485 posts tagged with comments.
Displaying 51 through 100 of 485. Subscribe:
I think it is detrimental to discussion on MetaFilter for people to bring trolling or offensive or just stupid comments from other sites into this one, so that people here can be duly outraged that somebody is wrong on the internet. [more inside]
Meta Comment Deletion What Fors?
Starting this "me too" thread for anyone having their comments quixotically deleted from the main metafilter thread. [more inside]
Deleting comments
I'm mostly unaware of the intricacies of the Metafilter community, but I have just had another comment deleted. It wasn't an inflammatory comment, there was no snarkiness or attacking anyone. I was expressing an opinion that female bullying has increased and we need to take this into account when raising girls, and I commented on the direction of feminism too. I'm surprised that it was deleted. [more inside]
Allow turning off favourites for specific posts
Although favourites are certainly a nice feature for a lot of things, I worry that there's a tendency for them to water down more nuanced discussions. As a way to preempt this, perhaps people who make posts could have the option to disallow favouriting of comments on that post? [more inside]
What happened to quality comment/ discussion threads?
I don't know if perhaps I've reached a point in my life where I'm becoming something of a Grinch or grumpy old man but I've noticed to much dismay that the quality of discussion in many fpps has plummeted, leaving me hesitant to read through what was previously my favorite part of metafilter. [more inside]
Android, Firefox, and Metafilter commenting
More and more I find myself visiting Metafilter on my Android tablet. I am using Firefox 25.0.1 on a Nexus 7 with Android 4.3. Recently, commenting has become almost impossible - namely, any kind of HTML tags get very screwed up. Typically, I'll copy a comment I want to reply to, surround that with em tags and then reply. Lately, in the process of posting, Android or Firefox or Metafilter decides to empty the closing em tag (leaving two carats) and append a set of empty carats and a closing em tag to my whole post. Trying to clean it up leads to all kinds of problems - the cursor jumps around and deletes things on its own. Has anyone else experienced this? Is it Android, Firefox, Metafilter, or some combination of all three? Any help would be appreciated.
Method commenting?
Assuming an AskMe poster does not explicitly request that advice or information be delivered in a specific way (e.g. "I need some tough love right now", "explain this to me like I'm five"), what prompts you to respond to an AskMe in a particular way? [more inside]
No Comment
"The Web forum MetaFilter, for instance, which is known for a positive commenting flavor, depends on a 24/7 team of moderators. “People come to us all the time and say, ‘Here’s a problem with people behaving badly, we want a tech solution,’ ” says Paul Bausch, a MetaFilter developer. “We tell them that human problems require human judgment.” MetaFilter's own pb quoted in a New York Times Magazine piece on the evolution of online commentary.
When do I make my comments and posts?
I was thinking about this last night: has anyone made a tool that aggregates and visualizes when comments are made by a given user? I think it would really cool to look at an interactive time series graph, to see over a given time period if I am posting more between 10 PM and 11 PM vs 10 AM and 11 AM between MM/DD/YYYY and MM/DD/YYYY. Perhaps it would be weird to look at other people's profiles like that, but it would sure be fun to look at my own profile in that view.
What do you call this particular type of post?
Is there a term or phrase for posts where most of the comments are creatively continuing the theme of the thread? I first thought about this after my Pico Horror post, and I also thought of the recent Book Titles with One Letter Missing post. The former is a case of the comments being little stories, while the latter is wordplay, like Spoonerisms and Tom Swifties. And of course there are joke threads, which are somewhere between the wordplay and story telling. What would you call these? [more inside]
Pony Request: This Link Has Been Posted Before - Comments Version
When you post a FPP to the Blue, your links are automatically run through some sort of search function to see if they have been posted before. This might be, if not too site-intensive, a useful thing for comments as well, so that people don't find themselves posting the same links, with different flavor text. [more inside]
Please Help Me Find an AskMe Answer I Posted
About 3 years ago, I posted an AskMe comment in a thread that I *thought* started off, "I grew up in Hell." It got a lot of favorites, even recently, which freaks me out a bit because the description of my childhood was so raw. Weird to see people are still reading that thread!
I wanted to reference it for this current question, but I could not find it.
Can anyone find it?
The original thread was really long, and was an AskMe from a man that was engaged to a woman with deep emotional problems.
Thanks for your help!
More than one thing can happen in the world at once.
It bothers me that there are always comments trivializing posts about arts, culture, games, or what have you, when there are news events occurring. It seems to lack perspective on what Metafilter is, and to come from a place where the poster assumes that we should all have our attention focused on one particular newsfilter post. (Because Prague is flooding and Turkey is revolting, EVE going down is not of any interest at all!)
If you don't find anything interesting in a post, please just go to the next one. There's no need to play posting morality police. Metafilter won't run out of bits.
Comment number five million.
Don't worry about the vase, Neo.
The Oracle of MeFi is a curated tumblr of "intelligent, insightful, funny or otherwise interesting comments from all over MeFi," created by Foci of Analysis. Via Projects. [more inside]
3000+ Comment Megaponies
So, even outside of election years browser crushing 3000+ post megathreads are now a not uncommon thing - should we be looking at pagination at the 2000 comment mark? And if not pagination what else could be done to make them less of a browser crushing experience, especially on mobile?
Online EMDR
In a recent comment, someone mentioned an online EMDR site that they found beneficial. I've Googled and found several such sites, but am specifically looking for the one that is MeFite-approved. Can anyone direct me to it?
I made an ill considered remark in timsteil's folkstreams post and he made a polite response which made me feel ashamed after I saw his consternation. I wanted to clarify my harsh out and went to make a clarifying comment when my computer crashed and I had to reboot. And when I got back, I made my comment and then saw his was already deleted. I am getting so sick of the editing of our conversations.I really think sometime that there should be placeholders for all deletions you make. You are overdoing it, in my estimation. [more inside]
If you can't say something nice, please wait for a while.
A minor petition to MeFites at large: if you're the first person to comment on a thread, please don't start out negative, because that tends to bring the whole conversation down from the get-go. [more inside]
Deleted post question. Was OP banned?
I have the greasemonkey script that allows me to see deleted posts, and I saw that this post was deleted. [more inside]
2012 Datawankery
teeny tiny
Concerning small text. [more inside]
The Joy of FPPing
To people who have done this; why did you create Front Page Post(s) on MetaFilter? The motivations are interesting in themselves, and may also provide positive reasons for people to cross the rubicon from lurker to poster. [more inside]
Comment inflation in Google Reader
I subscribe to AskMe via Google Reader, and the bottom of each post provides a link to the post. The link reads "X comments on this item," where X is always 1 more than the actual number of comments. Not a huge deal, but something I wonder about ever so often. Bug? Ghosts of comments past? [more inside]
MetaFilter covering election day, vote counting, subsequent wrangling
Assuming any MetaFilter users are interested in writing posts or comments during voting and counting, how will this bloggie handle what will be its 4th US presidential election? [more inside]
Substantiating AskMeFi comments
Quick question about protocol on the human relationships section of AskMeFi. If someone asks a question there which can potentially be answered by just a yes/no answer, is it okay to just answer it with a yes/no, or should one always add reasoning to your answer? [more inside]
Something I never thought I'd see here
Edit?...Edit!?!...EDIT!! Are pigs flying now? Is Ahab no longer Ahab? Or I meant to say-- "Thank you for the new 'Typo? Edit your post' button which I only now just noticed." [more inside]
Long thread is long
With the political season upon us like a vicious ape clinging to our backs, our long, long coupla thousand comment threads are a beast to load, especially on mobile devices. Is there a way to have a user-set preference to fold all but the last, say, 100 comments so that they don't have to load up each time? [more inside]
Best comment contest
We should have a best comment contest. I don't know how it would be decided exactly, but presumably the mods have come up with some criteria for the best post contest, so perhaps they could be applied to comments.
Blockquotes being stripped?
It looks like <blockquote> tags are being stripped from comments. New Thing, or? [more inside]
Missing comments
Why are there comments (presumably undeleted) missing from this post? [more inside]
Can we get notifications for deletions?
I would like to get memail notification of deleted comments which include the original text. [more inside]
For the millionth time, you can't have your pony!
The good news: MetaTalk has over 1,000,000 comments as of today. The bad news: the millionth comment was apparently deleted.
Deleted comments discouraging. [more inside]
HIV+ = history of poor decisions?
Sex and the Negative Guy: " . . . you are choosing to trust your health with a person who has a demonstrated history of making poor decisions about their own health." [more inside]
Deleting the thumbs down?
"Expand all" on favorites?
Pony request: Expand all on favorites? [more inside]
Non descriptive links harmful.
"This" considered harmful? I've noticed that it's fairly common when linking to something, that the link is given a non-description. This seems prone to cause problems with link rot. I know Matt has a long bet in place that link rot isn't a major issue, but I know I've stumbled onto dead links when looking at old AskMe answers. Should we consider links without description bad form? [more inside]
Would I know if some of my comments had been deleted?
Would I know if some of my comments had been deleted? [more inside]
Fascination Street
Ya'll are being strange and interesting again. Two recent AskMe questions are about whether to correct someone close to you and the answers, along with their reasoning, are fascinating.
Thoughts on comment thread meta-comments.
Perhaps I don't have enough experience on the site to gauge this, but does anyone else find one liner meta comments about threads really annoying and useless? Perhaps this is something that should be mentioned in the guidelines?
From the negative "This will not go well." to the typical sarcastic "This is thread is going nowhere..." to the positive "I'm surprised this went well!", they seem out of place and more about the person writing it than the topic at hand.
When I remember, I'm going to start marking all of these as noise.
Have you ever favorited yourself?
Have you ever favorited yourself, i.e. a comment or a post? Why did you do it, and what happened?
Something makes me feel it is a no-no, but just curious.
Fact-checking comments
New comments since last visit in Chrome is funky
Is there weirdness occurring with the "new since last visit" numbers on the front page in Chrome? [more inside]
30,000 and still counting...
Pearls Before Swine
Looking Forward to Looking Backward: Best Comments of 2011
In the great tradition ("Bring to our attention that which we may have glossed over" and "Best overlooked comments of 2010") of finding overlooked gems on the blue, green and grey, please share your favorite finds of 2011. [more inside]
Bad AskMe Deletions.
These are Bad AskMe Comment Deletions. [more inside]
A couple changes to make making Greasemonkey scripts more straightforward, please?
A couple changes to make making Greasemonkey scripts more straightforward, please? [more inside]
Singling out the best single links
What are the best single-link posts in MeFi history? [more inside]