407 posts tagged with favorites.
Displaying 301 through 350 of 407. Subscribe:
Why Recent Favorites Activity?
Is this an Ask Mefi Popular Favorites bug? I pulled up the page this morning and this creepy thread was nestled right under a bunch of threads from 1/26 and 1/25, with a bunch more from 1/25 following it. Is it because a few people recently favorite-d it (it says 5 favorites on the main pop page), and if so, how did they all find it just now? Were a bunch of people recently searching for the answer to this question on Ask MeFi? (shudder)
Adding Favorites
This is the thread where we say that the "add favorites from page" icon being tested rocks.
Categories for Favorites
Would it be possible to allow users to set up categories for favorites, similar to what YouTube lets you do? I find myself favoriting comments/threads in a few particular areas (copyright, politics, music, misc. funny/memorable, etc.) so it would be useful to be able to categorize them a bit, especially as my number of favorites continues to grow. You could have set categories or preferably, allow the user to name their own.
(I did a quick search and didn't see this asked but apologies if it's already been suggested.)
(I did a quick search and didn't see this asked but apologies if it's already been suggested.)
Another favorites bug.
Another favorites bug.
Saved Favorites Bug
saved favorites is borked again. also noted by another member: "I noticed that last night - things keep getting deleted from my favorites. My most recent post isn't listed for me despite several favorites; the other day, that was there but other earlier posts were missing..."
Who is this?
Okay, fess up.
Who are you, with no comments, posts or anything else, but 19 favorites (and counting?)
Who are you, with no comments, posts or anything else, but 19 favorites (and counting?)
I'm testing out ajax favorites on MeFi
I'm testing out ajax favorites on MeFi right now (only www.metafilter.com). If you open any thread you can add the post or any comment as a favorite without leaving the page. Lemme know if you hit any snags and please hold off on "but, but, can you also make it do x?" requests until we're sure it works in most all browsers.
Favorites Pony
Pony: After favoriting something, the link on the thread still says "add to favorites" (and for comments, it remains a "+"). Suggest changing to "remove from favorites" (and for comments, a "-"). Accidentally favoriting something requires going to the favorites page to undo it, when it could be a lot easier.
Favorites Page
Favorited comments not appearing on Favorites page. Ambrosia favorited this comment of mine, but it does not appear on my Favorites page. (It does appear on her favorites page.) Not sure if it's affecting the total favorites count.
Can we number favorites pages?
Ponytime: I have a lot of favorited posts. If I want to find something from two years ago, I have to scroll through the whole list. Could the pages be numbered so I could go directly to Page 1? I apologise if this has been asked before, I didn't find any requests through the search engine.
Ponies! (popular favorites, more inside, images)
A pony for Christmas?
favoriting, etc, kills my song buzz
music.metafilter.com -- favoriting, etc, kills my song buzz, man.
Could the mouseover text for the number of favorites show the usernames of the favoriters?
When you hover / mouse over the [+ 2 favorites] text, you see more text that says "2 users marked this as favorites" Would it be useful if the pop-up text actually showed the usernames of those who favorited it? Small pony i know, only saving a few mouse clicks, but i think it would be cool. Any thoughts?
now the entire popular favorite page is backwards
Ok, so now the entire popular favorite page is backwards. Somebody delete that backwards day post, and all the comments with it. Its a great post but it's messing everything up!
Saved Favorites Bug
this comment was marked as a favorite but does not appear on the saved favorites page, which is apparently still broken.
Popular Favorites Time Spans
So, we have a 'Popular Favourites' feature, and I love it. However, it's limited to the last 24 hours. Is there any chance of expanding that period of time?
I don't know how to use favorites
i've got no problem with users who like to hand out favorites like they mean nothing, but, really...
as an aspiring user of metafilter, i'm not quite sure how to grant these special little clicks (especially in light of this). is there a proper ratio one might strive towards of posts i favorite versus posts of mine favorited by others? if not, is there some other measure which might guide me in my favoritism?
as an aspiring user of metafilter, i'm not quite sure how to grant these special little clicks (especially in light of this). is there a proper ratio one might strive towards of posts i favorite versus posts of mine favorited by others? if not, is there some other measure which might guide me in my favoritism?
Ordering Favorites
MinorPonyFilter: Is there a way to see favourites posted by me in the chronological order they were favourited in, not the order they were posted in? If not, could there be?
Favorites: it took a while to figure if they're of or by that person
SemanticsFilter: When you're viewing the posts and comments that a specific users has marked as a favourite (i.e. the favourites of) it says, for instance, "Favorite posts from blacklite". It took me a couple of minutes to figure out whether these were the posts by or of that person. [mi]
Darn it, I want to read the rest of prof. Xenophobe's greatest hits.
I observed that I have saved more comments from ROU_Xenophobe as favorites than from anyone else. Having noticed that, I checked ROU's profile, saw "contributions from ROU_Xenophobe saved by others 135 times" and tried to look at these to see if there were any pearls I had missed (aside: yes.) First page of favorites saved by others displays 30 comments. The "next page" link at the bottom apparently goes to page 2 of the favorited comments (the url changes, anyway) but the same 30 comments are displayed. No matter how many times I click "next page" I keep seeing the same 30 comments. Same result in IE6, Mozilla 1.7, and Foxfire 1.5. Darn it, I want to read the rest of prof. Xenophobe's greatest hits.
Bug: contributions by userx that were saved as favorites
Problems on "contributions by userx that were saved as favorites by other members" pages: example
1) New favorites (such as today's) are not being added to this page.
2) Clicking on "next page" just reloads the same page even though the url lists it as page 2. Page progression is fubared.
1) New favorites (such as today's) are not being added to this page.
2) Clicking on "next page" just reloads the same page even though the url lists it as page 2. Page progression is fubared.
Easy link to favorites
I'm hoping this is a tiny pony request. Size of the cuddlier guide horses, p'raps. It is this: a [+] tag on the dateline of mefi front page posts. Clicking the [+] would add a link to one's Favourites tab.
"Others" Bug
The word 'others' on the 'saved as favorites' pages makes no sense and drives me batty. '2 others saved as a favorite' indicates that there is a third person. That's what the word 'others' means. Suggestion: change 'others' to 'users' or 'people' or 'assholes' or any word that is not confusing and inaccurate in that context.
next page doesn't show next
the next page link at the bottom of the saved as favorites by other members page just keeps displaying the same 30 comments.
Couple of minor glitches with Favoriting.
Couple of minor glitches with Favoriting. [MI]
Bug in the tabs in AskMe.
I love the new tab feature, but there's a small bug with AskMe. When the posts are sorted by favorites, anonymous questions are credited to Anonymous Ask MetaFilter instead of the usual anonymous. No crisis, but an inconsistency that may distress some of our more sensitive members (you know who you are).
Popular Favorites
Pony Up: In the new tabbed feature (which I love), "Popular Favorites" tallies popularity by those who favorited the post. Perhaps a more valid index of popularity (read: worthwhile, not-to-be-missed nuggets) would be to include the number of favorites to both the post and assorted comments within?
Can't add favorites.
"Request is malformed: can't add as a favorite." That's what I get when I try to add a favorite.
Recent favorites algorithm doesn't make sense
The sitewide Recent favorites page (not the tab) says that it lists the most popular posts within the last 24 hours, but appears to be using some other algorithm. Posts (examples: 1 2 3) and comments (examples: 1 2 3) that have received zero favorites in the last 24 hours are listed on it.
Request for RSS feed for Popular Favorites.
I love the new tabbed layout, but is it possible to get an RSS feed only for the "Popular Favorites" tab on MeFi and on Ask MeFi ?
Favorites broken?
Is favorites broken? They don't seem to be showing up reliably in the my favorites page, and sometimes the favorites tag on the comment itself isn't incremented. A little more inside.
inconsistency in ability for logged in or out users to see favorites for comments
On AskMetafilter, when people are logged out of the site, they can see when threads and comments have been favorited, and by whom. On MetaFilter and MetaTalk, they can only see when threads have been favorited, but not comments. This is kinda strange!
could there be a way to list items that have been favorited
This has probably been asked for before ... could there be a way to list items you have posted, either posts or comments that have been favorited within the last X amount of time? I have noticed that the favorite count goes up by one or two on my user page, but it's sometimes not obvious what has changed, and it ends up being some post I made 4 months ago.
Nip this in the bud
Matt or Jess, you might want to nip this in the bud.
"Return to post" from "favorites" not working as advertised
"Return to post" after viewing favorites... doesn't.
Favorited comments (past tense) don't work on HiFi
Favorited comments (past tense) don't work on HiFi. [mi]
Missing favorites?
A lot of my favorites aren't showing up on my favorites page, even though I do show up as having favorited (favored?) them if I go to the thread they were on. Am I missing something?
Favorites Request
Can the favorites pages be tweaked so comments retain their formatting and links? Also, when the page displays the whole of a comment, there shouldn't be an ellipsis after it. TY HUGS
Confirmation post of favorites?
I would love a confirmation request when you add a favorite post. I've had favorites appear that I don't even remember clicking even if I probably did by accident.
Can we reorder comments by favoriteness?
So now we have a visual indicator of how popular a specific post is. Cool. Could we take this one step further?
mark your own comment as best answer
I didn't know it was possible to mark your own comment as best answer. Am I correct in that you can't favorite your own comments either?
Personal Favorites
Can I have a pony? Favorites are a great way of finding worthwhile threads selected by the masses, but I would be even more interested in knowing which threads or comments their authors are most proud of, especially among people with a long history here on MeFi, and especially before the favorites feature was implemented. Any way of having a "my best post" feature, or even just to ask that question as a standard part of the profile? Failing that, people can just list their favorites themselves in this thread...
RSS for Favorited Comments
How about an RSS Feed that keeps track of when other people save your comment as favorites? Then you would never have to check that page manually to boost your self-worth.
Sorting Favorites?
Sort options for Favorites?
Don't need no fantastic flag
Suggestion: get rid of the 'fantastic post/comment' flag, and replace it wholeheartedly by the favoriting engine. In particular, recode the fantastic questions and answers page to pull the most favorited Qs and As, rather than the most flagged. For a brief interval there, that page was the best way to see the best of AskMeFi, but its usefulness is fading as people move to faving things rather than flagging them. Also, it would be super-ultra-mega-cool to have an analog of that page for the blue.
View only favorites in thread
Ponyfilter: would it be possible to allow us to view only the "favorited" comments in a long thread? Ditto viewing only the answers marked "best" in AskMe threads?
(Well, yes, of course it'd be possible. What I'm really asking is whether there's any chance of it happening.)
(Well, yes, of course it'd be possible. What I'm really asking is whether there's any chance of it happening.)
Question about unique comments favorited
On the pages listing contributions by a particular user that have been favorited, each column says "Displaying 1 through n [posts | comments]", but the number given is the number of aggregate times such contributions have been favorited, not the number of unique items that have been favorited, as the text states. In other words, if a user has had exactly one post favorited, and its been favorited three times, the text will say "Displaying 1 through 3 posts."
Favorited? No, I didn'ted.
"You already made this a favorite." Well, no, I didn't. Several other people seem to have done so, but I can't make the FPP a favorite. I can fave the comments. This has happened before.
Resetting Preferences and deleting cookies no help.
Firefox 1.5.06/XP Home
Resetting Preferences and deleting cookies no help.
Firefox 1.5.06/XP Home
Request: more ways to display popular favorites.
Low priority feature request: A "Favorites Hall of Fame", including things like Most favorited comments by week/month/year, Most favorited posts by week/month/year, all split between Mefi/MeTa/Axe, and even a list of users who have had the most personal contributions marked as favorites by others.
Hot Topics Request
OK, now I rarely venture into this grey area here, so I may be way off base but I was kinda thinking - no matter how popular a thread becomes it sinks down and out just as quickly as people post new links/questions/dumb feature requests. I was wondering, would it be possible to have a separate page for MeFi, AskMe and MeTalk in which the threads were listed by most recent comment. This might give threads a bit of a longer lifespan and give an easy way to see what topics are 'hot'