1943 posts tagged with askme.
Displaying 1801 through 1850 of 1943. Subscribe:
Where to post an AskMe followup?
I apologize two-fold, one for my unwilling absence from the scintillating minds that are my MeFi sisters and brethren...and secondly, because this may very well be the wrong arena, but darned if I know where to post AskMe follow ups...so here it is. A month or more back, I asked for advice on taking a specific type of pictures. The advice that I was given, both online, and in one case, carried into email, was invaluable. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who contributed. You not only made me a better photographer, but you taught me a new way to see.
Gold star for biscotti
Inspired by her response to the home alone puppy: to crate or not crate question, I want to commend biscotti for her many fine answers to pet related questions in AskMetaFilter. Her contributions deserve a gold star--they are always detailed, to the point and well informed. They are the sort of answers that make AskMetaFilter shine.
Are there separate RSS feeds available for Ask mefi and MeTa?
Are there separate RSS feeds available for Ask mefi and MeTa? And if no, why not? I've found the main MeFi feed, but nothing else.
AskMe Deletion
Matt, did you delete weston's Why/Something/Nothing AskMe thread? Sure, it had some problems, as it was a vaguely-worded question that resulted in initial snarking, but I believe weston meant it as a sincere philosophical question, and it resulted in a number of good philosophy/religion links, as well as some unique personal perspectives. Maybe you didn't notice that it ended up as a very good thread?
AskMe Categories
would anyone else like to see categories like here in metatalk on askme? (mi)
hope him, admins
filmgeek seems to want to do the right thing here, but he needs admin hope to do it.
How may I console this friend of a friend?
Okay so, um, a friend of a friend of mine recently posted an AxMe question that he or she already knew the answer to in order to get it and the (thorough and complete and links aplenty'd) answers into our lovely little database here. Now he or she feels a little guilty for taking advantage of fellow member's credulity. How may I console this friend of a friend?
Gmail Invites aren't cool in AskMe
I have a much bigger problem with the people who shit all over this thread than I do with the thread itself, which was rather cute. I still think it would've been a valid AxMe post even if the "win a gmail invite for being cute" portion hadn't been there.
Dangerous comment, please delete
This isn't funny. Though I concede that the probability of anyone actually doing it is remote, the comment is nonetheless inappropriate.
AskMe Post Inadvertantly Promotes
Admin hope has been requested here. Tankoo.
Ancient Chinese subway poem AskMe followup
In the green, I recently posted a question about a poem I once read but couldn't locate. I was asked to post the poem if I found it, which I have. The original thread has been archived, so I'm posting it here. I hope this isn't an etiquette violation. If it is, I'm sorry.
High turnover rate of queries on Ask Metafilter
I've had a few questions at AskMe that have had mediocre number of responses. While it could be that those questions were obscure/malformed, I think not. More likely, it's due to the the high turnover rate of queries on Ask Metafilter. Any decent solution for this?
AskMe Anonymizer
I'd greatly enjoy an anonymous feature on Ask Metafilter. Just last week I was going to ask for tips on buying an engagement ring, but worried the Google Indexing of the question might result in the surprise being ruined for my (now) fiancée. I'd be ok with it not *really* being anonymous (ie, for tracking down abusers, the data would still be stored, just not displayed).
Could AskMe get an XML feed like the main site?
Could AskMe get an XML feed like the main site? Pretty please with a cherry on top?
the penis one really brought out the jokiness
Could we not? I'm pretty sure questions like that aren't what Matt had in mind.
Spend more time phrasing your question so AskMe is awesome
The format of Ask Metafilter questions is still something that bothers me a little. To my mind, this is the ideal question style. It takes up five lines, but all the necessary information is expressed briefly on the front page. Next best thing: a post can't be compressed into a reasonable length, but judicious use of [More inside] whilst still giving enough information on the fornt page gives people an indication of how much help they can likely offer. This is ridiculous, however. Five lines occupied on the front page, of which only one word is of any use. The [More inside] then takes us to a statement of the question in - quess what? - only three lines. I think people should spend a little more time posing their queries so as to make the Ask.me front page as useful as possible.
Why isn't ask.metafilter.com linked to in the blue?
Why isn't ask.metafilter.com linked to in the nav of the blue like it is in the grey ?
Trolling AskMe
This AskMe has torrents for answers.
Askme is for answering the question
ParisParamus, cut it out. Please. Your hateful spewing on AskMe does not help anyone. You're not "bucking the lefty trend", you're just being a jerk, and polluting an otherwise useful resource. If you really feel the need for release, please be considerate, and try to keep it in the blue. Everyone else, stop feeding the troll. Please.
Is there any way to get more entries defaulting to the front page of the green?
I posted a question to the green yesterday evening and it's gone already. Is there any way to get more entries defaulting to the front page of the green? I would think 24 hours min would be better. 48 Would be ideal... Please?
AskMe inspired job
Thank you thank you, AskMe! [more specific thanks inside]
[Max field length is 100] Is a bad choice of words a derogation during Ask Mefi?
Heartwarming chatfilter
I've never bothered to call out and Ask Metafilter thread before, but threads such as this one are growing at an alarming rate, as was detailed the other day in metatalk. While I'm sure we all agree--or a relatively large percentage of us seem to, anyway--that these threads often result in some heart-warming tales, leaving so many of them up is probably sending the wrong message. This one is still early enough that it hasn't attained the too-heart-warming-to-delete stage that the parents thread did the other day, but it violates many of the same principles fundamental to ask metafilter (there's no query with a helpful response, only a solicitation of what could admittedly be charming anecdotes).
AskMe Callout
This filth is just too much. These posts are not questions, do not help anyone, and aren't funny; they cheapen, devalue and irritate our dearly beloved Ask Metafilter. Can we please not crap all over it? If you want to just hang out, go to the mefi irc channel. Or somewhere, just away. Please? Please?
Was this user banned?
has 111 been banned ?
This is a small thing about which I am a bit paranoid
This is a small thing about which I am a bit paranoid. Don't some Ask Metafilter questions really amount to fishing for personal information rather than seeking help? Posts 8554, 8555, and 8579 are examples.
Categories on Metafilter and AskMe?
Why doesn't the green or the blue have categories like the grey?
Let's use our indoor voices
Why am I being yelled at for asking about software to help me do something that I already know is hard? This is my first bad encounter with AskMeFi, otherwise, it's been great.
No questions since I last logged in?
don't know if this is a bug-
On the Green, I'm finding that it reports no questions since I've last logged on. Clearly there are new questions; additionally everything is fine (and correct) on the Blue
On the Green, I'm finding that it reports no questions since I've last logged on. Clearly there are new questions; additionally everything is fine (and correct) on the Blue
Confusion about AskMe self-answer
WTF? Shane-a-go-go answers Shane's question as if it's his own and replaces the comment link with a link to a photobucket image. And mentions a site called linkagogo. Spam? Self-destructive attempt to get banned? WTF?
Gmail Invites
While this AskMe thread regarding gmail accounts for MeFites is still going strong, I thought the wiki would be a good place to keep track of who is offering accounts and who would like to receive an invitation.
Announcing the new search features
NewFeatureFilter: Ask MetaFilter search, and all user pages have Ask MetaFilter history, with Ask MeFi removed from MetaTalk history. This is the tip of the iceberg, several major features will be added this week.
Ask Metafilter update from mathowie 6/14/06
Ask Mefi update: all the questions and answers are in a new database, meaning that new features will be coming soon. First up will be links to all questions and answers on your user page, probably done tonight. Then categories, keywords, and all sorts of cool shit. Let me know if you find any errors in the meantime.
Sidebar please
Ummm, this needs to be on the sidebar.
AskMe Archives
Why isn't Ask Metafilter archived more extensively? Why is it not searchable? Seems like a great source of info and trivia.
Best response?
Does this belong in the top 25 best responses in Askme?
AskMe is awesome
Ask MetaFilter has been a fantastic part of my life, and I look forward to growing old with it by my side. Of course it will mature, and I'm sure that it will never be anything less than an elegant jem. However, I sincerely hope that, no matter what, there will be a way to view it exactly as it is now. Also, we've taken countless bookmarks together, I hope those will always be in the same place so that I can look back on the memories.
Threads I wish weren't closed
There's some threads on AxeMe that I find myself wishing weren't closed. I know you've been busy and haven't had much time or possibly inclination to work on AxeMe, Matt, and I think/hope that maybe these threads will return via a sidebar or such...
But in the meantime, I was wondering what #1 and the gang's opinion would be on occasionally reposting questions that might benefit from the occasional update. I'm thinking of the fave reads, fave listens, and desktop threads in particular.
But in the meantime, I was wondering what #1 and the gang's opinion would be on occasionally reposting questions that might benefit from the occasional update. I'm thinking of the fave reads, fave listens, and desktop threads in particular.
I created a new feed that shows the first 100 characters of the question
I did not like the way the current AskMeFi RSS feed had the titles (Question xxx), so I created a new feed that shows the first 100 characters of the question as the title.
Here is the RSS 0.91 feed
Here is the RSS 0.91 feed
High School smackdown
Ask MetaFilter is as useful as you make it. Please limit comments to answers or help in finding an answer.
Unless you're in high school and you deserve to get preached to because you're still a teenager.
Unless you're in high school and you deserve to get preached to because you're still a teenager.
Can we - even if only briefly - discuss stuff on AskMe?
Can we - even if only briefly - discuss stuff on AskMe or not? This Sopranos thread started off as a question but the discussion of last night's episode was inevitable and almost irresistible. My own opinion, fwiw, is that it would be nice if a little discussion was indeed allowed or, as has happened already, generously overlooked.
AskMe feedbacks on design
AskMefi threads asking for critiques in design probably should be discouraged.
AskMe in the header, and matching prefs
Two extremely minor things with Ask MetaFilter.
1. Can you add a link to AskMe in the MetaFilter.com header?
2. I have my preferences set to open links in a new window, but they don't do that in AskMe threads.
1. Can you add a link to AskMe in the MetaFilter.com header?
2. I have my preferences set to open links in a new window, but they don't do that in AskMe threads.
Can we have karma in AskMe?
Ask MeFi Karma - I think it would be cool that if you are reading the comments of an AskMeFi thread that you created, you could rate an answer by granting or taking away a karma point from the answerer. In this way, there will be a new mechanism of MeFi elitism to encourage constructive replies.
AskMe Standards
Some AskMetafilter standards? Debated posting this because conformity is like, so something the MAN wants you to do. But when I was looking through the AskMetafilter archives I noticed a few things, like "more inside" and [filter][/filter] stuff that breaks the formatting.
Comments not opening in AskMe at 10:00 a.m. PDT Monday, 5/10 (2004).
Comments not opening in AskMe at 10:00 a.m. PDT Monday, 5/10. Administrator, please hope me?
AskMe Bug
I know AskMeFi's a work in progress, but just a mention of a bug in case it hadn't been noticed yet: Using or
tags in AskMeFi breaks the layout in preview (I didn't post so I don't know if they'd get stripped or fixed in the actual post).
No comment area for logged in user on newly created AskMe thread
I just posted a new Ask Me question, with more inside planned.. yet when I click on the thread, I do not see the Post a Comment stuff at the botton. I am logged in, and the post a comment fields appear for every single thread except mine... how do I post my more inside?
Economics knowledge dropped
I nominate this thread for sidebar acknowledgement.