636 posts tagged with Callout.
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Give Steve_at_Linnwood a timeout or delete his attacks
You are such a cockface.
posted by Steve_at_Linnwood at 1:05 AM PST on October 24
Matt, if you won't give this offensive ^%@&! a timeout, can you at least do your pointless-personal-attack-comment-deletion thing??? Or is this really how you want your site represented to the world? It's disruptive, divisive, and totally uncalled for.
posted by Steve_at_Linnwood at 1:05 AM PST on October 24
Matt, if you won't give this offensive ^%@&! a timeout, can you at least do your pointless-personal-attack-comment-deletion thing??? Or is this really how you want your site represented to the world? It's disruptive, divisive, and totally uncalled for.
Our own little Ashcroft.
Our own little Ashcroft. Are threats really appropriate in a place meant for discussion?
What happened to "Day Without US Politics"?
AskMe is not the proper venue for resolving your petty vendettas.
Mayor Curley takes a perfectly innocuous, neutral question which was getting some interesting responses and turns it into a NYC vs Boston grudge match. AskMe is not the proper venue for resolving your petty vendettas and urban insecurities. That's what the blue is for.
Calling out a thread moderator
This is the second thread by the same person in as many days in which the poster links to a dopey, middlebrow political site and then self-moderates, taunts anyone who disagrees, and sets up bizarre strawmen like "If you read the domain name as literally as you read your Bible..." What gives?
Trying to sic lawyers on me?
In fact, I'm going to contact the aforementioned publications in the hope of having them sue you. Paris, stop this shit. And if it was a joke, it's not funny.
Newsfilter callout
The Final Nail. I haven't been reading as much lately---I'm am hoping that the election will be over soon so the excuses are gone for shitty posts. But, there it is.
A double post. It is a Newsfilter post, that isn't even news since it has been talked about for over a decade. It is clearly does not meet the stated standard. It is a classic troll: toss a turd that you *know* will incite much argument, for no apparent reason.. It is a single-link to a newspaper. It is a blatant amount of negative campaigning even while we try to encourage voting with a new link at the top of the page.
For the love of god, it is a self-Godwinizing post!
Matt posted the very next post, 30 minutes later, so there is no chance he didn't see the post.
Yet... it remains there on the blue.
It is the piece de resitance of the the shithole Matt has willingly allowed MeFi to become. I would say amazing if it wasn't so sad....
A double post. It is a Newsfilter post, that isn't even news since it has been talked about for over a decade. It is clearly does not meet the stated standard. It is a classic troll: toss a turd that you *know* will incite much argument, for no apparent reason.. It is a single-link to a newspaper. It is a blatant amount of negative campaigning even while we try to encourage voting with a new link at the top of the page.
For the love of god, it is a self-Godwinizing post!
Matt posted the very next post, 30 minutes later, so there is no chance he didn't see the post.
Yet... it remains there on the blue.
It is the piece de resitance of the the shithole Matt has willingly allowed MeFi to become. I would say amazing if it wasn't so sad....
crap FPP, even without the flame war
Sheesh. Forgetting the fact that this is a crap FPP, do we have to have this stupid argument again? I get really tired of reading the uninformed, bigoted opinions of anti-religion types with chips on their shoulders. You are free to not believe in God; I am not bothered by your not-believing. But you not-believing is not evidence of intellectual or moral superiority. It's just a choice you made, a choice I can understand and respect. How about some reciprocation already?
Gmail Invites aren't cool in AskMe
I have a much bigger problem with the people who shit all over this thread than I do with the thread itself, which was rather cute. I still think it would've been a valid AxMe post even if the "win a gmail invite for being cute" portion hadn't been there.
Dangerous comment, please delete
This isn't funny. Though I concede that the probability of anyone actually doing it is remote, the comment is nonetheless inappropriate.
Mathowie called out re full text of Bush acceptance speech
Just to be clear: the point of MetaFilter is to find the best and most interesting of the web to share with others.
Does this really count as part of that? The post title isn't exactly encouraging level-headed discussion either.
Does this really count as part of that? The post title isn't exactly encouraging level-headed discussion either.
Callout: soapboxing goes too far
This thread has become Seth's Sandbox - I'm posting this MeTa thread in the hope of moving that stream of discussion to its appropriate locale.
Swift Boat FPP callout
This post is nothing more than a mini op-ed piece about the top news story (at the time) that takes up too much real estate on the home page and has been discussed to death already. IMO, if your FPP has one link and needs a "more inside...", you need to rethink it's place here.
"I'm making shit up to provoke a reaction."
Trolling MetaFilter is not very useful: "I'm making shit up to provoke a reaction."
This AskMe has torrents for answers.
[Max field length is 100] Is a bad choice of words a derogation during Ask Mefi?
More and more Newsfilter, and boring Newsfilter at that
The pancakes are getting incredibly stale, people.
Metafilter used to be an addiction for me, but lately with more and more Newsfilter, and boring Newsfilter at that, can we really say we are the best of the Web anymore? Final straw was the posting of that Bush daughter photo.
Is this really what we want this place to be?
Metafilter used to be an addiction for me, but lately with more and more Newsfilter, and boring Newsfilter at that, can we really say we are the best of the Web anymore? Final straw was the posting of that Bush daughter photo.
Is this really what we want this place to be?
Single-link op-ed front page post? GYOWFW!
Single-link op-ed front page post? GYOWFW!
No fucking way.
AskMe Callout
This filth is just too much. These posts are not questions, do not help anyone, and aren't funny; they cheapen, devalue and irritate our dearly beloved Ask Metafilter. Can we please not crap all over it? If you want to just hang out, go to the mefi irc channel. Or somewhere, just away. Please? Please?
"How long will there will cowards logged into Metafilter?"
ParisParamus, 4 am JST : "How long will there will cowards logged into Metafilter?"
ParisParamus, 10:37 am JST : "Metafilter: keeping as many liberal and pacifist a-holes inside, so they do the least amount of damage possible in the real world."
ParisParamus, 10:37 am JST : "Metafilter: keeping as many liberal and pacifist a-holes inside, so they do the least amount of damage possible in the real world."
Asparagirl's Israeli Civil War? thread is crap. It's admitted AgendaFilter about a topic that has almost no chance of being discussed civilly, and on top of that she attacks (none too coherently) delmoi for linking to her blog.
y2karl, why would you link to goatse?
y2karl, why would you link to *NSFW*NSFW* goatse *NSFW*NSFW* ?
"Double post" callouts
double post, double post...you missed something from 2001 I would hereby like to call a moretoreum on "double post" callouts in threads when the original link was more than, lets say, 18 months ago. Not everyone has been a member since the beginning, most people don't have the time to go back and read multiple years of archives, nor is it reasonable to expect that they would. The search is wonky, we all know that. [more inside]
Snarky newsfilter criticisms are bad.
EB: "c"? WTF? GYOBFW. [MI]
Is somebody feeling cranky?
Is somebody feeling cranky?. I recently handled a personal attack poorly, so this time I'll do the civilized thing and bring it in here.
Confusion about AskMe self-answer
WTF? Shane-a-go-go answers Shane's question as if it's his own and replaces the comment link with a link to a photobucket image. And mentions a site called linkagogo. Spam? Self-destructive attempt to get banned? WTF?
Gay, straight, I don't care.
Big ol' Iowa farmboy hands, keswick? I have a piece you can put them on, but it's not a timepiece...
Gay, straight, I don't care. This kind of stuff is just crude and out of place.
Gay, straight, I don't care. This kind of stuff is just crude and out of place.
Call the Waaah-mbulance
Waah!Filter : Talk about posting your petty grievances in the Blue! Heheh.
An argument over trucks turns ugly
"...listen here you smug little fuck. I have caught you fucking up facts and figures on several occasions and you admitted wrong. STFU" - An argument over trucks turns ugly.
particular brand of insane troll logic not welcome
Ok, I wasn't going to say anything when Witty decided to spend an inordinate amount of time trying to ruin amberglow's thread with his particular (read: vapid, boring) brand of insane troll logic. However, he then decided an interesting course of action would be to make a similarly unwarranted (perhaps even moreso) comment in an unrelated thread.
Therefore, I politely and humbly request that Witty please refrain from making similarily irrelevant--and snide--comments in the future, at least in in the blue.
Therefore, I politely and humbly request that Witty please refrain from making similarily irrelevant--and snide--comments in the future, at least in in the blue.
Is it possible to have a conversation around here?
Way, way inappropriate.
Best response?
Does this belong in the top 25 best responses in Askme?
Should we be vituperative about links that already appeared on BB?
Did someone take over stavros' account?. I think most people disagree with his sentiments, but more importantly the way in which he voices them is entirely uncalled for.
Enough with the complaining
Why the complaints all the time?
As is often the case, people seem to prefer pointing out errors and criticizing fpps to a discussion of the material. This was not a lazy fpp, I contend. What can be done to discourage complainers? I admit that my approach to the complaints in this thread was not ideal.
As is often the case, people seem to prefer pointing out errors and criticizing fpps to a discussion of the material. This was not a lazy fpp, I contend. What can be done to discourage complainers? I admit that my approach to the complaints in this thread was not ideal.
This kind of sexual innuendo/attack doesn't belong here.
mary8nne, didn't your mom teach your not to take gang bangs from frat boys in college? You're just an exception though right. Or is that how all chicks from Down Under behave?
Look, I don't at all want to play net-nanny, but this kinda sexual innuendo/attack doesn't belong here, or anywhere. Witty, I tried to ignore this most of the afternoon. But I think you went too far here, and you owe an apology.
Look, I don't at all want to play net-nanny, but this kinda sexual innuendo/attack doesn't belong here, or anywhere. Witty, I tried to ignore this most of the afternoon. But I think you went too far here, and you owe an apology.
User's single-track history invokes callout
A thread on "mob character assassination"
This thread is leaving a bad taste in my mouth for a number of reasons. I don't really like the author of the FPP, and I have some pretty fundamental disagreements with his opinions. However, for the most part, the thread is less about the links than about mob character assassination.
To what degree should a long-standing history of conflict here and the author's identity be permitted to drive discussion?
To what degree should a long-standing history of conflict here and the author's identity be permitted to drive discussion?
Dances, sings, quips, shoots Americans on sight
*dances, sings, quips, shoots Americans on sight*
This strikes me as a bit over the top. (MI)
This strikes me as a bit over the top. (MI)
takes one to know one
I will withhold the obscenities your mental capacity and nature evokes, and simply say: how stupid, how depraved you are.
I've seen fairly impressive spin, but this is a work of art. It takes a special strain of immorality to lie that well.
I've seen fairly impressive spin, but this is a work of art. It takes a special strain of immorality to lie that well.
AskMe about this callout
Is this thread signal?
I'm not trying to make a personal callout, nor am I Chicken Littling, but I wonder if this thread is of the more interesting variety of political threads, or if it is more of a simple "gotcha." For those who don't think that all politics FPP's are necessarily noise, is this thread signal?
Why crap on good threads?
FPP: Trolling?
"As for the purpose of this post, I guess I wanted to see if you loud-mouthed, violently prejudiced morons on Mefi had it left in you to try and rationally adress a troubling issue that doesn't jive with your incredibly narrow viewpoints."
Thank you sir may I have another
Thank you sir may I have another
Don't be an ass rule
Okay, the don't be an ass rule for Ask Me and supplying actual answers? Would these over here be keeping in that spirit? Just curious.
Oh dear
"Eat flaming dogs***, you c*cksucking, Streisand loving, m*therf*cking ___hole! Hit the road, postchoad." Oh dear.
The Left shall rise again?
This is probably pointless, so here goes nothing:
"Instead of South vs North, this time it will be Right vs Left.
Sounds good to me. I doubt the world will shed too many tears if these narrow-minded, short-sighted, self-serving fools start getting special deliveries in their mailboxes. What's that? You mean you didn't order the bouquet of plastique and nails?"
This is repugnant. I agree with Civil_Disobedient's politics more often than not, but this is beyond the pale.
"Instead of South vs North, this time it will be Right vs Left.
Sounds good to me. I doubt the world will shed too many tears if these narrow-minded, short-sighted, self-serving fools start getting special deliveries in their mailboxes. What's that? You mean you didn't order the bouquet of plastique and nails?"
This is repugnant. I agree with Civil_Disobedient's politics more often than not, but this is beyond the pale.
"What is this post other than newsfilter?"
"What is this post other than newsfilter?" {more inside}