1945 posts tagged with Askme.
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A MetaFilter Kindness
I'd like to call out raccoon409 who, in response to my AskMe, sent me some bourbon balls. [more inside]
"The TARDIS is in the shop, so I thought I'd swing by."
I can't do it in the thread, so I'd like to thank MeFi's Own (Apparent) Time Traveler Jane the Brown for her fascinating examples of bygone behavior in this AskMe.
Homework Policy
Can we clarify the policy on homework questions in AskMe? [more inside]
Looking for an AskMe about kitchen hacks, I THINK
A few years ago there was a looong thread in AskMe that *might* have been about kitchen hacks, but then again, it might have been about "little things you never knew how to use properly." I remember it because it was the first time I'd ever heard of end locks, the holes you poke in the ends of tin foil/saran wrap boxes to stabilize the roll. Does anyone remember the thread I'm talking about?
AskMe about Scale of Artistic Ability in Children
Hi all. I remember seeing a post on AskMe about a parent trying to assess their child's artistic ability based on a link they provided with drawings that showed what is standard for each age group. I've searched google and through the Arts questions with no luck.
Ring any bells?
Pony Request: Email Notifications for Anon Questions?
When I submit an anonymous AskMe question, it would be great to have some way to track it. I've had situations where I've thought a question was removed from the queue because I missed it on the front page of the Green, or where I have gone back and tried to find a past anon question of mine and not had an easy way to locate it. An email notification when it gets posted would help me solve these problems. Is there any reason I haven't thought of why this wouldn't work, or would be a bad idea?
Comment about dynamics in toxic friend circles
I saw an Ask Metafilter comment a couple months ago (it may or may or not have been recent) that perfectly described the dynamics of a certain type of toxic friend circle. Unfortunately, I was not logged in, and didn't favorite, and my Google skills are failing me. [more inside]
Ajax was a horse, and horses are like ponies, right?
Suggestion for the process of completing an Ask question with 'Mark as Resolved'. [more inside]
Seeking AskMe clean jokes threads
I seem to remember a thread where someone was asking for clean jokes to tell their grandma. I found the thread with clean jokes for 9-year-olds, the one with clean jokes for the office party, and the one with dirty jokes for grandma, but nothing with clean jokes for grandma. Does a clean jokes for grandma thread exist, or is my memory conflating it out of the others?
Looking for a lost comment
I give up. I can't find a really awesome comment which I believe was in Ask.me about costuming for television and women's undergarments. The gist of the comment was rich, good girls or women characters with otherwise desirable traits were Spanx'd, Hollywood-taped and underlined to within an inch of their lives while poor, bad, slutty girls or women characters with otherwise undesirable traits were left without decent foundation garments.
Periodically I scour my favorites for it and search for it through the google, but I can't pull it up again. Did *you* say it? Do you remember it? Did I imagine it or read it somewhere else? The bra conversation on the front page finally pushed me over the edge to asking the community if someone else can put a finger on it.
Hive Mind Aggregator
After making two of my three most commonly recommended recommendations yesterday over in Ask, I was thinking it could be cool to come together and post here, in one place, all of the most useful things we've come across and the things that we find ourselves repeating thread after thread. Maybe someone will find something worthwhile here they never thought they needed! [more inside]
instantly recognisable classic askme answer pirated on reddit
Looks like reddit wasn't smart from the very beginning - this famous AskMe reply was copied on reddit WTF.
Random questions within AskMe categories
From what I can tell, the last improvement to the Random option was allowing users to search for random posts within their favorites. I have always dreamed of having the option to pull up random AskMe questions within a specific category archive. (When I want to get my human relations fix on, I don't feel like wading through computer questions from 10 years ago.) Is this something that would be easy enough to implement? Is anyone else interested in this?
That's wrong, sorry.
I believe that AskMe answers that are factually incorrect (and thus dangerous) should be deleted. [more inside]
If it's not answering the question, can it be deleted?
I know asking medical questions here is controversial. I don't expect to resolve that all here. But I do think there's a consistently problematic answer found in medical threads that has no answer-value and I wish this kind of answer would be deleted as such. [more inside]
A proposal for compromise on an Ask queue
I know this has been asked before but I think it's worth discussing it again. Rather than a full-fledged "queue" in which you'd enter multiple questions at once and they'd automatically post once a week ...what about just prompting by email when your week is up and you're eligible to post another question? [more inside]
Tourette Syndrome Update
One of the first Ask questions I ever asked was about my Tourette Syndrome. A few different commented or contacted me to say that they'd never seen TS described so accurately before. I recently rewrote and expanded that comment into an article for xojane, and as a result, have been asked to present a keynote speech at the Tourette Syndrome Foundation of Canada's yearly conference in October 2015. [more inside]
AskMe quoted on NewYorker.com
AskMe gets a shout out on the New Yorker's Page-turner blog.
Cold tea, please
Hello everyone, I am looking for a specific comment on AskMe about brewing cold tea. [more inside]
Companies mentioned in AskMe post to AskMe?
What's the rule for comments like this, wherein a company mentioned in an AskMe purportedly registers an account and responds?
Can't find AskMe about organizing years worth of files
Can anyone help me find the post I'm thinking of? I'm almost certain this was in AskMe sometime within the last 2-3 months. I thought I favorited it but it's not turning up when I search favorites.
The question was something about how to organize this mess of files from years of various different computers, partial backups, etc. with a focus on avoiding redundancy. There were several good answers describing various programs to use, I think Evernote got trotted out too as it always does. Maybe WinDirStat too except when I use it as a search term I'm not finding what I want. Am I crazy? Did I imagine this thread?
Humans can be drained of blood in 8.6s given adequate vacuuming systems
One of the nicer things about being a MeFite is exposure to new ideas and content we might never have otherwise encountered. I'm curious to know what life lessons and other bits of knowledge you've learned about the world thanks to MetaFilter. Please share!
How do you search AskMe?
How do you search through old askmes? I find tags pretty useless because I doubt they catch everything I'd want to find on a given subject. Google search limited by "site:ask.metafilter.com" is my main go-to, but on a broad topic, it is pretty useless as well, also it doesn't seem to always find everything. When I have a question, I'd rather see if it's been covered before rather than ask it again, but trying to find those old threads and sort through them is often overwhelming. [more inside]
Deleted Askme Post?
I was in the process of replying to an ask me post, that I don't think violated any guidelines. In the process of responding, a little notice popped up that it was deleted. I don't want to go into specifics as to what the post was about if the poster asked for it to be deleted. I'm just curious how often this happens and what the reason is. The broad strokes description was that the post was a complicated relationship/mental health question, and the poster seemed to be in a lot of distress. [more inside]
Pony Request: Math is hard!
Last week I was going to make an FPP and got the "too soon!" message. I see this often because I tend to post in bursts, so I look up the last posting time and do some mental math.
Since the form knows I've already posted in the last 24 hours, would it be possible to just have it tell me at what time I can make the next post?
On attempted posting preview: I was notified that I had posted a MeTa within the last seven days so this had to wait, too. Maybe this pony could ride across the whole site.
Help find an askme: a system for keeping track of young kids at a party?
A while ago, someone posted a question asking for help working out a system of keeping track of fairly young kids at a party or gathering. I can't find it. [more inside]
What sorts of questions of good for AskMefi?
What would you say is the general culture of the AskMefi community? What sorts of questions get positive, supportive responses, and what sorts typically get negative responses? [more inside]
This AskMe is depressing me
I'm concerned about the answers to this AskMe post. Although I feel personal experiences can certainly inform our answers, in this case they seem to have become a basis for a debate on the efficacy/evilness of anti-depressants, with some over-the-top rhetoric thrown in that makes me really uncomfortable. [more inside]
Good Advice
What is the biggest life decision you've made based on answers to one of your AskMe questions? How did that decision work out for you? [more inside]
I think I'll go and eat worms
It was my 10th birthday yesterday and no one remembered. No cake, no presents, no birthday post, not even a memail.
Ask MetaFilter.
Ask MetaFilter.
Method commenting?
Assuming an AskMe poster does not explicitly request that advice or information be delivered in a specific way (e.g. "I need some tough love right now", "explain this to me like I'm five"), what prompts you to respond to an AskMe in a particular way? [more inside]
Should I eat this?
What if the characters of TV's Hannibal used AskMe to solve their trickiest Problems From Everyday Life? It is hilarious and challenging: Match usernames to characters from the show.
[via Projects, by tel3path and The Whelk] [more inside]
[via Projects, by tel3path and The Whelk] [more inside]
Thank you all so much - AskMe update
Last week, I asked this question. I really was freaking out and sure I was going to screw it up. The memorial service was Friday, and my remarks were extremely well received. [more inside]
Jerks on my spacestation?
A while back, I asked my fellow mefites Do astronauts suffer from hypnic jerks? There didn't seem to be any definite answer, but last night I went to a book signing by astronaut Chris Hadfield (previously), and was able to ask him. He said that they do indeed have them while in space. Mystery solved! Science!
Do Not Enter The Dog Park
Thank you - AskMe update
I asked this question a few weeks ago. I was able to see a dermatologist who took a biopsy and pronounced everything completely normal. And, I was able to complete both the Hartford Marathon and the NYC Marathon without worrying about my leg. Thanks to everyone who helped me.
reminder to put your location in your question
The answers to this question depended largely upon the location and culture of the asker, yet most of the answers were US-based and thus not that useful. Two lessons here: 1) let's not assume we're all in the US; 2) let's remember to put our location in the question. [more inside]
Seeking AskMe thread about baby/toddler headbutting dad in the groin
I can't believe I'm using my first MeTa on this, but I'm looking for an AskMe thread from about 1-3 years ago in which a dad was asking how to deal with his toddler headbutting him in the groin. It evolved into a long stream of anecdotes about testicular trauma induced by the innocent little ones. I found it highly hilarious. The keywords I thought of to search on did not reveal the thread, and the mods I contacted didn't remember it either. Thanks.
The whole sad and wonderful jokes.txt saga is the subject of this week's Tldr, the newest podcast from the folks who make the superlative On the Media and who clearly have a long history of lurking here.
But what has your mother done for you lately?
AskMe: Apologies before a question
When do you apologize before posting an AskMe? Most recently in this post about a Latin phrase, which the OP thought might be "obnoxious", I felt it was fine.
This isn't about posting guidelines (which I think I understand by now...) but about the community's perception of what kinds of questions are, well, obnoxious. [more inside]
The pony prances through the meadow, sparkling
Would it be possible to stick a drop-down filter on the "Popular" page to filter posts by subsite? [more inside]
The highest form of flattery?
Buzzfeed has long been notorious for "repurposing" advice/tips/jokes/memes from sites like reddit, and now they've come for our wisdom: relationship hacks from this "classic" thread.
The comment about how to avoid or stop crying
The comment about how to avoid or stop crying: That did not invoke the such-and-such reflex when you splash cold water on your face. I'm almost certain I read it in ask-me. From memory, which is really bad, it seemed really effective, obvious, smart. But obvious could mean, "oh yes, of course if you wind yourself by falling out of a tree, you're not going to be able to draw breath to cry" if that version of "obvious" makes sense. I would also like to help by saying it was posted by an insightful regular mefite, but unfortunately, once I notice two posts from a mefite that I like, even if they registered yesterday, I think of them as insightful regulars.
I *think* it was a physical method, pretty sure it wasn't deep breathing or mindfulness.
Thanks in advance for your help. My makeup thanks you, too.
Posting from phone, so italics etc beyond me.
Job interview questions on AskMe
I'm curious. What motivates people to give advice on job interview questions? I saw a recent question where the asker was looking for specific ideas to help them deliver a killer presentation in order to land the job of their dreams.
Surely, if your advice to the asker is helpful and causes the person to land the job, you're also crushing the dreams of the person who would otherwise have got it had you not helped the Mefite (someone who, perhaps, was going into the interview using all their own ideas, without help of the hive mind)? Is it just tribalism that we prefer the Mefite over the unseen non-Mefite?
Free advice is seldom cheap
Cribcage hit the nail on the head with this recent comment: "people who have no idea what they're talking about but think posting answers on AskMe is 'fun' will now believe they have some factual basis for telling you in confident detail exactly what to do..." [more inside]
We got some local color happening.
Is this a bug or by design? Gray frame around the most recent comment on recent activity. Instead of the usual gray box. This is what it looks like in Unprofessional Mode.
MeFi PenPals
There seems to be some interest in letter writing, based on the responses to this AskMe: Need a surrogate older sister. [more inside]
An AskMetaFilter Question Thrice Cited Over Potential BS in the NYT
So I'm reading Inside Higher Ed, this morning, as I'm wont to do, and I come across this article about a New York Times Magazine essay that seemed like BS to the IHE author. The reasons he questions the veracity of the events described are: this AskMe question, this blog piece also citing the AskMe question, and this Washington Post humor column also citing said AskMe question. It was odd to see AskMetaFilter three times before lunch. Congratulations, Junior Detectives, you may have caught a aviation bloviator.
We're Not The Fortean Times
Have validate my supernatural experiances and share your own questions always been allowed on The Green?