1338 posts tagged with Mefi.
Displaying 101 through 150 of 1338. Subscribe:
Why did we treat this FPP differently?
A positive callout. [more inside]
Pony Request
Would it be possible to view the "Related Posts" section (that shows up at the bottom of pages on the Blue and Green,) when we preview our posts? Is it a bandwidth-intensive operation? [more inside]
The MeFi Register, Poster and Paper
Kim Witten, AKA MeFi's own iamkimiam had asked us last month to help her collect some meta MeTa Data data. She just won the HRC Poster Competition with her poster How do you pronounce "MeFi"?
Diversity on Mefi
After this comment by an 82 year old in Ask, it got me thinking about the diversity of the site. I'm interested in people who do not fit the common demographic of white, 20-50 years old, Western, IT/humanities/sciences, more likely to be male. Do these people feel comfortable here? How can we encourage more diverse people to post? Or am I off-base and things are just fine?
Want to know what books fellow Mefites like? Come participate in a mass Goodreads enfriending
Want to know what books fellow Mefites like? Want to maybe take part in a Mefi reading group? Come participate in a mass Goodreads enfriending! [more inside]
Help me help myself by helping me!
Trying to remember an old post I THINK was on MeFi: basically a Japanese site with photos of unintentionally funny road signs. It was all in Japanese, and the one photo I can remember specifically had a "STOP" written along the center line of the road, so that the トマレ became トマレーーーーーーーー ("STOOOOOOOOOOOOP"). Does… does this ring a bell with anyone at all?
Killer tools for a killer post?
What are your techniques and tools for making a killer post? I have a desire to start making somewhat regular mefi posts that have lots of substance and links... [more inside]
Please help me collect some meta MeTa Data data. Ta! –Me.
Hi Everybody! I'm trying to come up with a "MeFi glossary of terms / phrases / behaviors" to include in my PhD dissertation about linguistics and MetaFilter. If you could help me with this, that would be fantastic. I'm looking to create a list of the types of things that say to you (or to others) "Oh, that's so MetaFilter!" or "That sounds like something a MeFite would say." This could be anything from the use of a single character to a phrase or meme, to a way of doing things here. If you can think of something to add, please share it in the comments. Thanks! [more inside]
How did I not favorite that?
Sexy lesbian superhero webcomic? [more inside]
Good days in school
I'm pretty sure I Saw this on MeFi. Help me out! It was a story about the number of "good" days in public school. First you take off the first three weeks, then every holiday and every day before the holiday, then 15 "special" days, then most fridays, then the two months you need to cram for the standardized tests, and you end up with about two months of actual useful teaching time - the two months after halloween
Reddit will be blacked out for 12 hours on January 18th in protest against SOPA. Will Metafilter be doing similar?
What percentage of FPPs have [more inside]?
What percentage of FPPs have [more inside]?
Do you know the Mushroom Man?
What percentage of FPP links get clicked?
What percentage of FPP links get clicked?
Can't find best-of-mefi post
I recall reading a MetaTalk post a few months back asking what the best and most classic MetaFilter posts/comments are. However, I can't find it. [more inside]
Ten percent of nothin' is, let me do the math here... nothin' and a nothin', carry the nothin'...
An Infodump Question™ and followup to this post: What is the average number of favorites per post received for each of the various MeFi subsites? Per comment? Average number of favorites given and received for the userbase?
Gotta say it was a good day?
Do the mods ever get to say "Gotta say it was a good day?" [more inside]
mefi atc swapping group?
I know there are artists, hobbyists, and crafters among the Mefi members. Are any swapping ATCs? [more inside]
Tell us about the old days, Papa Cortex.
Today I idly clicked on the 10 years ago today link on the front page and was revelling in the innocence of the fledgling metafilter from back in the era when a busy day saw a dozen FPPs and a really active thread might get nearly a hundred comments. I was startled to see a thread with 1729 comments. (By comparison, the initial 'Plane crashed into the World Trade Center' FPP three weeks later did not even break 500.) Alas, the link to the metafilter parody in the FPP is dead. Does anyone have it archived anywhere?
Metafilter Yemen post contains link to malicious site
Meta Filter post links to malicious download site. [more inside]
Let my people quote!
Still no quote feature? [more inside]
63: The Intern Speaks
In this episode we interview our intern Dom, then cover the usual excellent spots from all parts of MetaFilter. We recorded this on Monday, July 11th and it runs about an hour and a half. [more inside]
Memories in the corners of the site
Memmmmmories.... For MetaFilter's upcoming 12th anniversary we're collecting stories to put on a special new site unveiled on the magic day. Your task is simple: tell us how you found MeFi and what your favorite memory is from the site. Submit your answers here. Thanks! [more inside]
Hi Dominic! :)
Why MetaFilter is Awesome
Why MetaFilter is Awesome And Why the World Needs to Know [more inside]
We're better than this
Has there ever been any thought of limiting the number of posts to the blue in a 24 hour period?
Has there ever been any thought of limiting the number of posts to the blue in a 24 hour period? [more inside]
this is faaaantastic.
Just featured on All Things Considered it's mefi's own: jedicus and valkyryn and their blog: The Law and the Multiverse. Previously discussed here and here.
And this all started over here at mefi projects. [more inside]
Not in the FAQ....
Question about retention/administering MeFi Jobs postings. [more inside]
One Month in Greenland and Iceland
MeFi's own seawallrunner has released her 2nd book of photography, this one titled Two Ice Lands. You can preview the entire 322 page book online. [more inside]
help with managing my blue/green addiction^H^H^H habit?
My question is how do you manage meta and askmefi? I use RSS for both and given the "living" nature of the threads, I always feel like I'm missing something if I read a thread too soon so I usually whittle the queue down leaving the 100 most recent threads unread. But then I feel like I'm missing out on the more time-sensitive stuff. [more inside]
Time to update the about prompt on the profile page?
Should we update the 'About' prompt on the profile page? It still asks when the first time you used the internet was. At this point it's kind of like asking when the first time you watched TV was.
There is help. Mefi win.
Buried deep in the Bill Zeller obit thread is this (new?) gem from the Mefi Wiki: There is Help. [more inside]
Is a wikileaks thread the place to discuss changes in rape laws?
This post regarding Naomi Wolf's comments about rape was deleted as being viewed as being correlated to the Wikileaks threads. [more inside]
Cannibal thread
I humbly submit that this is not a good post for Metafilter. A woman was murdered and her body was desecrated, and some commenters are taking the opportunity to make creepy jokes about it.
Chrome Web App-y Shortcut
I wanted a quick-and-dirty bookmark to MeFi in my Chrome Web Apps menu. Here's how you can do it. [more inside]
Thanks and WTF?
Thank You Very Much. [more inside]
Show me your your world through story
According to XKCD, MeFi is an online community.
This is ugly
The Julian Assange thread should never have existed in the first place, and should be closed now that it's turning nasty. [more inside]
btw, I've been meaning to ask...
What are the odds of a reverse meetup happening, do you suppose? [more inside]
Forgotten link: flash(?), space(?), photo with blue-dialed watch...
Long shot - looking for a (flash?) link that was posted a couple (several?) months ago in the blue. All I remember: inside. [more inside]
brand new brand new day ?
Have people been fighting a lot more on mefi lately ? [more inside]
What books are in the "MeFi Canon"?
What books are in the "MeFi Canon"? [more inside]
Gap between posts?
What's the longest gap we've ever had between MeFi posts? AskMes? MetaTalk posts? [more inside]
How does mefi make dough.
How does metafilter make enough money to keep itself alive? Ostensibly it takes moneyz to run this huge thing (though I will admit I have absolutely no concept of how much) and I'm assuming the $5 start up fee doesn't cover it. I know there are ads, but do people really click on them? [more inside]
MetaFilter Poll & Research Discussion Thread
Hi MeFites! This is the discussion thread for the MetaFilter Poll, appearing on the front page of MetaFilter, available for 5 days to logged-in site users. If you would like to take the poll, I would ask that you please do so BEFORE you read or participate in the discussion here. This is to help ensure that your responses to the poll questions are entirely your own decisions and are not influenced by the opinions of those participating in this thread. If you have already taken the poll or are not interested in taking the poll but would like to discuss it, please do so here. [more inside]
Don't Hurt Me, Please!
Something quirky I noticed about MeFi (for me, at least) [more inside]
Do you read Mefi archives or your favourites?
Do you read Metafilter archives and/or your favourited items? [more inside]