1943 posts tagged with askme.
Displaying 451 through 500 of 1943. Subscribe:
Closure? Let me have my own!
I think this is where I ask for my very own pony. Re: AskMe updates. [more inside]
Great Answer! But.....tell me more, please.
Newbie MeFi-etiquette: On AskMe, it is considered acceptable to ask for more information/detail about a particular answer on the original question's page? [more inside]
Self-links on AskMe
I was wondering about the self-link policy on AskMeFi. [more inside]
Do women even *read* MetaFilter?
Do MeFites like each other? I've noticed that a lot of MetaTalk threads are MeFites butting heads. Are there any MeFites who actually enjoy each other's company? [more inside]
You'll never answer this!!1!
Here is a great question that didn't get resolved because it wasn't the right answer the questioner wanted.
This one goes out to Stormin' Norman... and 311
Reading the recent story of Norman Van Lier's death reminded me of the "Dead neighbor, or overactive imagination?" AskMe thread from over the holidays. [more inside]
People need to chill out on this AskMe Poster
I <3 nineRED...
Can we revive older Askme posts?
What is the policy on reviving or revisiting (with changes) older Askme threads that lack a clear resolution? [more inside]
Slate piles on the green fanwagon
The mainstream love for the green continues at Slate.
AskMe category pages don't list any questions.
AskMe category pages aren't listing any questions for me. [more inside]
What are taters doing in AskMe
Ok, what's the deal with the term "tater"? (NSFW) [more inside]
My hat is forever off to Nanojath for his amazing answer to my now-resolved question from December. Beyond the shadow of a doubt, you are the king of google-fu. [more inside]
Auto-removal of the 'stumped' tag
Could we set things up so tagging an AskMe post as 'resolved' automatically removes the 'stumped' tag?
"Was the post on Ask Metafilter about ME???"
Busted by AskMe: have you ever posted a question about a relationship to AskMe, only to have the person you were writing about discover the post and call you out on it? [more inside]
This site may harm your computer
Bolding an entire askme question is annoying
My AskMe question is more important than all the others, so I'm going to make it bold.
New answer counts missing in AskMe intermittently.
New answer counts missing in AskMe intermittently. [more inside]
Help me read all questions
I want to browse all questions asked in AskMeFi. Is there a way to do that? [more inside]
I don't know you
Cannot log in to AskMeFi under MacOS with Firefox. Can under Safari. [more inside]
Aye's without a face
This is a brief request for the ability to answer anonymously on AskMe, as well as gauge other's interest in such a feature. [more inside]
Please Sir, could we have a free-for-all, ask-any-dumb-question-you-like thread? [more inside]
Is something up with the AskMe database?
It seems like half the time I try to post an answer on the green, it will show up saying it was successfully posted, then disappear. This isn't just in preview, it POSTs the comment and I get a full HTML page back with the new comment included. But if I look later, anytime between minutes and hours later, the comment's gone. It disappears from my posting history too, and I've gotten no mail from admins or anything like that. This doesn't seem to happen on the blue.
You have got to me shitting me
Chuck E. Cheese Trouble
A question on the homeless worth reading
AskMe Question Resolved
heartwarming askme
Email notifications to AskMe threads
Is there a good way to get email notifications of updates to AskMe threads? [more inside]
Most favorited comments?
We have a most favorites. Can we get a most favorited comments on the green, or am I just missing it?
Is there a CBT solution for this problem?
It keeps coming up, and AskMe isn't quite the place for it. Sometimes the it's the asker who doesn't want to hear it, and sometimes members just argue amongst themselves. Maybe we should all seek therapy! [more inside]
Genuine question?
Is it just me, or is there something weird about this question and follow up comments. [more inside]
My heart be warmed
This AskMe thread looked like trouble but turned into a pretty encouraging display of thoughtfulness and knowledge, and when Grlnxtdr started to really understand the responses it just about knocked me out. A fascinating read, too. [more inside]
Question queue?
How about a question queue? [more inside]
askme question about solitary living
Anyone remember an askme question about good places to live as a semi-hermit for a while? [more inside]
What's the best time of day to post to AskMe?
What's the best time of day to post to AskMe? [more inside]
Question resolution pony?
About a month ago you asked a question on Ask MetaFilter:
[more inside]
Check for Ticks: Direct linking to best answers
When an AskMe question has a comment marked as a best answer, a little tick/check appears next to the post on the front page. What do people think about making that tick a link to the first best answer comment?
I'll call me J
This is just a gentle request for posters of RelationshipFilter -- please use names, even made up ones, instead of letters. [more inside]
Unethical? Check. Immoral? Check. Tell me how to do it, AskMe.
Why is this question not over the line? Where, exactly, would the line be drawn in this case?
Let's talk about writing term papers for money.
I AskedMefi about writing term papers for money. I stirred up a hornet's nest if the number of removed comments vs. time is any indication. Let's talk about it here. [more inside]
Anonymous questions of the most mundane order
It was the one about sex with midgets...
Why is it that you can post to AskMe as Anon and then make a normal post, but you can't do it the other way around? Once you've made a post the Anon link vanishes from the post page.
Is it just the link vanishing, or does the ability go too?
Can it be changed? [more inside]
Thanks MeFi!
Thanks MeFi for helping me move! [more inside]
Thank you back-titlers!
The MeFi back tagging team has done it again, adding titles to over 10,000 AskMe questions in ten days. Thank you! [more inside]
Do you have a question?
Ajax the Best Answers
Is it possible to make [Best Answer] work like favorites? You know, all AJAX-y? [more inside]
Not everybody lives in Canada.
"If it's bothering you, go see a doctor." This isn't helpful in many cases; can we stop saying it? [more inside]