636 posts tagged with Callout.
Displaying 551 through 600 of 636. Subscribe:
You eat with that mouth?
Bad article, bad link, bad post.
Woo-hoo! A new thread points to Google! Even better, the poster forgot the "http:/ /" part, and the site doesn't even reflect his point!
My question is this: was it appropriate for me to comment on the thread, ask a pertinent question, provide a couple relevant links, and then immediately come here and slag the thread?
My question is this: was it appropriate for me to comment on the thread, ask a pertinent question, provide a couple relevant links, and then immediately come here and slag the thread?
Chatfilter posts are bad posts.
Double-post callout double-post
When double-post callouts are ignored: a second post about game console price cuts (here's the first one), posting a link that that had been posted in the comments of the original thread. I pointed this out, but discussion continued anyway. Discussion is still going on in the first thread, and the general thrust of the discussion in each thread is absolutely identical (price cuts, comparisons of consoles, buying advice). What, was I too polite?
Us declares itself above the law.
Us declares itself above the law.
Other than one or two people here and there talking about the topic at hand, this thread was basically a shouting match and trolling session. Is this the level of debate that now passes for inteligent from the MetaFilter community?
Other than one or two people here and there talking about the topic at hand, this thread was basically a shouting match and trolling session. Is this the level of debate that now passes for inteligent from the MetaFilter community?
How did this self-link get through?
Blatant self-link. How is it not obvious that this is not okay?!?
A troll by any other name
I'd use the word troll in this case, but it has some connotations that are a bit loaded given the subject.
Editorializing on the front page
A litterbox for pooflinging
Groan. Please. Stop.
Maybe we can set up a litterbox someplace where the concerned parties can fling the usual turds at each other till their batteries run down. These FPPs don't even seem to be conducive to discussion anymore. Agree to disagree already.
Maybe we can set up a litterbox someplace where the concerned parties can fling the usual turds at each other till their batteries run down. These FPPs don't even seem to be conducive to discussion anymore. Agree to disagree already.
Callout for multiple sock puppets
I was searching for a thread that I knew MiguelCardoso had posted. To find it I did a search on his name (Miguel). Turns out he is a master of disguise with no fewer than three registrations.... Tsk Tsk Miguel...(or imposters)...
Is there some way of cleaning things like this up, so some sign-up space can be created for new users?
Is there some way of cleaning things like this up, so some sign-up space can be created for new users?
Guidelines for contenious or inflammatory topics
All mapalm's posts this year have been about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; all of them pro-Palestinian and anti-Israeli. The problem is that his editorializing is getting more and more heavy-handed. Today's post is downright inflammatory. In the thread, Sheauga's valiant attempts to provide background material were in vain. Can something be added to the guidelines asking posters to reserve their more contentious opinions for comments made in the thread?
Is it wrong to use MeFi as your own personal soapbox?
"So let me get this straight. We have a post with a link to a cheesy bio page that is uninteresting, really has nothing to do with anything said in the post, and is only provided as a catalyst to debate something someone's professor said?" Apologies to Mikhail, but he brings up a pertinent point. When one chooses to compose a FPP for MeFi, which should come first: an appropriate link, or a soapbox worthy topic? Is it wrong to use MeFi as your own personal soapbox? How can one tell (preferably before they hit the post button) when they're out of line?
Please stop with the derailing
Mob-style takedown
Take a trip with me down the Riviera (#1, #2, #3, #4), where no comment is complete without a little vicious personal invective.
When the cat's away...
I'm seriously aware that Matt is gone for the weekend, but do we have to put up with crap like this?
Is MidasMulligan trolling?
Troll, Ignorant, or Other?
From discussion to bigotry
Discussion? Bigotry? Over the past few days, several threads seem (to me at least) to have degenerated from discussion to all out Muslim bashing (1,2,3). I'm not here to name names, point fingers or tattle on anyone for specific comments, rather to ask at what point do we say "enough is enough?" People have a right to their opinions (prejudices), but when those opinions are stated without some modicum of respect/even-handedness, we have to wonder why they are tolerated in a public forum.
Callout: "fat, lazy, no discipline"
"In the end, it is true that fat people are lazy and/or have no self discipline . . . "
Leading to "idiot troll" accusations. Ugliness. And I didn't join in for a change!
Leading to "idiot troll" accusations. Ugliness. And I didn't join in for a change!
Name Calling Callout
Here's a thought: name calling and the polarizing that follows as everyone is either in one group or the other leads to pointless shouting matches. Is this a debate tactic? Make a slice down the middle, split everyone in half and let them fight it out?
Give the gaddamned snide comments a break!
Give the gaddamned snide comments a break. It's a flippin' discussion and some tend to add anecdotals. Yes! That is what some people do. To add to DISCUSSION. Would you be like this during a conversation at the pub? To hell with being personable!
Making fun of the mentally ill.
Making fun of the mentally ill.What's the craziest you can be and still be funny? Catatonic? Help me out here, I have such a tin ear for this stuff.
pancakes are no longer funny
penalty box
Penalty box, if not outright removal from the playing field?
what is wrong with this picture?
racism and land rights go hand-in-hand?
I believe some of the comments in this thread are completely out of line.
This thread is a good example of someone itching for a holy war.
This thread is a good example of someone itching for a holy war. Is it necessary to deride people's religious beliefs every time someone mentions God?
Removing Where's Dick Post
Uggh... How will this foster a discussion any different than the other "Where's Dick" threads we have had without having any linked supporting evidence.
Flak from Requesting Spoiler Warnings
Civility in politics threads: Bushtard.
Bushtard? I'm not a fan of Bush, but this is really getting old. Any suggestions for how to discourage this method of posting?
Bad Post Callout
What do we conclude about a thread that simply poses a question?
Enough with the pornolizer!
Please don't change fonts.
Personal attacks from anonymous posters
Overexplaining is bad
MeFi is not your sociology lab
MetaFilter is many things to many people but maybe one thing that we can all
agree on is that it's not for conducting your own sociology experiments?
agree on is that it's not for conducting your own sociology experiments?
Some people don't like Kottke
"Anyone who posts Kottke.org to Metafilter.com should die. heh. uhh?" Feel free to post any derogative posts about this MeFi post which are not helpful to the actual thread here. "I'm tired of Kottke." "Zach's a loser." All that stuff goes right here. I reserve the right to defend myself.
Rememberance Day Thread Callout
Better to talk about it here than there. Thoughts on the Rememberance Day/Memorial Day[?]/Armistice Day thread?
Posting personal information from a member's site with the intention of ridiculing them?
Posting personal information from a member's site with the intention of ridiculing them?
Racist insults
Take that, 'effete faggot web-designer towelheads'. Ouch - that hurt. Maybe my partner Achmed can drag himself away from his style sheets for a minute and make me feel better. Is this liver fresh?
Attention all self-policing police...
If we're at all serious about self-policing and etiquette, shouldn't passive agressive statements like this deserve at least some chiding? A little more inside.
New information with plenty of evidence to back it up?
PLEASE: If you're posting something related to the recent WTC attacks Current Situation, try and make sure it's new information? And if so, is the URL you are linking to contain new information with plenty of evidence to back it up?
Opera Sidebar Callout
Holy shit!! The sidebar now works in Opera! What magic spell did you cast Matt Haughey? Bravo!!
Broke the mold after they made 'im
It isn't every day we get a no-email, no-URL new member who develops an instant outspoken loathing for MetaFilter, calls us Nazis, and devotes himself with great passion to demonizing liberals. So join me in welcoming Real9 before it's too late.
Drunk posting
I've got a headache too, and I'm not the one with a hangover.
Someone posted a mailto: link as a post.
This is a first, as far as I know: a mailto: as the link. But this person alsop seems to be in genuine distress, so let's be gentle, OK?
Inappropriate name-calling in comments
"If you don't see what's so crass about that, you're a simple-minded fuckwit and I sincerely hope that your stupidity one day gets you killed."
More evidence of MetaFilter's demise.
More evidence of MetaFilter's demise.
"ferver" post should be deleted
Can you get rid of this "ferver" post? It's hurting my brain.
Spam? In *my* MetaFilter?
"Hello I am CTO of Lasoo....As a small dotcom in today's sometimes difficult marketplace every bit counts!...We are also always on the lookout for new ASP business deals."
"Hello I am CTO of Lasoo....As a small dotcom in today's sometimes difficult marketplace every bit counts!...We are also always on the lookout for new ASP business deals."
"Winer exception"
Is there some sort of "Winer exception" to the Mefi Prime Directive? I sure hope not...