1943 posts tagged with Askme.
Displaying 1651 through 1700 of 1943. Subscribe:

pages after the first show the wrong range of comments

When you show all comments by a user on Ask Metafilter, the pages after the first show the wrong range of comments. For instance, this page says it's showing comments 101-150, but it's really showing comments 1-150. It works fine on the blue.
posted by smackfu on Mar 11, 2005 - 6 comments

askme medical questions

Criminy! We need a way to flag askMe posts as: Go to a doctor, goofball!
posted by jpburns on Mar 11, 2005 - 16 comments

Will time zone tweaking apply to Metatalk and Askme?

Time Zones don't appear to have been mentioned much in recent times.
And I was wondering whether migration of time zone tweaking to MeTalk and AskMeFi would still be going ahead? I get so confuzzled down here at times.
posted by peacay on Mar 11, 2005 - 8 comments

Hooray! Ask MetaFilter is finally on the Front Page Menu!

Hooray! Ask MetaFilter is finally on the Front Page Menu! (And you thought we wouldn't notice, Matt... What? It's been there for how many weeks?)
posted by wendell on Mar 10, 2005 - 32 comments

Total Comments in AskMe and MeTa

When looking at a MetaFilter post, the line under the description looks like this:
posted by too_many_notes at 4:56 AM EST (13 comments total) ( feature_request ) [!]

However, in both MetaTalk and AskMetaFilter the "(13 comments total)" is missing. I find this information useful in the thread. Could the green and gray be more like the blue?
posted by too many notes on Mar 10, 2005 - 8 comments

Can we close bad AskMe threads that take off?

I can recall a few times in recent history where a thread that failed to meet the guidelines of AskMetafilter stayed around for a while because no one happened to be around to nip it in the bud -- and then the thread accumulated so many interesting answers that people had gotten attached to it and Matt was reluctant to delete it. I sympathize with this reluctance but also feel that appropriate deletions are good for preventing the mission of AskMe from drifting too far afield. Would the ability to close AskMe threads be a good compromise solution for these cases?
posted by redfoxtail on Mar 6, 2005 - 42 comments

wandered in from AxeMe

The second post int this thread seems to have wandered in from AxeMe.
posted by mzurer on Mar 4, 2005 - 1 comment

Tracking AskMe Posts That Have Left Frontpage

With the rate that ask mefi threads scroll off the main green page, how about a mechanism that allows for the easy retrieval and spotting of updates the threads that have scrolled off -- one that doesn't require searching through the archives. When someone updates a thread that is no longer on the front page, it shows up as an entry on an UPDATE page, the link to which would appear on the top of the main green page and never scrolls off... [+]
posted by crunchland on Mar 3, 2005 - 8 comments

Can anyone help me find a not-quite-so-recent (last six months) AskMe post?

Can anyone help me find a not-quite-so-recent (last six months) AskMe post? It was about someone who suddenly found himself or herself making good money in a steady job and he or she wanted some kind of advice. If I recall, the question actually mentioned the ballpark salary. I'm beginning to think I imagined it -- I've been searching for an hour (job, career, salary, money, making, bringing) and can't seem to find it.
posted by ontic on Mar 2, 2005 - 12 comments

What's wrong with my "rich and happy" AskMe post?

Someone complained about my "rich and happy" question. I can only assume others feel the same.
Give it to me straight - what's wrong with it? Rip it apart. I can take it. What doesn't kill me makes makes me a better MeFite.
posted by hellbient on Mar 2, 2005 - 24 comments

Thank you for fabulously detailed AskMe answers

Just a big shout out of thanks to all the members, even FFF who, in so much detail and depth, discussed my lighting issues earlier in the week. I'm not sure why, but Metafilter attracts and retains an amazingly smart, broad base-of-knowledge group of people. Truly remarkable.
posted by ParisParamus on Mar 2, 2005 - 21 comments

Pony Request: Anonymous answers

This post led me to wonder: would anonymous answers be a useful pony to add to Ask MeFi? [MI]
posted by googly on Mar 2, 2005 - 31 comments

Did we really have to delete the Quarter-Life Crisis question?

Did we really have to delete the Quarter-Life Crisis question?

I know that in one way it looked like a survey question, but in another way, it was "I am freaking out about this. How did you deal with it?" As such, it was no different from half the advice questions out there. Even though it may not have been the best-worded question AskMe has ever seen, it would have been really helpful to have. Also, if a question is borderline, can we let it stay a little to see if it gets good advice-type answers despite poll-ish wording instead of killing it before it has a chance? That would be totally rad.
posted by dame on Mar 2, 2005 - 59 comments

Best Answer doesn't show "more inside"

The [more inside] tag doesn't show up in the best answer view or in the archives.
posted by Saucy Intruder on Feb 27, 2005 - 2 comments

Proposal: visible ratio of questions answered to questions asked

Petty Pony Request: Although it's easy to find out a persons AskMe ratio of questions to answers, I think it'd be nice to see that information on the comments page. It sounds quite childish, but I'd rather focus any answers I have towards those who themselves answer questions.
posted by seanyboy on Feb 26, 2005 - 45 comments

Japanese AskMe-style site launched

AskMe(-like) massive rollout in Japan. [mi]
posted by Bugbread on Feb 24, 2005 - 23 comments

Can I add a second question since my first one is answered?

meta-meta-question -
I nearly hit "post" a few minutes ago here, but I stopped myself because I was asking follow up questions, only slightly off-topic. Good ones I think (and the simple thread is nearly worn out). I can't post another question for another 6.5 days. Shouldn't I just ask the questions in the thread while it's a fresh topic instead of posting a new question in a week? Or should I just suck it up and wait?
posted by hellbient on Feb 22, 2005 - 7 comments

AskMe: field descriptions slightly misleading

Minor issue with Ask Mefi posting page: the blurb under the field for your main question (the part that posts to Ask Mefi's front page) says that it will be part of the "more inside".
posted by tracicle on Feb 22, 2005 - 6 comments

Help find really good ADD/ADHD thread

Hiya folks! (Say it all together now, okay?: "Hi, Shane." Thanks, that made me feel good.) I've taken an interest in ADD/ADHD lately and I seem to remember a really good AskMe thread that I can't find now. It looks as if it was deleted. More inside.
posted by Shane on Feb 22, 2005 - 38 comments

AskMe Flag?

"Didn't check google before posting"
Can this be added as a reason to flag an AskMe post? Or is this already covered by "it breaks the guidelines"?
posted by rajbot on Feb 20, 2005 - 59 comments

Plea for editorial discretion when deleting AskMe comments

YA plea for editorial discretion/benevolent neglect. [greater within]
posted by kenko on Feb 19, 2005 - 87 comments

Once per seven days or once per calendar week?

Once per week questions: Once per seven days or once per calendar week? Did I miss something on the first post page that said if I post, I can't post again for the next 7 days? (I'm normally attentive, but the first I noticed about this was just trying to post and being denied). Is once per week really appropriate on AskMe? Questions tend to bunch up, but then there are long quiet periods - how about no more than 4 times per month instead?
posted by Caviar on Feb 18, 2005 - 16 comments

Combined tags aren't working right on AskMe.

Something is screwy with AND-ed tag lookup on AskMe. The count seems correct but the result list is either empty or shows a post that is tagged with neither tag. Examples: art+music, mp3+music.
posted by smackfu on Feb 18, 2005 - 1 comment

Guidance on the correct use of AskMe's [more inside] field

Uhm, everyone using [more inside] in Ask MetaFilter sort of defeats the purpose if it and looks, err, bad, does it not? Is there anything to do about it?
posted by xmutex on Feb 18, 2005 - 31 comments

Posting limits reallocation?

Instead of one AskMe/MetaTalk thread a week, can we get four a month?
posted by Jairus on Feb 17, 2005 - 31 comments

Calling All Bugs

This is the Ask MetaFilter is totally broken bucket. Please leave all refuse here, and I'll do my best to fix it in the next 24 hours. I just made the new posting page live and will try and get everything up and running before I got to sleep in a couple hours, but I'm sure I'll miss a lot. Help me here.
posted by mathowie on Feb 16, 2005 - 31 comments

Changing Tags

I've started tagging my AskMeFi posts and realized that in some instances, the resulting answer(s) would serve as valuable tags. Not knowing what the answers are going to be when asking a question, I hope we'll eventually be able to change/add tags once a live question has been answered.
posted by Robot Johnny on Feb 16, 2005 - 6 comments

Nothing to see here

Every time you click "comments" to see the answers in Ask Metafilter, the page that loads says "Nothing to see here, move along... You've stumbled upon a non-existent post, or one that was deleted for various reasons."
posted by nooneyouknow on Feb 16, 2005 - 4 comments

Why was my comment in this thread deleted?

Why was my comment in this thread deleted? My comment was "How much do you make?" and I was serious. Is that somehow not appropriate? Does jessamyn or Matt get to decide what might be an appropriate conversation starter?
posted by fixedgear on Feb 16, 2005 - 14 comments

Is the redesign going to be similar across all the subsites?

The HTML markup of Metafilter proper ("the blue") differs from the markup of Metatalk and Ask Metafilter. Given the upcoming changes to Metafilter's look, can we expect similarity in markup across the site, or should we explicitly not rely on undocumented features of Metafilter? [mi]
posted by orthogonality on Feb 16, 2005 - 8 comments

Unanswered AskMes?

For the samaritan looking to knock off a good deed for the day (and for symmetry, how I love thee), how about an AskMe button that shows only unanswered questions?
posted by mzurer on Feb 16, 2005 - 14 comments

Multiple best answers in askme: feature or bug?

I noticed an AskMe thread with two "Best Answers". Is the ability to mark more than one answer as "best" intentional, or is this a bug? I'm sure there are going to be cases of ties, so perhaps this isn't a bad idea.
posted by tommasz on Feb 16, 2005 - 11 comments

Title Tags for AskMe

Is there any way to add a title tag to AskMe posts? A title would make it much easier and faster to bookmark well-answered posts.
posted by AlexReynolds on Feb 15, 2005 - 2 comments

Is using "best answer" on subjective questions appropriate?

The best answer feature used in this AskMeFi question seems a little disconcerting to me. For a question that's so subjective, is it really appropriate? I find it off putting.
posted by sophie on Feb 14, 2005 - 82 comments

Mention in "Cool Tools"

Kevin Kelly does a great newsletter called Cool Tools where he normally reviews hard-to-find stuff and geek gadgets. Today he offered up a nice review of Ask MetaFilter. It's not on the site yet, so here's a screenshot from email. I thought it got to the heart of Ask MeFi pretty well, especially the part about reading it for questions you didn't know you wanted to know, but were dying to find out the answers to.
posted by mathowie on Feb 14, 2005 - 25 comments

Can I contact someone via MetaTalk?

I want to pass on some info to someone regarding their expired (and kind of unfulfilled) AskMe question, but there's no email listed on his/her contact page. Is it within MeFi etiquette to post an open note here on MetaTalk for nakedcodemonkey?
posted by blueberry on Feb 14, 2005 - 3 comments

I AM PMS-ing

Snark/non helpful alert. And we wonder why folks think this is a boyzone? Am I pms'ing? Yes. Overreacting? Possibly. Does not calling it out = acceptance, joking or not?
posted by yoga on Feb 12, 2005 - 66 comments

Do you find out why your Anonyme question is rejected?

If an anonymous question is posted to AskMeFi which is deemed inappropriate for the page, do the administrative powers e-mail the original poster to explain why?
posted by TeamBilly on Feb 12, 2005 - 12 comments

tsk tsk - askme and illegal activity

In this post about music downloading the subject of ask.metafilter questions being used for illegal means [+MI]
posted by filmgeek on Feb 11, 2005 - 26 comments

Patterns in AskMe thread numbers

Just noticing a quirk: The thread IDs of the anonymous AskMe posts seem to reflect the number that would be assigned to them had they been instantly posted at the time of submission. The three latest threads on AskMe are 14998,15006,15016 (all Anon threads) followed by normal threads 15032, 15031...etc.
posted by Gyan on Feb 11, 2005 - 13 comments

OK to compliment AskMe response?

Is it befitting to compliment a response in Ask Metafilter?
posted by Mean Mr. Bucket on Feb 11, 2005 - 10 comments

Pony - best answer search

Another tiny new feature: you can search for just questions with good answers marked at Ask MetaFilter. Here's an example of a search result with this in action.
posted by mathowie on Feb 11, 2005 - 34 comments

Best Answers Arrive on the Scene

Another pony is roaming free. It's now possible to mark great answers to questions you've asked on Ask MeFi. Details and screenshot inside.
posted by mathowie on Feb 10, 2005 - 77 comments

Two questions about AskMe

I'm going to combine two questions into one here since they're related:
1. When did "mark as best answer" show up in AskMe? Sometime in the last few hours, if I'm not mistaken. What is the effect of marking something as the best answer? (Apologies if I missed an announcement)
2. Does asking a question, and then having it deleted, still use up your AskMe quota?
posted by kenko on Feb 10, 2005 - 6 comments

Pissing on Ask Metafilter

"Pissing on AskMeFi": pissing on AskMeFi. Keep it off the green.
posted by Eamon on Feb 9, 2005 - 62 comments

Getting an error when I submit an anonymous AskMe question

Getting an error when I submit an anonymous AskMe question. (Yes, I have an embarrassing question to ask.) [mi]
posted by agropyron on Feb 9, 2005 - 3 comments

AskMe is not for Help Wanted ads.

Ask Metafilter is not a volunteers wanted noticeboard.
posted by fvw on Feb 8, 2005 - 26 comments

Titles in AskMe

Maybe this was covered and I missed it, but why do individual AskMe threads not have unique titles? When I bookmark a Metafilter thread, it has a unique title but when I bookmark an AskMe thread, I have to change the title.
posted by agregoli on Feb 8, 2005 - 10 comments

Help me find this thread

There was a thread a while ago (on the green I believe) about a mefi member who had a friend who was considering becoming a police officer. I've tried searching for the thread, but can't find it. Does anyone have a link for it?
posted by drezdn on Feb 6, 2005 - 3 comments

Linking to AskMe from MeFi

Hey, why is there no link to askmetafilter on 'the blue' as you metatalk hipsters call the main page? You have to click metatalk and then click askme. FIX IT
posted by delmoi on Feb 5, 2005 - 65 comments

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