1943 posts tagged with askme.
Displaying 801 through 850 of 1943. Subscribe:
big response
Just curious why yet another Ask Metafilter answer was immediately deleted with no email explanation. Thanks.
Where's that great parody of askme-as-life-helper?
A while back someone posted to meta a great little parody of the sort of sequence of questions we're all familiar with where someone uses askme to help them through absolutely every stage of their life.
Where is it? I can't seem to find.
Rollover questions? $5 per question? Pony?
God help me, but I'm starting a thread on getting additional AskMe questions. There are weeks that go by with no need to ask anything ... but then there are times when a second question would be a life-saver. Whatabout either (a) "rollover questions," a la Cingular's rollover minutes, say, up to a maximum of 2-3 in the bank at any time; or (b) a fee to ask a second question in one week?
I can think of several times when I would have ponied up an additional $5 to ask, say, a work-related question where I knew AskMe's community would have the best answer.
Rolex! Five dollar!
I don't want to break the law, I'm just curious where I could go if I did.
Yeah, yeah, why do I care?
I'd really like to talk about this sleep question.
Bucket wash this
Absurd Questions, Hopefully Unabsurd Answers
Instead of continuously derailing the question about questions, we may as well move discussions of said-questions here.
But who will think of the QUESTIONS?
AxeMe's orphanage. It's just so sad - don't the unanswered deserve a shout-out on podcast?
Dear AskMe
Dear Askme, where can I get crystals to channel my energy flow and make me a better person? Free or cheap, please. (MI)
Not answering is the best answer
I like that this AskMe question doesn't have a "correct" answer, and yet most all the answers so far are spot-on.
Admins, please help!
a question I asked yesterday on ask.metafilter disappeared. I received no message from admin about it. I looked both in my recent activity and on the questions posted yesterday.
Yet I am not allowed to post another question for a week. My question was not inappropriate in any way and I should have been contacted if it was. I demand the question restored (it was: tips on looking for a new job while currently employed) or to have the right to post another question immediately.
I also emailed this via the contact form.
Please accept my apology
Back in January, I posted a pretty offensive thread.
I'm not sure if this is appropriate for MetaTalk, but I would like to apologize for it. I was in a bad place at the time, and hope that anyone who was offended will forgive me for this indiscretion.
Oh, not again! It gets worse every time he doesn't show!
Backtaggers: When you backtag an AskMe post, do you base it solely on the original question, or do you incorporate information about comments/answers?
Backtaggers: When you backtag an AskMe question, do you base your tags solely on the original question, or do you incorporate information about comments/answers? I realize there is probably no hard and fast rule, I'm just curious how y'all are doing it.
Good stuff.
Hey new user! Ask Metafilter is part of a larger site, with history and community!
With AskMe getting lots of press (as in here) as a unit seperate from Metafilter (meaning, blue, grey, white, mauve, etc.), there should really be a message on ask letting the droves of new users know that it is a part of a larger community, with other features, a resource for post discussion and discourse, and a user base not completely dedicated to the green. People who enter through Angel Island should know New York exists. /metaphor)
I love sweet baby jesus (sexy teenage Jesus, not so much)
Uh-oh (Jesus in the desert part deux)
Making an AskMe anonymous after the fact?
This comment on this AskMe made me wonder - would it be possible to make an AskMe question anonymous after it had already been posted?
Moderation needed
Can admins take a look at this AskMeFi question? It's a genuine question about a biblical story but it's being hijacked by the atheist brigade.
Offensive noise.
Completely ridiculous, disgusting askme response.
Login problems
When I tried to login to AskMe from University today, I was logged in as normal and pushed to the Metafilter front page. Whenever I tried to get back to AskMe I would be logged out again. Was this a short term bug or an anti-University design feature? Can we be directed to the page we are trying to login from?
asking for programming help
I am finishing work on a short python program for my master's thesis. I am a newbie at python, and would like to ask for help optimizing the program in AskMe, by posting the actual script and having people with more experience give it a look. 2 questions:
1) does this sound too do-my-homework-ish?
2) the program is about 130 lines, would it be kosher to post the whole thing inside the question (not on the front page, obviously)? Or should I just link to the .py file on a server?
Two for two
Why bother with best answers if this is what they're used for?
Marking the best answer in Ask Metafilter really doesn't mean anything, huh?
Best answer not highlighted?
This question is listed as having a best answer, but no answer is highlighted.
Cut short in its prime.
This AskMe has been inappropriately curtailed. The question is not a simple maths question, it is more complex as nuclear capacity is hydrocarbon dependent and the question is predicated on terminating hydrocarbon use. My post late in the thread raises this issue, and at least one (sensible) reply to it has been deleted.
Is this sweet or what? Well? Is it?
This is the cutest AskMe question and final answer in a while. Or, it's the saddest. I can't decide. Or maybe it's the result of split personality.
I don't buy it
Self Linking in the Green?
Is there a policy about possibly slipping self-links in via AskMe instead of the blue? For an example, see this post
AskMeFi Deprivation
Why doesn't my question show up directly at ask.metafilter.com? Did they change their policy? How do I get my question to show up at the main site.
What's wrong with this AskMe?
I'm not big on doing the call-outs, but when the question poster Mach3avelli asks a question and provides a big ol' great bunch of examples, well, just wanted to thank them for the thread.
I'm not big on doing the call-outs, but when the question poster Mach3avelli asks a question and provides a big ol' great bunch of examples right in the question, well, just wanted to thank them for the thread, and hope it makes the sidebar (which is NOT why I'm doing this, by the way).
Thanks also to some of the stellar suggestions the hive has posted, and non sum qualis eram's description of Rossini. It's so easy to snark on people online, but it's good to thank someone when they do something nice as well. Y'all have almost always been so helpful, and I learn something new here everyday. Music is incredibly important to me - as I suspect so many of us! - so having a new playlist of music to investigate is a treat, and yet another example of why this was one of the best $5 purchases I've ever made in my life. Thanks all.
*group hug, passing of Kleenex, etc. etc.*
Wow, I can be sexual too
Threads like this make me wonder why we can't answer anonymous questions anonymously? (aside from the obvious potential for trolling)
Why Oh Why
Why is THIS anonymous?
"Oh god, no, I can't believe I clicked!"
Can one of you kind admins please go in and put a spoiler alert in the link to this thread?
Sidebar nomination
Wowee what a fascinating comment. Sidebarable?
Highlighting the original questioner's comments in Ask Metafilter - good idea or bad?
Often in Ask Metafilter the original questioner chimes in with clarifications or extra information, but answerers don't necessarily read all previous comments before chipping in. Do people think it might be a good idea to highlight the original poster's comments in thread? (Obviously this only makes sense for Ask).
Tell me jokes!
What's your favorite simile about dumb people? Is this seriously not ChatFilter? It's a subjective question with a link in the post to a Google search with a ton of answers to choose from.
As nice as it is to know what people are NOT, what is the precedent for people in AskMe to so doggedly remind people that they are not a doctor, not a lawyer, and most importantly, not YOUR doctor or lawyer?
AskMe is not talk therapy.
AskMe is not talk therapy.
What was that post about household rules?
Does anyone remember an AskMe post from a year or so ago where a list of household (maybe food specific) rules were generated and the OP was advised to print out the post and put it up for housemates to read?
Feel-Good Follow-Up Filter
A few weeks ago, I posted a question about our mountains of returnable bottles. Just thought I'd mention the outcome...two days after my post, we found a flyer attached to our doorknob. The local high school was collecting returnables as part of a fund-raiser for a student whose house had burned down. We hauled our many (many!) bags of bottles out to the curb as directed. We weren't there when they were collected, but a few days later our next-door neighbor caught me outside and mentioned that he'd been present when the kids came around to collect the bottles, and one of them yelled "Hey, jackpot!" to the others when they hit our curb.
No particular point of this post, I guess, other than it was somewhat serendipitous timing that I had all our bottles bagged and had just posed the question as to what the heck to do with them.
Best no more.
Now that we have this new interface for viewing our comments, I can no longer easily scroll through my ask.metafilter answers and see if any new ones have been marked as best. The word "best" appears, in small gray text, but the cool check mark that made me feel special is gone. :(
Government conspiracy / coverup?
Why did the "what would the scientific name for zombies?" question on AskMe disappear yesterday?
Because only "Dude, that's f*cked up" will do.
What if sometimes wisecracks do help people find answers?
Honest question or veiled propaganda?
Something about this post sounds not like a genuine question, but like anti-drug propaganda. It's been posted anonymously, so it's been past the finely honed bullshit-meters of our hosts here, but it still strikes me that something isn't kosher. Or maybe all the pot's making me paranoid.
Seriously... you guys rock. Just sayin' thanks.
The Askventure of Link
Why no 'link' button in AskMeFi?
What's with all the drama loving going on?
Annon posts a question asking if a guy likes her. The thread is 4 days old and still open. Annon posts a new question asking the same thing. Why was that allowed?
An end to [more inside] "witticism".
Could the "Post" button on new AskMe questions trigger a script to check that the first part of the question ends either in a "." or a "?"? This would bring an end to the [more inside] "witticisms" (e.g. Assuredly there's [more inside]). I realise it is minor, and that I have also once been guilty of propagating this lame disruptive meme.