1267 posts tagged with PONY.
Displaying 1051 through 1100 of 1267. Subscribe:
MeTa "notify this user" pony
This is actually a MetaTalk feature request. When creating a thread about a specific post or user (e.g., 1, , 3) courtesy dictates that the singled-out member be notified. But I don't know how often that happens. How about an optional field, when creating a new MetaTalk thread, reading "Notify these users". The thread creator could then enter one or more usernames and/or usenumbers, separated by commas. When the thread is created, the specified users (assuming their email address are available) would receive an automated email reading something to the effect of "You have been asked to participate in MetaTalk thread xxxxx."
Cinderella Story
CINDERELLA STORY. Aside from the fact that it would mean more work for Matt ... Every Friday, we always get a couple of frontpage posts that are not the sort of content that is desired on Metafilter. The "What Actor Do You Hate" is a fine example, but you could include any of the Friday flashy-goodness ones. The justification of them is always "it's Friday, and so just shut the fuck up, you uptight Mefi Nazi Cop Bastard." So what if we allow these sorts of things, but when the clock strikes twelve on Midnight Saturday morning, PST, they all turned into pumpkins, and were automatically deleted? (Alternately, you could just make posting replies to these threads disabled and allow them to scroll away.) I mean, relax the posting rules one day a week, let the people have their Friday fun, but clean up the messes they make, and prevent them from lingering on for days after the "let's loosen up because I've had such a hard week at work" crapola. Or would going to these lengths to allow the stuff just encourage people to fill the front page with complete crap 1/7th of the time?
Add visual delimiters between fpps?
On the front page I sometimes mistake a thread with an empty line and then another link in the comment for two separate threads. I don't associate all of the text with a single post because the spacing is the same as it would be for two posts. It's a minor thing and I realize there was more to the comment when I view it, but what about adding a delimiter to make it easier to tell threads apart? Or am I the only one that makes this mistake?
Pony: remote new comment notification
Let me preface this by saying that I am not looking to give mathowie more work to do. Having said that, I was wondering if there is a non-labor-intensive way by which I can be notified when new comments have been added to threads I've commented in without visiting the site and sorting by my comments?
Please add year to date field (redux)
How about including the year along with the date info on posts? This post got two new hits today, but we wouldn't know that if Ufez hadn't used the words "three years later".
'Jump to the comment in this thread' links should be in
When viewing the comments a user has made, it would be nice to have the jump to the comment in this thread links in order. That way when you can read their comments, it makes sense. Before I realized they were out of order, it was rather confusing.
SADDENED by the complaints about MeFi
Emboldened as I am by positive reinforcement (thank you Stavros, and Sennoma), and joyous as I may be at the successful migration to the new server ( Happy Birthday, MetaFilter!), I am still saddened by the many "things are not so good at MetaFilter" discussions that seem to have been occurring recently, both here and off-premises. Although you may all count me in the "I love this place, and all who frequent her shores" category, after carefully reviewing the complaints and giving the matter due consideration, I do have two (and only two) suggestions ... (more inside)
Post Anonymously
A 'post anonymously' option. Matt could still see who posted it, and perhaps remove the option for those who abuse it.
There's a need when you want to respond about your company, or your family, or your health; without the consequences of detail.
There's a need when you want to respond about your company, or your family, or your health; without the consequences of detail.
Is there a plan for a thread tracking feature?
It struck me that it would be useful to mark interesting threads for tracking so I checked the MetaTalk archives and found that the idea had been raised originally back in the mists of time and then followed up much more recently. And yet I still don't know if it's been forgotten, abandoned or taken on board as an urgent priority. Would a "Features in Progress" page help? Or be a nagging schedule?
User Stats
Is it technically possible, without too much bandwidth "wastage" I hope, to have a list of all the MeFites loggen in at any given moment? I remember there was an "X number of people currently logged in" feature a while ago If Matt decides to bring it back, is it possible to actually have the names of those logged in?
Two Small Questions
Two itsy-bitsy questions and one trivial, infinitesimal footnote:
1)On MetaTalk's front page it says "There have been no links and no comments posted since your last visit". Since posts here aren't required to have links wouldn't it be better to say posts or, following the wording on the posting box, threads?
2)Why, when you go back to revise your new post, does the category selected always jump back to bugs? (Some posts mistakenly attributed to bugs are impossible to find through the category archives).
Footnote: Does anyone else feel slightly disappointed when they check in on MeTa and there haven't been any new posts for what seems like ages? Is this ethically deplorable in any way? ;)
1)On MetaTalk's front page it says "There have been no links and no comments posted since your last visit". Since posts here aren't required to have links wouldn't it be better to say posts or, following the wording on the posting box, threads?
2)Why, when you go back to revise your new post, does the category selected always jump back to bugs? (Some posts mistakenly attributed to bugs are impossible to find through the category archives).
Footnote: Does anyone else feel slightly disappointed when they check in on MeTa and there haven't been any new posts for what seems like ages? Is this ethically deplorable in any way? ;)
How about a metaFilter chat room?
How about a metaFilter chat room? You can see who's logged in, get the angst off your chest and utterly destroy the last remaining productive minutes I have at work.
Someone set us up the bomb
Can a chronological # be assigned to each comment(s) in each thread, so, saying or not saying, is more visible. I realize not all or the full comments are being read, or more etiquettely put, not everyone has the time. Then again it may make it that much easier for that, then were back to more etiquette??
Plus it may cut down for memory when were thinking of this. As your taking up space by copy & paste, one's words. I'm sure this will not stop it.
Plus it may cut down for memory when were thinking of this. As your taking up space by copy & paste, one's words. I'm sure this will not stop it.
Is an automated search feature possible?
Is an automated search feature possible? Before submitting let's sayMahir's "I kiss you" or "All your base are belong to us" the posted url would be filtered through existing posts.
Poster would receive a message saying something like : thanks for the effort but someone posted that already with a link to the original post.
Poster would receive a message saying something like : thanks for the effort but someone posted that already with a link to the original post.
I want to be more Plastic
Since the proverbial "MeTa seal" has been broken, and posts are flowing freely again, I have a request for management. I frequent Plastic, and their commenting structure intrigues me. You have the ability to comment to a specific comment within the thread, or create a free-standing comment. Is it possible for MeFi to have the same/similar structure? That way, when a poster would like to comment specifically to another poster, there's no need to search the entire thread for responses.
Can we see expired Textads?
Is there anyway to see a list of expired Textads? If not, can a feature be added to allow us to see a Textad history of what has been posted in the past?
Would it be very difficult to add a date/time stamp to the "jump to the comment in this thread" links in the "All Comments by (Username)" listing? It would be tremendously useful in tracking living threads.
commentary-cutting link view pony?
I don't know if this has been asked for before, or is even good for a "community" web site, but, does anyone think having an extra link from each front page post that cut's out all the commentary and just shows urls to sites that have been linked in the discussion - a way to look at sites without pre-judgements being put in your mind by the comments they are with?
Emails in Profiles
I think it's fantastic that our email addresses are now shielded from non-members, but that still means that 13,000 people are free to send anonymous flames to any member--or to sign them up for spam. How about this: Instead of the profile page displaying the email address, it shows an email form. One would have to be logged in to use it, the sender's username would show up in the email, and the recipient's address would remain hidden.
Best of MeFi
Best of MeFi, would it be possible to revive it? Matt pointed out it was too much work to do it daily, and he already puts in way too much time and effort running this place. Perhaps it would be better if it was a weekly or a bi-weekly email, with a volunteer guest editor picking the threads. What do you think?
Can we please have some mechanism to prevent double posts?
Can we please have some mechanism to prevent double posts? it's pretty simple to implement, and should'nt increase any load on the server... For example, this post has many double posts...
Tagging users with "warnings"
In AOL Instant Messenger there is the ability to 'warn' other users. Perhaps the ability to tag someone with a 'warning' and the subsequent monitoring of how many warnings people accumulate in a time frame could be an idea?
Pony: commenters must read links
File this one under something for the far flung future, but how about a "you have to have read a link to post a comment" feature.
Pony: last 10 comments link/page
Feature idea: A last 10 link after the comment count on each front-page post, which causes the thread to be loaded with only the last 10 comments visible.
Reducing the load time for long threads.
For exceptionally long threads, would it be more CPU-friendly to stop rendering new pages every time someone clicked into the page after a certain point? Say, arbitrarily, 100 posts?
Cross-referenced comments in long threads.
I think it'd be handy---esp. within excessively long threads where many users post several times---to have something like this:
where the "see also: 1,2,3..." points to other posts by the same user within a given thread. Maybe this has been requested before, and maybe it's not worth the coding hassle -- but I think it'd be very useful.
posted by username at 5:00 PM PST on March 13 [see also: 1,2,3...]
where the "see also: 1,2,3..." points to other posts by the same user within a given thread. Maybe this has been requested before, and maybe it's not worth the coding hassle -- but I think it'd be very useful.
Optional field to define scope?
Shortform: Maybe an added optional field could be made, which would allow the instigator of a given MeFi FPP to better define their intent of the thread's topic scope? Something that can later be referred to when arguments over topic drift do arise? [more]
Post Delays?
A sensor which would prevent two posts within an interval of, say, 30 seconds or 60. This would unintentional double posts such as mine in the tactical nuke thread of a few minutes ago. (I tend to push elevator buttons more than once also)
Can we sort by most visited/most clicked?
Has consideration been given previously for a Metafilter sort by most visited/most clicked on front page posts? Thanks.
Editing Posts
Is it possible to have an edit facility? I know there are ample opportunities before you actually post, but some of us like to unwind after work on a Friday with a little drink or three and don't always spot our little boo boos until it's too late, thus incurring the wrath of the less tolerant among us.
If we could edit the post, post posting as it were, it would save embarrassment.
Profound apologies for my too too boo boo on Miguel Carduso's radio thread. Should have caught an earlier choo choo.
If we could edit the post, post posting as it were, it would save embarrassment.
Profound apologies for my too too boo boo on Miguel Carduso's radio thread. Should have caught an earlier choo choo.
Troll button pony
A feature idea: Add a button to the bottom of every MeFi page that says "this is a troll" (below the button, add a link that says "What's a troll?" that links to an explanation). Then it's just a matter of math: If over, say, fifty percent of the visitors to that thread mark it as a troll, delete it (or, at least, flag it for admin review). A system like this might discourage people from posting threads just to piss everyone off.
Feature request: Where's the Chat At?
Most frustrating thing about MeFi: How oddly disposable it is. I mean the discussion, not the links. When you skip it for a few days, and come back, the links still work but the discussions are dead. Forty-eight hours, and dead as a doornail. I know MeFi is all about fresh links -- but still. Would it be so bad to allow for sorting by recent comment on the customization page, so the sorting persists between visits? Or is this already possible, and it's just that no one does it?
non-programmers want pretty text
Sorry, Matt, but would it be too much to get the Italics, Bold, and Link icons on the MeTa post threads? Is it something you've been meaning to do or what? It really would make life easier for us non-programming types.
Prevent accidental multiple postings
I suppose this has already been discussed, but isn't it a simple thing to do to prevent accidental multiple postings? Perhaps the current comment could be compared to the previous comment?
Skeleton next comment preview
Perhaps on the preview of a post or a comment, there should be a skeleton "next comment" that would show whether one has screwed up in one's tags (whether not closing them, or inserting an extra ") Obviously, this is a response to this entry.
Pony to get only new comments loaded on refresh?
From the I Don't Know If This Is Possible Dept.: Could MeFi be coded so that when hitting the preview button on a new post, the next page only lists any posts made to the thread since the person last loaded the page? I'm just thinking in terms of lightening server load, since on some of those active, >100-post threads, the server's having to reload and resend the entire thread just so the poster can confirm his/her response looks right before hitting "post."
Organizing MeFi favorites
Just a small thing. I've a section in my favourites for Mefi threads I'm following so that I can consult them easily later. Is this just me? Anyway, whenever they appear there, they are listed as 'Metafilter Comments on [insert number]'. How easy would it be to have something more identifiable so I don't have to remember the thread number (for example those little post summaries which appear on the top of the posting boxes)?
Getting my local time on posts instead of PST
How about, when previewing a comment, showing the current time in much the same way that the actual posted comment is flagged? (more)
Celebrity guest FPP idea
Random idea re "Celebrity guest" front page posts - perhaps invite Dvorak (or other chosen person) to become a guest for a day (or permanent member), brief him on how its all works, allow him to front page post anything he chooses, and have all the ensuing commetary with his participation. Other choices might be Colin Powell (oops this isnt MTV), Tom Friedman of the NYT (so often linked to), even Andrew Sullivan, etc etc. Just a thought.
MeFi Chat
What do people think about creating some kind of Metafilter chat forum? It's been suggested by at least one other person, and might be just what Metafilter needs right now. Mefi long ago grew into a community with its own in-jokes, celebrities and infamous posters; in lieu of a chat forum in which to have casual discussions, a lot of the 'off-topic' stuff has spilled over into Mefi and MeTa, arguably decreasing the quality of many threads.
what about a footnote button?
What about a footnote button? [more inside]
Comments in posting history not in order
Miguel's comment got me to check my posting history (it's an ugly thing to do, I don't recommend it). Anyway, I found that the comments I posted aren't in any kind of order. (more inside)
Improved title element
If you have the poster's name when printing the TITLE element on a post's detail page, it'd be nice to have the window title be e.g. "MetaFilter | Comments on ParisParamus's post" instead of "MetaFilter | Comments on 14703". It'd let the browser's history list be more useful...
(Although of course you'd have to implement a sophisticated possessive-forming engine to avoid "s's" as in my bad example...)
(Although of course you'd have to implement a sophisticated possessive-forming engine to avoid "s's" as in my bad example...)
What would you who want a buffyfilter want? (I've got the url, a hosting provider and matt's permission...) i want to write it in perl/mysql, because i think that that would be fun. i have some ideas, but they are in my head.
What would you who want a buffyfilter want? (I've got the url, a hosting provider and matt's permission...) i want to write it in perl/mysql, because i think that that would be fun. i have some ideas, but they are in my head.
Can we have a better 404 page?
404 grammar flame? Well, hopefully a little more proactive than that. Considering the possibilities, couldn't MeFi have a more interesting "not found" message?
Pony: A MeFi This! link similar to Blogger's Blog This! feature
Feature request: a MeFi This! link similar to Blogger's Blog This! feature. The upside: easy to post. The downside: more FFPs on Metafilter. Good idea, or really bad?
Request that Metatalk show number of new posts and comments: feature already exists
Why is there no "X# of new posts/X# of new comments" on MeTa? would it be that hard to implement?
custom stylesheets
Not that don't like the look of MetaFilter, but I think it would be nice if the Customize page had a textarea field for specifying custom stylesheet rules. More inside...
MetaTalk archives?
It's a pity there is no MetaTalk archives. Occasionally I take a few days off to actually get work done and I feel like I'm missing something important.
MeTa XML stream requested
Alright, I've found the MeFi XML stream, now how about the MeTa XML stream? Search the MeTa comments and couldn't find anything... thanks in advance.