1943 posts tagged with askme.
Displaying 1751 through 1800 of 1943. Subscribe:
AskMe Coldfusion Error
AskMe throws a ColdFusion error when I'm not logged in, but works just fine when I am.
Happy Birthday AskMe
Happy Birthday, Ask Metafilter! Best thing ever. Thanks, Matt.
AskMe Followups
Often having read an AskMe thread I wonder later how it all turned out. Did the raccoon make it? Did she freak out about all your new books? Did the tramadol screw you? How'd the ginger martini go down? Those are recent threads, still open for comments, so adamkempa could easily let us know as to whether he found the pez shirt, but that doesn't work for learning how effective were scarabic's body disposal guidelines. Or if anonymous is in deep trouble, or is it not so bad.
At least let me know whether deafmute has managed to get away from the dog yet.
At least let me know whether deafmute has managed to get away from the dog yet.
Noise in the cat question.
How about answering peoples' questions in AskMe, instead of berating them over their reasons for asking?
Y'know, just sayin'.
Y'know, just sayin'.
Self-Linking on AskMe Permissible?
How does one post a question regarding their homepage (that definately requires a link) in askmeta without getting people complaining about self promotion on metatalk?
Hitting back erases question preview
When you're previewing a question in AskMeFi, it tells you to hit back on your browser to tweak the question. When you do, the initial text you wrote no longer appears in the box. (Or is this just me?)
blinding color blindness test link
Watch out for fatllama's link to a color blindness test in Keyser Soze's AskMe thread. It's not for the easily disturbed, or those looking for a quiet night of surfing. I should have recognized it from previous experience with it on the net, but I didn't and now metafilter doesn't have to either.
Gratuitous self-link, or a legitimate part of the question?
Gratuitous self-link, or a legitemate part of the question?
It's not quite as bad as this one, since in this case the self-link has at least a theoretical connection to the question being asked, but it still feels to me more like bwerdmuller is hoping that "the best way to find new business fast" is to post a link to his own work on a popular forum and see if anyone bites.
Am I just being grumpy? Where should we draw the line on self-promotion within AskMe?
It's not quite as bad as this one, since in this case the self-link has at least a theoretical connection to the question being asked, but it still feels to me more like bwerdmuller is hoping that "the best way to find new business fast" is to post a link to his own work on a popular forum and see if anyone bites.
Am I just being grumpy? Where should we draw the line on self-promotion within AskMe?
AskMe Etiquette
Callout to take care in your AskMeFi posts:
"parking meters and nyc" question. Ummm... did you mean Fire hydrant?
"is there a well-known phrasing of the concept that 'the three (or bough, or branch)" Uhh... did you mean tree?
People seem to take extra care with spelling, phrasing and clarity in the blue and this is great but it seems like a poster should take even more care in the green because rather than offering information you are asking for it to be given to you. Just sayin'.
"parking meters and nyc" question. Ummm... did you mean Fire hydrant?
"is there a well-known phrasing of the concept that 'the three (or bough, or branch)" Uhh... did you mean tree?
People seem to take extra care with spelling, phrasing and clarity in the blue and this is great but it seems like a poster should take even more care in the green because rather than offering information you are asking for it to be given to you. Just sayin'.
I'm already in pain, and didn't need your wiseass remarks
In the course of answering PurplePorpoise's pillow question, I mention (for background) that I suffer from a painful, chronic autoimmune disease. This is Pretty_Generic's response. That didn't hurt much, really -- less than my back does most days -- but it doesn't make him any less of an insensitive prick. Mocking someone's illness shouldn't be considered good conduct.
Can I suggest a word limit on Ask Me posts?
Can I suggest a word limit on Ask Me posts? I have just had a look over and the first 2 posts for December 3rd are, in my opinion, rather over the top.
Change the RSS feed?
AskMeFi-related: Would it be possible to change the RSS feed from AskMeFi to put an excerpt of the question in the title tag, or whatever it is that's appearing in my Thunderbird newsreader as "Question number [#]"?
Adding a question mark doesn't make a legit AskMe
I don't care if it is phrased in the form of a question. Using AskMe to get in a second post because you "already shot [your] wad today with a different MeFi front page post and thought this merited a posting" is just not on.
A question (about a sore nose) should have been answered by your mother/google.
I've just read the worst ask.me of all time and the risk of devaluing the site is irritating me to hell. I seem to remember a suggestion that maybe I should make use of google - does that sound like a reasonable soultion?
AskMe Turnover
By my perhaps innacurate counting yesterday, November 23, 41 questions were posted to AskMe. Currently, the AskMe home displays the most recent 40, which means that yesterday's questions appeared on AskMe for less than 24 hours. For daily readers I guess this isn't a huge deal assuming you read AskMe around the same time each day, but for others perhaps a smaller font and a bigger query is in order?
Grey areas in AskMe
The AskMe thread on faking one's death seems to skirt the same grey area as several of the deleted warez-related inquiries. Not to be a prude, of course -it's ust that curiousity like this could be bad for our ponies.
Unposted Anonymous AskMes on contacts page
I, like many people, have added Anonymous AskMetaFilter as a contact, due to his/her interesting, thought-provoking, often sex-related questions and complete self-restraint when it comes to making snarky comments.
However, I noticed a weird phenomenon. On my contacts page, I see several anonymous questions that link to deleted/nonexistant posts. These do not show up in "Anonymous AskMeFi"'s posting history, and I never saw them on the AskMe page. Did they ever appear on the main page? Is there a reason they are still visible from my contacts page?
However, I noticed a weird phenomenon. On my contacts page, I see several anonymous questions that link to deleted/nonexistant posts. These do not show up in "Anonymous AskMeFi"'s posting history, and I never saw them on the AskMe page. Did they ever appear on the main page? Is there a reason they are still visible from my contacts page?
question asking limits on ask mefi?
question asking limits on ask mefi?
I'm Matt and so is my wife
I'm Matt and so is my wife.(For the More, the Side must be In)
AskMe link behaviour
I noticed that the AskMe "older" and "newer" thread links at the bottom of the page don't actually point to the thread's immediate neighbour, but end up skipping one or two posts in either direction.
There are a couple of threads going in AskMe dealing with 'net addiction workarounds..
There are a couple of threads going in AskMe dealing with 'net addiction workarounds...Can they be combined into a single thread? Because I can't stop clicking back and forth between them!
Possible race condition in AskMe's new post count.
New post count might have some sort of race condition in AskMe:
"For gamblers, what's the attraction? [more inside]
posted by jonmc at 7:10 PM PST - 1 comments (2 new)"
I think the second comment might have been posted in that split second between querying the total and counting up the new posts.
"For gamblers, what's the attraction? [more inside]
posted by jonmc at 7:10 PM PST - 1 comments (2 new)"
I think the second comment might have been posted in that split second between querying the total and counting up the new posts.
Can we please stick to the topic on Ask?
Can we please stick to the topic on Ask? Sorry jonmc and astruc but I don't think your opinions on the aesthetics of waxing pubes was on answergrape's mind when she asked the question.
Adding tagging to Ask Metafilter?
So there's roughly 8,000 questions now in AskMe (# of June questions x 11 months).... May I humbly request an update on the tagging project, or any other ponies that could help make this the great resource it's screaming to be? And has any more thought been given to how metadata could be added to the questions already in the db?
subscribe to the comment threads
So, I'm addicted to Ask, aka the green.
What I really want to do is subscribe to the comment threads - when a new post occurs, I want someone to run into my office (my home, my bedroom, whatever) and shout up and down the answer is here. Or there was a followup question. (6 new) just doesn't help - especially if a thread a scrolled off page.
Or it could be a little link on the homepage (customized for me for threads I'm watching/participating in.)
What I really want to do is subscribe to the comment threads - when a new post occurs, I want someone to run into my office (my home, my bedroom, whatever) and shout up and down the answer is here. Or there was a followup question. (6 new) just doesn't help - especially if a thread a scrolled off page.
Or it could be a little link on the homepage (customized for me for threads I'm watching/participating in.)
November 9th has happened three times so far on the AskMe front page.
November 9th has happened three times so far on the AskMe front page.
AskMe comment count accuracy
Bit of an Ask Me SQL bug: this thread tried to entice me by offering 10 new comments in a 9 comment thread. Slattern!
multiple-date-headers thing again
ask.mefi is doing the multiple-date-headers thing again. There's a "November 6" header above each of the first three posts.
Followup: first date was a success.
Followup: first date was a success. But... um.... [horror inside]
Anonymous askme: what percentage fail to get posted?
Since 12 October 2004, when the AnonAskMe feature was created, there have been 37 questions asked anonymously. Matt, how many, if any, questions have you passed over and not posted? Any reason why?
(I'm not critiquing the decision to not post the question, just trying to get a complete picture on how people are using the feature.)
(I'm not critiquing the decision to not post the question, just trying to get a complete picture on how people are using the feature.)
AskMe Legality Guideline
Should Ask MetaFilter be used to help someone find software that is not suppose to be distributed?
Followup: I have a date!
Followup: I have a date! Also, since I've bet my ass on Kerry, I may actually be able to afford the coffee.
Can we get another background for AskMe?
COLOR THEORY CRYBABYFILTER: I love the blue and grey of metafilter, but find the green of AskMefi to overwhelm me, and in kind of a swampy pea green soup way where I can feel ill if I read it too long. Is it possible to offer another background color, similar to the white screen you can get in your preferences when the Metafilter blue gets similarly distracting? I love AskMefi but that green really gets overwhelming at points.
RSS Feeds for MeTa and AskMe
I've just started playing around with NetNewsWire Lite, and was wondering... are there RSS feeds for MetaTalk and AskMe?
I've been searching, but maybe I've been looking in the wrong place...
I've been searching, but maybe I've been looking in the wrong place...
Dragging poster's previous answers in is not cool
"You also tried to fill a zippo with butane, so I'll reserve judgement." Everyone will likely tell me I've got my panties in a wad as that is the common response here at MeTa, but it'd be great if people didn't attempt to discredit the experience and advice of others on AskMe based on unrelated advice threads. Having to worry someone's going to throw your history of questions in your face later as an indication you are stupid or unable to give advice to others on different topics seems a bit shady. I'm not saying this is an established pattern, just that it'd be helpful to keep in mind.
What if AnonyAskMe had its own page?
People are concerned about the NSFW nature of AnonyAskMe questions and about the large volume of AnonyAskMe Qs pushing posts off of AskMe more quickly than before. What if AnonyAskMe had it's own page? And what color would it be? Maybe a hot red or hot pink?
AskMe is not the proper venue for resolving your petty vendettas.
Mayor Curley takes a perfectly innocuous, neutral question which was getting some interesting responses and turns it into a NYC vs Boston grudge match. AskMe is not the proper venue for resolving your petty vendettas and urban insecurities. That's what the blue is for.
Closure on askme threads request.
I need closure on the cat saga, Matt.
We're not the pirates you're looking for
The inside track: requests for pirate copies of movies (even films you're too busy to see) are not cool here.
anonymous askme has no way to follow up
The first question in this anonymous AskMe post made me realize that there is no way for anyone posting anonymously to provide information beyond the initial query.
"Thanks" is not a question
ThanksAskMe: Can we just assume we're all thankful for the bounties of AskMe, without posting there to that effect?
Can I post a link to a question on Ask to the blue?
Can I post a link to a question on Ask to the blue? It's not my question, so it's not self-linking, but it feels a bit too.... uh, meta.
Ask Metafilter RSS feed is displaying anonymous questions before they are approved
The Ask Metafilter RSS feed seems to be displaying anonymous questions before they are approved to be displayed on the website itself. (Nobody panic, though; it does not reveal the identity of the person posing the question.)
The new anonymous questions can easily make Ask Metafilter NSFW.
The new anonymous questions can easily make Ask Metafilter NSFW. For example, this question is pretty tame, but I wouldn't want it on my screen for others to read. Is there any solution to this?
AskMe moves too quickly
I know that the duration of a question's stay on the AskMe front page has been discussed here before, but at the moment there have been 45 (give or take) questions asked today, and only the most recent 25 are displayed. Perhaps the front page should display at least all of a given days questions, even if they are more than 25?
Also, on the AskMe front page, anonymous questions are posted by anonymous, and on the archive pages they're posted by Anonymous Ask Metafilter.
Also, on the AskMe front page, anonymous questions are posted by anonymous, and on the archive pages they're posted by Anonymous Ask Metafilter.
anonymous has some serious relationship problems
Once I ran to you, I ranNow I'll run from youThis tainted love you've given
75% of this "anonymous" guy's output is love-related. I keep reading that we suck at politics, we suck at religion, we suck at (insert your favorite pet peeve here). I dare to suggest that, no disrespect intended, we suck at giving love advice (assuming that giving useful love advice is actually possible, which I doubt). Is this just a coincidence, or we'll use the anonymous feature mainly to turn AskMeFi into Mr/Mrs LonelyheartsFilter/BrokenheartsFilter?
75% of this "anonymous" guy's output is love-related. I keep reading that we suck at politics, we suck at religion, we suck at (insert your favorite pet peeve here). I dare to suggest that, no disrespect intended, we suck at giving love advice (assuming that giving useful love advice is actually possible, which I doubt). Is this just a coincidence, or we'll use the anonymous feature mainly to turn AskMeFi into Mr/Mrs LonelyheartsFilter/BrokenheartsFilter?
exemplary answer on the US Foreign Service
Not that there's a lot of State Department material around these parts, to be diplomatic about it, but croutonsupafreak has posted an exemplary answer to an AskMe query on how to join the U.S. Foreign Service. Check it out: he just keeps giving and giving.
Ask Me Anoymous
With all the recent talk of Anonymous Questions on AskMe, I thought I'd learn me some php, and create a supplementary website where people can pose anonymous questions to be asked on AskMe by the more brazen metafilter members. I guess that this falls under the "Don't self link" rule, so I hope you'll forgive the intrusion.
Introducing: Ask Me Anonymous
Introducing: Ask Me Anonymous
It's not about the links
In AskMe, the button shouldn't say Preview the Link, it should say Preview the Question.
will there ever be an anonymous way to ask questions?
Stet's question reminds me: will there ever be an anonymous way to ask questions? I'm sure there are lots of people out there with things to ask that they don't want brought up when they're running for office...