1943 posts tagged with askme.
Displaying 151 through 200 of 1943. Subscribe:
This isn't the advice you're looking for
Help me find AskMeFi questions where posters get advice that is nothing at all like what they would have expected. [more inside]
Finding out which airline has this issue
Would this be an appropriate AskMe? If not, do you know an alternate way to pursue the info? (The "doctors can't be women" airline thing.) [more inside]
High heels are a physiological disaster.
I am surprised that the "are high heels sexist?" question was deleted as chatfilter, but the "what is 'female energy,' when it comes to cities?" question is staying up. [more inside]
this is not a chawade
What was that tag where... [more inside]
Dating on the green
Isn't linking to your online dating profile in AskMe self-linking? [more inside]
Did you DTMF? Did you eat it? What's its name?
UpdateMe! I solved my infinity antonym problem. Have you had an Ask question that solved itself years down the line? What happened? [more inside]
Looking for an app recommended on the green
Can anyone help me find the name of a smart phone application that many people recommend on the green to track emotional changes for those with depression? [more inside]
Two new tags: Updated and ReAsk
Let's create two new special tags for AskMe: Updated and ReAsk [more inside]
We were all eleven. Well. Most of us.
This AskMe thread is just fantastic. A not-simple question with so many great, empathetic, caring suggestions from people who were at one point up a similar creek trying to fashion any sort of paddle. POSITIVE THREAD CALLOUT. EVERYBODY HUG.
Can we give a little more charity to anons?
Are we, as a community, doing the best we can in anon askmes? [more inside]
Quit popping things up on me!
Bug (or feature?): The "mark question resolved" button on the "confirm resolved" page on Ask Me pops a new tab, where it probably should use the same tab, as you don't need the question anymore.
(Also, on the MetaTalk preview, it says use the back button to tweak the form, when you don't need to, as the form lives down below. Which is where I'm typing this in. Alright I'll shut up and stop causing pb more work.)
She asked for help getting rid of shame, we gave her more.
Metafilter collectively piled on to this OP so hard that she returned to update that she was actually essentially being triggered by the responses. How can we do this better and keep our own issues out of being helpful? Is there a way to "report pileon"? Should there be? [more inside]
AskMe vs WaPo
What Is This Creepy Site Advertising? A book, perhaps?
Upon revisiting the classic Ask thread What Is This Creepy Site Advertising? (a.k.a., the thread where tons of Mefites congregated for weeks to solve the puzzle behind an unusual viral marketing website), I discovered something intriguing about the site in question. [more inside]
When is a Double not a Double?
I'm not entirely sure how I came to it but I was reading this post at Gawker & wandered down into the comments only to find this odd bit of writing. Some of the replies were witty but then (MeFi's own?) Gawker editor Maureen O'Connor pointed out it was essentially identical to this anonynmous AskMe from 5 years ago. At the very least I figure it's a curiosity worth pointing out to my fellow MeFites who have too much free time on their hands & want to dissect it under the usual microscope.
AskMe Duplicity
Hey, I just saw that AskMe... oh wait, it was a different cat problem... [more inside]
Even better than an advice column binge: how to search for most favorited/commented AskMes in a particular category
Is there a way to look at popular AskMe questions in a particular category, either in the recent past or over time? The infodumpster almost does this, but not quite. [more inside]
Ask question re: disability, accommodation and Massachusetts?
Within the last week or so someone posted on Askme needing disability/accommodation referrals/support in Massachusetts. [more inside]
The Popular Tags cloud on ask.me just doesn't
Not Actually Extremely Problematic: The "popular tags" page on the green is a tag cloud, but none of the tags appear much larger than the others. [more inside]
I'm suffering from a painful goiter
Thorn: "Ask Metafilter: Thousands of life's little questions, answered."
"I'm suffering from a painful goiter."
Thorn: "Even the weird ones."
A short commercial appears on the front page of AskMe if you're, get this, not logged in. [more inside]
"I'm suffering from a painful goiter."
Thorn: "Even the weird ones."
A short commercial appears on the front page of AskMe if you're, get this, not logged in. [more inside]
Help me find this comic about weight loss and healthy eating
Can you help me find a comic strip written by a woman that showed her weight-loss progress? [more inside]
Malicious AskMe
This question seems to be asking us to come up with the most malicious gossip we can think up about somebody the OP doesn't really know very well. I don't think this is something we should be aiding and abetting. [more inside]
Fascination Street
Ya'll are being strange and interesting again. Two recent AskMe questions are about whether to correct someone close to you and the answers, along with their reasoning, are fascinating.
Poopy link got flushed.
Mainly cat name suggestions and obvious DTMFAs
I like to read interesting Ask Metafilter questions, although I rarely post anything myself. The Popular Favorites page is a good way to find these, but I've also noticed that questions with a lot of answers (say, over 50) are usually worth checking out too, even if they don't necessarily get a lot of favorites. Is there any way to view the AskMe site/feed in a way that only shows questions that have received more than a certain number of answers?
This is not the time machine I was hoping for...
When reading Ask on my iPhone, if I use the back arrow to back out of the question to the main page, it always takes me "back" to March 9th at 730 am. Is it just me?
You have many questions, Mr. Sparkle.
I'm a prolific AskMe user, but I think I'm doing it wrong. [more inside]
There may not be fifty ways but there are more than one.
Ugh, I'm just going to say it: continuously posting to this breakup advice in Ask is lazy and more often than not it doesn't really fit the situation. I wish people would speak to the actual specific break-up someone is asking about or just stay out of it. [more inside]
ISO comment
Total longshot: I am looking for an askme comment from several years ago (probably between 2007-2009) where a user said they had been employed as a computer programmer by a big bank, designing a program to re-order transactions so that the bank could maximize its overdraft fees. I have searched high and low and can't find it. Help?
You say you want a resolution, well...
Having the "AskMe Tick" go up upon resolution rather than Best Answer? [more inside]
Duplicate posts on Ask Metafilter?
Sometimes I see posts that are very similar on Ask Metafilter. That got me wondering: is there anything done about duplicate posts over there? [more inside]
Why is my cat doing $weirdthing?
Ask Metafilter is becoming less useful as the site grows.
As the site has grown in popularity and more people join just to ask questions, the ratio between people who are knowlegeable and people who ask questions has fallen. This means that the questions on AskMe are coming in so thick and heavy that questions are buried before they can get answered properly. [more inside]
As the site has grown in popularity and more people join just to ask questions, the ratio between people who are knowlegeable and people who ask questions has fallen. This means that the questions on AskMe are coming in so thick and heavy that questions are buried before they can get answered properly. [more inside]
BTW: I am a cat
thank you, MetaFilter
MetaFilter made a bad week SO MUCH better.... [more inside]
Lighter box good! Darker box bad!
When and why did AskMe best answer highlighting change from light to dark? I fear change, and the effect is more jarring than I expected it to be. If this isn't something we can toggle, anyone have a Greasemonkey script?
Metafilter cited in Michigan Bar Journal
An AskMe legal question was mentioned in the Winter 2012 issue of the State Bar of Michigan’s Labor and Employment Lawnotes journal. [more inside]
a human being and a public servant
Doctor, eventually.
Thanks, Metafilter. [more inside]
AskMe question prep: it's worth it
This AskMe thread about backing out of a high school chorus trip to Europe is an excellent illustration of the principle that you should always, always take the time to include all pertinent information in your question. [more inside]
Kind of like TellMetaFilter but with a question mark at the end
Are there examples of someone using AskMeFi a question that they already know the answer to? [more inside]
Do AskMe answers that have a lot of Favorites get weighted differently in Google searches? Should they be?
Do AskMe answers that have a lot of Favorites get weighted differently in Google searches? Should they be? [more inside]
I don't have kids, but I DO have your answer...
AskMe Dis-ad-biguation
Google ads on AskMe pages makes them very confusing to read (for non-members who see them). Is it possible to visually separate them a bit more from the content? Or move the ads below the "More Inside" content?
AskMe in the classroom
Can I (or anyone) use AskMe questions for educational purposes? [more inside]
Better question?
This question didn't get much of a response - one answer on the green, and one in mefi mail. Why not? [more inside]
Mail This Thing To A Friend
Has there ever been talk about a "mail this question to a friend" thingy for askmefi? I frequently see a question and know someone who would know the answer but completely forget to actually tell them about the post.
This would probably also work on the blue... "mail this post to a friend." I never use those on sites, but I have that on my blog and I'm always surprised how much it gets used. Maybe put it up there under the "Share:" links?
Deleted Questions
I don't think posters on the green should be able to have their questions deleted just because they are done with them or don't like the answers they are receiving. [more inside]
Bad AskMe Deletions.
These are Bad AskMe Comment Deletions. [more inside]
Hello haystack.
Looking for a needle. Back in 2004/2005, there was a response on Ask MeFi (I think) in which the commenter explained how he had made peace with/improved his life. I recall him saying that he just woke up one morning and decided to start doing more to help out around the house (i.e., washing dishes, doing things with his children, etc.). [more inside]
Are drive-by questioners becoming a problem?
Are drive-by questioners good, bad, or indifferent? I've noticed a recent increase (I'm going to avoid specific links since this is more about policy than specific examples) of people who ONLY ask questions and don't otherwise contribute to MeFi or AskMe. Is this a problem or not? [more inside]