1943 posts tagged with askme.
Displaying 1701 through 1750 of 1943. Subscribe:
the poster clearly asked for a female response
We've been over this already.
Where to put Askme Followups
Matt, should we use MetaTalk to follow-up our AskMe questions? Or should we use AskMe? Or neither?
Please limit to answers in askme
Please limit comments to answers or help in finding an answer.
AskMe in Lifehacker
Lifehacker (another in the Gawker empire), has a roundup of askmefi threads. We're all on our best behavior, right?
Related questions in AskMe
Suggestion for a policy discussion: In AskMetafilter, if somebody asks a question, and you have a related question yourself, up to what point is it okay to seek help for your own question in that thread? Theoretical examples provided within.
Redact My Spoiler
My plot spoiler in skallas' AskMe thread wouldn't have been so bad if it were in ROT-13. It was just my luck that I didn't stop to consider it at the time. I'd like to plea Mea culpa, and request my comment be pbeerpgrq jvgu nyy gung hygen-frperg, rapelcgvpny glcr ubbqbb, if possible.
Is it chatfilter?
Drugs are (not always) the answer.
Why is it that whenever someone asks a question about psychological issues and says s/he doesn't want meds, all the pushers show up? Whenever it goes the other way, those who take meds attack whoever might suggest they aren't best. Is it too much to ask for the same respect you demand?
What's up with the date headers on AskMe?
Right now I see three "January 23" headings in AskMe, atop three "January 22" headings. Prior days display just fine. What's the story, Morning Glory?
Too Much MetAskMe
MetaTalk is a discussion area for topics specific to MetaFilter itself
However, it seems like half (or more) of the MetaTalk posts lately are actually specific to AskMetafilter. (more inside)
However, it seems like half (or more) of the MetaTalk posts lately are actually specific to AskMetafilter. (more inside)
The fuzzy line of chatfilter
In this AskMe post, ad hoc asked whether or not people would accept an offer of immortality. Rushmc dubbed it a "chatfilter" question. Vacapinta pointed out that rushmc had asked a similar question ("what poetry books do you like?").
Here is rushmc's response to Vacapinta's accusation:
...That question was of direct practical benefit to me, as I discovered new-to-me poets to investigate and bought five of the works recommended in the thread, which was my purpose in asking the question. Immortality is not an option, so debating its desirability leads to no practical outcome.
Here is rushmc's response to Vacapinta's accusation:
...That question was of direct practical benefit to me, as I discovered new-to-me poets to investigate and bought five of the works recommended in the thread, which was my purpose in asking the question. Immortality is not an option, so debating its desirability leads to no practical outcome.
chatfilter again?
We've discussed the usefulness/appropriateness of threads such as this, no?
AskMe today regarding changing the stylesheet on user profiles
I swear that there was an AskMe today regarding changing the stylesheet on user profiles. I can't remember who posted the question, but they linked to a few profiles that they liked. Now I can't find the question. Was it deleted or am I experiencing hallucinations?
Guns questions get derails, not answers
A particularly egregious example of commentators hijacking an AxeMe thread instead of answering the question.
Is AskMe sending unsolicited info?
I have only been a member since Jan. 1, but today for the first time my firewall program alerted me that Ask Me was attempting to send information in the "private information" category (my home address) to the Ask MeFi site. Has anyone else noticed this? Why is this being done?
One should be allowed to ask questions more often
What's with the one question per week? I am an active Ask.Mefi user and often have many questions (to the tune of 2-3 per week) that get awesome responses. Anyone know of comparable places to ask on a wide variety of subjects?
Multi-questioned AskMe post.
Multi-questioned AskMe post. It's a particularly (IMHO) obnoxious kind of transgression, in that there's no way to claim it's anything other than an attempt to circumvent policy that's in place for good reason. Can the post page make the "one question per post" point more clearly?
AskMe Error
I'm getting an Error # 4096 while trying to post a comment to Ax Me right now.
Is this really appropriate for AskMe? (!)
Is this really appropriate for AskMe? (!)
Thank you, Matt
I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank Matt for deleting the Invisibility/Flight thread in Ask.Me
Deletion Reason
On Ask MetaFilter I appealed for advice on how to get around being banned from a blog. It seems the thread has been deleted. Why?
CFML error while processing request in AskMe
Anyone else having problems with AskMe right now? [+]
How to say "thanks Ask MetaFilter"?
How to say "thanks Ask MetaFilter"
I recently asked a question and and amazed with the help I recieved. Should I just smile, post in the thread (but who would see it?) or email individual posters? Or just shut up?
I recently asked a question and and amazed with the help I recieved. Should I just smile, post in the thread (but who would see it?) or email individual posters? Or just shut up?
The suspense is killing me [more inside]
Could we maybe dispense with the cliffhangers in Ask.MetaFilter?
Askme bold bug
Minor bug ... all text at AskMe is bold starting with the "I need a case for my iPod. [+] posted by Who_Am_I at 7:45 AM PST - 8 comments" - and below.
AskMe for feedback on projects
Legitimately unsure if the following is an acceptable use of AskMe: (more inside)
Askme bug
Ask has 3 December 31sts. Matt - i'm sure you'll catch it. But I figure you might come here first.
This is NOT what AskMe is for.
This is NOT what AskMe is for. The poster even acknowledges it in defiance.
Askers are asking multiple questions in AskMe threads
Stop cheating.
This chatty non-question should be removed
This chatty non-question should be removed from AskMetaFilter.
How does one post to Ask Metafilter Anonymous?
How does one post to Ask Metafilter Anonymous?
Can we have titles in the AskMe feed?
When I subscribe to the Ask Metafilter rss feed (using Firefox's Live Bookmark feature) only the title tags show, making the list come up as Question #123523, Question #675745, etc. Could the description tag be copied to the title tag in the RSS feed? Maybe the first 25 characters and then a "..." if necessary? Is there another way of seeing questions using this? Thanks.
Countdown to posting?
Countdown to posting?
I had a good AskMeFi question and went to post it but got the No Posty For You page.
Would it be possible to get a countdown timer involved so that I could get an idea of when I could ask the question?
I had a good AskMeFi question and went to post it but got the No Posty For You page.
Would it be possible to get a countdown timer involved so that I could get an idea of when I could ask the question?
AskMe thread about useful software for troubleshooting
There was an AskMe thread today about essential software to take on tech support calls to loved ones' computers over the holidays. It got deleted, I assume because the question's been asked and answered a couple of times. (+)
Call for deletion
and please also delete the "Delicious new open-source Pepsi Blue!" pseudo-question
Why is there an AskMe limit?
I just skimmed the past two months of MeTalk looking for this thread and didn't find it, so excuse me if it's a DP, but: When I went to post an AskMe question today, I got this: You've asked a question in the past week. There is a limit of one question per week, which you've used up. Make them count, because you'll only get one a week. [+]
Please ban people for crummy answers.
There's been a lot of hand-wringing in re: askme lately, so, have we considered the idea of the temporary ban? I submit for your consideration this post. In my mind, that warrants, say, a 2-week ban from askme. Second offense is a 4-week ban and third offense is a permant ban. All from askme, mind you, I'm not talking about a mefi-wide ban.
Of course, this is all more administrative overhead for Matt and god knows I wouldn't bother were I in his shoes. It just sort of seems like a definitive "this sort of uselessness is not desired here" response would be nice.
Of course, this is all more administrative overhead for Matt and god knows I wouldn't bother were I in his shoes. It just sort of seems like a definitive "this sort of uselessness is not desired here" response would be nice.
This and this leads to that
So I posted this (about trying to rid myself of two cats), and then there was this, and since it caused a bit of a stir, I thought a brief follow-up couldn't hurt. [more]
askme sample page improvements
Recently, Matt put up a sample page for the new AskMe Ask A Question page. Included in the sample are sections for questioner selected categories and keywords. The cataloger in me sees both the use and the danger in this, so... [+]
You don't have a 'right' to post anywhere
Sigh. . . [+]
questions get pushed down off the page at AskMe too damn fast
As has been noted before, questions get pushed down off the page at AskMe too damn fast. Most of the questions are good ones. Which means, I guess, we need some better information architecture (categories or something) to happen. When, oh lord†, when?
AskMe RSS Feeds
Individual RSS/Atom feeds for Ask MeFi would be a good place to test the feasibility for the rest of the MeFi network. Besides, at the moment - Ask Mefi is the site that has the most need for people to easily track responses to their posts. It's also the least trafficed of the 3 sites, (I believe) and will allow Matt to get a decent idea of how implementing individual feeds will affect the entire site.
Or....just do a drive for a new processor/ram for the server so we can implement them across all 3 sites. ;)
Or....just do a drive for a new processor/ram for the server so we can implement them across all 3 sites. ;)
Over-reaction to my not-so-stellar AskMe
Okay, so in a lapse of early morning judgement I post a not-so-stellar AskMe post. But does such deserve...(MI)
Anyonymous: signal or noise?
Have anonymous posts made AskMetafilter better?
Askme: rein it in, please
Can we please be done asking questions that aren't actually questions already?
why is there no link to the green from the blue?
Maybe stupid to ask, but why is there no link to the green from the blue?
Does Mark Morford read AskMe?
Request for a mistake deletion from AskMe
Dear Matt: I made a boo boo. Delete this and let's make sure we never discuss it on AskMe. Thank you sir and have a good day.
something interesting to read
This doesn't belong in the green, but it's something interesting to read.
RSS for AskMe and MeTa?
RSS for AskMefi and MeTa: Do they exist or am I just missing them? If they don't exist, can we have RSS-flavored ponies? If they do exist, can they be made more plain? How many past discussions of this topic have I missed? What other interesting facts will I learn inside? Fezzy minds want to know.