881 posts tagged with etiquette.
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Obits: if you don't care, stay out

Raining on other people's parades. I've seen this before, eulogizing, and I don't know if it's been discussed here, but people have a bad habit of being contrary and blase simply for the sake of it.

So in this thread, which admittedly I am very upset about, seeing as how I used "font size=7" to proclaim my sorrow, why are people coming in to a thread that is about mourning of a sort and talking about how much they don't care? You didn't read pamie.com? Wonderful! Why the hell are you talking about it, then? You didn't like it? Super! Does that mean your opinions are appropriate?

Are people so in love with the "sound of their own voice" that they just have to blab, regardless of the thread? I'd like to know, really.
posted by solistrato on Jun 29, 2001 - 9 comments

Does MetaFilter need to be a nurturing environment?

"Of course not, dayvin, but thanks for ruining the excitement of posting my first link."

Link content aside, does this happen too often? Does MetaFilter need to be a nurturing environment? Could we maybe have "rookie" stripes that let the jaded know to cut the newbies some slack?
posted by machaus on Jun 28, 2001 - 15 comments

I am too good for this, and I am telling you that now.

Of all the cheap rhetorical tactics employed here, I think my favorite is "you people are sick and this conversation is beneath me, so I'm not participating except to note this fact" (#1, #2, #3, #4).
posted by rcade on Jun 18, 2001 - 32 comments

Fes' Fece Flingin

Fes' Fece Flingin
posted by UncleFes on Jun 12, 2001 - 25 comments

Why Are Links Adding Metafilter URL to Them?

Has anyone noticed that a lot of the links people are building have http://www.metafilter.com crammed in front? I don't have specfic examples, but I've seen it at least four times.
posted by machaus on Jun 7, 2001 - 13 comments

Offsite fight brought to Metafilter

Do coverage of ongoing dramatics between a single site owner and a single site user (and in neither case is the site referenced MeFi...) qualify as valid MeFi front page posts? Our survey SAYS... ?
posted by m.polo on Jun 7, 2001 - 7 comments

Hatemail from MeFi.

I feel so darn tootin' speshul -- I just recieved my first MeFi hate mail, anonymous or otherwise! Do I get a prize?

Should I be commending perogi for at least signing the email? Or are hate mailers still cowards for not spewing publicly on MeFi or MeTa?
posted by lia on Jun 2, 2001 - 21 comments

A-lister birthday post hacks off user

posted by dhartung on May 28, 2001 - 13 comments

Personal attacks reducing contributions

I just wanted to point out that I just finished writing a pretty thoughtful message in response to some of the comments in this thread, but decided, before I hit submit, that I really didn't feel up to the onslaught of personal attacks that I'd have to endure because of my opinion. So I pressed the backpage button instead.

Not that it matters, really. Maybe I'm just being thin-skinned. Some might say that if I felt strongly enough about my opinion, I'd be able to suffer the slings and arrows of the opposition. I dunno. In fact, I don't know if I even feel up to the kind of response this message is going to get.

But how many other MeFi users are doing the same as me? How many have just given up completely? This is how the blow-hards and the flame-warriors take over.
posted by crunchland on May 18, 2001 - 16 comments

I'm tired of clutter

Can metafilter members please email individual users with factual corrections that do NOT pertain to the discussion at hand? I'm tired of clutter, and at times, public rudeness.
posted by SpecialK on May 15, 2001 - 12 comments

Will UK election threads cause international tensions?

The question (raised here) is one of tensions, etiquette and policy on Election posts. The Uk is currently going through an election, and much like the US is fairly well represented on Metafilter. But we all know how many posts were about the US election and how frustrating both the US contingent, but more specifically the UK contingent, were with them. Will UK election threads cause international tensions? Is this a bad thing? Is there a 'right to post' issue here, or are we going to be having a fully international vs UScentric discussion at any moment?
posted by barbelith on May 15, 2001 - 12 comments

Why should I be nice

...just stokin the flames ya'll. Be nice.

Why on earth should I be nice to someone who's knowingly being an ass?
posted by cCranium on May 15, 2001 - 7 comments

Was I trolling?

Was I trolling? I had an admittedly heated reaction to an issue I care about, and blasted "conservatives/republicans/the right" as a group. But was I way outta line?
posted by owillis on May 13, 2001 - 17 comments

How should I refer to another site when I quote them here?

i have a question for you guys. what is adequate reference info in quoting from another website? is just a link back enough? would it matter if the page is primarily composed of quotes versus sparing use?
posted by moz on May 11, 2001 - 2 comments

MetaTalk Getting Crowded

Whoa! What's up with MetaTalk all of the sudden? Now we're getting multiple posts per day in several categories?! I count 12 (now 13) today alone. Is MetaTalk getting too crowded? The quality of the posts and discussion here is really going downhill. Remember when every post was on-topic, relevant, and well thought out? It just seems like posts are tossed up without thinking and comments get even less consideration. It's really wearing me out.
posted by daveadams on Apr 21, 2001 - 9 comments

Can I Self-link in Comments?

Is this self-linking?
posted by daver on Apr 19, 2001 - 3 comments

To all annoyed and even offended by certain posts of mine...

Apologies to all annoyed and even offended by certain posts of mine which, apparently, have been too ripe for certain people to take into the realm of bad taste. The filter on that kind of thing has been turned up.
posted by ParisParamus on Apr 17, 2001 - 11 comments


This comment in the longest thread ever seems a bit inappropriate. WTF?
posted by norm on Mar 30, 2001 - 4 comments

All generalizations are bad -- about Mefi, anyway.

if you ask me, there's *nothing* more 'old' than posts which go beyond "I disagree with posters x, y, and z for the following reasons" into the realm of "you metafilter people are always so x". a couple of recent examples here and here, though I don't mean to imply that these two posters are at the vanguard of this disheartening trend: it's *a lot of us*.

anyway. I submit that comments like these serve no purpose, advance no argument, are gross generalizations, bear a bothersome resemblance to en-masse flames, and really ought to stop. further, I submit that any discussions (as opposed to one-off snark moments) of the bad habits displayed by the community as a whole belong on MetaTalk, not MetaFilter. this concludes my 'blog nicely' moment for the day.
posted by Sapphireblue on Mar 27, 2001 - 36 comments

Me and my sockpuppets were being jerks

I, Free Speech aka Rightwinger aka Private Parts, was just having some fun and trying to add some levity to the site, sorry if I offended you Matt.
posted by FreeSpeech on Mar 20, 2001 - 7 comments

Will email (and authentication) help keep things more civil?

Couldn't find the earlier mention of this, so I'll pick up on it here.

A new user user (RightWinger) just posted a fairly feeble defense of Dubya and was almost immediately called a troll for his pains. I think this is basically because he didn't have an email address. Rogers has mentioned lately, rightly I think, how many potential conflicts can be defused that way, and now I think people are starting to see the lack of email as prima facie evidence of bad faith, and responding accordingly. His post wasn't really that inflammatory, but I think the level of trust is really low for people who can't be contacted offline. Total anonymity and community membership just may not mesh very well.

Matt has floated the idea of making everyone email-authenticable (word?). I think it's a good idea: people will trust more when they see a "real" identity, more offline diplomacy can happen, and I think people will be more responsible if they have a little bit of accountability built in. If it's *that* important to them to be anonymous, why are they posting to MetaFilter?
posted by rodii on Mar 19, 2001 - 62 comments

Too much attacking lately.

"Can't you folks simply address an issue and tell us what you think without attacking the poster rather than what has been posted?" A few threads have featured variations on this sentiment, so I figured the subject was worth a longer look here.
posted by rcade on Feb 14, 2001 - 1 comment

intentionally extending existing thread with new links

Posting a new link to intentionally extend an existing day-old thread is inappopriate.
posted by rcade on Jan 25, 2001 - 73 comments

I was just curious as to why the link about a diarist's suicide has disappeared

I was just curious as to why the link about a diarist's suicide has dissapeared from the site. Did it upset too many people, or just not count as news? I went to see if any new comments had been posted and it was gone. Just wondering.
posted by crushed on Jan 19, 2001 - 30 comments

And you wonder where all the conservatives have gone...

Etiquette/Opinions/View of the poster.

Since this post discusses all of the above, I don't know any other way to begin, or to jump in, but here goes - I, as a somewhat conservative person, one of maybe 2 here on mefi, have tried to be reasonably patient. The reasoning behind it was something like 'well, this is just a joke, if I ignore, I won't bite the trap as to trolls do this on ngs and I have long since learned to killfire', and at times felt that; and since I'm mostly disagreed with, I feel that the very thought of me 'calling foul' would be met with great hostility. Maybe I was right.

Example. The topic of this post is an opinion of the poster, and he does in fact semi-self link. There's nothing wrong with offering your opinion, in fact it's great. I guess, let me put it this way - what if, say I, were to post a link saying 'Democrats really do think with their dick' and would link it to the Jesse Jackson story + a post on FreeRepublic with me saying this (I don't even want to go near the FreeRepublic, mind you). Not to whine, but, I really want you to see my side of this. There are many other examples, and I'll continue inside. (as to not take up the entire page)
posted by tiaka on Jan 17, 2001 - 30 comments

Is a call for a beatdown an appropriate response to bad taste?

I'm curious about the etiquette issues involved in today's thread about teen sex. Aside from the issue of the tastelessness of this joke, what is the relative appropriateness of the suggestion that someone should commit violence upon the joker? Is a call for a beatdown an appropriate response to bad taste?

posted by redfoxtail on Jan 16, 2001 - 26 comments

Didn't mean to bring out the racism in everyone...

I want to apologize for any part I had in prompting the explicitly racist comments some have posted in this thread and others, if there were any. I'm beginning to wonder whether I should continue advancing my perspective in light of reactions like this. I don't want to encourage those kinds of posts.
posted by sudama on Jan 5, 2001 - 8 comments

wank wank wank. ignore and move on.

There seems to be a lot of bickering going on lately, and it's getting worse all the time. Too many people are starting to complain about other peoples posting habits, style whatever you want to call it. I'm Australian and don't care about Americas elections, yet i haven't complained about all the posts, about the election. I choose to ignore them as should other people with any posts they don't like or don't want to talk about.
posted by Zool on Nov 7, 2000 - 1 comment

Does this teach any males here anything? Like, no personal attacks?

More regarding this thread (on feminism). Wherein I address Catch, since it's completely tangenital to the topic at hand.
posted by cCranium on Sep 28, 2000 - 7 comments

Which is worse to complain about, people or things?

I am compelled to wonder:

If we tallied 1) posts where people are bitching about taking something to metatalk vs 2) posts where people are bitching about people bitching about taking something to metatalk (an extra half-point for pre-empting the first-level bitching), who would come out on top?

stop the madness.
posted by Sapphireblue on Jul 24, 2000 - 4 comments

Have I Trolled?

Okay, I've been accused of trolling. Have I trolled? And what did I say that was a troll? I'll try to avoid it in the future if I've horribly offended the community. Mark likes Metafilter, and doesn't want to be noise in the signal.
posted by mrmorgan on Apr 25, 2000 - 6 comments

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