408 posts tagged with favorites.
Displaying 351 through 400 of 408. Subscribe:

Hot Topics Request

OK, now I rarely venture into this grey area here, so I may be way off base but I was kinda thinking - no matter how popular a thread becomes it sinks down and out just as quickly as people post new links/questions/dumb feature requests. I was wondering, would it be possible to have a separate page for MeFi, AskMe and MeTalk in which the threads were listed by most recent comment. This might give threads a bit of a longer lifespan and give an easy way to see what topics are 'hot'
posted by criticalbill on Aug 13, 2006 - 22 comments

What about a Ditto feature?

What about a Ditto feature? It would be like a fave, but more like re-inforcing what someone else said. This would not only be helpful for technical questions, but also for personal ones.
posted by k8t on Aug 9, 2006 - 22 comments

How did these old comments get so many favorites?

How Phantom Favourites from the Past are rupturing the Fabric of Spacetime and How You Can Help [mi]
posted by goodnewsfortheinsane on Aug 9, 2006 - 16 comments

Semantic Wording About Favorites

On the user profile page, the "# of comments marked by others as a favorite" is incorrectly worded. I think that the wording should be changed to something like, "# of times contributions by 'user x' were saved by others" instead. Or is it possible to snip the dupes and only include the unique posts and comments that were favorited (in the # itself)? I read this thread, but it didn't seem to discuss the language I'm referring to.
posted by SeizeTheDay on Aug 1, 2006 - 4 comments

MeTa Favorites and Alt Tags

I can mark my own MetaTalk comments as my favorites. Please do not faciliate such narcissism. Oh, and since I only can make one MetaTalk peost every four days, [additional callout inside]
posted by orthogonality on Jul 31, 2006 - 66 comments

policy favorites comments

Can we please get rid of the '1 user marked this as favorite' crap?
posted by nixerman on Jul 22, 2006 - 102 comments

When comments are marked as favorites, the return to post link goes to the wrong place.

When comments are marked as favorites, the return to post link goes to the wrong place.
posted by bigmusic on Jul 21, 2006 - 5 comments

Why a Favorite?

My Little Favorite Pony - for marking posts and comments as favorites, how about allowing you to put in a little note as to why it piqued your interest.
posted by plinth on Jul 21, 2006 - 14 comments

Weird Favorite Behavior?

Couple of issues here. I just accidentally marked a post as a favorite (stupid new mouse). Could the "favorited" confirmation page include a link to my favorites management list, or better yet, an undo? Also, from this this favorited confirmation page, the "Return to post" link is broken.
posted by brownpau on Jul 18, 2006 - 15 comments

Feed for most favorited posts in past 24 hours?

While the pony rain lasts, can we get a feed for the "Most favorited posts in the past 24 hours" page?
posted by goodnewsfortheinsane on Jul 13, 2006 - 10 comments

Anyone use favorites to save nsfw for later?

So, own up - how many of you use the 'favourites' feature to log potentially nsfw posts for reading later at home?
posted by twine42 on Jul 10, 2006 - 18 comments

Music feature request for favorites for playlists

Mefi Music request: I want to be able to fave! (or otherwise link to my profile) playlists created by other people. (to podcasting, I say bah! humbug)
posted by muddgirl on Jul 9, 2006 - 15 comments

Hod do you use favorites?

Are MeFi favorites a permanent part of your profile, or do they change when the mood strikes you? I've been wondering about people marking favorites lately and my biggest question is, "How many of you use the system to bookmark things for a permanent reminder and how many use the system as a temporary way to keep track of a certain thread or comment?" In addition, do you find yourself using the system and your past favorites a couple months down the road, or is it a once and done thing that you never pay attention to after a couple of days?
posted by SeizeTheDay on Jul 6, 2006 - 32 comments

Pony: front page +fave links

Any chance we can get a +fave link on the front page for each item, especially on the green? (I'm thinking Digg-style, AJAX based would be very pretty, though potentially too Web 2.0 for the likes of some Mefites...)
posted by disillusioned on Jul 4, 2006 - 26 comments

Favorites Interrupts Music

Musical pony requests: could the "add to favorites" flag be set so that clicking it does not interrupt songs in progress, and could the volume settings be saved somewhere?
posted by aberrant on Jul 1, 2006 - 3 comments

Favorites now displayed on profile page.

Your user page now tells you how many of your contributions were saved as favorites by others, and there's a page showing you the favorites. Yes, I'm aware that the stuff saved as a favorite by multiple people gets repeated. I'll fix that this week. For the moment, it at least gives you an insight into what others liked that you wrote. Here's my user page showing 148 things I wrote were saved as favorites, and here they are.
posted by mathowie on Jun 25, 2006 - 52 comments

Best Comment?

How about a 'Best Comment' option on MeFi, similar to the 'Best Answer' option on AskMe? [more inside]
posted by Effigy2000 on Jun 21, 2006 - 28 comments

Sorting Popular Favorites

Could the popular favourited posts and comments be listed in chronological order instead of by number of "votes"? As is, it's difficult to single out what's new and fresh -- which would make the whole page much more useful (not that I don't love revisiting the Sketchzilla thread).
posted by Robot Johnny on Jun 19, 2006 - 14 comments

No .com for askme faves

Ask metafilter favorites go to www.metafilter/favorites rather than to www.metafilter.com/favorites. Example.
posted by interrobang on Jun 14, 2006 - 4 comments

Titles on "All Favorites"

On the 'all favorites' page -- can we get the first few lines of the full entries as a title attribute on the link?
posted by empath on Jun 13, 2006 - 4 comments

Who favorited me?

It would be nice to be able to tell how many of my own comments or threads have been marked as favorites by other users.
posted by bingo on Jun 9, 2006 - 16 comments

New Features for Favorites

New features for favorites: favorited posts and comments from your contacts have been added to your usercontacts page and there's a page for all favorites from your contacts. This should be useful for finding stuff you may have missed, but that people you trust and enjoy reading deemed worth of saving.

People that marked something as a favorite are no longer shown below each post, but on their own page. On your own favorites page you can now see who else marked the same item as a favorite, and the recent popular favorites page now lists comments as well as posts. Whew.
posted by mathowie on Jun 8, 2006 - 38 comments

Have Favorites made the "Fantastic" flag obsolete?

With the advent of the Favorites feature, has the 'fantastic post' flag been made obsolete? For instance, this question was only given two fantastics, but is a favorite of 32 users. This pattern is exhibited in nearly every question on the fantastic questions page. Are people no longer flagging posts as fantastic? Should these two features be combined, or one be eliminated?
posted by BackwardsCity on Jun 3, 2006 - 26 comments

Mefi's finest moments are also very, very chatty

The fantastic new Favorites feature has made me realize I have a poll/chatfilter dilemma. I've always supported the policy of deleting stupid "what's your favorite color, I'll go first, I like blue" questions, but I've been trolling the site marking my favorites and it turns out that so very many of what I consider Mefi's finest moments are also very, very chatty.
Exhibits inside.
posted by CunningLinguist on May 18, 2006 - 18 comments

Disabling Favoriting of Anonymous AskMe Posts?

Displaying users who have marked Anonymous questions in AskMe as a favorite is potentially revealing of who Anonymous was in that instance. It is also potentially harmful, both to users who mark such questions as a favorite, as well as to future discourse at Metafilter in general. So I suggest that we remove the list at the start of the thread of those who marked an Anonymous question as a favorite. [more inside]
posted by Effigy2000 on May 16, 2006 - 54 comments

Things to add to the favorite pages

On the favorites page, could we show what user created the comment/post?
Could we add tags to the favorites page?
posted by graventy on May 16, 2006 - 5 comments

Link to contacts' favorites?

My Favorites Pony - Love the favorites. How about adding into the contacts section a "jump to contacts' favorites" link?
posted by plinth on May 16, 2006 - 9 comments

Good reason to have "favorites" function

This is a great example of why the 'favorites' function rocks.
posted by maryh on May 15, 2006 - 84 comments

Announcing: favorites and flagging

I'm working on favorites and releasing what I have today. Think of favorites as an internal bookmark system, a way to keep a list of the good questions, great comments, or interesting ideas you've found here.

Right now, you can mark a thread on mefi, metatalk, or ask mefi as a favorite, and view it at the link in the header above (is the header too wide for small monitors?). All your stuff marked as a favorite is public and anyone else can see the stuff you've marked (this comes in handy later on).

I'll be adding the ability to flag comments later today and very soon I'll be doing something akin to the fantastic posts page on Ask MeFi, where the most favorited things over the past few days is highlighted on a single page.
posted by mathowie on May 10, 2006 - 100 comments

More Fantastic Comments Please

"Fantastic comments" make good reading. Why can I only read the last ten? Is it just a technical issue, or is there a worry that a permanent archive will result in competition?

(and if so, is competition that encourages people to write fantastic comments really such a bad idea?)
posted by tkolar on Apr 21, 2006 - 7 comments

AskMe Fantastic Posts

My wife and I adopted a black, infant girl. It's not specific to iPods. There is no shrinkage.

The "fantastic answers" section of the Recent Fantastic Posts page of AskMeFi is confusing without context.... could the actual question (the short version) be printed, small, above each fantastic answer?
posted by Robot Johnny on Apr 18, 2006 - 24 comments

Easy thread monitoring, without throwaway comments?

Whatever happened to the idea that soon we'd be able to flag a thread as "watch," so that one doesn't have to post some crappy comment just to ensure the thread appears in one's "My Comments" list? There are many threads I wish to monitor, and few I wish to actually comment upon.
posted by five fresh fish on Mar 17, 2006 - 11 comments

who posted this? and, favorites foreshadowed

A couple of things:

1) When people view your profile and links to answers posted on mefi and such, it looks more like you've posted the question - this seems a little odd, could the actual comments be linked instead (I know they're accessible by clicking on the date, it just seems a slightly unintuitive way of doing it).

2) Mefi and ask.mefi have some GREAT posts on there that I'd love to be able to bookmark within Metafilter (part of my profile maybe?). An example, lots of ask.mefi questions are just damned useful, and I'd like to have a place where I could go and you could see "BishopsLoveSciFi's favourite questions / answers / FPPs".

If it makes it any clearer, think of it working like memories on LJ. (See this FAQ item if you're not an LJer.)
posted by BishopsLoveScifi on Feb 14, 2006 - 8 comments

Suggested Feature: Subscribe to Posts

I would love a feature that allows you to "subscribe" to certain posts, coupled with the ability to view all "subscribed" posts. This way it would be easier to track the progress of certain threads that you do not participate in (you can obviously track those threads through the "my comments" page.
posted by charmston on Feb 9, 2006 - 2 comments

Watch This Thread

A Modest Pony Proposal: There's been talk in the past of adding a "Watch this thread" feature, which would be very useful. Is this still in the works?
posted by Gamblor on Feb 1, 2006 - 1 comment


Should I be able to flag my own posts? Because I just flagged all of them as Fantastic! (kidding, I just did one to test it). Am I making much ado about nothing?
posted by tweak on Dec 14, 2005 - 13 comments


Feature request: Mark this FPP as "Keep" -- like the Bloglines feature that makes posts sticky, or perhaps a list in the "Preferences" section. You could just use Bloglines, but MeFi is one of the few blogs where the native interface is better than a reader. Having a personal archive of favorite FPPs would be nice.
posted by stbalbach on Dec 1, 2005 - 12 comments

Ability to view who flagged or added you as a favorite.

Personal Fantastic Post Viewer? [mi possibly available after a few minutes]
posted by onalark on Nov 13, 2005 - 6 comments

Marking Favorite Threads

Obviously there are hundreds of really interesting threads on MetaFilter / AskMetaFilter that I'd like to personally bookmark/tag to read for a later date.

Since we all have individual log-ins, is there any way (aside from adding a bookmark to my already huge bookmark file) of marking a thread as one we like/love/want to read later, so when we log in we can get a list of them? :)
posted by badlydubbedboy on Sep 28, 2005 - 18 comments

What are your top 5 favourite Metafilter FPPs of all time?

What are your top 5 favourite Metafilter FPPs of all time?
Inspired by this comment.
posted by Edible Energy on Jul 21, 2005 - 41 comments

Del.icio.us link - useful or no?

After seeing this simple del.ico.us feature, I was wondering... would a [save to del.ico.us] link for threads in MeFi and Ask MeFi be a useful addition?
posted by mathowie on May 17, 2005 - 38 comments

Favorites Pony Request

Pony, pony, pony. Everyone wants a Pony. Here's the one I'd really like: The introduction of the [!] is nice. But I am way more interested in seeing the best, most interesting comments than I care about bad ones getting taken out behind the woodshed. If there has to be a [!] could there also be a [!!!]? In my pony dreams this spits out to a page like the del.icio.us popular list. Or something like that.
posted by limitedpie on Feb 24, 2005 - 18 comments

Something like a favorite would be awesome

I have no idea if this is something other people would want or if it would be easy enough to do...
posted by weretable and the undead chairs on Dec 5, 2004 - 14 comments

Watching Threads

How much flak will I catch if I start using "." to mark threads that I want to track on my "My Comments" page? I ask because there are several interesting threads that I want to monitor but in which I don't necessarily wish to post a message.
posted by five fresh fish on Aug 11, 2004 - 35 comments

Metafilter: funny tag lines

"self-policing since 1999"
Has anyone else noticed all the funny tag lines floating around MetaTalk threads lately? I've collected a few, but there must be more, my favorite:
MetaFilter: the preview box is full of lies.
The rest, below...
posted by Blake on Dec 19, 2003 - 20 comments

Can a system be devised for users who've appreciated a post to click on an "I enjoyed this" button?

A lot of excellent, original posts, like this one from homunculus, get zero comments because users (I'm guessing) feel it's lame just to say "Thank you"; "Good post" or something equally trite, though sincere. My feeling is that outsiders, when they see 0 or 1 comment, erroneously judge that it reflects on the post and pass on. Which is a great pity.

Can't a simple system be devised whereby those users who've appreciated a post click on a "I enjoyed this" or "(this is good)" button, the result appearing much as the trackbacks do now?
posted by MiguelCardoso on Oct 27, 2003 - 28 comments

Request for Watching Threads

How hard would it be to have a way to keep track of threads you are particularly interested in but have not posted in? I use the pulldown feature to keep track of my commented threads, but there are other threads that I would enjoy keeping up with-problem is I forget about them.
I guess I had in mind something like a checkoff box or something. Would this be hard to do?
(please don't suggest I comment in these threads too. I blab enough around here as it is.)
posted by konolia on Oct 23, 2003 - 44 comments

I'm wanting to add the potential for positive voting on threads

So I'm wanting to add the potential for positive voting on threads, so people can vote [this is good] and then others can view the best stuff from the past few days. I'm having some issues with the display side of things though [more inside]
posted by mathowie on Feb 21, 2003 - 156 comments

Page Views

Maybe this is just wishful thinking on my part, but I think it would be neat to have a feature that displays the number of times a page was viewed, so that those threads that are truly great yet don't elicit many responses are acknowledged. Just a thought.
posted by The Michael The on Jan 4, 2003 - 5 comments

Is there a plan for a thread tracking feature?

It struck me that it would be useful to mark interesting threads for tracking so I checked the MetaTalk archives and found that the idea had been raised originally back in the mists of time and then followed up much more recently. And yet I still don't know if it's been forgotten, abandoned or taken on board as an urgent priority. Would a "Features in Progress" page help? Or be a nagging schedule?
posted by MUD on Jul 8, 2002 - 2 comments

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