September 2008 Archives (all archives)
September 30
Chicago Meetup
Chicago Meet-up: I'm going to be in town for An Event Apart the evenings of October 12 and 13th. How about a meetup? [more inside] redirecting to login page just redirected me several times to the login page. Then I received a warning message about security certificates. I chanced it and logged in, now everything's normal. Anybody else getting this? (btw, subdomains also redirected me to the login page). [more inside]
St. Loius Meetup?
St. Louis MeFites: wanna help make my trip memorable? How about a meetup? [more inside]
I must really rank
Outright censorship? [more inside]
Down with slurp.
A single link to today's issue of your favorite webcomic or cartoon series is not appropriate for a Front Page Post. [more inside]
They're in ur browzer, refrrring your sitez!
So, suffering a bout of insomnia, I find myself browsing /. and find this little morsel, pointing at an article here.
I searched the site for 'cross-site request forgery' and found nuthin'.
So, great, benevolent admins -- what gives? Can you elucidate on the issue and/or the fix? It's not a big deal, just surprised at seeing the blue called out elsewhere regarding a (patched) vulnerability and was surprised not to see any mention of it here.
Then again, it's wicked late and I'm a little stoopid - may have missed the news...
I searched the site for 'cross-site request forgery' and found nuthin'.
So, great, benevolent admins -- what gives? Can you elucidate on the issue and/or the fix? It's not a big deal, just surprised at seeing the blue called out elsewhere regarding a (patched) vulnerability and was surprised not to see any mention of it here.
Then again, it's wicked late and I'm a little stoopid - may have missed the news...
September 29
klang, klang, klang went the trolley....
Travelfilter DOA?
What ever happened to Travelfilter? Is it still on the cards? I was kind of looking forward to it!
It worked, thanks.
Thanks to jepler, pixel detctive [more inside]
Your Favorite Attitude Toward Sentimental Stories Sucks
Intercalated with the fantastic yarns touched off by the cab driver story, some people are getting very personal and bilious. [more inside]
London meetup?
I will be in London attending a conference Oct 12 - 19. The conference doesn't run through that whole time period, so I will have some free time, probably Friday evening and definitely Saturday. It's my first time visiting London and would love to meet MeFi folks.
Please delete a mistaken comment
I just posted a thoroughly incorrect comment in response to my own AskMe thread.
Could an admin please remove it?
It is at:
Time and Effort Wasted
My Favorite Things
I have a comment on the Popular Favorites page [Yay! me] Next to the favorite count it has [remove], even though I haven't favorited it. [more inside]
MeFi Personals
This is the second time I've seen someone propose a MeFi personals section and I'd like to second the motion. [more inside]
September 28
favoriting comments sends me to the top of the page
Whenever I favorite a comment, the browser sends me to the top of the page. [more inside]
September 27
Read before answering, please!
Do people's just not read through the questions on AskMefi before leaving answers? [more inside]
A spaceship landed in my yard and my son was abducted, how do i repair the burnt grass? [more inside]
September 26
Login problems during debate?
Strange occurrence...earlier I was on my Asus EEE, and every time I tried to log in to Metafilter it would flash the login page quickly and then jump me back to where I was before that. No other sites had any issues, and restarting the browser didn't help. Did anyone else experience this? [more inside]
September 25
Iceland meetup: 15-19th October
Iceland Airwaves meetup: Reykjavik, 15-19th October. [more inside]
Time stamp for comments/posts
A suggestion: can there be a time stamp indicating the time when a post or comment is posted (e.g. "posted 2 1/2 hours ago") next to the date? [more inside]
I just posted moments ago, freshly.
Fresh/just posted/moments ago: are these specific spans of time? [more inside]
What cheer, my netops?
What cheer, SoutheasternNewEnglandTypeMeFites? What say you to a Providence, RI, meetup next Friday, October 3rd? [more inside]
September 24
Orlando meetup mid-October?
Any MeFites going to Create Chaos in Orlando, 13-17 October? [more inside]
On the outside looking in.
I can't stay logged into Metafilter when using an iPhone! When I bring up the page I'm not logged in. I log in, cool, but when I click on a thread to read comments or move to The Green or Grey or navigate to any of the site's pages I am no longer logged in--prompting me to re-log in every time I switch pages.
I am running 2.1 on a jailbroken phone.
What gives?
MeFi listed in Macworld's "Websites we love" list.
How to win friends and influence others.
MeFi makes Macworld's latest "Websites We Love" list.
Take it to Metatalk if you don't like it.
Blazecock Pileon says " I'm not playing your games. Own your comments. Take it to Metatalk if you don't like it. And that's the last I will hear from you, because you're going to be ignored." [more inside]
helsinki mefites
any Mefites in Helsinki? [more inside]
September / October Seattle meetup?
A September / October Seattle meetup perhaps?
[more inside]
September 23
MeFi International
Is MeFi getting less international? This is entirely based on subjective impressions but it seems like we’re seeing a lot less posts outside of regular US waking hours. Is this just something that happens every 4 years because of all the election posts?
Number of comments in AskMe RSS feed?
Pony request for AskMe RSS feed: Number of comments and/or indication that the original poster has marked a best answer. Possible?
I wanna play. My computer sucks. My Xbox rules.
This MeFightclub thing ... sounds wonderful. But is it just for PC gamers, or can Xbox Live people play too?
September 22
"Ignore" feature
Please add an "ignore" feature to MeFi [more inside]
How It Ends
Denver DeVotchKa Meetup?! [more inside]
favorites in the machine
Favorites bug-report? [more inside]
Where to put MeFi post updates? Discuss
MetaFilter post updates that cannot be posted to the original thread should be posted to MetaFilter and abide by the New Post guidelines. MetaFilter post updates should not be posted to MetaTalk.'s for site policy discussions, bug reports, and feature requests. [more inside]
Beans, LEDs, Police and Play-Doh
Star Simpson, the MIT student arrested in Boston Logan Airport for wearing a home-made light-up sweatshirt (and the subject of a Mefi post) has her first public interview one year later at BoingBoing. (Link is to transcript - MP4 video also available).
September 21
I just noticed that the line about recent activity in metatalk says "X new links and Y new comments have been posted since your last visit"
Shouldn't it say something like 'posts' instead of 'links?'
Shouldn't it say something like 'posts' instead of 'links?'
that's 3/4th of 100000!
Milestone alert: This deleted thread was #75000
Crowdsourcing the Future
Obama and abortion
Obama and abortion. [more inside]
September 20
It's not my decision...
The Veteren's case against John McCain post was deleted, and I can understand why, but... [more inside]
September 19
Let's grab a pint (or two) in Charm City...
Bal'more meetup, hon? [more inside]
Instant Google Fame
IdleObservationFilter: In one hour this thread became the #1 Google hit for its subject. [more inside]
AskMe orthography
Copied from a comment on AskMe: "TEH PORNZ IS SEEKRIT." Why didn't the commenter say "The porn is secret." Is this thought to be a funny way to write? (OK, make fun of me now.)
Jean Grae on music.metafilter
I'm sure music.metafilter can come up with some great stuff for Jean Grae to record or to collaborate on. $800 is not that hard to amass from metafilter donations.
Meta Stack Overflow Filter
Stack Overflow's latest podcast features discussion of Metafilter and community moderation with Cortex. [Previously]
individual favourite posts rss-feed
Pony request: An individual favourite posts rss-feed? [more inside]
September 18
Search and Destroy
I've been contemplating an Ask post for a while now, that deals with certain issues that I don't really want to appear in a search index... [more inside]
CanadaElectionFilter: Can we sidebar one of these threads to prevent multiple threads from cluttering up the blue?
September 17
Loves me/loves me not
Can we just get a "relationship FAQ" type thing so before people post relationship questions to AskMe they can go through a troubleshooting if/then structure when asking about relationships? [more inside]
Metafilter: Chaotic shitstorm mindfuck
Interesting to see delicious' users comments on MetaFilter. We're a new blog (as of 3 days ago)! A Home Improvement Blog! A POPULAR WEBSITE WHERE PEOPLE TALK ABOUT D@MN NEAR EVERYTHING! Also, "faux-intellectual liberal hipster I-listen-to-OK-Go-with-my-$180-"thrift-store"-jacket-on stuck-ups. Basically fark, but populated with folk who don't have as much of a sense of humor, but who are smarter or better educated." [more inside]
LA October meetup?
I'll be in LA between October 9 to 16 and I'd like to get together. I won't be free the 9th and 11th, but the other days up to the 15th are good.
September 16
Trisomy 21, General Information
Recent Favorites view borked?
Paris Meetup? Ouais?
Paris Meetup, les amis? Ki a 1 plan teuf? [more inside]
Warhammer Online: it calls to me. [more inside]
Jesus Christ, this is stupid.
For God's sake, can we delete this moron post using two poorly written old articles to set up a point-counterpoint that is as trite as it is pointlessly inflammatory? I thought posting things just to forward one's own opinions and to stir up meaningless, hot-air controversy was against the guidelines.
Santa Fe/ABQ meetup!
New Mexico Meetup? [more inside]
September 15
please delete please please
Please, please abort this offensive, trolling post that links primarily to two, year-old NYT articles and is basically an editorial for eugenics.
I like seeing what the people behind the screen names look like
Can we make the meet-up photos more prominent? [more inside]
It's Gonna Work Out Fine, right?
Costal Texas MeFites, how are you? [more inside]
I'm kind of baffled as to why it doesn't already
Pony: How about adding any thread that you post to your Recent Activity, rather than requiring you to comment in it?
I am Jessamyn's New Bike
Columbus, Ohio meetup? [more inside]
Do I need to repeat myself?
Could we add "already in the question" or something similar to the flagging options for AskMe? [more inside]
September 14
Long live, Metafilter!
I just wanted to say what a wonderful memorial the David Foster Wallace obit thread has become. [more inside]
Must we get all political?
Must we have questions like this? It comes across as "We're all smart grownups here, and, of course, all smart grownups know that Bush SUCKS! Help me convince my poor, stupid, brainwashed friend that I'm right, which we all know I am." [more inside]
MeFites for Obama
What the hell? Is this where the bad kids get sent?
Oh noes!
A crucial piece of Mefi social commentary has disappeared. Will it ever be seen again? [more inside]
I just noticed in the bitone post that the björk tag breaks, getting a 403 error (The bjork tag is fine). IIRC theres already some handling for special characters, possibly it should also replace accented characters?
Email harvester
Is linking to email harvester sites okay? [more inside]
the rape of Google
An unfounded rumor about Carl Jung is now on the front page of Google, thanks to Ask Metafilter. [more inside]
Palin thread ate my browser
Pony request: Can we please, please, please, do something to ease the burden of the Palin thread? People obviously want to talk about it and it's become sort of a default election thread. It's got to be killing the servers as well as everyone's browsers.
[more inside]
September 13
Where did this come from???
- mount their female friends and some how continue to think they can commence with the mounting
- they should be at least decent enough to hit us off with a booty call every now and then, you know, as a thanks for the friendship
- bumping uglies, dropping trow and little debbie snake cakes
iWant an iPony...
iPony Request: Favorites and comment posting for [more inside]
Israel meetup?
How about an Israel meetup? [more inside]
September 12
Meta Gear Online!
Do Mefites play Metal Gear Online? [more inside]
Walk On
A follow up to this little post I made a few years ago about a fellow that was attempting to walk every street and lane of his surroundings. His passing has given me pause to reflect on the idea of community and how posting events from the local to the global bring us closer together. I want to say thank you to mathowie for providing us with this forum for sharing these often unheard stories.
Apocalypse WOW!
September 11
I mean, the guy is on the board of NCMEC!
How is the question of Jeff Koons' validity as an artist, called into question by his departure from his financial worker past, anything other than chatfilter?
Hurricane Ike?
Well, hell. Ike looks like it's going to be bad one. If any MeFites in the Houston/Galveston area find gas and find their way up I-45, we have a guest bed and a couch to spare if you need to crash for a few. [more inside]
No more dead baby jokes.
In the abandoned baby thread someone made a joke about dead babies. Then someone complained about it. So the new rule is, dead baby jokes are a bad thing on MetaFilter. [more inside]
I've seen it happen in other people's lives and now it's happening in mine
To all the people who have suggested Hendrick's gin with cucumber - thank you. It really is amazing. [more inside]
Buenos Aires Meetup?
Any interest in a Buenos Aires meetup? We can try to break the last record of three attendees!
Mobile browser URL error
My mobile browser (LG Voyager) shows a URL Errors whenever I try to select a "more inside", "x comments", or "x answers" link. So there's no way to read anything that's not visible on the main pages. [more inside]
September 10
It's just a question
How to respond to pushy barstards [more inside]
What is AskMe best at?
Which topics is AskMetafilter best at answering? I'm not referring to specific questions for which you've received the most helpful response; rather I'm wondering if people find that (for example) computer hardware questions receive more accurate and helpful answers than medical questions, or that AskMe is particularly bad at answering another type of question. [more inside]
September 9
OK, can someone help the Norwegian impaired understand this post and the reason for its deletion? I'm afraid Google translator renders its usual mystery.
Let's hangout in Charlotte.
Meet up in Charlotte, NC? [more inside]
September 8
Athens Meetup
Anyone interested in an Athens, GA meetup?
A world of MeFi creativity
Spore is out and I'd love to add MeFi creatures to my universe. Please post your Spore username here.
September 7
And being given away by his father, America’s Dandelion Queen
Are favorites not enough?
Please join me in flagging all comments with nothing to add but "QFT" as noise.
September 6
No comment from me....
Missoula Meetup
I'll be in Missoula Montana in the next few days, and I'm interested in organizing a Metafilter Meetup. So far, we appear to have TWO, count 'em TWO participants, so the plan so far is to meet at the Butterfly Herb at 8:00 AM Monday September 8. Yes, that's anti meridian...
"Palin Derangement Syndrome strikes again." -- M. Malkin
Jessamyn linked by Michelle Malkin. Congratulations may not be in order, but it's interesting how fast this spread. [more inside]
The side-discussion about Macs here has made me curious about the % of mac users here as indicated by the server logs. Can I get some user agent statistics?
September 5
My Little Plurk Pony Request
Can we get Plurk added to list of Social Apps? Please?
More news John Scalzi
MeFite John Scalzi is up for best blog by an author at My Friend Amy. Go vote!
The AskMe Answer That Will Never Die
If you're gay and in the military you get what you deserve, huh?
This comment in an AskMe thread posted by a gay veteran wanting suggestions for how to convince his military friends of the importance of considering gay issues in the coming election may not break the guidelines, but it's incredibly wrong-headed and I wanted to take issue with it here.
Grumblebee on passion
Sidebar request - grumblebee on finding your passion [more inside]
September 4
How is this not BirthdayFilter?!
Dear Askme, "Hi, my boyfriend set up a secret website and recruited all of my friends to participate in it without my knowledge. Should I seriously DTMFA for that?" Shit, I hope not! Oh! and Happy Birthday, Jessamyn! [more inside]
Is it desirable for AskMe to become a surrogate form of PoliticalFilter? [more inside]
Portland, Maine meetup?
Time for another Portland, Maine meetup? [more inside]
Call-outs for everyone!
Another AskMe-related shady-answer call out. [more inside]
September 3
Palin thread weirdness in recent activity.
Something weird is going on with the Sarah Palin thread and "Recent Activity" [more inside]
HDMI Cables? Can I lift those with my pitchfork?
This post is distinctly spammy. The pleasure of answering questions and helping people in AskMeFi is the reward, not offers of free stuff.
Philly is nifty! Pinball is also nifty!
Pinball!! Pinball!! Pinball!! Open to anyone willing to drive to scenic Earlington, PA. We got the place and the activity; now we need the date. [more inside]
September 2
Pony update, stat! (Please? Pretty please?)
Pony situation report request. [more inside]
September 1
Amazon Affiliate url?
Metafilter's Affiliate code url... [more inside]
What was wrong with my post?
[more inside]
Oh, come on
It's an interesting story in its own right. Its surface correspondence to the Palin rumors makes for a a good 'hook', which I used, but I don't think that makes the possible solving of a 260-year old mystery less interesting or worth reading about. The coincidence is amusing, but the post doesn't rest on that, and if anything it makes the post more fun. And it certainly doesn't belong in the existing Palin thread. [more inside]
Central Texas meetup September 2008?
Would anyone in Austin / Waco be interested in a meetup during September? I don't know a good venue to suggest because I'm new to Central Texas, and new to MetaFilter for that matter, so I've got a lot to learn. I'd enjoy discovering cool places to hang out and meeting new people. Thanks in advance.
Huge threads - can we make them smaller?
Re: the Bristol Palin pregnancy thread being deleted - uh, the other post in which it is being "discussed" is sort of inaccessible. [more inside]
Yeah, really.
Yeah, really. It's topical (during a very political time, where such issues are being widely discussed), interesting, well-written, and had never been posted before. I honestly don't see the problem. Or is NewsFilter the rule? Does the date on this really matter?