1271 posts tagged with pony.
Displaying 101 through 150 of 1271. Subscribe:
Two new tags: Updated and ReAsk
Let's create two new special tags for AskMe: Updated and ReAsk [more inside]
"Expand all" on favorites?
Pony request: Expand all on favorites? [more inside]
Add Remove from Activity to Mobile Site?
Feature Request: "(Remove from activity") link on the Mobile site? [more inside]
mobile me, mobile you
I love reading MetaFilter on my phone! I have a couple discussion prompts/pony requests about it. [more inside]
My Little Pony, Draggable YouTube.
My Little Pony, Draggable YouTube. [more inside]
See them fighting in the street, 'cause they can't make opinions meet.
PONY: Applying the same higher standard to FPPs about "the crisis in academia" as the one that's applied to other outragefilter FPPs? They come up regularly, they turn into trainwrecks. In fact, they always turn into the same trainwreck. I realize that these FPPs are not quite "newsfilter" and sometimes seem substantive, but experience shows that they never lead to respectful discussion, just acrimony and meticulous, systematic trolling.
Pony request: Place to put unasked-for tips
Pony request: a place for random answers, or tips, that have no immediate questions, but might be useful to someone, sometime, somewhere. [more inside]
When pony was in mefi's land LOG MY PONY OUT
PONY TIME: Can we have a "manage active logins" page? [more inside]
Ride that Podcast Shownotes Pony?
Pony Request: Can we include the podcast shownotes in the podcast RSS feed? [more inside]
mobile saddle required for old pony
For some time I've been moving around MetaFilter on mobile, and I'm missing the 'Contact Activities' (side bar feature). I can't keep up with my favourite pack nearly as well. [more inside]
Any chance we could have the ability to unflag/reflag a post or comment? [more inside]
Post/Preview buttons
The new css Post/Preview buttons buttons added last year don't have any :active styling. [more inside]
shuffling the hive mind
Idea: MetaStrategies Card Deck [more inside]
Favorite categorization revisited
Around a year ago there was an idea floated about favorite categorization. I think that this would be a great feature for the site. Is it still in the "too ambitious" pile of site features, or have the coders taken another look at it since then? [more inside]
Pony Request: IRL notifications
Hey, look, another pony request! [more inside]
The pony is too cute.
When adding a contact, the reasons you can give are all positive. But those aren't the only reasons you can have for wanting their posts on your sidebar. [more inside]
Next Generation of Moderator
So it turns out my 18 month old son has been attending a Junior Metafilter Moderator training course. He surprised us with what he learned yesterday, so I figured I'd add it here in order to make our current (greatest) generation of mods' lives a bit easier.
Define "Interesting."
Pony Request: Additional Posts and Comments on the "Popular" page. [more inside]
Persistent Navigation?
Idle pony request: optional, check-box activated persistent top navbar, such that the main site content scrolls up behind it. [more inside]
Plural Podcast Ponies
Some podcast related ponies. [more inside]
Mail This Thing To A Friend
Has there ever been talk about a "mail this question to a friend" thingy for askmefi? I frequently see a question and know someone who would know the answer but completely forget to actually tell them about the post.
This would probably also work on the blue... "mail this post to a friend." I never use those on sites, but I have that on my blog and I'm always surprised how much it gets used. Maybe put it up there under the "Share:" links?
How will I search for my favorite pony?
Wondering if it's possible to limit a search to just within my favorited posts? [more inside]
Display date for IRL events in Recent Activity
IRL Pony Request: Slightly more event information in Recent Activity. [more inside]
Thread bookmarking for recent activity
Recently active pony: Is there a way to see recent activity since specific, non-self comments? Or some other way to bookmark threads? [more inside]
It's a wonderful piebald Falabella pony
Could Recent Activity and Favourites be somehow colour-coded? [more inside]
flaggy pony wants more flags
Pony request: Flag categories to move negativity into the flagging system and out of the comments [more inside]
Recent Activity Pony Power
Long, long time lurker, first time Pony... Any chance for Recent Activity to include the (# new) comment link at the top of each section? [more inside]
Save a click, spoil a user
Could Recent Activity include the date the post was made? [more inside]
Maybe I'm just too lazy
Pony Request: Clickable calendar dates (on the blue) [more inside]
Checkbox to set "mymefi" tab as default
Would it be possible to have an checkbox option to set the "my mefi" / "my askmefi" tabs as the default tab that opens for logged in users? [more inside]
I know where you're coming from
Feature request for profiles: phone numbers. [more inside]
Skipping posts on a topic
Is there a greasemonkey script that hides all posts with a given keyword? Can there be? [more inside]
can't click - no time - want mouseover
Pony request: mouseover that shows who favorited a favorited comment. As opposed to having to click through to a list.
Single Comment URL's
Single Comment URL's [more inside]
Come chill out with MeFi Mag#5
New month, new MeFi Mag! Read on for more about this and upcoming issues and deadlines. [more inside]
I don't think our vegetarian friends would care for MeatFilter
Eat.MeFi.Pony [more inside]
Feel free to reply in an acerbically humorous fashion. Or not. Up to you.
Pony request: Make snarks optional. [more inside]
I would ride this pony all over town.
Whatever happened to introducing a three-minute edit window for comments? [more inside]
Pony: A way of tracking replies in a thread
Is there some way we could track when we are mentioned in a thread? [more inside]
LibraryThing Currently Reading
Hyper-literate pony: LibraryThing's "Currently Reading" list -> Profile Pages? [more inside]
My Little Pony Request: please consider adding Favorites to the Mobile Site menu.
My Little Pony Request: please consider adding Favorites to the Mobile Site menu. [more inside]
Expand posts in-place on the front page?
Link next to [more inside] that would fetch the remainder of the post and expand it in-place on the front page? [more inside]
Viewing popular favorites for posts tagged 'pony'
Is there any way to view Popular Favorites for a given tag- for example, sorting posts tagged with 'books' in order from most to least favorited? If not, could there be? [more inside]
Sorting Search Results by Number of Favorites 2: Electric Boogaloo
Pony Request Redux: Adding an option to sort search results by favorites. [more inside]
Anonymous followups to anonymous questions
Would you ride this anonymous AskMe pony? [more inside]
Please display tags in the mobile style sheet
Pony: could we display tags in the mobile view? [more inside]
A tiny, corralled pony
Can we mobile users have more HTML composition buttons? [more inside]
My Little Pony: Mobiles Are Magic
Pony request: Would it be possible to have a 'new post' button on the Mobile site? It would be easier than switching to the full site.
Missed out on April Fool's Day?
So where do we put all the great April Fool's jokes that we missed and are just finding now? Can we maybe have an annual thread for this? [more inside]
Shortening Pony
How about a Mefi-specific URL shorten-er? Or maybe just a link to an internally-generated short URL? I'm surprised this pony hasn't pranced before.