1943 posts tagged with askme.
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Looking For An Old AskMe Thread
I'm looking for a post that I swear I saw on AskMe a while ago. It was a long discussion of why pop (soda, fountain drinks, etc) taste better out of Styrofoam cups than waxy paper or plastic (more inside).
Just 17 minutes
Bad idea, but if you're gonna do it anyway...
File this under cool questions with a couple really cool answers from just the right people. Despite the obligatory "this is a bad idea" warnings.
AskMe: Hope me break the law!
Ask Metafilter: Help me become a professional shoplifter -- don't we have a guideline against helping people learn how to break the law via AskMe somewhere? Considering that repeat shoplifting is a felony, I think this would fall under that guideline.
Length limits in AskMe
"More Inside" is great and all, but perhaps it's time for absolute length limits in AskMe? Brain-dump essays like those (2600 and 1500 words!) don't help people answer, and all those posts need is some judicious editing before posting.
At least nobody has posted about gun control yet
Q: How do I get what I need from my husband to deal with some personal trauma?
A: I'd be angry with you for what you did because it was stupid.
The kindness of MeFi.
Never mind "best of the web," this thread is surely the best of MetaFilter.
You should see my fridge
How personally embarrassing does something have to be to qualify for an anonymous AskMi? Mold in one's microwave?
A way to circumvent?
I recently posted an anonymous question to Metafilter (within the past week). I browsed to the 'New Question' page without thinking about the question limits because I had a new query, but to my surprise the page didn't restrict me from posting. A bug? A way to get around the question limit? Am I shortly going to be shot for pointing this out?
Can we add a note to AskMe to mention your location where appropriate?
I've noticed quite a few times people will ask questions over on AskMe about laws or rules about say, taxes or renting an apartment or consumer rights, etc., but frequently forget to mention where specifically they are living, which can make the question very difficult to answer until further info is obtained.
Can we add in a note to the AskMe posting page (just like the one that says "Have you searched Google?" etc) saying something to the effect of "Have you mentioned where you live, if it is a question about the law, your rights, etc?"
Shooty McGunpants
Given the events of last week, it is really inappropriate to "moderate" comments to this question, which announces (vaguely and without details or motive) a course of action that could very well be dangerous to public health. While requesting that responses be limited to those from people who agree with you is always counterproductive, here it is just stupid, and the moderators should either delete the question or leave on-topic comments alone. That. Is. All.
What exactly are the standards for scammy crap on askme?
How is it that this askme is kosher? [details inside]
Is it acceptable to post several questions at once to AskMe?
Is it acceptable to fold three unrelated questions into one AskMe post on the pretence that they're vaguely connected (that is, they're all kinda sorta about Macs)?
Too much hate, too much judgment
Why are people being so judgmental in this AskMe question? Just because there is a celebrity connection? Other people like myself who have legitimate stories to share are being turned off by the sheer abrasiveness and lack of empathy displayed inside.
Office chair question bug
Is there a bug in this question? Looks fine on its own page, but on the main AskMe page it starts with the second sentence: "But this time...". Perhaps something to do with the fact that the first sentence is identical to the title?
Only at rainbow parties.
This question is fake and stupid, and it's all the more stupid for being fake.
Don't tell me to take it as a compliment
This question about harassment seems to be striking a chord for a lot of folks. Possible sidebar?
How to directly answer a question based on flawed assumptions?
"I think it's pretty clear that I'm not asking for your opinion on the idea's viability." Sorry, this question (and response from the asker) is crap.
Green Deadication
Pounding waves of colorful bands of creeps
Skot summarizes Ask Metafilter: "AskMe is often quite an amazing resource; it's made even more impressive by the fact that this 'community' of thousands of sun-deprived gripers frequently give good advice. Predictably, however, you have to wade through pounding waves of horrible bullshit to find it. And then, when you do find it, you have to sit there a moment and worry about the fact that this community—like all communities—is filled with a colorful band of assholes, half of whom hate the other half; a full two-thirds who are illiterate or insane; an unidentifiable portion who are basement-dwelling hate-wraiths; ten percent who are axe-grinding creeps, possibly with real axes; and your average random smattering of mean-spirited shitheads. But somewhere in there are some good answers! Usually." Great Scott!
For want of effort.
Is it worth flagging AskMe questions that seem to have been asked without any attempt by the user to answer the question? They may contain a "legitimate" question, but the user has clearly failed to make the effort prior to posting.
I'm asking not in reaction to a specific post, although there was one recently, but just to know if it's worth the effort, and would such questions be likely to be removed?
Candidate for deletion?
There's a thread in AskMefi that may be a candidate for deletion or at least expunging identifying info. It includes personal info of third parties and asks if a business is a "scam" with no evidence/logic. And after this inflammatory claim there is no follow-up by the OP.
"This is Operation Daisy-Bird: Welcome to Paedogeddon!"
I would like to welcome two of our newest members, Chris Hansen of "Dateline NBC" and Helen Lovejoy of Springfield, USA.
It's not a question if your voice doesn't go up at the end
Do AskMe posts that don't contain a question on the front page annoy everyone else? Should the relevant text on the "Ask a new question page" be more prominent?
Please hold my hand
Dear MetaFilter, please help me crack some 'leet warez.
Shall we put a mint on your pillow too?
God knows usually I'm ALL over the travel posts. (Love 'em!) But I'm sorry... are we really supposed to be someone's pro bono travel agent?
link me inside
Minor AskMe usability gripe: Can [more inside] be a link to the thread? When a question is unanswered, the only way to get into the thread is by clicking "0 Answers." It seems more logical to click on [more inside].
healthy dialogue
Often there are questions posted to Ask Metafilter that have a similar format. The poster will have a general health problem, and will also be fat. In 95% of the cases, losing weight is the first step to solving the problem. Yet, this answer is often immedietly removed. Is it really so terrible to point out the elephant in the room? And, more pointedly, are we doing others a diservice by not being frank?
Price fixing guidelines?
Are there price fixing guidelines for AskMefi? After this question came up, I realized I am not very certain of price fixing laws. Is it okay to tell someone that there's a typical entry-level rate for freelancing or that a certain range is typical? If they come up with a fee, can we say yea or nay? I'm in Canada, so I assume rules may be different in the US. But perhaps we can establish some sort of guideline.
AskMe brings the cheese in
"Long tailed awesomeness" - or AskMe brings the cheese in. In November 2005 I uploaded this question to Ask. In September 2006 I uploaded this song to Music. This morning I recieved this image and a nice note.
Step 1: ask about bread Step 2: wait two weeks; Step 3: Ask about mayo. Step 4: Wait two weeks.
What is the policy on questions like this? Is ask.me the proper venue for asking questions that are serial in nature? Is helping someone through every specific aspect of their life (and at 2 week intervals) something that is condoned?
old-fashioned names
Can anyone help me find that great AskMe post from a while back that was about finding a nice, semi-unusual, old-fashioned boy's name for a baby?
What Not Tot Post to AskMe II
In honour of the 1st, we're revisiting the "deliberately flameworthy hypothetical AskMe question thread" over at MetaChat. Feel free to join in with fake questions or answers.
01 April 2007
Thanks for the laughs.
April Fools!
I got chopped liver in my python while listening to Celine Dion
Ya know, for a moment there, I really was interested to know not only if a kitten could survive inside a python, but the backstory behind how a python got to eat the whole kitten whole in the first place.
And then you had to dash my hopes of finding out something interesting only to make a funny. Thanks, I appreciate it. Jerk.
Easily going back to where you last were
"There have been 45 questions and 600 answers since your last visit. Click here to go to where you left off."
When is the best time to ask?
Do we have any data about what the best time of day is to ask an AskMe?
Maybe even sliced and diced by tag or geography of respondant? Like, say I had a question about American law, when would be the best time of day (perhaps through some proxy measure like more responses is better, but maybe it could be smarter and be based on favorites or checked answers) to post it? Posts made around 1am Central might not be ideal cause they may slide off the page by mid morning, right? And they may be less interesting to Euros or Asians who are reading.
(Sorry, but I don't know how to do a more inside)
Ticked off at replies to "Irrational pregnancy fears".
From Ask: Why are so many saying that she must not know the facts of life and is it just me who finds this to be pretty rude?
AskMeFi, not JudgeMeFi
I want to express frustration with some of the responses in this thread. [more inside]
Tagging Metafilter
Is there any way of having an overlapping system of tags to categorize these MetaTalk posts? So for 'feature requests' that could be a sub-tag of either the 'Metafilter', 'Ask Metafilter' or 'Metatalk' tags. So when I want to see what is being discussed about improving Ask Metafilter I start by selecting that tag and then start clicking the sub tags to get more specific. Finally, the reason I am asking is because I am concerned about the flooding of questions on AskMe and the thing I would do is have a separate section for technology questions as those questions seem to be at least 50% of all questions asked. Cheers.
Nyeah Nyeah
How judgemental is it OK to be in an Ask Metafilter reply? If someone wants to know how to game the system to continue being a public menace, is it OK to point out that it's not in our best interest to help? That, in fact, it could arguably be aiding and abetting future lawbreaking? Or is that nyeah nyeah?
Sorry, I had to do it.
A few days ago, I had posted something on AskMe, and had got some wonderful replies from my fellow Mefites. I wanted to acknowledge them here, along with the community as a whole (for doing the great work that it does), and say how glad I am to be a pat of it.:)
Thank you MeFi!
Make askme more of a reference page?
It's pretty difficult to find things in the archives of askme, and I think that probably contributes to the huge number of questions posted each day. [mi]
Positive feedback for AskMe from therapist
"I am in therapy, and my therapist has agreed with me that Ask MeFi has resulted in some really intelligent and meaningful answers before." Nice feedback for AskMe.
These are a few of my favorited things...
Just curious about something... when someone answers an AskMe question and it gets marked as one of the best answers, shouldn't that also count for them as being favorited by someone? Or... no?
Will it all kill me?
Are you kidding?
Is this suitable for AskMe?
ask.met... er, I mean provoke.metafilter?
Is this in any way acceptable? By which I mean posting a question that you "know" will be flame-bait, and then taunting those who answer?