1943 posts tagged with askme.
Displaying 351 through 400 of 1943. Subscribe:
A different kind of IANAL
Just like legal questions or medical questions, questions involving Roman Catholic canon law require a lot of specialized knowledge. That's become a real problem in this thread. [more inside]
I've got some questions...
FeatureRequest: AskMeFi question queue? [more inside]
thanks thankyou AskMe question
What's the best way to thank people who answer an Ask Me question? [more inside]
Ranty? Not ranty?
Why did this post get deleted for being ranty and then reinstated in its same form?
Sidebar recommendation
I would like to submit this thread on ADD/ADHD for sidebarring. It contains some of the most honest, vulnerable, relatable descriptions of the effects on one's daily life that I have ever heard. Since ADD comes up a lot in AskMe, I think it would be valuable to highlight it.
PMS is a no-go in AskMe?
Is PMS an illegal subject on AskMe now? I've been noticing comments recently where people are criticising others for suggesting that a woman's behaviour might be influenced by PMS. [more inside]
job interview skills
I'm looking for an old AskMe comment about someone who spent a lot of time interviewing and developing their job interview skills. [more inside]
AskMe Olympics followup!
Long-delayed followup to the Do I have a shot at the Olympics AskMe question from 2008. [more inside]
AskMe / TellMe?
Follow-up results to very personal AskMeFi questions: I've searched for questions like this one, but, while some are akin to mine, they're not exactly like mine. Possible Pony? [more inside]
Etiquette on marking your in-thread AskMe response as Best Answer
Etiquette on AskMe OP's marking their own in-thread response as Best Answer? [more inside]
Hive Love
What are your favorite relationship filter askmes? [more inside]
More than one new question?
On the green, where it would normally say "New Question", I'm getting "New Question (0)". Feature? Bug? Indication of something I didn't know about the site?
"Best" time for AskMeFi post?
Best time to post AskMeFi question? [more inside]
Not so delightful, apparently
What could possibly have been the issue with this question that comments needed to be deleted?
Disapproving of the sinners doesn't seem to be mefites style, so what gives?
What was the shortest AskMe question without [more inside]?
What was the shortest AskMe question without [more inside]?
I was coming in here to ask if this question wasn't a bit long. It has now been sliced up by the mods so it doesn't take up most of the first page of AskMe, and reads in paragraphs below the mod-added fold. However, it is still not a question. [more inside]
Are there questions nearby?
Location-specific AskMe pony. [more inside]
How does Aardvark compare to Ask Metafilter?
How does Aardvark compare to Ask Metafilter? [more inside]
But that's not what you said in 2007!
Checking through previous AskMe posts: proper etiquette? [more inside]
What's Acceptable on AskMe When It Comes to Crime?
AskMe Questions About Crimes [more inside]
Fundamental conflicts
Help me find an AskMe comment about a web app
Help me find an AskMe comment about a web app that only allows you to access certain web pages during a designated break time. [more inside]
Double double trouble trouble
Money Money Money
Please: point me to your favorite personal finance questions (and answers) on AskMe. [more inside]
"Oh, glad to know I was helpful"
AskMe pony request: How about an option to receive an email notification when an answer you gave in AskMe has been marked best answer? Or, if notifications aren't a good idea for some reason, how about some way to quickly check (via your profile) which of your answers have been marked best answer? [more inside]
Are all links created equal?
Why are there two places to click? Why does the "[more inside]" link point to the same place as the "XX comments" link? [more inside]
More META than META!
When you describe AskMeFi to others, how do/would you characterize/qualify/paint the responses in a macroscopic way? [more inside]
24 Hour Ask.Me RSS
I would like an RSS feed for Ask.Metafilter popular favorites of the last 24 hours. Please. Thank you.
can I has lawyer
I know we've been over this before, but it bothers me to see people giving legal advice on askme, like this.
$5 wasted?
That's 602.920 US dollars or 420.566 Euros! (thank you, pleasure to entertain you, tip your waiter, etc.)
With the new year around the corner, and recently noticing that Mefites have burned 490,834 calories, traveled 2,364 miles, and lost 378 pounds, I figure it's a good time to ask: Is there interest in some sort of MetaFilter weight loss/exercise challenge? (Meta-fitter? Har. Har. Sorry.) [more inside]
Asking complex, multi-part questions on AskMe?
I have some pretty involved questions I am thinking of asking on Ask Metafilter. There is a lot of contextual information, which, the more people know, the better I feel their answers will be. If I put it all in one post, there would be a lot of interlinked questions. Is it better to put things all in one post, or to post a few different questions and provide links to the information in the other questions?
"Mom, Dad -- why did Metafilter name me ----- ?"
Now we are six
Ask MetaFilter is six years old today-ish. The subsite that began without its own URL has grown into its own fully tagged, categorized (mostly) searchable archive of our little hive's collected wisdom. Just last month over 1900 users wrote questions and 5300 users gave answers. [more inside]
How to post anonymously?
Where is the link on to how to post an anonymous askme? [more inside]
Mobile computer word-up!
My home computer is my Blackberry. Thank you so much for the "Mark resolved" link. It saves so much work!
All's well that ends well?
Many ask.metafilter questions don't have an "end" to the story. Which questions are you most curious about how they ended?
Is polling wrong even if helpful?
When is a survey/polling type question okay on AskMe? [more inside]
... and then she kissed him
This AskMe question had all the hallmarks of a frustrating unresolved drama in-the-making ... but it's suddenly got a happy ending!
boys are like this and girls are like that
Couch in the Ladies' Room. Am I the only one who thinks a chatfilter thread devoted to stereotyping and generalizing men and women is a bad use of AskMe? I'm more troubled that it's such a popular thread. What am I missing?
No English Help Please
Does she owe him sex, too?
This answer in a recent AskMe made me very uncomfortable. I know about "flag it and move on," but I don't actually think the answer breaks the guidelines. It didn't seem appropriate to turn the thread into an argument about it, so here I am. [more inside]
AskMe to Recent Ac
Could one's AskMe questions perhaps show up in Recent Activity? [more inside]
AskMe answer makes it to reddit.
The best AskMe answer ever recently made it to reddit. It was, of course, upvoted as the best answer.
Or, as a great bumper sticker once said, Safety Third!
Safety First Filter: Can we not advocate actual death, please? [more inside]
Popular Questions Feed?
Well, I actually DID bump into Marcia Clark in a video store once...
Stop the pile-on nazis
The answers to this question have just been a horrible pile-on and it needs to stop. Seriously, 50+ answers saying essentially the same thing? Can we use some restraint here?
Rules of Relationship Filter
A few recent threads on MeTa have made me wonder, what's the stance on relationship filter questions in AskMe? [more inside]