1267 posts tagged with PONY.
Displaying 451 through 500 of 1267. Subscribe:
Meetup list in the blue
I'd like to see the meetup list on the front page in the blue, just to get bigger turnouts (and a better sense of community). I imagine there's quite a few people who don't regularly visit Metatalk, but would like to go the meetups.
Automatically convert pdf links to an HTML viewer?
Feature Idea: adding a PDF viewer? I recently installed a firefox plugin that redirects all PDFs to an inline viewer. For instance, check out this post today and then look at the PDF in docufarm. On windows, I hate waiting for Adobe's PDF plugin to load and on a mac I hate downloading and then opening in a viewer (and having to delete from my desktop later). This seems really simple and easy, and you can download anything you want to keep. Sometimes good posts hinge on a PDF, and this would make that easier to read online. Does it make sense to move PDF links over to docufarm?
Where were we going again?
Is it possible for admins or orginal posters to edit at the top of a meetup post? Like in this recent meetup thread. It's confusing to read through the whole thing and come out with no idea of whether time, date and place have been settled.
whose favorites?
Fantasy feature: hover over "x users marked this as a favorite" and see the names of the people who did the favorite marking. Whaddaya think?
Making an AskMe anonymous after the fact?
This comment on this AskMe made me wonder - would it be possible to make an AskMe question anonymous after it had already been posted?
old::hotness tag
Feature request: A flag for posts that are useful, but from the deep archive, i.e. closed comments, and may be untagged; the purpose being to make them available for future feature requests.
My Post Wishlist
I was wondering how feasible a few adds on for people who post threads would be. I was thinking would it be possible for the OP to be able to see stats like how many people viewed the full thread and how many clicked on the different links? it would give a fairly good idea of how much interest a post generated, over and above what you can see from the number of favourites, etc.
A [more inside] feature for the blue?
Is it feasible to have a proper [more inside] feature for the blue? It would be nice if there was a trivial way for the gods to save space without having to delete otherwise worthy threads such as this.
Display the tags of a post as an option, below the post text on the front page for logged in users?
Young and able, but indeflaggable
Love the new ajax flagging and looking forward to seeing it on the other sites. I especially like that it shows that you have flagged something, and would like to see an option to remove said flag in case of a mistake, or regretting a knee-jerk reaction.
Can the meetup listings in the sidebar be kept up for a few days afterwards so we can more easily find the pictures which were taken? Or should there be a separate category for this?
Sitewide option for relative dating? (THIS IS NOT INCEST-RELATED, LIVEJOURNAL PEOPLE)
I find the "7 minutes ago" style of dating found on the "My Activity" to be far easier to parse than the normal way it is listed in threads. Any chance of a profile switch to enable that site-wide with the detail time available on a hover or something?
Wow, I can be sexual too
Threads like this make me wonder why we can't answer anonymous questions anonymously? (aside from the obvious potential for trolling)
Highlighting the original questioner's comments in Ask Metafilter - good idea or bad?
Often in Ask Metafilter the original questioner chimes in with clarifications or extra information, but answerers don't necessarily read all previous comments before chipping in. Do people think it might be a good idea to highlight the original poster's comments in thread? (Obviously this only makes sense for Ask).
Remembering Retrotagging
What ever became of the idea to retrotag older posts? There seemed to be a consensus in this thread, but it aged out before any decision was made.
"My comments" by thread por favor.
Better way of tracking threads that aren't favorites
Pony request: Can we have temporary favorites?
There are often threads I want to follow, but not make favorites, but if I make them a favorite, then I have delete from my favorites later on. This gets to be a chore when there's a lot of interesting stuff.
Yes, there's the My comments page, but I find it useless, as it only tracks the last ten comments made to the thread, as opposed to only new comments since I last read the thread and it tracks threads I've commented on.
With temporary favorites, I could say "watch this thread for x amount of time". Then if there was a page of just these temp favorites, it make it easy to keep tabs on threads that interest me.
Or basically, just a better way of keeping tabs on threads the user finds interesting without having to make them favorites, which seem like a more permanent marker.
favorited posts
I love the all time favorites page. Any chance we could have more than 20?
Rank Users Based on Favorites
Why not make a page that ranks users based on how many "favorites" their comments, FPPs, and questions garner? I'm not sure hard how this would be to create, but it might be a nice incentive to post quality items. Also, it would highlight some of the dedicated, and/or imaginative members of Mefi. Just a thought.
Favorites Feed
MeFi has got all kinds of RSS feeds, but there isn't an official feed of the popular favorites page, which would be a great way to filter out the site to the most popular posts.
'Near' is a pretty relative term, don't you think?
I was wondering if there was any way to increase the cutoff distance for 'users nearby' in the profile pages. I realize the middle of Iowa isn't exactly a hotbed of technoloigcal happenings, but I know that there are some MeFites that live within 60 miles or so. Could this be implemented as a drop-down in the preferences page? That way, people who live in more densly populated areas could keep their list smaller, while those out in the sticks could have a bigger list.
Or is there a page somewhere that searches user's long/lat by distance, and my goog-fu failed me (again)?
How about a "books I've read lately" feature on the profile page?
I've got a feature that I'd LOVE to see added, largely driven by the number of "I just finished reading this, what should I read next posts" ... a set of fields on our profile pages where we can add a book that we've recently read/enjoyed (perhaps by ISBN?), followed by a comments box. That way, members could build their "reading histories" over time, and they'd be available to the rest of the community.
I realize there are plenty of stand-alone sites that do just this, but I'd love to see it integrated into MeFi, simply because I'd be very interested in checking in from time to time to see what certain posters are reading these days. We all kinda get to know each other over time, and there's an unusually high percentage of very literate people on this site.
(Forgive, please, if this has been requested before.)
MeFi Music favourites/add
At MeFiMusic, adding individual songs from other users' playlists to ones' own, or otherwise favoriting tracks looks time consuming. How about 2.0/itunes/etc style 'starring' beside the trackname to add a filter-layer for favourite/playlisting?
New windows launch on clicking very boring link
I have metafilter set to open all links in a new window so I can enjoy sweet, sweet linkage while still keeping my wholesome metafilter goodness. It's very, very convenient. However, just now I was posting to the blue and when I deleted my كشري tag (I guess Arabic support is out of the question?) clicking on the [x] spawned a new window. It probably shouldn't do that, since most similar links (adding favorites, top nav, pretty much anything other than a link in a post or comment) don't.
I get lovely positive feedback with favorites, but unless somebody says something negative, I don't really know when I've been naughty. How about a My Flags page?
Functional, clear design & intuitive systems would improve MetaFilter
A Short Post In Which I Suggest: 1. Good Design Doesn’t Need Explanatory Diagrams, and 2. A Thorough and Simple Search Mechanism Would Prevent Many Double Posts.
Metafilter City Pages?
Metafilter city pages: How about creating a section on the site, or in the metafilter wiki, that is a guide to various cities across the world, using links to ask.mefi responses to give the information?
I would love to see a page that lists the tags related to the threads I have favorited.
I would love to see a page that lists the tags related to the threads I have favorited. My favorites list has become unmanagable, and this would be a great way to navigate / explore what I've saved earlier. I have no idea if this has been asked for previously...
link me inside
Minor AskMe usability gripe: Can [more inside] be a link to the thread? When a question is unanswered, the only way to get into the thread is by clicking "0 Answers." It seems more logical to click on [more inside].
Easily going back to where you last were
"There have been 45 questions and 600 answers since your last visit. Click here to go to where you left off."
Mefi Music Playlist and Issues
Two requests for Mefi Music:
1. It would be nice to have usernames on the tag results page. (e.g. acoustic) This would help users find other songs by the same artist.
2. The frontpage tends to load my system because of all of the flash files. Would it be possible to have everything show up on one playlist like the "tagged with" pages or the user pages? [mi]
Tagging Metafilter
Is there any way of having an overlapping system of tags to categorize these MetaTalk posts? So for 'feature requests' that could be a sub-tag of either the 'Metafilter', 'Ask Metafilter' or 'Metatalk' tags. So when I want to see what is being discussed about improving Ask Metafilter I start by selecting that tag and then start clicking the sub tags to get more specific. Finally, the reason I am asking is because I am concerned about the flooding of questions on AskMe and the thing I would do is have a separate section for technology questions as those questions seem to be at least 50% of all questions asked. Cheers.
Firefox reopen last tab issue
In Firefox 2+, if I am on a Meta page and I click ctrl + shift + t to reopen the last tab, it jumps me down to the comment text box and places opening and closing em tags in it. If this is a Meta shortcut, could it perhaps be changed to not interfere with the Firefox shortcut, since I think a lot of MeFites use Firefox?
Expanded My Comments page
My Comments: could we get a longer list, or even better, some tabs in addition to the site-wide view that narrow the query down to just MeFi/Meta/Ask/Music? [more inside]
MeTa wormholes?
Ooh ooh- I've got an idea. Picture this- you open a thread (AskMe or MeFi), and at the top of the thread, there is a small note that says "This thread is currently being debated in MetaTalk.", with a link to the MeTa thread. This way, people have no excuse for taking a big steamy dump in threads. People posting MeTa complaints could fill in a field with the post ID, and some database magic could occur to link the two. Just floating this out there to see what others think.
Make askme more of a reference page?
It's pretty difficult to find things in the archives of askme, and I think that probably contributes to the huge number of questions posted each day. [mi]
Hope the Lazy
Can the anchors in the "posted by" line have a different link/visited color than anchors people put into either the post or their comments?
Relative Tag Text Sizes
These days mefi tags all look about the same size (Opera 9.x, OS X). Is tweaking the math easy enough that the tag sizing could once again be a useful indicator of relative popularity? If not, no biggie.
Unsubscribe from threads?
I like going back to check on new conversation in some of the threads I’ve commented on. In others, I’d really prefer not to. Using “My Comments” means there’s no way to not scroll by the recently updated threads. Like today’s “City Songs” thread. I don’t need/want to revisit that but every time I load the “My Comments” page it’s at the top. [more inside]
PonyFilter: It's annoying to click on the same link twice in a post. How about sending the New Post form back for the user to "fix" it?
What's the deal with posting songs on AskMeFi? I've contacted some users to ask if I can sample something of theirs, and while I have no problem doing this (and will continue to ask), I think it would be neat to be able to specific a creative commons (or other more restrictive) licenses. I know they could simply specify themselves, but it would be nice to make things unambiguous by default.
Not hugely important, but I think it would be helpful.
MetaSwap? [MI]
My Little Pony, I Love My Little Pony.
Ooops, I did it again. I made a comment and once again it resulted in an accidental triple comment, a product (I suspect) of some sort of clash between my work server and Metafilter's server. It's not the first time it's happened either. And although all but one of my triple-comment will (hopefully) have been deleted by the time I finish writing this post (I have e-mailed an admin, as I usually do whenever it happens), it's getting annoying. Matt, I know you're really busy providing us with an awesome site, but could you please institute some kind of delay of just a few seconds between the time that someone has posted a comment and the time that they can comment again? They have one over at Metafilter's twin, Devoter, so surely it can't be that hard to do, can it? And best of all, it'll have plent of other benefits to the site (preventing abuse etc) and better yet, you, cortex and the ever suffering jessamyn will never have to get another e-mail from me asking you to delete two of my comments. Matt, please, can this be done?
An end to double posts!
Is the "The link you entered (http://etc/) was found in 1 previous thread." warning new? Cool, helpful feature! I had used the search field to check for previous posts, but hadn't found it - presumably because I was linking to a different page on the same site.
(Won't it be funny if someone posted this before? [nervous laughter])
Chat filter?
I read in a lot of Metatalk threads about this and that being "Chatfilter." So I looked around for this "Chatfilter" figuring it was just another section of Metafilter like "AskMeFi" or "MetaTalk". But it's not, it seems to be kind of a perjorative term for a lot of discussions that might prove interesting, but for one reason or another aren't appropriate for other sections of MeFi. So, uh, why not have a Chatfilter?
Better way to link
Is there be a better way to automate links in comments and answers?
Searching for user on Music to show players?
Pony request - could user music search pages show the embedded players for each song?
add to playlist from music index
Why can't I add to playlist from the index page of music mefi?
Is someone compiling/has someone already compiled statistics?
Is someone compiling/has someone already compiled statistics such as: the average number of favorites per post, the average number of comments per post, comment quantity by time posted, average number of favorited posts by user, etc? I assume this has been discussed here in meta previously, but I couldn't find it in searching. Feel free to direct me to old threads on this topic though.
Can we get an RSS Feed?
How about an RSS Feed for the sidebar?