have processed 110,000 years of donated time and have provided 200 million results to the research teams involved. The MetaFilter team is responsible for slightly more than 8.5 years of donated computer time and about 12,500 results. [more inside]
Awesome post contest?
Time To Give Gifts to the Children!
The time has come to give gifts for the Metafilter Cares Holiday Gift Drive! Please step right in to find out how you can help... [more inside]
Gender Experiment
Where is that thread I read about a blogger / webdesigner / freelancer of some kind with very masculine topics who pretended to be a man, now outing herself as a woman? [more inside]
November 17
Seriously, I don't have Javascript turned off...
This javascript error page is a bit of overkill, in my humble opinion. None of the sugestions on the page is relavent. My clicking of the [+] failed because my hellish internet connection hadn't loaded the page completely yet. Is this necessary? I'm quite happy for clicking the [+] to just not work, rather than being bumped off the page.
Is that thread in a clear Zip-Loc bag?
If you're going to delete a post because the subject is already being discussed in another thread, at least help people find that thread. [more inside]
Show me your your world through story
Site Update Heads Up
We're making some background updates to the site today, please excuse our mess. [more inside]
Cookssource and Internet Publishing
Let's argue about Cooks Source again. She posted a self-righteous not-quite-apology today. I know a lot of people find this tiresome, but I actually think this is a fascinating case in the fascinating discussion of the future of copyright and publishing. [more inside]
Don't men enjoy different things than women
Why is a gift list for men too chatty? [more inside]
MeTa Culpa
We love predictions. Especially looking back on predictions that have since been proven incorrect. I was thinking about the fact that a while back I predicted a certain lots-of-babies-having couple would stay together when they have spectacularly broken up and then I thought that a website full of pompous know-it-alls like us should be able to point to a bunch of predictions that we made in years past with the kind of confidence and assurance only an internet expert can muster that have been proven completely wrong. "By 2010 cloned dinosaurs will be common house pets." or "After the Peak Oil riots of 2009 we will all be living in igloos made of dead cloned dinosaur house pets." That kind of thing. So, if you please, show me your Metafilter comment wrongness. [more inside]
November 16
Not cool, man, my mom was a nun guzzler.
Hey there, butt puzzles, here's me and jessamyn rattling off insulting nicknames for your entertainment. [more inside]
He needs mouse bites to die!
Josephine and Frederick's grand feedback
A recent post about a Belgian couple's journey (by Toyota Landcruiser) through the Congo has garnered both praise and criticism; now the author of the piece, Frederick, has shown up in thread to discuss his experiences and answer questions.
What was the quickest Best Answer?
What was the quickest Best Answer? [more inside]
November 15
OK to ask for an interviewee?
I'd love to find someone to interview for a class assignment (due Thursday), about problem solving in teaching English as a second/foreign language in a classroom. There seem to be a few experienced ESL teachers around here, and it would be awesome to be able to talk to one on the phone here in the US. Would it be appropriate to look for an interviewee via AskMe? [more inside]
secret quonsar 2010: Signups Are Open!
It's secret quonsar time again, but this year we're doing it in two flavors: Anyone/Anywhere and [My Country Only]. The randomized draw will be on American Thanksgiving, November 25, and the send by date is Tuesday, December 6. Please sign up by 11:59 PM EST on November 24. Spending Limit: $15. [more inside]
COICA still alive
The "Combating Online Infringement and
Counterfeits Act" (COICA) is back on the Judiciary Committee's schedule. [more inside]
"Ample open TSA threads"
Can we have a separate subsection of MetaFilter just about airline travel, security, the TSA, backscatter machines, agressive pat-downs, ball cupping, and other related topics? It could be an area for posts about these issues, questions, projects, jobs, and music. I feel this would be both a great place to productively funnel the surge of ongoing interest and a way to help keep the rest of the site from being inundated. Potential names for the subsite welcome and appreciated.
November 14
MeFi XMPP/Jabber chat (not a pony)
Any MeFites want to test out an XMPP/Jabber chat server? Well, registration is open. [more inside]
How to determine what constitutes outragefilter
What is "outragefilter"? How do we tell? [more inside]
November 13
You got sports in my MetaFilter!
Four months after this, we get threadshitting from the get-go in another sports thread.. [more inside]
November 12
It is Sisyphus with cameraphone hoping to wave the drinks cart his way.
clavdivs: our personal Joyce, or Burroughs, or what? [more inside]
Gimme my meetups
Bug-Filter: Recent Meetups pane only shows one meetup per city per day even if multiple meetups occured. [more inside]
56: Who Set What on Fire?
This episode was recorded Monday, November 8th and runs a bit over an hour long. We recap the usual stuff from around MetaFilter [more inside]
November 11
Read, then answer. Easy? Easy.
Please either answer the questions that people actually ask, or don't answer the question. [more inside]
November 10
IRL Griping
IRL Venue Address should not be mandatory in all cases [more inside]
Maybe it's a temperature inversion.
Holiday Heads up! After the great success of last year's gift drive, I'm organizing another for this holiday season. [more inside]
The Single Best Way I've Found to...
The Single Best Method I've Found for...
Given the perennial popularity and utility of "What's your favorite way to X" AskMe questions, and recipe questions, and frankly, the to-me fascinating quality of stuff like this, why not have a MeFi section devoted to lifehacks, recipes, and other time/money/environment/effort-saving shortcuts?
The "Eat Me" Wiki, for example, is a nice compendium... but it looks like someone put some effort and time into it. Why not just have a section in which MeFi users can post lifehacks at random, so that users can just find these things via tags? Applying the voting system used for Projects might add to such a section's usefulness.
Discussing AskMefi question content..
Yet another "what should I do about this.." inquiry. This question was posted on AskMefi and I find that the subject is mind blowing enough that I want to discuss it.. [more inside]
Sort by favorites?
Sort by favorites? [more inside]
Time travel gives me nosebleeds.
Time travel update: a zaftig George Clooney is spotted at an Evangelical rally in 1947. [more inside]
November 9
Shirts for sale! Get your shirts!
Pre-ordering is officially open for "I [+] MetaFilter" shirts! Order today, until "Cyber Monday" (Nov. 29th) when we will close up the orders and start printing shirts. They will ship in mid-December and should arrive to US addresses in time for xmas. International orders may take a bit longer but should arrive around the new year or shortly after. (Previous discussion of proposed shirt designs/orders)
Deleting from IRL
Dumb-About-IRL-Filter: This meetup never happened. How do I delete it so it doesn't show up in "Proposed meetups" anymore?
Andrew Shirvell Fired
November 8
Weird YouTube play button caching bug?
Did I find a bug or is something wacked out with my system? Weirdness with vids and caching...maybe? [more inside]
How many links or questions are on the front page?
Is there a set number of links/questions on the front page of Metafilter and AskMetafilter? [more inside]
Happy Birthday Me. Or, the one year anniversary of my rape.
Happy Birthday Me. Or, the one year anniversary of my rape. This was me. And I want to say thank you. [more inside]
November 7
Cry, Ubu, cry!
On October 29th at 2:19am, MeFites skauskas and UbuRoivas had an 8.2lb. healthy baby boy named Jasper!
Both mother and father are doing well.
I'm sure lil ubu will be posting in no time.
I'm sure lil ubu will be posting in no time.
Pony request: can I see proposed IRL events on my iPhone, in a mobile-friendly format?
Pony request: can I see proposed IRL events on my iPhone, in a mobile-friendly format? [more inside]
Where's that damn ringtone variation for piano
Sometime this year, someone made a post on one of the very common ring tones used by many cell phones (which I can't replicate here sans an audio file). Some claimed to be the most recognizable and oft-played melody on the planet. One of the links was to a classical-style piano variation that used the ring tone as a point of departure. I can't find it, and it's killing me. [more inside]
I am not your...Doctor, Therapist/Counselor, Attorney/Lawyer, Mechanic, Dentist, Veterinarian...
I am not your...Doctor, Therapist/Counselor, Attorney/Lawyer, Mechanic, Dentist, Veterinarian... [more inside]
Mefi Wiki upgraded and improved
November 6
I want a hoverpony!
It is standard Metafilter practice is to add links inline, but when the website they point to dies or rearranges its content they become meaningless. I'd like Metafilter's link dialog to encourage us to add hoverable descriptions to our links. This wouldn't just preserve meaning when a link has died; it would give us a way to alert people to PDF or video files without putting distracting warnings (PDF) in the actual text.
Comments Removed
[few comments removed - if you want a place for your "fuck America" rant, might I suggest MetaTalk? Seriously, it's like you don't even like MetaFilter.]
posted by jessamyn at 11:26 AM on November 6 [+] [!] [more inside]
November 5
thread broke recent activity lol
This thread breaks my recent activity. Within the (I assume) div tag for that thread, it lists a loop of all threads I have participated in. I'd post a screenshot, but Steve Jobs didn't see fit to put a print screen key on the macbook.
I never know what to put here
Every single request for hip hop recommendations lists the same artists over and over again. [more inside]
Logging on is not dangerous, is it? Is it? [more inside]
It seemed so clever until I saw it in print
Pony request for those of us who think better about hitting "Post Comment" [more inside]
November 4
Steal this Derail
There's a legal term for violating a copyright owner's exclusive rights: it's "infringement," not "theft." And to this day I have not heard a single justification for why not to use it. I'm done with this derail, but I look forward to having it again every time this subject comes up" - Well, me neither. How about we don't? [more inside]
Where are my Ads
So whats up with my ads?
In the US I receive them and in Spain I don't. I want my front page ads
via the deck. They are interesting and teach me things. [more inside]
November 3
The Aporkalypse, Rebooted
MefightClub/MeFi Minecraft Server important news! [begging the mods forbearance on a slightly niche matter] [more inside]
Why did I not favorite it.
I'm looking for a site that I'm pretty sure I saw either as a Projects or Metafilter post a few months ago. It had a bunch of random questions for you to fill out; I remember "Who shot the serif" as one. The site was black, and it was really slick and user-friendly. It saved your answers to make a profile you could link your friends to. Please help; googling for "cool site" is unsurprisingly unfruitful!
I want to read your drivel
Six Minute Story. Enough people using it to warrant making it social app to link to from the profile page? [more inside]
Welcome to Getting Lost in the Funhouse
It's that monthly book club notice. MeTa book club, still reading our way through the syllabus for the Open Yale course on post WWII US literature, is now reading John Barth's Lost in the Funhouse. Discussion goes up in MetaChat on December 6. Around December 20, in MetaChat, we will discuss next choice of book. Lots more information here in the MetaChat wiki, or via the book club link to the wiki on the Meta Talk sidebar.
truncated comment = open tag
Automated truncation of this long comment in mid-<small>appears to have broken Recent Activity. [more inside]
Secret Quonsar: The run-up, the run-down, and general preparation (2010)
It's that time of year again! For the past several years, we've enjoyed swapping gifts in a secret Quonsar swap. I'll be organizing it this year (with the help of Indigo Rain, last year's organizer) My goal is to open signups on November 15, and do the ceremonial giftee random draw on (American) Thanksgiving Day, which is November 25th. Before we open the floodgates to this year's Secret Quonsar, there is one outstanding issue we need to resolve. [more inside]
Generating a list of best answers in my own question
Is there a script or trick that I can use to display a list of the comments I marked as "best answer" in my own questions? I'm thinking for recipes, "recommend me music..." and similar queries, it'd be great to be able to copy/paste or print out a list of the comments I intend to delve into more later. I'm thinking there's already a way, but I just don't know it.
Not for posts, but for comments; same same but different...
/Pony-request-filter: Would it be possible to see which comments are favourited the most, much like the "Popular Favourites" for posts?
November 2
Concurrent His and Hers AskMe questions
What to do with snark at fellow commenters?
What is the general consensus when you've contributed an answer to AskMefi and another answerer decides to be snarky about what you said? [more inside]
mefi post on Melitta one-cup filters?
Where's the post on Melitta (and similar) one-cup style filter thingies? I remember reading it, but I've searched "melitta" and "coffee" on both mefi and askmefi, and I can't find it. Does it exist or am I hallucinating?
pop-up vimeo?
Pony request -- can we have automagically embedded vimeo clips?
November 1
NaNoWriMo 2010
Favorites, schmavorites
One year ago today, a metafilter shitstorm was brewing, when the mods inadvertently hit upon a collective hot button... favorites. [more inside]
Show Us Your Costumes!
I shirt you not.
We need more shirts! [more inside]
Thousands of moderators
Facebook has an open position for a Questions Community Manager. The text itself is pretty fascinating with superlatives like"anything you can dream up", "thousands of moderators" and "the full resources of Facebook at your disposal". I obviously thought about AskMe and Jessamyn, and she agreed it was an interesting Meta post.
Knowing that communities start from the ground up, I am especially interested in thoughts about how such a gigantic operation can be handled, if it can at all. [more inside]