1943 posts tagged with askme.
Displaying 1601 through 1650 of 1943. Subscribe:

Consulting Wikipedia before posting to AskMe

Matt, can you please add Wikipedia to the list of places to check on the AskMe post a question page? A number of times, I've noticed perfectly cromulent answers were in there. In fact, I bet Mefites can suggest at least a couple other "check here first" sources.
posted by Plutor on May 27, 2005 - 25 comments

Chatfilter cleanup

Chatfilter: Which is prettier, rainbows or unicorns?
posted by planetkyoto on May 23, 2005 - 51 comments

Printer-friendly AskMe?

printer-friendly links for ask metafilter pages? what do you reckon?
posted by mcsweetie on May 21, 2005 - 14 comments

RSS for Answered Questions?

Can we have a separate RSS feed showing only answered questions?
posted by Mwongozi on May 20, 2005 - 6 comments

Why Medical Questions?

Last week, SpecialK wondered aloud on MeTa, "Why do people keep asking medical questions on AskMe?". Here's a Pew Research report that talks about how and why people look for health information online. Also see Eszter Hargittai's Crooked Timber post on this study and another, along with her other posts and writings. (I posted here because it's too narrow-interest for MeFi and is in reponse to an AskMe etiquette question. Also, it's not bitching or a callout.)
posted by Ethereal Bligh on May 19, 2005 - 9 comments

Misformatted my AskMe question

Ack! I misformatted this question, and now it makes no sense: http://ask.metafilter.com/mefi/18721. So, now on top of using my question quota for the week, it's in a way that no one know what it means without clicking on the link, and I don't know how many will click on it with the too brief description given.

Can I get it erased so I can repost it? Are there other options? Thanks.
posted by spinifex23 on May 14, 2005 - 7 comments

Something's odd with my question thread.

Something's odd with my question thread. Here's what the bottom of the page looks like in Safari and Firefox. I reset Safari and I'm still getting the same thing.
posted by ArsncHeart on May 13, 2005 - 6 comments

the reply is ALWAYS going to be "See a doctor"

Why do people keep asking medical questions on AskMe when the reply is ALWAYS going to be "See a doctor?" Should we have a message like they have on doctors phone lines that says, "If you think you have a medical problem, don't ask us, GO SEE A DOCTOR." in the AxMe posting page?

As a broader question, is community decision making and the internet replacing common sense?
posted by SpecialK on May 12, 2005 - 66 comments

Is it ever ok in askmefi to ask a related question in the comments of a question?

Is it ever ok in askmefi to ask a related question in the comments of a question?
posted by drezdn on May 12, 2005 - 25 comments

New askme category: gifts

Can we get a "gifts" category in AskMe? People seem to ask for gift ideas quite often, and it doesn't really belong in "shopping" because it's about brainstorming, not sourcing.
posted by orange swan on May 11, 2005 - 10 comments

Can you unmark an answer as a best?

Can you unmark an answer as a best question? Like you haven't had any caffeine yet, and your vision's all burry, and woops you clicked on the wrong one.
posted by xmutex on May 10, 2005 - 30 comments

AskMe Countdown

I've tried searching MeFi for similar requests, so please don't shoot me if this happens to have been requested before.

Anyhow, in the Ask MeFi section, wouldn't be handy if one could see the number of days one has to wait before being able to ask the next question?
posted by koenie on May 9, 2005 - 15 comments

Error Occurred While Processing Request

So I can't post to Ask Metafilter:

Error Occurred While Processing Request
posted by Mean Mr. Bucket on May 8, 2005 - 4 comments

a thread about women's issues without any useless "yuck!" comments from the XY crowd

I just wanted to say that it's somewhat refreshing to see a thread about women's issues without any useless "yuck!" comments from the XY crowd. Thought it'd be good to say something nice for a change.

I almost posted this in the thread, which would have been deliciously ironic.
posted by RikiTikiTavi on May 5, 2005 - 153 comments

How to add a link to AskMe post

I am trying to post a question to Ask MetaFilter and don't see an option to add a Web link.
It's clearly there if I go to respond to someone else's post or if I want to post to MetaFilter.
And I see that others have added web links to their questions.
Am I missing something?
posted by terrier319 on Apr 28, 2005 - 10 comments

AskMe archives missing a way to go to older pages

When viewing a category in AskMe, it defaults to the last 30 days. Unfortunately, it seems to neglect to show the clever widget to allow one to go back further. It shows in MetaTalk's categories.
posted by ontic on Apr 27, 2005 - 4 comments

waste of valuable front page AskMe space

Can we use this waste of valuable front page AskMe space as the definitive example of what AskMe is not for?
posted by sic on Apr 26, 2005 - 48 comments

Anonymous Questions on AskMe

I'm looking for some insight into the standards for screening anonymous questions on AskMeta. [MI]
posted by rkent on Apr 25, 2005 - 8 comments

I did not mark this as best answer.

I did not mark this as best answer. I really, really doubt I did it accidently which is why I'm listing it as a bug. No offense, the answer isn't bad, but the best? I wish to wait.
posted by geoff. on Apr 24, 2005 - 3 comments

AskMe indexing?

Is there a chunk of AskMe that has not been indexed? If not, why can't I find a certain question? (more inside)
posted by gluechunk on Apr 23, 2005 - 3 comments

BandAid Blue

The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Also, the post fishily reads as some kind of PR release.
posted by elphTeq on Apr 23, 2005 - 10 comments

Wikify AskMe

MegaPony plea to Wikify AskMe! (Way too much inside.)
posted by loquacious on Apr 22, 2005 - 19 comments

My AskMe?

Matt, we desperately need a "My AskMe" sort of deal. Things are scrolling so damn fast that it's nearly impossible to keep track of the good stuff.
posted by five fresh fish on Apr 22, 2005 - 16 comments

AskMe Caucuses

as i wander through every bike-related askme query and see the same user names replying to each question i've started to wonder: would there be a benefit to allowing mefi users to organize themselves into caucus-like groups? would it serve the community better if, in much the same way individuals are grouped by region on their profile pages, we could somehow align ourselves by interest/expertise to make better use of our collective resources?
posted by RockyChrysler on Apr 20, 2005 - 39 comments

Followup to AskMe Question

Thanks to everybody who answered my AskMe question about wheelchair-accessible train travel in Spain. I'm now back from the trip and have some results to report, but the thread is closed, so I thought I'd put them here in case it's of use to future travelers.
posted by yankeefog on Apr 20, 2005 - 11 comments

Anonymous Posting Returns

Anon posting is back on for Ask Metafilter, including all the extended areas and categories and tags and whatnot. I think I tested everything out and it worked, but let me know if you find any bugs, as I'm sure I forgot one.
posted by mathowie on Apr 17, 2005 - 13 comments

Bring back anonyme!

Please, bring back anonymous AskMetafilter. kthxbi (1, 2)
posted by geoff. on Apr 16, 2005 - 11 comments

Display problem in Safari 1.3

In Safari 1.3 the background of the top nav panel on AskMe is in MeTa grey rather than green.
posted by bonaldi on Apr 16, 2005 - 25 comments

Valid HTML

What HTML tags are allowed on the three main Metafilter sections? (I dare not experiment for obvious reasons.)
posted by AlexReynolds on Apr 14, 2005 - 60 comments

Is there a reason why I can't mark my own answer as best in Ask MetaFilter?

Is there a reason why I can't mark my own answer as best in Ask MetaFilter?
posted by tellurian on Apr 11, 2005 - 22 comments

This post has no stupid tags

I'm pretty sure this has been requested before here, but can we please have a way to flag posts with stupid tags, while the rest of the content of the post is just fine?
posted by grouse on Apr 11, 2005 - 20 comments

Comment Requirements before Asking a Question

Could we please not allow someone to start an Ask MeFi thread before they have contributed to the site by posting comments somewhere? It is really not too much to ask. I know this could be abused by someone posting periods or "What so and so said", etc. I wonder if there is an elegant solution.
posted by riffola on Apr 10, 2005 - 90 comments

Best answer undo

I inadvertently marked a best answer on my Askme thread. I would really like to be able to undo that. Possible?
posted by sic on Apr 9, 2005 - 21 comments

mathowie uses Flickr to ask a question

Hey, there's a new competitor to Ask Metafilter that looks like it might be good.
posted by stupidsexyFlanders on Apr 8, 2005 - 20 comments

Where is my AskMe question about parallel universes?

So I posted a question about parallel universes on askmetafilter yesterday (got a bunch of great comments within the first hour) and when I checked in this morning I can't find the question either on the page or in the archives. Where is it?
posted by Panfilo on Apr 7, 2005 - 51 comments

Not Actually More Inside

The description of the Your Question field on the AskMetaFilter post preview page has the text from the Extended Explanation (AKA more inside) field).
posted by kirkaracha on Apr 7, 2005 - 2 comments

More inside tag doesn't show on best answers

The [more inside] tag doesn't show up on the best answers part of ask.me. Just thought it should be pointed out.
posted by scrim on Apr 5, 2005 - 7 comments

Could the check mark in AskMeFi link directly to comment?

Could the little check mark in AskMeFi be coded to link directly to the pertaining comment?
posted by erebora on Apr 3, 2005 - 19 comments

AskMe followup and thank you.

AskMe Followup


I've been back in school since January, and I love it. I'm carrying 19 units and I think I will probably have a GPA of 3.85+ this semester. My brain has come back from the brink of death! The finances just kind of took care of themselves. I'm taking out a college loan, the university threw in a grant, and I just landed a nice job on campus. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the advice and support.
posted by keswick on Mar 28, 2005 - 22 comments

Scriptural mythos without atheists

In the same way we want to avoid people's pet theories on pornography invading threads on pubic shaving (old gray/green thread, wish I could remember the URLs), I wish Metafilter's multitude of strident atheists would extend the courtesy of keeping their unhelpful but oh-so-clever snarks [6,6,6] out of otherwise cogent discussions on scriptural mythos. We can talk about these things objectively without being vilified as damn fundies, right? Thanks, and Happy Easter.
posted by brownpau on Mar 28, 2005 - 150 comments

Could this question be edited a bit please?

Impulsive skim-reading foodies could be hurt by cooking with tobacco. Could this question be edited a bit please?
posted by i_am_joe's_spleen on Mar 26, 2005 - 59 comments

Anybody have a good story?

Anybody have a good story?
posted by stupidsexyFlanders on Mar 24, 2005 - 59 comments

Would it be possible to get a deletion explanation for the top of axed AxMe threads?

Would it be possible to get a deletion explanation for the top of axed AxMe threads? I'm stumped for a reason why someone's "Can anyone tell me what Van Morrison's song Madame George is about?" question got killed.
posted by yerfatma on Mar 21, 2005 - 28 comments

Anonymous questions are gone?

Am I missing something, or did the anonymous-question feature on ask metafilter disappear? When? Why? I can't find any explanation on metatalk.
posted by Mars Saxman on Mar 21, 2005 - 8 comments

Lost & Found

I'm confused by this Ask Mefi question and just as confused by the "best" answers. Although a question is asked in the first sentence, the focus of the post is to use Ask Mefi as some sort of artsy fartsy lost and found.
posted by furtive on Mar 20, 2005 - 33 comments

Maximizing AskMe

Ok, I couldn't find this anywhere but it seems fairly straightforward: When is the best time to post a question to AskMe, when is the questioner most likely to get the most answers? Or, what days/times of the week are the most answers posted to AskMe?
posted by scazza on Mar 15, 2005 - 12 comments

example of everything not to do in an AskMe thread

Fanboy chatfilter in AskMe + snarky derail + fanboy calling derailer an "azzhole" = example of everything not to do in an AskMe thread.
posted by casu marzu on Mar 15, 2005 - 110 comments

Atheists, when did you lose your faith?

Not to beat a dead horse, but I thought threads like this were deemed chat filter and not appropriate for Ask MeFi.
posted by Specklet on Mar 14, 2005 - 109 comments

Don't get snarky just because you don't like the answers.

Etiquette suggestion: don't get snarky with people who are trying to help you.
posted by techgnollogic on Mar 12, 2005 - 58 comments

Complaining that all pants are made for fat people is offensive

Could we please blame fat people for everything that doesn't go our way more often? It's awesome and not at all bitchy.
posted by willpie on Mar 12, 2005 - 63 comments

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