1943 posts tagged with Askme.
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Does googling ask.metafilter.com get the archives?
Does googling ask.metafilter.com get the archives? I was gearing up to chime in about visiting Moab for i_cola, when I had a moment of deja vu. The domain restricted search turned up only two non-results... but searching on my MetaTalk comment history broght me what I was looking for.
AskMe Titles
The Flamebait You Left Me. Looks like ass. Smells like ass. "In short - As an AskMe post, this is ass." I agree.
Anonymous AskMe
I have a question I think I want to Ask Metafilter, but I want to do it anonymously. (How) should I do this?
Too stupid for askme?
How do you decide if you askmefi question is too stupid? [more inside]
Shoutout: excellent answer proves AskMe works
This is how AskMetafilter works. Also, I thought it would be nice to call someone out for something positive, I don't know about anyone else but it's posts like this that keep me coming back. Thanks, chrismear.
Linking to AskMe from MeFi
Just curious, is there some reason Ask Metafilter is linked to from MetaTalk, but not from MetaFilter? MeTa and MeFi are both linked from AskMe.
The catty came back, the very next day
In surprise twist, "Where can I get away from you idiots" AskMe thread turns catty.
Someone starts to answer a question only to realize he dislikes the person who asked it
This may be the first ask.mefi thread where someone starts to answer a question only to realize he dislikes the person who asked it and therefore stops. Wacky.
Linking to AskMe
Why isn't there a link to AxeMe on the main MeFi page? Is there a specific reason or just haven't got around to it yet?
Follow-up: Compiled album recommendation list.
I requested for MeFi'ers to recommend an album (or two or three) yesterday on Ask Metafilter, and got a total of 121 unique recommendations. [more inside]
Is it unethical to use Ask Metafilter to answer your employer's questions?
Without getting specific, does it not seem unethical to use Ask Metafilter to answer your employer's questions?
Is this acceptable, or what is the limit? (or maybe we need to implement some sort of "I'll answer for a percentage"
scheme - since you are getting paid to know the answer)
Is this acceptable, or what is the limit? (or maybe we need to implement some sort of "I'll answer for a percentage"
scheme - since you are getting paid to know the answer)
AskMe: inline comments about the suitability or presentation are especially unwelcome
Dear No. 1: Maybe it's time for a little policy action. I think of AskMe much more in terms of archival value than I do MeFi, mostly because a great deal of the information shared there is anecdotal and experience-related, and as such is not wholly dependent on web links that may change or disappear. It seems that this is going to be a resource that will be referred to quite often in results for common searches, and in this way far less ephemeral than MeFi or MeTa. Therefore, I'm thinking that inline comments about the suitability or presentation of a posted question are especially unwelcome.
I understand that it will be overbearing and ridiculous to bring every single question of this sort to MeTa, but still, I think that in the long run it will be strange and distracting to have these asides remaining in the threads that survive to see another day, especially because they tend to drift off into discussions involving the complaint, and because the person complaining may have just been suffering from wrong-side-of-the-bed syndrome, the effects of which usually fade rapidly into obscurity on the blue and gray pages (and the inclusion of which is explicitly or implicitly more "built into" their more conversational structure), but which I suspect will end up being more "sticky", as well as oddly jarring, in the green. I also think that it will probably become impossible for you to monitor everything and delete all bad posts/comments one by one. [More, believe it or not...]
I understand that it will be overbearing and ridiculous to bring every single question of this sort to MeTa, but still, I think that in the long run it will be strange and distracting to have these asides remaining in the threads that survive to see another day, especially because they tend to drift off into discussions involving the complaint, and because the person complaining may have just been suffering from wrong-side-of-the-bed syndrome, the effects of which usually fade rapidly into obscurity on the blue and gray pages (and the inclusion of which is explicitly or implicitly more "built into" their more conversational structure), but which I suspect will end up being more "sticky", as well as oddly jarring, in the green. I also think that it will probably become impossible for you to monitor everything and delete all bad posts/comments one by one. [More, believe it or not...]
Update to the drunk friend thread
Update to the thread detailing my friend getting busted by the cops: He made a plea bargain with his court appointed lawyer and had his sentencing dropped to 3 years probation with Alcohol Rehabilitation classes. He doesn't get drunk anymore.
Can we have a search function for AskMe?
Matt, I'm in love with ask mefi. I have ideas for questions that I eventually want to ask (or research) but I want to make sure that it hasn't been asked before. Can we please have a "search" ask (rather than getting results from MetaTalk or the main filter?)
Punishment for "Just google it?" replies?
If quonsar can be banned for a week , what happens to the people who continually post about google to askme ?
Builtin Search Metafilter Functionality Request
(I couldn't find my answer in a search of meta-talk) Are there plans to make ask metafilter searchable? I love the site and would find it a very valuable reference tool if I could search previous posts. It would also be cool if posts were classified by category.
Can we make jokes in AskMe?
Would some "wisecracks" liven Ask Meta up a bit ?
We've all behaved very well so far.
We've all behaved very well so far.
Pleas explain timeout durations
Banned from MeFi? Are there any hard and fast rules? Why does lazy-ville get banned for weeks, others only a week, and others forever? If I ever happen to step on someone's toes while on a bender or something, I just want to know what the results might be. Also, is there any page for information regarding who's been banned in the past?
Build your own threadjack
Bloody Hell. Talk about threadjack.
please know the answer, ok?
A humble request: if you're going to answer a question in AskMe, please know the answer, ok?
Marking questions as answered
Another AskMe suggestion. How about a way for someone who has posted a question to go in and add a marker which says that their question has been answered which would then appear next to the 'comments' marker on the front page, which would then offer the ability to filter out all the questions which have been answered so that the benevolant can concentrate on those which haven't.
Jokes in AskMe are no good
Can we please make it stop? It's bad enough that we really want a 100+ post thread about same sex marriage every day. Do we have to drag it into AskMe?
Back button does not unpost
Matt, when submitting a question to Ask Me, I used the back button to edit my text twice. However, apparently the text was posted instead. The one time I'm serious, and I screw everything up.
AskMe Titles
I really really hate to ask... but can we get Post/Question Titles for Ask MetaFilter?
What domain names do I keep, part 1 of N
Umm... is this appropriate for AskMefi? I might not have bristled as much if not for the implication that we will be seeing "more than a dozen" of the same threads in the "next several days," and this was merely "part one" of many. Wendell, I love you man, but, uh, [this is bad].
pls summarize askme questions on front page
Men, women, and relationships
What are some good community sites, other than AskMetafilter, where people can intiate discussions on topics like this one? It's a good question in a bad place, IMO.
NYT quotes AskMe - I think
Hey, doesn't the following quote from this article in today's NYT (reg. req., etc.) come from MeFi? Or AskMe? Searching isn't doing it for me.
"I like a lot of the names I see on spam e-mails because they're completely abstract, with little conception of culture or traditional sounds," said a posting by someone using the name Oissubke, a self-described fiction writer. "They jump out. They're memorable. They may not work for Grisham or Shakespeare, but they're ideal for my own writing style."
"I like a lot of the names I see on spam e-mails because they're completely abstract, with little conception of culture or traditional sounds," said a posting by someone using the name Oissubke, a self-described fiction writer. "They jump out. They're memorable. They may not work for Grisham or Shakespeare, but they're ideal for my own writing style."
A couple of months ago, I posted a question to AskMe. I now think I have an answer.
A couple of months ago, I posted a question to AskMe. It generated a lot of interest and responses, but no definitive answer. I now think I have an answer. What should I do?
1. Keep it to myself.
2. Post it to the old, archived thread?
3. Make a new FPP?
I suspect #3 would piss some people off (because the FPP wouldn't be asking a new question), but if someone else found an answer to an old question, I'd prefer them to make a FPP. If they posted it to an ancient, archived thread, I would probably never think to go there and read it.
1. Keep it to myself.
2. Post it to the old, archived thread?
3. Make a new FPP?
I suspect #3 would piss some people off (because the FPP wouldn't be asking a new question), but if someone else found an answer to an old question, I'd prefer them to make a FPP. If they posted it to an ancient, archived thread, I would probably never think to go there and read it.
Will stats for AskMe be available on the profile page?
Are we adding stats for AskMe to a user's info page? That is how I mostly keep track of threads in which I am usually only marginally involved. If this has been covered before I openly apologize.
One question a week
Does anyone else think that Ask Metafilter would be improved if people could only ask one question per week? There are no 'bad' questions, and I love the site, but maybe it would be better if people saved up their questions for really good stuff, rather then just asking a question of the moment. The down side is that some off the cuff questions are the best, they mirror the way the mind thinks while on the web...
We can discuss politics in AskMe, but we cannot joke about it
Politics out of AskMe
Can we please keep politics off AskMetaFilter?
There is no cute icon for AskMefi in Firebird
This is a microponiacal request. There is no cute icon for AskMefi in Firebird. I dunno how this is done, just noticing that Mefi and Meta both have one, and AskMefi doesn't
I want this pony
I want this pony: To help make the AskMe archive a little more mineable and thereby cut down on repeat questions, might we include either arbitrary keywords, selected by the questioner, to flag the question, or more simply a choice of categories to apply to the question (as we have in MeTa)?
Askme posts disappearing rapidly off the front page
AskMe threads are disappearing off the front page at high speed as floods of new questions come in. It seems to me that a good many questions could have been answered had the question-asker put a bit more effort into googling. What are we to do?
Are two word questions enough details for askme
I appreciate that this has been raised before, but wouldn't it be good etiquette for questions on AskMetaFilter to at least contain a question? Surely two words is not enough?
Neither funny nor on-topic
Pardon me for asking, but WTF? I can't think of how this answer is useful, or even humorous yet off topic. It's just random and potentially offensive in a surreal sort of way. How do we head this stuff off at the pass? The "as useful as you make it" bit isn't working.
is it possible to ask Windows-related questions on AskMe without being sneered at?
Do you think it might be possible to ask Windows-related questions on AskMe without being sneered at?
What about a quick way to mark best answers or solutions in askme?
It would be nice, for the sake of closure, if there was a quick way of checking what solutions were eventually chosen by those who Ask MetaFilter, after having considered the answers provided to their questions. [More inside.]
Would it be possible to get plaintext versions of MeTa and AskMe
Would it be possible to get plaintext versions of MeTa and AskMe, which could be tied to our selection of same for MeFi in our profiles?
Is there an AskMe rss feed?
Is there an AskMe rss feed?
Are self links okay in AskMe?
Are self links okay in AskMe? This question appears to appropriate AskMe for a commercial purpose.
Where is the rest of my question?
I wanted to post a question to AskMe, which I see ok in preview but when I hit post, only 1 sentence of it comes up and I get a 404 page saying the rest of it can't be found, etc. I'm using Mozilla 1.4 on Windows XP but I tried it in IE6 and the same thing happened. What am I doing wrong?
the real helpful folks
On our inividual profile pages, it says how many times we've posted to MetaFilter and MetaTalk, but it doesn't yet mention AskMeta. That way we know who the real helpful folks are.
Please answer the actual question, not what you think should have been the question
AskMe policy proposal: "Please answer the actual question, not what you think should have been the question".
For instance here, crunchland seems to think the question is "what's a good approach to picking colors", whereas namespan is saying "fireworks used to have a feature, now it doesn't, what can I do". This happens all the time. People ask how to fix something on a computer running System A, and the answer is switch to System B. People ask about Anti-virus apps, and are told not to use them and just practice safe-computing. It's a small peeve, but the added noise is not appreciated, especially when you actually care about the answers.
For instance here, crunchland seems to think the question is "what's a good approach to picking colors", whereas namespan is saying "fireworks used to have a feature, now it doesn't, what can I do". This happens all the time. People ask how to fix something on a computer running System A, and the answer is switch to System B. People ask about Anti-virus apps, and are told not to use them and just practice safe-computing. It's a small peeve, but the added noise is not appreciated, especially when you actually care about the answers.
Nice answers in Onion Askme
Ask MeFi's finest hour. Enough to bring tears to my eyes.
I can't post a comment to Ask MetaFilter
I can't post a comment to Ask MetaFilter. When I hit preview it shows nothing under Comment Preview. I'm using Mozilla 1.3.1.
Is it illegal to post information here that would enable someone else to do something illegal?
Matt doesn't want it but it seems a bit harmless to me. Is it illegal to post information here that would enable someone else to do something illegal? Bearing in mind that any possible crime in this case would take place in Portugal. What could happen to Matt+MeFi if we put up enabling information here? Any lawyers?