1943 posts tagged with askme.
Displaying 501 through 550 of 1943. Subscribe:
I messed up
I messed up. I posted my AskMe to the front page. Can someone fix that up? [more inside]
What ever happened to respecting people's opinions?
I think this question violates the spirit of individual choice, and isn’t really appropriate for AskMeFi. [more inside]
Forensic MeFiles
"Shortly after 9:55 pm on October 8th, 6 comments went missing. Witnesses say they saw the 6 comments on the unanswered AskMe tab. But inside the question itself, the comments had vanished." [more inside]
Top or bottom?
This post has had me giggling like an idiot every time I see it in my recent activity feed. [more inside]
Smells like Jessamyn Spirit
Barack Obama's initials are not a smell. [more inside]
Where's my question?
I posted a question in AskMeFi and can't find it. What gives? [more inside]
More Ask.Me Favorites
Ask.me's All-Time Favorites - I can't get enough! [more inside]
Mefi Suggestion Box
Obviously we all love Metafilter or we wouldn't be here posting and reading day after day... But, if there was one thing you could change/modify about your Metafilter experience, what would it be?
vegan nazi zealots omg
... Or maybe it's because you're being a dick and not answering the OP's question? Let's see, my post was deleted, so I will repost in a slightly less inflammatory but still not helpful way. Really?
Travelfilter DOA?
What ever happened to Travelfilter? Is it still on the cards? I was kind of looking forward to it!
It worked, thanks.
Thanks to jepler, pixel detctive [more inside]
Read before answering, please!
Do people's just not read through the questions on AskMefi before leaving answers? [more inside]
A spaceship landed in my yard and my son was abducted, how do i repair the burnt grass?
Search and Destroy
I've been contemplating an Ask post for a while now, that deals with certain issues that I don't really want to appear in a search index... [more inside]
Loves me/loves me not
Can we just get a "relationship FAQ" type thing so before people post relationship questions to AskMe they can go through a troubleshooting if/then structure when asking about relationships? [more inside]
Do I need to repeat myself?
Could we add "already in the question" or something similar to the flagging options for AskMe? [more inside]
Must we get all political?
Must we have questions like this? It comes across as "We're all smart grownups here, and, of course, all smart grownups know that Bush SUCKS! Help me convince my poor, stupid, brainwashed friend that I'm right, which we all know I am." [more inside]
the rape of Google
An unfounded rumor about Carl Jung is now on the front page of Google, thanks to Ask Metafilter. [more inside]
Where did this come from???
- mount their female friends and some how continue to think they can commence with the mounting
- they should be at least decent enough to hit us off with a booty call every now and then, you know, as a thanks for the friendship
- bumping uglies, dropping trow and little debbie snake cakes
Apocalypse WOW!
I mean, the guy is on the board of NCMEC!
How is the question of Jeff Koons' validity as an artist, called into question by his departure from his financial worker past, anything other than chatfilter?
It's just a question
How to respond to pushy barstards [more inside]
What is AskMe best at?
Which topics is AskMetafilter best at answering? I'm not referring to specific questions for which you've received the most helpful response; rather I'm wondering if people find that (for example) computer hardware questions receive more accurate and helpful answers than medical questions, or that AskMe is particularly bad at answering another type of question. [more inside]
The AskMe Answer That Will Never Die
If you're gay and in the military you get what you deserve, huh?
This comment in an AskMe thread posted by a gay veteran wanting suggestions for how to convince his military friends of the importance of considering gay issues in the coming election may not break the guidelines, but it's incredibly wrong-headed and I wanted to take issue with it here.
Is it desirable for AskMe to become a surrogate form of PoliticalFilter? [more inside]
Call-outs for everyone!
Another AskMe-related shady-answer call out. [more inside]
HDMI Cables? Can I lift those with my pitchfork?
This post is distinctly spammy. The pleasure of answering questions and helping people in AskMeFi is the reward, not offers of free stuff.
I know the Sarah Palin thread has your attention but AskMe Spam Still Sucks
Clarification on reasons to delete answers
Poster asks: Does dating through craigslist actually work? I answered simply, "No." My answer's been deleted. This is not the first time my on-topic answers have been deleted from threads and I find it pretty annoying. Further, someone else posted "Yup" and there answer is still there. WTF? [more inside]
unanswered self questions
If you reply to your own comment in Ask MeFi, and no one else has replied yet, it no longer shows up on the Unanswered Questions page. [more inside]
help the toneless
Dose anyone know how to (or if its possible to) upload a song to askmefi? i have a mystery song i'd like identified. i tried uploading it to the music section but was told i was naughty for doing so
The odometer rolls over
Why not MyMeta?
We have MyAsk. Why not MyMeta? How about a tab that filters by tags. Example: ignore anything with linux or politics. Keep anything with maps or art.
The healing power of Mefites
The responses to this AskMe are a "Best of" for me. Dunno if this is the venue... but I need to express myself! [more inside]
you're not helping
Someone wants to help people. The answers? Kill people, kill yourself, kill all the religious people, and stop having babies. People, please. [more inside]
AskMe cited in Walrus article
This AskMe question about sad music was cited in an article in the May 2008 issue of the Walrus. [more inside]
Following Up?
Do people follow-up much? [more inside]
AskMe Noise
Stop breaking the rules! Do not post a comment if you don't have an answer or are helping to look for one. That the asker is breaking the rules isn't an excuse. [more inside]
It was the best of times, period.
Big huge, ginormous thanks and hugs to Metafilter in general and Konolia in particular. [more inside]
Show me your nostrils!
A tale of two questions.... [more inside]
One more question
I had a problem. Now, it's happening all over again. Would it be bad form to bother the green for a second time? [more inside]
It took 2+ years to find it, but it was worth it!
I found what I was looking for, after 2+ years, including an answer to my very first AskMe post! For posterity, the answer to this question is this, and the answer to this question is "Happy Go Lively" which is available here.
I'd love to be able to update my own askme posts, even if they were from years ago. I understand that the discussion has to end at some point, but if I found what I believe to be the definitive answer (since it was my question, after all), it would help those who come searching later on to keep the answer and the question together.
Misandry and Ask Metafilter.
Misandry and Ask Metafilter. [more inside]
Misogyny Filter (?)
Misogyny Filter? : A question about condom usage is going down the death-spiral of comments relating more to the perceived misogyny of the answers than to actually answering the question. [more inside]
Pompous bands do not make good questions.
"similar questions" as a search tool
When you post a question in AskMe, on preview, you're shown similar questions and asked whether you've seen those. Is there a way to open that functionality up as a search tool? [more inside]
I predict the answer will be neigh...
Two Shetland ponies for you. One's cute and cuddly... the other one you may not like... [more inside]
Can You Repeat The Question?
Merge With Caution
Ask MeFi inspires an author: there's a plethora of traffic-related questions that pop up on the green, but one such question (I'm betting this one) helped to inform a book that's out today. [more inside]