1338 posts tagged with Mefi.
Displaying 51 through 100 of 1338. Subscribe:
MeFi Fundraising Update
I wanted to thank you all for your generosity in helping MeFi’s future stability and also give some big updates on where we are with the impromptu fundraising efforts over the last couple weeks. [more inside]
Help Fund MetaFilter
We've set up an official fundraising/contributing/support page here, and are now tracking the number of people signing on as monthly supporters. [more inside]
State of MetaFilter
Today I need to share some unfortunate news: because of serious financial downturn, MetaFilter will be losing three of its moderators to layoffs at the end of this month. What that means for the site and the site’s future are described below. [more inside]
Humans can be drained of blood in 8.6s given adequate vacuuming systems
One of the nicer things about being a MeFite is exposure to new ideas and content we might never have otherwise encountered. I'm curious to know what life lessons and other bits of knowledge you've learned about the world thanks to MetaFilter. Please share!
91: Because Math?
A new podcast covering the month of March and the recent April Fools. It runs about 90min long and was recorded yesterday. [more inside]
Moving Day!
This Saturday we are planning some downtime of about one hour some time around 10am Pacific. We'll put up a big banner across the top of the site tomorrow to give everyone an additional heads up and post updates to the status blog. [more inside]
MeFi Radio pre 1.0 beta testers needed
Want to beta test out MeFi Radio, a new iOS 7.x app? [more inside]
90: Pic Pedantic
Episode 90 of the MetaFilter podcast was recorded today and runs about an hour and twenty minutes long, covering all the best bits from the MetaFilter universe for February. [more inside]
89: Bookie Clicker
The latest podcast was recorded yesterday and runs about an hour and fifteen minutes, covering all the highlights from the site in January. [more inside]
88: Owls as Pets
Episode 88 of the MetaFilter podcast features recaps from most of December, including a bit about the MeFites Choice contest as well as things we learned from Labs. The show was recorded on January 3rd and runs a little over 90 minutes. [more inside]
Mefites' Choice 2013 winners, Final Week
Thanks for your patience as we do all the complicated calculations to determine the week's three winners as well as the month's twenty-one(ish) overall category winners. [more inside]
Announcing MeFi Labs
Today I wanted to unveil a new subsite featuring some experiments with our data called MeFi Labs. [more inside]
Mefites' Choice 2013 winners, Week Three
It's week three of our MeFites Choice contest, where we showcase the best posts according to you, the reader, via the use of fantastic flagged posts. [more inside]
Can we get a "Remove from Activity" button on the Mobile site?
I was wondering if it would be possible to get the "Remove from Activity" link added to the Recent Activity page of the Mobile site. Is this something that people would like to have, and if so would it be feasible to implement this feature? [more inside]
What we talk about when we talk about Gypsies
Per mod request, I'd like to open a dialogue on the use of "Gypsy" as an ethnic descriptor here on MetaFilter.
Pretty Sure Shakespeare Knew About Us
Ryan North's To Be or Not To Be, choose-your-own-adventure book about Hamlet, just came out! And hey, what's that on page 357? Could that be a reference to Metafilter? Yes, yes it could be! [more inside]
83: Legally throwing up on the subway
Episode 83 of the podcast is an extra large one at nearly 2 hours long and was recorded earlier today. Enjoy! [more inside]
Lost comment
I recall a discussion on the blue about the ACA recently wherein someone stated there will be (or may be) a federally managed insurance option available on the exchange in all states. It was portrayed as a back door public, not-for-profit option. I can't find the post now. Anyone have it bookmarked or recall the details of who will be managing the plan and what it will consist of?
Mefi users' extreme locations?
Geographic extremes of all kinds of Mefi users. [more inside]
diachronic panposticon
How Blogger Begat the Push-Button Publishing Revolution
This Neat Flowchart from over at Wired didn't seem like enough for a FPP but it's really interesting to see what all the Pyra Labs people have done since 1998, including starting things like Metafilter. "At the close of 1998, there were 23 known weblogs on the Internet. A year later there were tens of thousands. What changed? Pyra Labs launched Blogger, the online tool that gave push-button publishing to the people. It was a revolutionary web product made by a revolutionary web of people who went on to build much of the modern net. Here’s how Pyra propagated."
How old is too old for a good Metafilter Post?
I have read the guidelines, but there is no mention of age of info.
Example: I know that a particular youtube video (in this case it's a dance performance but it could be anything) has not been posted to Mefi before, and yet it was originally uploaded 4 years ago.
If I feel that MeFites will like the content, does it matter how old the original content is?
As mentioned, I have searched for it in the archive, and it's not a meme - or meme related, so is it reasonable to assume that most Mefites wont have seen it or be aware of it?
Finally apologies, I didn't know if / where to put an apostrophe in MeFites so I left it out. My brain cannot seem to parse correct grammar today :S
Comment about a psychological institution expose?
I've seen this posted twice as a comment, and I can't remember if it was recently or if I was reading old posts. The comments mentioned an expose documentary of the mental institutions way back when, and I remember it being described as shocking or something along those lines. Sound familiar to anyone?
The Heat Is On
So thanks to this MeTa I found (and "Liked", of course) the MetaFilter Facebook page. Upon reading said page, however, one of the terms from the "Related Searches" section stood out: "metafilter convection oven". I am very curious to find out now why this is apparently a popular enough search to show up on the Facebook page. Is this merely a glitch on Facebook's end or is there something about ovens that I really should know and y'all can tell me about? What am I missing out on here?
77: Gay Teen Denouement
Episode 77 of the MetaFilter podcast runs about 1hr 40min and was recorded yesterday afternoon with jessamyn and cortex. It features a run-down of our favorite posts from across the sites for January 2013. [more inside]
2012 Datawankery
Matt Haughey talks about why Facebook is like AOL in the '90s, and the best and worst developments in online communities
The Verge: MetaFilter founder: Reddit's 'creepy stuff' shows how hard it is to run an open community [more inside]
fur aw that
I'd like to see a change in attitude towards Scottish people on Metafilter. [more inside]
How has MeFi changed in the past few years?
How has MeFi changed in the past 2-3 years? [more inside]
What's Next?
This thread has been archived and is closed to new comments. We have a new MeFi record! 8185 total comments. [more inside]
Sometimes We Do Good
It shall be brought to MetaTalk's attention that This Thread Is Best Thread.
MetaFilter covering election day, vote counting, subsequent wrangling
Assuming any MetaFilter users are interested in writing posts or comments during voting and counting, how will this bloggie handle what will be its 4th US presidential election? [more inside]
No, YOU'RE saying it wrong!
Iiamkimiam AKA Kim Witten has finally completed her exhaustive research effort in trying to document and determine How Mefites Pronounce Metafilter?
Sometimes, it's good to celebrate the wins
Bearing in mind how this AskMeFi query turned out in the end, is there a word, saying, acronym or something that means "A win for the MetaFilter community"? If not, could or should there be one?
Ten Years Gone
I meant to do this yesterday, but thanks for ten years MeFites. You people are fuckin jake by me.
Is MeFi down?
www.metafilter.com appears to be down. I can access other subsites, but not the blue - just me? [more inside]
Eating our own dogfood
We are currently looking for at least one part-time moderator for MetaFilter. Apply if you've got a flexible schedule and have been a member for a while.
We are MeFi. We must have Bacon.
Need help finding a MetaTalk thread. I could swear I saw a thread about a MeFi homepage appearing on a monitor in the background in a scene in either a movie or TV show. I was thinking it was possibly the TV show Numbers, but so far my searches of MeTa have not been successful. [more inside]
2012 MetaFilter Survey & Research Discussion Thread
Hi MeFites! This is the discussion thread for the 2012 MetaFilter Pronunciation Survey, available for 5 days to all logged-in site users. Even if you already took the 2010 survey, it'd be valuable to have you do it again. Additionally, this time around all survey participants will have the option to have a word frequency table of their MetaFilter posting history generated and emailed to them. If you would like to take the 2012 survey, I would ask that you please do so BEFORE you read or participate in the discussion here (as well as before you view the previous MetaTalk thread about the 2010 survey). This is to help ensure that your responses to these survey questions are entirely your own decisions and are not influenced by the opinions of those participating in this thread. If you have already taken the 2012 survey or are not interested in taking the survey but would like to discuss it, please go ahead and do so here. [more inside]
the great day of deletions
I notice that a few posts have been deleted already today (and yesterday there were seven!), so I was wondering if the mods have any stories about days where they had to delete an extreme number of posts from the blue? [more inside]
August best post contest
August 1st is tomorrow, and that means a new BEST POST CONTEST!!! [more inside]
How does the 'Related Posts' widget work?
MeFi's own? Really?
Who are "MeFi's own"? [more inside]
the youngest among us?
Youngest Mefite ever was... ? [more inside]
What happened to jonson?
Best of the Wiki
What are some of the best things on the Metafilter Wiki? [more inside]
mobile me, mobile you
I love reading MetaFilter on my phone! I have a couple discussion prompts/pony requests about it. [more inside]
blue_beetle callout
blue_beetle gets a call-out - from the OUseful.Info blog.
Give full disclosure; get deleted.
Give full disclosure; get deleted. [more inside]
That's what the search function is for
Seeing quintuple (and counting!) [more inside]