1943 posts tagged with askme.
Displaying 901 through 950 of 1943. Subscribe:
AskMe in google search results.
So, is anybody else noticing that askme is showing up more often in google searches now that the title is in the URL? It seems like any kind of obscure search I do now has ask metafilter entry somewhere in the top 5.
AskMeFi comment deleted?
I've never posted a thread on MetaTalk before, so don't really know if this is the right way to go about it, but a comment of mine in the recent discussion on AskMeFi about plagiarism was deleted for reasons I can't really deduce. I did call out a few academics who were harping in the thread with their noses turned up but I wasn't calling names or slinging insults, so I'm a bit confused as to why my post was deleted.
And it certainly added to the conversation as it was quoted and responded to by another poster who disagreed with me. Any admin help here?
More Ask Your Question sites
TechCrunch posts about Google Answers rising from the dead (as UClue) and mentions a few more question-answering services. Still none as good as AskMe.
The Green Should Be White
Ask MetaFilter should default to a white background for new users and those not logged in.
taosbat SOS
Tragic news from one of our own. May I be the first to suggest we get a best answer for this question and make donations as a group? I don't know what else to do. Ideas?
When can I post a question?
The New Question page on AskMefi is giving me conflicting information. First it says that I have 7 days 15 hours (etc) to post, then one countdown says I have 15 hours left, then there's another countdown which was constantly changing between the two, but as I type this it's settled itself to 15 hours. (One of the countdowns is from a GreaseMonkey script). Which is it?
crush racism an sexism forever
I would be more comfortable speaking with someone gay. Is that kind of sexism halal on AskMe? I need a straight interior decorator (gay men make me uncomfortable). Where can I eat in a nice whites-only restaurant?
AskMe posting limits?
Ok, so now that February is over, what happens to the AskMe posting limits?
This is why we can't have nice things.
I have a question. (unrelated) Here's another one.
Asking two questions?
Double post on AskMeFi, in a row?
Hey honey pie, I lost my biweekly question, can I have yours?
I have a time-sensitive question buuuut was unfortunately kind enough to let my friend use my account and my sockpuppet for questions in the past week and a half. If someone would be nice enough to post this to the green for me I'll never snark again! [q inside]
Good ask metafilter thread that doesn't answer the question? Yes, they exist.
This (Medical Marijuana ask.mefi thread) is a good example of an ask metafilter thread where people don't answer the specific question of the poster, but still remain civil and helpful. Yay. So there's an existence proof that people can be helpful while not answering the question asked (and not fall all over themselves to be jerks).
fight for your rights in your own damn country, americans
"I don't like war, but my child is in there, fighting for your rights (Americia)." is, as edgeways says, inflammatory. [more inside]
Someone else is muscling in on ask's turf. Worse, they've got green, blue and gray all on one page. We're doooooomed.
Regarding philosophical AskMe questions
Regarding philosophical AskMe questions and answers to philosophical questions... [far too long for anyone to want to read]
Dot Squatting
This article tells people to check out askmetafilter.com, not ask.metafilter.com. The link goes to AskMeFi though, not askmetafilter.com, which appears to be a shady spam and pop up info site...and I refuse to link to it.
Can Metafilter Help Give The Gift of Life?
This recent AskMe Question about being a bone marrow transplant donor is very inspiring (Matty's marrow is apparently going to help a one year old child), and has sparked a bunch of people (me included) to sign up on-line to be a marrow donor. MeFi has a wide reach - can this maybe get a sidebar or some extra attention in hopes that more MeFi readers (especially those of non-white heritage) might sign up?
I want my askme back!
Revisiting the two-week Ask limit: I still see questions scrolling off the front page daily. Has volume decreased any, or is this arbitrary limit still there just to be frustrating?
Oh, please.
Is AskMe always this crappy when Jessamyn steps away for 40 minutes?
Firefox & AskMe problem
I can't post on AskMe - on the preview page, hitting Post just reloads the preview page. Firefox Not seeing any error messages either.
Is it appropriate to ask AskMeFi for a scholarship reference?
Is it appropriate to ask AskMeFi for a scholarship reference?
Please do not ask blackmarket questions here.
Are users allowed to ask for advice on carrying out illegal activities, such as selling your organs on the black market?
Filtering Posts
Is there a way to not receive posts matching a given tag? [details inside]
LinkedIn now has an "Ask" feature
LinkedIn now has an "Ask" feature.
This was definitely not chatfilter!
This was definitely not chatfilter! I am working on putting together a class about good and bad "radical" radio and want some listener opinion besides my own. Can we reinstate the question, please?
bug: can't submit an AskMe question
bug: can't submit an AskMe question. The final "post" button just reloads the page, like the "preview" button. Firefox
you should be deleted, banned, drawn, and quartered
Maybe it's just me, but I think when you sign up just to have AskMe to help you do research for some blog and you are too dumb to hide the fact that you are crossposting, you should be deleted, banned, drawn, and quartered. What do you guys think?
Can someone help me find an AskMeFi post?
Can someone help me find an AskMeFi post? I've spent ages searching and scouring the tags but can't find it. It may have been a year ago or so (not sure of exact date) but the question was about exercises for helping people get to know each other in a big new group - the context may have been a work conference. AskMeFi users suggested a lot of different techniques that a group organiser could employ to get strangers going together. Also if anyone could give advice on how best to find a tricky old post like this in future, please go right ahead.
Categories on AskMe
Ask MeFi finally has category feeds.
Split AskMe
Instead of having this ridiculous two-week wait between questions, which makes the site practically unuseable, why not split AskMe into two separate sites?
Can we please assume that AskMe questioners are honest?
Instead of assuming that most AskMe users are cheats, let's assume they're honest.
I somehow triggered my timeout on AskMe but my question didn't post.
Tried to make a post on AskMeFi few minutes ago. After hitting the post button the page didn't refresh and when I went to the main page my Q wasn't listed. Of course, trying to post anew I get "You have asked a question in the past 2 weeks... 13 days, 23 hours to go..."
Any clues?
Any clues?
Lots of medical advice
Taxes and AskMe
We all know tax time is coming. Could we please have a moratorium on all tax-related AskMe's that are more complex than "I live in X, where do I mail my return to"?
Shoutout for a question about honey and its interaction with bread.
PositiveFeedbackCalloutFilter:This question is why I love Metafilter. To me, it has all the makings of a classic AskMe. An honest query about an obscure topic, multiple knowledgeable responses, an offer to experiment, and an idea for lunch tomorrow!
I don't care what you like
AskMe Guidelines: "If I like x, what will I also like?" Chatfilter or just supremely irritating? Or do I just have a pickle up my ass again?
AskMeFi RSS feed
AskMeFi RSS feed: Could use some sort of delineation between the question text and the More Inside text.
Askme: answer the question or get out
1500 Anonyme strong
illegal askme
"I forgot to mention that what I'm doing is not illegal and oh, I'm just asking for a friend anyways." (But it IS illegal.)
elide, elide, elide
I would like to thank parmanparman for unleashing the snark beautifully. The delivery was perfect.
Isn't this post of mine not really an "XYZ sucks, amirite" question?
Isn't this post of mine not really an "XYZ sucks, amirite" question? Looking at the answers I think it's more asking about the lack of cultural awareness of him while he has such success in Britain. Could understand it being deleted for being open-ended, but not the 'amirite' part.
Why Recent Favorites Activity?
Is this an Ask Mefi Popular Favorites bug? I pulled up the page this morning and this creepy thread was nestled right under a bunch of threads from 1/26 and 1/25, with a bunch more from 1/25 following it. Is it because a few people recently favorite-d it (it says 5 favorites on the main pop page), and if so, how did they all find it just now? Were a bunch of people recently searching for the answer to this question on Ask MeFi? (shudder)
We give smoking advice to minors.
Most sexist lyrics pissing match most unexpected
A thread that reads like a piss-contest between participants who can quote the most sexist lyrics they can think of is not what I'd expect from AskMefi.
Maybe I am mistaken, but from the tag "who goes the hardest on these boards?" I don't think the post is anything but "entertainment" at the expense of women.
Maybe I am mistaken, but from the tag "who goes the hardest on these boards?" I don't think the post is anything but "entertainment" at the expense of women.
AskMe Proxies?
Did anyone else get an email yesterday from "a new member" saying you had a "friendly profile" and asking you to post a question for him since he'd "just joined" and couldn't yet post an askme? Monochromaticgirl and I both did and thought it was odd--especially since we don't have very friendly profiles.
Maybe we're just jerks, but we thought it was odd.
Maybe we're just jerks, but we thought it was odd.
Ear to the ground.
This is pretty cool.