December 2008 Archives (all archives)
December 31
davesecretary's New Blog
New Year's resolutions for MetaFilter
What are your New Year's resolutions for MetaFilter? As in, I resolve to attend more meetups in Iceland without making gender-based assumptions about the other attendees. [more inside]
December 30
Thank you for deleting me. [more inside]
Update on Hoder's arrest
For those who are interested, Iranian officials have confirmed hoder's arrest. His "case is under preliminary investigation and he is in custody." The old (closed) Metatalk thread about his initial disappearance is here.
December 29
Rebel Meet up!
The Chicago cabal* has given its blessing on a separate northside Meetup! So what say, Chicago northsiders? Any night but Wednesday, Tommy Nevins? Prairie Moon? I don't hang out in bars (--cough--), so I'm open to suggestions.
*TINC [more inside]
Reykjavík meet-up
I met Marisa Stole the Precious Thing for coffee earlier today and he and I thought it was about time Iceland had a MetaFilter meet-up. So, MeFites in Reykjavík and nearby towns, are you game for a meet-up on January 2nd?
December 28
A bit less of the old ultraviolence, please
"Hi, I'm from MetaFilter, and I wish to hunt you down, bury you alive and beat you Clockwork Orange-style because I dislike your blog post." [more inside]
December 27
Kitsap represent!
Kitsap County represent! Meetup time, now that the snow has mostly melted? [more inside]
December 26
Meetup of brotherly love.
Anyone interested in a Philadelphia meetup? [more inside]
So come on, what did you get?
December 25
Ho ho ho
Happy Christmas Metafilter!
That is all.
December 24
[X of Y favorites] -- what is X?
What's up with the way favorites are now displayed on Popular Favorites? (See screenshot.) [more inside]
Y approaching zero
Giga-meetup at 3.171 nano-Herz? [more inside]
Spyware alert.
December 23
PST sleighs me
"I like to sing Jingle Bell Rock, but using only the words "bell", "rock", and "jingle":
bell rock jingle rock
Bell jingle rock
Rock jingle rock
Bell jingle bell
Rock bell
Rock rock bell
Jingle rock, jingle rock
Bell bell bell
Drives my wife nuts. I'd record an MP3 of me doing it if someone could find me a karaoke track.
posted by PinkStainlessTail at 12:25 PM on December 22, 2004 [8 favorites +] [!]"... [more inside]
Is something up with the AskMe database?
It seems like half the time I try to post an answer on the green, it will show up saying it was successfully posted, then disappear. This isn't just in preview, it POSTs the comment and I get a full HTML page back with the new comment included. But if I look later, anytime between minutes and hours later, the comment's gone. It disappears from my posting history too, and I've gotten no mail from admins or anything like that. This doesn't seem to happen on the blue.
Public radio is awesome!
Today's Marketplace (skip to 22:30) from American Public Media made a special comment on the Givewell Holden Karnofsky astroturfing saga, almost certainly due to feedback by you people.
Thanks. :)
Wow. I'm so impressed with the healthy, interesting, and totally civil (from what I've read) discussion in this post . I just wanted to say THANK YOU. :) [more inside]
Redboxes and christmas. Phreaks unite! always wanted one! [more inside]
Beating dead ponies
The Not-So-Hidden Homosexual Agenda
Gay Mefi Cabal Roll Call [more inside]
December 22
Sometimes the ads really are the best thing on AskMe
Sometimes the ads really are the best thing on AskMe [more inside]
I can't share my genius!
Problems uploading to MeMusic? [more inside]
Maybe it's just my love of ἀρετή, but to me, the best thing about the end of the year is the best-of-year lists. I can't help it! I love it when professionals and friends start reeling off their picks of excellence in a Gregorian-calendrically-delimited fashion. Could we have just one place where Mefites get to say what were the best albums, books, movies, poems, gadgets, concerts, political events, celebrity pratfalls, Supreme Court opinions, and websites of 2008? And could this thread be the place? [more inside]
December 20
First Australian meetup for 2009?
I'm back in Sydney for early January. Beer? [more inside]
Saying goodbye to the old year, L.A. style.
L.A. folks: let's get together and bid farewell to '08. [more inside]
December 19
Also: the dice are loaded, but everybody rolls with their fingers crossed.
In this FPP, pjern averred that almost everyone is familiar with; the resultant answers from people who were innocent of it led me to search out what other things everybody knows, according to FPPs: [more inside]
December 18
historical accroutments
Does it mean something when a Meetup thread isn't updated after the event?
Arizona Meetup?
Tucson or Nogales area meetup on Monday, Dec 22nd? [more inside]
The Dangerous MeFi for Kids
Looking for the amazing thread, from a couple years ago (?), that became an anthology of stories about really dangerous things we did as kids. [more inside]
Metaprinter interview with mathowie
Metaprinter: Q&A with founder Matt Haughey
December 17
You have got to me shitting me
Secret Quonsar Thank You Thread!
Secret Quonsar Thank You Thread! [more inside]
Help Us Test Timed Editing
We're considering a new feature and could use some help kicking the tires. [more inside]
MeFi Computer Freezes Completely
When I try to open mefi on my computer at home, the system freezes. [more inside]
Hope us cortex!
December 16
Melbourne meetup
With the roaring success of the last Melbourne meetup, I propose another one. [more inside]
Strange, isn't it? Each man's life touches so many other lives. When he isn't around he leaves an awful hole, doesn't he?
Its been a tough month, but you are good people. I would like to thank you. [more inside]
December 15
Google Translate Frontend
I seem to remember an fpp about a webpage that acts as a google translate frontend. It supposedly makes translating quickly between languages a bit easier. Does this sound familiar to any of you?
One last drink before the year dies
Are you one of the sad people who have to come back to the DMV to work on the 29th, 30th, and 31st (for half the goddamn day)? If so, how about an end-of-year meet-up in King Street, Alexandria or somewhere else on Blue/Orange Line (Eastern Market)?
December 14
Gas sucks
What's up with gas prices? [more inside]
December 12
The MeFi Tahoe Snowjob, 2/1/09
MeFites + Snow = AWESOME. That's why we should have a meetup in the Lake Tahoe area on Sunday, February 1st, at a snowpark. [more inside]
December 11
This is why I paid the five bucks.
Does favoriting a post count as a binding contract?
Hermitosis, you got some 'splainin' to do! [more inside]
Palmer v. Jones
When is it okay for the sexiness/attractiveness of a woman to be discussed? The Amanda Palmer post versus the Grace Jones post. [more inside]
London meet-up pretty please?
How about a London meet-up for an out-of-towner? I'll be visiting for a couple of weeks and may be lonely! [more inside]
While I understand that this was a "stunt post", why are some threads deleted and others are simply closed to new comments? [more inside]
December 10
He's baaaaaaa-ack.
It's coming up on that most wonderful givewell time of the year. [more inside]
MagCloud invites for whoever wants 'em
MagCloud, HP's invitation-only PDF magazine publishing service FunkyHelix posted about in June, and which I managed to get in on the beta and have been playing around with, sent me ten invites via email to send to whoever I wanted. I don't really have anyone to give them to so I'm offering them here to whoever wants one. [more inside]
Tampa St. Pete Jan 09 Meetup
Howdy, Tampa/St. Petersburg, FL- let's have a meetup the first weekend in January! [more inside]
December 9
An offhand comment by Pastabagel leads to the creation and explosive growth of an entirely new field of studies: Deskology, a song and a poem. [more inside]
Chuck E. Cheese Trouble
Ho Ho Ho, Meeerrrry SanFranProdigalMefitesMeetupMas!
Christmas? Chanukah? Kwaanza? Festivus? Who the hell cares!? Everybody knows the funnest holiday ever is really SanFranProdigalMefitesMeetupMas! This year, it falls on December 27th! Share your festive ideas and traditional SanFranProdigalMefitesMeetupMas customs inside! [more inside]
New Year's Eve in Durham NC.
December 8
Self indulgence, selfish or self-link?
Just how "Self"-ish does the self-link ban cover? [more inside]
Fat bitchez, raise your hands.
Body-positive feminists, stand UP. [more inside]
Garfield Minus Garfield follow-up.
As a follow up to this post, I ran into this book at Barnes and Noble last night, and I was pretty thrilled to see it (so saullgoodman, your wish was answered). Apparently, the site was turned into a real, legitimate book with Jim Davis' endorsement. I thought this fact was pretty great, with all of the copyright paranoia going on these days. In the secret wishes of my heart, I'd like to think that Metafilter sent some traffic there that helped make it possible. In the beginning of the book, the author talks about how traffic to his site escalated, leading to this new project being possible. [more inside]
A question on the homeless worth reading
AskMe Question Resolved
35: Overeducated and underpaid
Episode 35 of the MetaFilter Podcast features all three mods talking about the last couple weeks on MetaFilter. It was recorded on December 3rd and after an unfortunate delay, it's finally up. There's a lot of music discussed and sampled and it runs a little more than an hour total. [more inside]
December 7
One last round for 2008
Boston, it's been too long. Is anyone down for one last 2008 meetup? [more inside]
Is there anywhere a survey of where Metafilter users live?
I'm getting the impression that a huge percentage are like myself:
-Mac users, living in Toronto who ten to leave food out on the kitchen counter too long.
Link user name to profile on inbox?
[ICanHazPony?] Can the author's name please link to their profile on the MeMail Inbox?
I put a spell on you
Isn't it mildly (or greatly) annoying when a commenter makes a second comment in order to correct some small spelling error? How about we refrain from joining joke pile-ons focused on those errors? Sometimes they're funny, for a limited time. Often, they start as or quickly become noise. I think they are a reason for people's nervously jumping back in to add the missing f onto that 'of,' which act is itself noise. [more inside]
December 6
heartwarming askme
Nude Removed?
December 5
When DIY goes wrong...
*clears throat* What is the exact reason why self-linking is metafilter's #1 sin? Help out this sorta-newbie. [more inside]
Miniature Flag-Waving Pony
How about letting posters see that their posts have been flagged? [more inside]
December 4
Are therapists going on metafilter?
When people say "print out this post and take it to your therapist" people do that? How does the therapist react? Does it help? Will they go check out your other posts? [more inside]
But I don't WANT to google a pis.
Same old "tried to add favorite, bumped to top of page" stuff. [more inside]
Does "Christ, what an asshole" count as an "In Joke"?
Does "Christ, what an asshole" count as an "In Joke"? [more inside]
Moxie Cinema 2.0
Moxie Cinema 2.0 is box office boffo! MeFite Bjork24 and wife hand-built (with AskMe help) an independent theater with kitschy appeal that won Springfield, MO's Entrepreneur of the Year award in 2007 and last week moved to its new, hand-built 2-screen home. [more inside]
December 3
Mefi Photos broken?
Recent Photos From All broken for me. I get an instant "connection timeout" and no pictures. Is it just me? I love that page! Make it come back. [more inside]
Email notifications to AskMe threads
Is there a good way to get email notifications of updates to AskMe threads? [more inside]
December 2
Exciting Canadian politics? Did I hear that right?
Vancouver NDP-Liberal coalition rally meetup? (Thursday Dec 4, 6pm, Canada Place)
I'm wondering if any mefites want to join me at the pro-coalition rally on Thursday. Maybe beers afterwards as well?
look-who's-here-filter: Amanda Palmer of the Dresden Dolls shows up in a thread about her.
Getting it from the horse's mouth.
This is why I still read MetaFilter.
CoD:WaW friend code
Wii players of Call of Duty: World at War should post their friend codes in this thread. [more inside]
December 1
Austin/Central TX White Elephant Planning Pt. II
Austin/Central TX White Elephant Planning Pt. II [pt. 1]
We got excited, started the planning, made a few course corrections, figured some things out...and then things dropped off while we still had things to work out. I hope this is okay &, if it isn't, please forgive me and let me know (gently) and I'll never do it again. [more inside]
December Awesome Post Contest
A couple years back we did a best post contest in December (winners here). A couple days ago, anotherpanacea suggested we do it again, and it sounded like a good idea, so yeah, consider this the announcement of a December 2008 Awesomest Post of the Official Recession Contest. With Prizes. [more inside]
mefi projects [ab]use
I posted a personal project to mefi projects about a year ago. Ive made a few (fairly significant) improvements since. Appropriate to post it again, or abuse? [more inside]
Category request: Fitness
Category request: Fitness [more inside]
MeFi Mall Rides Again!
Show us your wares! We're going to do a MeFi Mall page again for holidaytime this year. If you'd like to be included, please drop me a line with your username, a link to a page where people can see/purchase your items and a short text description. A few specifics inside. [more inside]
Lyon meetup
Anyone up for a meetup in Lyon, France sometime this month? [more inside]