1267 posts tagged with pony.
Displaying 351 through 400 of 1267. Subscribe:
No witty title to see here, move along
Not another favourites pony: Tag clouds for favourites? [more inside]
Always Attach A Rider To Something Innocuous
Having a Change of Heart
There ought to be a way to undo the "(remove from activity)" button on the Recent Activity page, since commenting anew doesn't do it.
Can I have a shiny new pony tomorrow?
With members flaming out in rapid succession recently (and I know that people do this all the time, but we seem to have a cluster right now), how difficult would it be for The Button to require email verification, say 24 hours after it is hit, before an account is actually closed? [more inside]
Adding tags to favorites
An idea about favorites. [more inside]
Searching for users by email address?
I tried to gift a membership to a minor internet celebrity, but I got the message "It appears your friend already has an account, as this email address is in use". Really? That's cool -- now who is it? Can there be a way of entering in an address and getting a username back, so I can add that account to my contacts?
View Only Favorited Comments?
I assume this question has been asked before, but I couldn't find it. So maybe not. So maybe I'll ask:
For those of us who might like to get the cream of the comments without spending so much time digging through them -- such as on posts with hundreds of 'em -- could we have a "view only favorited comments" button or something? [more inside]
I come here not to praise favorites but to bury them
Oh please please can I have a pony and can he be a clone of the FAVORITES Pony, only this time we call him REMEMBER THIS and he's just for MEEEEEEE? [more inside]
Who are you and why do I like you so much?
In a large and steadily-growing community, and possibly because I'm getting old and stuff, I find myself having trouble sometimes remembering who said what, especially when it's a newer user. So, a possibly small and easy-to-implement feature request. [more inside]
Ponies are pointless but fun!
Pointless And Maybe Drunken Pony Request: Can you please change the boxes in the contact section which allows us to describe our relationship to the contact so they say whatever term we choose, like the gender one does? [more inside]
Opening up reasons for adding a contact...
Any way we can get an input box on the 'add as contact' page so that we can enter something that only we can see (on our own profile page) as to why we're adding someone as a contact? I find the provided options useless and I'd like to leave myself a note as to why I've added someone. Often, I'd even like to "link" them to a specific comment/post.
AskMeFi Tag Alert?
A rainbow-brite pony request: AskMeFi tag alerts, sent via MeFi mail or sidebarred? [more inside]
Best Answers, STAT(s)!
Any chance of a Best Answer pony? [more inside]
Small Favorites are Small.
I like My Favorites when it's legible... [more inside]
2am, Last Call!
PonyRequest: Put the expected closing date at the bottom of threads? [more inside]
Searching For A Heart Of Gold
So Matt said "Full text search is in the works right now, and will be rolled out soon." Yayhooray! This is the part where I annoy him and pb and make their lives more difficult by asking everybody about their dream search features (and slip in a request or seven of my own). [more inside]
The Numinati
Seeing this response by the original poster made me recall this little pony request. The poor little thing has been left outside in the rain for a fortnight. [more inside]
Mefimail all local users
Feature request: Send MefiMail to all users within an n mile radius. [more inside]
Posted at 9:56 AM, some day
Pony: For "Most favorited" is it possible to put in the dates for the 7day and 30day view?
MeMu instrument tabs
Could there be a place within Mefi Music for people to post tabs? [more inside]
Favorite/flag comments while previewing
Pony request: When previewing comments, can we please still be able to favorite & flag other comments in the thread? Or is there a reason otherwise?
Counting user comments by FPP tag type?
Feature request: a way to count, by tag, by user how many comments you posted to threads of a certain type? [more inside]
Oops...Could Have Phrased That Better...
Would it be possible to have preview in MeFiMail? [more inside]
I missed a message because it was in MeFi mail
Argh! An anonymous AskMe poster sent me follow up information three days ago -- on my invitation -- but sent it to MeFi mail, so I only just discovered it! Is there some way to make MeFi mail notify my regular e-mail? I feel so guilty...
This is my answer, but this is not my "best answer."
[My-Little-Pony]: Is it possible to create a function that mimics the "best answer" feature, but is intended for use by the OP to highlight the OP's additional details/responses within the post? [more inside]
My New Pony's name is Gigs!
PonyFilter: MeMuGigs (and not just because it sounds funny), or, by extension, MeFiArts. [more inside]
This is not the answer you are looking for.
Is using the "best answer" function to clarify the original question or to offset the OP's own comments from the pack really the best use of that feature?
Comment count in RSS
Pony request: Is it feasible to get the current comment count in the rss feed? [more inside]
"posted by" could be a very useful thing for the taglines on our favorites.
Requesting a "posted by" line on the entries in the personal "Favorites" page.
"Popular favorites" has this feature and it makes it really easy to scroll and re-find a popular favorite seen recently (as they are constantly shifting up and down the column, due to popularity). [more inside]
Let me know about the Mefi Lovin'
This may be a stupid question; it may well have been discussed in the posts regarding the Metafilter messaging system, but they are legion and I am inebriated. But can we have a message sent to our inbox if someone adds us as a "contact"? [more inside]
Pony. If no pony, then sub-threads.
Give me super-speed-reading abilities, or give me death. No--wait! I mean, give me sub-comments. Not death. [more inside]
Recently viewed posts
feature request: I'd like to be able to see recently my viewed posts [more inside]
Sorting 'users near me?'
Is it possible to sort or filter 'users near me' by fields besides distance? Such as 'number of comments/favorites/posts' or 'since last activity' or anything else, really.
How feasible is email@metafilter?
pony@metafilter.com [more inside]
Send this post to a friend.
SuggestionFilter: A link or button that enables us to easily tell our friends "Hey, check out this really cool FPP/asinine question/metatalk whinefest!" [more inside]
Add a SteamID Selection?
PonyFilter: A SteamID selection? [more inside]
MeFi Mail Feature Request
MeFi Mail feature request: Under the Contacts tab you find the person's username as a link to their User page. I'd love to see that in the Inbox and Sent mail tab's use of the username, as well.
Do Not Remember Me On This Computer?
PonyFilter: "Do Not Remember Me On this Computer" login checkbox? [more inside]
Mefi open thread?
A mefi open thread? [more inside]
MeTa Wormholes Redux.
Adding play count
How about adding a play count to songs in the black? [more inside]
Categories for favorites?
Pony request: categories for favorites? [more inside]
podcast_downloading_simplified MP3 XML Music
MuFeature request: simplifying mp3 playlist/XML downloading. Tips?
[more inside]
Reciprocity is a bitch.
Tiny Contacts Pony! [more inside]
Loves music, loves to dance; real a-hole on AskMe though.
Feature request: I wish there was a way for us to store notes about users. [more inside]
Request for an interesting statistic about MeFi make up
Request for an interesting statistic about MeFi make up... [more inside]
Comment Editing?
Comment editing: Is it a pony in the works for some day or will it never ever happen? [more inside]
Keepin' your head above water, Making a wave when you can.
Pony/suggestion - beef the Jobs subsection up with more job-related resources. [more inside]
Possibly, Secret Santa
Pony request: For years, Thinkblank ran their great Secret Santa, where people would put in their wish list of <$20 gifts from a website and then a computer would randomly couple participants together and they would accordingly send gifts but wouldn't know who the giver was until six months later. But, sadly, Thinkblank is defunct.
Possible to do a secret santa on Metafilter?
Feature request: new activity link on Recent Activity page
I wanna pony: Could the Recent Activity page include a link to the new activity in a thread? [more inside]