1943 posts tagged with askme.
Displaying 251 through 300 of 1943. Subscribe:
Spies from the future
I think that there ought to be a caveat somewhere about AskMe questions, pseudonymity, privacy, and social network scraping tools. [more inside]
Need help finding a comment about a math-related career.
I'm looking for a comment about someone's career that involved some type of figuring out a business' finances. I think it was in AskMe. [more inside]
I know it's you
How does posting anonymously, with the reasoning that their SO/parent/friend/child READS AskMe, help the situation? [more inside]
AskMe = the ultimate Q&A site.
Any interest in a Frequently Recommended Books wiki page?
I'd like to create a MeFi Wiki page listing books that are frequently recommended in AskMe answers. Would anyone else be interested in such a resource and/or does anyone want to help out? [more inside]
Below the fold portion of this AskMe should maybe have more views, I think.
I think that perhaps this AskMe should have more people trying to help with the below-the-fold part of the question than might look at it based upon the above-the-fold part.
Vague medical AskMe questions
This question seems like a really bad idea, heading into territory where AskMe advice may be worse than no advice at all. [more inside]
My wife and I don't agree. I mean, a friend. I mean....
AskMe question appears to have intentional misrepresentation of situation, discussion ensues. Jessamyn asked us to get it out of the thread and yet it seems there is more to ponder. So, here we are. [more inside]
A study in Q&A sites
A study in Q&A sites: Ask Metafilter's "Why do some people wear shoes indoors?" versus Quora's "Do real Americans wear shoes indoors as portrayed in sitcom TV shows?" and its follow-on "In which North American locales is it more common to take off one's shoes when entering a home? In which is it more prevalent to leave them on?" [more inside]
Why Do These Links Look Weird
36 hours of dodgeball later
Congratulations to MeFi's newest world record holder, ImBitman! AskMe prep question: What do ridiculous marathon athletes eat?
Re-Asking an inconclusive and long dead AskMefi Q?
What's the down-low on re-Asking and inconclusive and long dead AskMeFi query? [more inside]
Fat Acceptance Acceptance
I have a question about this post, where an anonymous poster asks why his weight loss efforts aren't succeeding. [more inside]
AskMe makes us better parents and spouses?
Am I the only sap who left work a bit early today after having read this thread?
BTW, thanks!
I just want to say, "thank you." [more inside]
not, it's really not that special.
your problems are notspecial snowflakes. so quit using that description. [more inside]
(1 new feature?)
Can there be an optional icon which lights up when a new answer has come in to your AskMe question(s)? [more inside]
When did this place become Yelp?
This comment in an AskMe requesting OB-GYN recommendation bothers me -- it's a one-line attack on a specific professional, with identifying information about the doctor, but no details about the basis for the opinion. (Paraphrase of comment: Dr. X in Y neighborhood was "Absolute worst medical experience of my life.") I can't put my finger on it, but it seems not quite right. Also seems to violate the guideline that we don't bring personal information into threads.
Mother, she not like the boom
In case you didn't know, a hilarious, amazing AskMe about a mysterious Christmas Letter has inspired a strange, oddly addictive song on MetaMusic. That is all.
Looking for an AskMe comment about a unique backup system
FindThatCommentFilter: There was a comment a few years back discussing a rather unique data recovery system that used automatic screenshots, but I can't find it. Do you remember it? [more inside]
My green direct line to YouTube / Google.
My recent AskMe question on YouTube / Google Chrome not playing nice got me talking directly with a "YouTube engineer here who works on, among other things, latency/developing world connections and HTML5." [more inside]
Encouraging answers rather than comments in AskMe
Suggestion: changing AskMe "Post Comment" to "Post Answer." [more inside]
The 7th anniversary is the desk set anniversary....
The Crazy Dad Routine is an example of what makes AskMe yet.
Sister Act
This is not what AskMe is for. It looks like there is ample evidence that this question is not made in good faith, enough to err on the side of deletion. [more inside]
The Peanut Gallery
I was just wondering... How many of you guys browse askmefi primarily as a source of entertainment, rather than as a potential answerer? [more inside]
You'll take these pleated plants from my cold, dead legs!
Others examples of antagonistic fashion AskMe threads? [more inside]
Show me your your world through story
Not cool, man, my mom was a nun guzzler.
Hey there, butt puzzles, here's me and jessamyn rattling off insulting nicknames for your entertainment. [more inside]
OK to ask for an interviewee?
I'd love to find someone to interview for a class assignment (due Thursday), about problem solving in teaching English as a second/foreign language in a classroom. There seem to be a few experienced ESL teachers around here, and it would be awesome to be able to talk to one on the phone here in the US. Would it be appropriate to look for an interviewee via AskMe? [more inside]
Read, then answer. Easy? Easy.
Please either answer the questions that people actually ask, or don't answer the question. [more inside]
Maybe it's a temperature inversion.
Thousands of moderators
Facebook has an open position for a Questions Community Manager. The text itself is pretty fascinating with superlatives like"anything you can dream up", "thousands of moderators" and "the full resources of Facebook at your disposal". I obviously thought about AskMe and Jessamyn, and she agreed it was an interesting Meta post.
Knowing that communities start from the ground up, I am especially interested in thoughts about how such a gigantic operation can be handled, if it can at all. [more inside]
Problem questions get problem answers
Criticizing a question is not the same as insulting the asker. It's also not necessarily derailing. [more inside]
Notes on disagreements and a mod cleanup
This post is in response to two related things: 1) micawber's personal attacks in several threads (now deleted) and 2) cortex's public lumping of the two of us together in terms of bad behavior. [more inside]
How *nice* for Ask MetaFilter!
Well, bless our snark-filled, sugar-coated hearts: Your answers to my question, "'Bless your heart' and other backhanded phrases?," make it to public radio's "A Way With Words." [more inside]
Green checkmark showing that a question has best answers by anyone in
Tiny pony request. On the AskMe front page, a question has a green checkmark next to it if any of the answers has been marked "best answer." If you look at your own history of AskMe coments, there's a green checkmark next to any of your AskMe answers that was marked "best answer." In that same history of your AskMe comments, why not have a green checkmark next to the title of any question in which there have been "best answers" by anyone else? [more inside]
"Just show him this thread"
"Just show him this thread" - this advice gets given practically every other day and I was wondering, do people really mean it and think it is a good idea? [more inside]
Why do we close AskMetafilter threads after one year?
Why do we close AskMetafilter threads after one year? [more inside]
Striving to make answers to vague AskMe questions more helpful and clear
In two recent AskMe threads (Non obvious things you shouldn't say to women and a similar about men), vague and general questions were asked. The community response wandered all over the map from very good, to not so good, where individual dislikes were conflated to be something all of certain subgroup dislke (1, 2).
I think this is a problem that not only degrades the tone of the site in general and AskMe in particular, but also can confuse the asker. So I'm putting this issue before the community to see if the community views this as a problem and if so, discuss ways to mitigate it. [more inside]
Nasty sexist icky men.
What are you all saying that poor Jessamyn has to keep deleting in this thread? Also, women of Metafilter, are men you don't know actually speculating to you about your bra size and suggesting your mood is reflective of your menstrual cycle?
Leave your issues at the door...
Can we have an AgonyFilter for certain categories of questions on AskMe? [more inside]
Mandated reporting
immigration law questions
What is the penchant for asking immigration law-related questions on AskMe? Immigration laws are very complex; the only answer should be "speak with an immigration lawyer."
Is there any practical reason these questions are asked, but not deleted, on AskMe?
See this, for example.
Flagging this post as 'fantastic' doesn't seem appropriate, so I just want to say that the outpouring of compassion, caring and genuine feeling makes me really happy to be part of this community. [more inside]
The eyes of Texas are upon AskMe
An old, yet already publicized AskMe thread was mentioned today in The Daily Texan (University of Texas newspaper). [more inside]
Looking for an askme comment about budgeting.
I'm looking for an AskMe comment about budgeting. The commenter described a budgeting system in which all income was immediately paid into a category, so the final balance was $0. [more inside]
A longshot, yes, but a possible explanation for 'taters'? [more inside]
Is 'more inside' enough?
Would you change 'more inside' to say 'special snowflake details inside' and be done with it? Would you add it to the FAQ? [more inside]
Can we dial it down a notch in AskMe
How can we, as a community of individuals, learn to respond and behave better in AskMe threads like the one about the male colleague being "unwittingly pervy" at work? [more inside]