485 posts tagged with Comments.
Displaying 401 through 450 of 485. Subscribe:

'export my comments' feature, please

An 'export my comments' feature. [more inside]
posted by rory on Apr 2, 2003 - 22 comments

Links do improve and furnish a comment

Links do improve and furnish a comment: When people do a little research before they comment and include a helpful or amusing link (and some users, like sheauga and madamjujujive put in almost as much work as they do in their posts), threads gain a new life and go off in all sorts of interesting directions. Sometimes deliciously and all at once. Some more threadbare posts, like the Libeskind one, are actually repaired and rehabilitated by the ensuing links. For some, linky comments may be a pain - do many actually click on them, given that a few don't even read the main links? - but I, for one, think they're dandy and would like to see more of them.
posted by MiguelCardoso on Feb 27, 2003 - 31 comments

Comments busted again

These two comments pages, 22602 and 12831, seem to be seriously distorted. Interestingly I found them both via Janne's userpage.
posted by lazy-ville on Feb 3, 2003 - 2 comments

Self link thrown in to spice up a thread.

Self link thrown in to spice up a thread.
posted by riffola on Jan 22, 2003 - 41 comments

"In Soviet Russia..." jokes on MeFi.

mmm, new soviet-style pancakes.
posted by luser on Jan 21, 2003 - 16 comments

Moderating your post moderation

Post moderation. I can empathize with feelings of attachment to posts which you submit. When you post as often as troutfishing has in his own post (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11), however, I think you are overdoing things.
posted by moz on Jan 20, 2003 - 61 comments

Noise comments to raise contribution index

Almost as worthwile as "first post."
posted by NortonDC on Jan 19, 2003 - 67 comments

I/P snark as usual

I found some of the following comments irresponsible and irritating. This attack nearly hijacked a thread. These comments are off-topic and are not fair to both the poster of the thread and the victim poster.
posted by abez on Dec 24, 2002 - 35 comments

Just curious

Just curious: I posted Wanda Hudak's phone number in a thread regarding her vile "25-cent bullet" comment; now it is gone.

As a public official, I do believe that she should be accountable for her official statements. Is posting a number which is a matter of public record a violation of MeFi etiquette and/or policy? Apologies, of course, if it is. I will respect the community/mathowie's wishes...but I will continue to think posting it was, and remains, valid.
posted by adamgreenfield on Nov 21, 2002 - 36 comments

moratorium on all the internal squabbling?

Please can we have a moratorium on all the internal squabbling? I thought that was what Metatalk was for. This morning there are two posts (so far) in which the comments have devolved into little more than how bad the original post is. Can't we just let Matt delete the bad threads?
posted by Secret Life of Gravy on Sep 27, 2002 - 15 comments

Dead friend hot-or-not over the line

Culling of the heard. Can somthing be done about crackedheadmatts post to someone whos friend just died. "Was she hot?" -- over the line.
posted by stbalbach on Sep 26, 2002 - 83 comments

How do you link a specific comment from a thread into another post/comment?

How do you link a specific comment from a thread into another post/comment?
posted by semmi on Sep 24, 2002 - 12 comments

Can comments only be enabled once the links have been opened?

I wonder if it wouldn't improve the discussions if the comment feature would only come up after the posted link was visited. Too often reactions are to the post and previous comments, rather than the issue posited in the link.
posted by semmi on Sep 6, 2002 - 13 comments

Mozilla Disappearing Form

In Mozilla 1.1, when previewing a comment on metafilter, the comment form itself disappears (the text box and buttons). This, of course, means that you can't post a comment with Mozilla 1.1.
posted by dchase on Aug 30, 2002 - 4 comments

MeFi post degenerating into holocaust debate

The development of a fun-mefi posting into a debate about the nature of the holocaust - any productive outcome imaginable?
posted by zerofoks on Aug 29, 2002 - 6 comments

Should I be able to comment using lofi?

are all threads on lofi supposed to be deleted? i thought the change yesterday was that comments remained in deleted threads, but today i've noticed that i cannot post to any thread on lofi, even if they are active on the main page.
posted by andrew cooke on Aug 10, 2002 - 8 comments

Pony: remote new comment notification

Let me preface this by saying that I am not looking to give mathowie more work to do. Having said that, I was wondering if there is a non-labor-intensive way by which I can be notified when new comments have been added to threads I've commented in without visiting the site and sorting by my comments?
posted by EatenByAGrue on Jul 31, 2002 - 24 comments

Closing Old Threads

New feature: threads on MetaFilter more than a month old are now closed for new comments.
posted by mathowie on Jul 29, 2002 - 27 comments

No more double-posted comments!

quite possibly the one feature that was the longest time coming. I finally did it.

You can't double-post a comment in either MetaFilter or MetaTalk ever again.
posted by mathowie on Jul 24, 2002 - 76 comments

Comment count bug

This is a minor bug, but if you go into the July Archives page, the Waking Life thread says it has 69 comments. If you click into the thread, the parenthetical reports 68 comments.
posted by willnot on Jul 17, 2002 - 7 comments

This username link is not what I'm looking for

In this thread from yesterday there is a comment from babyyoda. The link from the user name goes off of MeFi altogether and the timestamp is untagged. Just curious. Save the yawns.
posted by anathema on Jun 14, 2002 - 36 comments

two requests

1. How about a standard notice when a comment is deleted from a thread? Replacing each deleted comment with "[comment deleted]" might make threads like this more understandable.
2) MeTa doesn't notice that I've set MeFi to open external links in a new window. External links don't always open from comment preview pages, either, which causes a tiny moment of angst when I double-check links before posting. Am I missing something?
posted by mediareport on Jun 4, 2002 - 6 comments

I want to be more Plastic

Since the proverbial "MeTa seal" has been broken, and posts are flowing freely again, I have a request for management. I frequent Plastic, and their commenting structure intrigues me. You have the ability to comment to a specific comment within the thread, or create a free-standing comment. Is it possible for MeFi to have the same/similar structure? That way, when a poster would like to comment specifically to another poster, there's no need to search the entire thread for responses.
posted by BlueTrain on Jun 4, 2002 - 42 comments

E-Online is scraping MeFi for comments.

Remember when reporters used to contact general people and ask opinions? Well now it appears E-Online is just scraping MetaFilter for their comments.

So the question is... is MetaFilter a good venue for quick comments about news, or should reporters still be doing the leg work on their stories first?
posted by benjh on Jun 1, 2002 - 30 comments

Is anyone else having trouble posting comments today?

Is anyone else having trouble posting comments today, IE5/Mac, the preview works, and when I hit post, nothing happens?? Got rid of my cookies and relogged in, still does not work, any suggestions?
posted by bittennails on May 29, 2002 - 4 comments

You eat with that mouth?


You eat with that mouth? You kiss your mother with that mouth? Garbage mouth!

posted by dash_slot- on May 21, 2002 - 55 comments

I can't see a preview of my comments in Metatalk, and the login screen isn't showing.

I can't see a preview of my comments in Metatalk using N4.79, and the login screen isn't showing. It worked just fine before the MeFi server outage (*pouts*). It does work correctly in MeFi, tho.
posted by Lynsey on May 20, 2002 - 4 comments

Dynamic threading

Kuro5hin's implementation of dynamic threading almost makes threading easy to follow and use. Impressive use of technology to solve a usability problem (reading deeply threaded conversations online is a real bear, requiring many page loads).
posted by mathowie on Apr 24, 2002 - 8 comments

How many comments is too many in one thread?

Would commenting Fifteen times in one thread be considered breaking the 'chat threshold'? This question was asked before and Matt weighed in three times. Just wondering.
posted by Mack Twain on Apr 17, 2002 - 8 comments

Pony: last 10 comments link/page

Feature idea: A last 10 link after the comment count on each front-page post, which causes the thread to be loaded with only the last 10 comments visible.
posted by rcade on Mar 18, 2002 - 23 comments

Cross-referenced comments in long threads.

I think it'd be handy---esp. within excessively long threads where many users post several times---to have something like this:
posted by username at 5:00 PM PST on March 13 [see also: 1,2,3...]

where the "see also: 1,2,3..." points to other posts by the same user within a given thread. Maybe this has been requested before, and maybe it's not worth the coding hassle -- but I think it'd be very useful.

posted by blackholebrain on Mar 13, 2002 - 10 comments

Feature request: Where's the Chat At?

Most frustrating thing about MeFi: How oddly disposable it is. I mean the discussion, not the links. When you skip it for a few days, and come back, the links still work but the discussions are dead. Forty-eight hours, and dead as a doornail. I know MeFi is all about fresh links -- but still. Would it be so bad to allow for sorting by recent comment on the customization page, so the sorting persists between visits? Or is this already possible, and it's just that no one does it?
posted by luser on Mar 5, 2002 - 15 comments

Pony to get only new comments loaded on refresh?

From the I Don't Know If This Is Possible Dept.: Could MeFi be coded so that when hitting the preview button on a new post, the next page only lists any posts made to the thread since the person last loaded the page? I'm just thinking in terms of lightening server load, since on some of those active, >100-post threads, the server's having to reload and resend the entire thread just so the poster can confirm his/her response looks right before hitting "post."
posted by aaron on Feb 27, 2002 - 7 comments

Comment bug

Front page: Take a Virtual Hajj Tour (via beliefnet)...
posted by adnanbwp at 8:42 AM PST - 4 comments

Inside: Take a Virtual Hajj Tour (via beliefnet)...
posted by adnanbwp at 8:42 AM PST (3 comments total)

posted by lbergstr on Feb 21, 2002 - 3 comments

I saw it on Fark but want to discuss with MeFites

So there's interesting story (or two) being prominently linked on another site with known readership overlap. I'm interested in hearing the comments of the MeFi community on either. Is that reason enough for a FPP?
posted by NortonDC on Jan 29, 2002 - 12 comments

Netscape problems

Disappearing comments in Netscape 4.78: when I post a comment to MeFi, it doesn't appear until I force the page to reload. When I post a comment to MeTa, it disappears completely! Obviously, I'm posting this with a different browser.
posted by MrBaliHai on Jan 12, 2002 - 11 comments

MeTa Recent Comments

A "Recent Comments" mode for Metatalk. Or some other method for active discussions to not sink quickly into the lower realms.
posted by ParisParamus on Jan 6, 2002 - 1 comment

A post delete feature

A post delete feature. My school's internal bbs does this by only allowing you to delete your post if it was the last post to that thread or FP, so no replier ends up looking crazy. Might clear up a lot of duplicate/angry posts.
posted by skyline on Jan 4, 2002 - 12 comments

Post order is by most recent comment instead of chronological

Has something changed about the way Metafilter displays. In the last couple of weeks all I see when I go to www.metafilter.com is posts which have had recent comments. From what I can tell the post with the most recent comment is at the top of the list.

Prior to this strangeness I used to see all posts in reverse chronological order going back in time, a week maybe? I've checked the Options page to no avail...
posted by dgeiser13 on Dec 26, 2001 - 2 comments

Commenters Try to Fix Broken Link in FPP

This is interesting. Postroad's post had a bad link and other members went searching for an appropriate link. And finally they did find one which seems to fit perfectly(Good work, Tubes and Real9!)
I had a link too, but hesitated, as I didn't know whether this would be intruding on Postroad's post. How could I tell it was my link he was thinking of? Is it ethical or just Darwinian to provide a FPP's missing link?
So - is it right to "find a link" by proxy, based on a post's wording? (FWIW, I think it's acceptable, but strange).
We all know people who post to the FP should check that their links work. But shouldn't they also hang around for an hour or so to see if any there are any solvable problems?
posted by MiguelCardoso on Dec 19, 2001 - 16 comments

Do you also skip the posts?

I'm traveling far from home for first time since 9-11, and when I visit Metafilter, I find myself every time going straight to read member's comments, without first (in some cases ever) visiting the posted link. Is this shallow of me, or a simple craving for community spirit? Have others experienced this?
posted by Voyageman on Nov 26, 2001 - 20 comments

Are tasteless comments being deleted from threads de rigueur?

Are tasteless comments being deleted from threads de rigueur? [more]
posted by jpoulos on Nov 20, 2001 - 30 comments

Smarmy AOL

Wow, AOL re-packages a bunch of AOL user posts and sells it as a book of 9/11 remembrances. Not only that, but it's perfectly legal, thanks to their terms of service. Just as an fyi: I'll never publish a metafilter book of comments.
posted by mathowie on Nov 12, 2001 - 18 comments

Posting personal information from a member's site with the intention of ridiculing them?

Posting personal information from a member's site with the intention of ridiculing them?
posted by Doug on Nov 9, 2001 - 51 comments

X New Comments Disappears on MeTa

Unlike the behaviour at Metafilter itself, here on Metatalk, after I arrive at the new flat front page with the (x new) flags on threads, if I click into a thread to read the comments then hit the back button on my browser, I seem to be losing my (x new) flags.
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken on Nov 5, 2001 - 5 comments

What if Matt has it backwards?

What if Matt has it backwards? Maybe people ought to get front-page posting priviledges first and discussion priviledges later. Is MeFi a community 'blog or a discussion board?
posted by NortonDC on Nov 1, 2001 - 4 comments

How to I use the image tag?

I have noticed some comment posts have images....is this "allowed" and if so, how does an oaf like me do it too? (Advanced apologies for my ignorance. I did search but couldnt find the answer.)

posted by Voyageman on Nov 1, 2001 - 23 comments

Is it OK to post a lengthy follow-up to your own thread?

Is it OK to post a lengthy follow-up to your own thread?
posted by andrew cooke on Oct 31, 2001 - 8 comments

Signs you are spending too much time on MetaFilter

"There have been no links and 1 comment posted since your last visit"
And it's yours. Is there a better sign you're spending too much time on MetaFilter?
posted by MiguelCardoso on Oct 25, 2001 - 19 comments

What to call a double comment?

Weekend Humdinger: We lack a term to distinguish repeatedly posted comments in a thread, from front page posts which cover already charted links or territory. Any cute, pithy suggestions to tell one "double post" from the other?
posted by MiguelCardoso on Oct 20, 2001 - 9 comments

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