878 posts tagged with etiquette.
Displaying 451 through 500 of 878. Subscribe:

We could have done better

I really didn't like the way the drakepool thread in MeTa went yesterday. It reminded me too much of the ripper IRC tragedy. I don't have any answers, but I think that could have gone better.
posted by warbaby on May 31, 2005 - 121 comments

Consulting Wikipedia before posting to AskMe

Matt, can you please add Wikipedia to the list of places to check on the AskMe post a question page? A number of times, I've noticed perfectly cromulent answers were in there. In fact, I bet Mefites can suggest at least a couple other "check here first" sources.
posted by Plutor on May 27, 2005 - 25 comments

And more newsfilter....

Now might be a bad time, but PartisanFilter (#1, #2, #3, #4) today seems hardly "the best of the web." Particularly focused on #1 as it's just an "ActionAlert' for something that somebody thinks is Really Imporant and was already discussed in a NewsFilter FPP two days ago.
posted by thedevildancedlightly on May 9, 2005 - 261 comments

What does this add to the discussion?

What does this add to the discussion?
posted by AlexReynolds on May 9, 2005 - 41 comments

Suggesting comments on drunk posting are emailed vs. made in thread

If you suspect another user has been PWI (Posting While Intoxicated) why not send him an email instead of ridiculing it in the thread? See related alarmist post here
posted by dhoyt on May 2, 2005 - 51 comments

Copying unrelated comments from another site

Someone's bein' creepy! [+]
posted by Mayor Curley on May 2, 2005 - 124 comments

OK, I was a little bit of a jerk, but the reply was worse!

I grant that my first comment in this thread was a little troll-ish, and I'm sorry about that. I probably contributed a pretty bad atmosphere to the discussion there. But was this really warranted?
posted by koeselitz on May 2, 2005 - 36 comments

Should users alter the font size in their posts?

Is it a good idea to set the text size in posts? Users can set the font sizes to something comfortable and readable for them in their profiles, but if the poster sets them manually, that useful function is lost.
posted by jacquilynne on Apr 20, 2005 - 31 comments

Are we twelve?

Are we twelve?
posted by mek on Apr 17, 2005 - 58 comments

It seemed like a snark-in-good-fun

It sounds as though this post was meant as a frivolous laugh at all parties involved, which is why the personal swipes sound so out of place. I partially note it because I was about to make a similar FPP, but perhaps should be glad I didn't....
posted by jenleigh on Apr 15, 2005 - 19 comments

Would this link be against self-link etiquette or policy?

I wanted to create an FPP for this ten second film festival, which I think would be of interest to many MeFites, but I've run into a couple of ethical and logistical conundrums: 1) The festival is being run by a friend of mine, so I suppose I might be a little biased as to this being The Best of The Web. 2) You really have to be in the Twin Cities area to see the screening and win a prize, even though submissions are accepted from anywhere. Any thoughts about this being FPP worthy?
posted by bigbadem on Apr 11, 2005 - 11 comments

This post has no stupid tags

I'm pretty sure this has been requested before here, but can we please have a way to flag posts with stupid tags, while the rest of the content of the post is just fine?
posted by grouse on Apr 11, 2005 - 20 comments

IRL, do we introduce other MeFites as friends, acquaintances, or what?

I was out at Jillian's in Boston yesterday, and I saw another MeFite there who I recognized from a previous MeFi meetup. Thing is, I didn't remember her real name, and I'm not sure that she'd remember mine. Should I have said hi, and if so, what would be the rules on having friends of MeFites meet each other? Do we introduce other MeFites as friends, acquaintances, or what?
posted by sachinag on Apr 9, 2005 - 44 comments

Bevets is abusing his membership

Bevets is abusing his membership. Undeniable evidence included inside.
posted by furtive on Apr 9, 2005 - 100 comments

conspiracy + conspiracy = truth

I want to take issue with this post. The seemingly innocuous way greatgefilte couples the public acknowledgement of a conspiracy another, speculative one is a disingenuous way to lend credibility to a (what is in my opinion) a particularly slanderous myth. [more inside]
posted by ori on Apr 5, 2005 - 67 comments

I double post and get shit. A triple post gets a pass?

Why is it that when I double posted an item on The World in January everyone pissed in my cornflakes, repeatedly, but with this triple post fenriq gets a pass?
posted by togdon on Apr 4, 2005 - 78 comments

This is a solid example of a lame 'newsfilter' post.

Submitted for discussion: This is a solid example of a lame 'newsfilter' post. A link to a very brief local news story with zero attempt at intelligent context.
posted by mediareport on Apr 2, 2005 - 41 comments

we get it, you don't like the pope.

Alright, I'm fed up.

Can we please dispense with pissing all over the Blue? [More Inside]
posted by dirtynumbangelboy on Apr 2, 2005 - 184 comments

What's to gain from posting a negative comment?

Say you see a FPP, and say it sucks. What's to gain from posting a negative comment? Many comments I see are not only negative, they're downright vicious. If it's a double post, or a self-link, chances are it will be deleted. Furthermore - personally, if I see a post that's been there for a while and there are only a few comments, I'm not going to read the comments, simple as that. I'd bet many of you follow this as well. So why bash a lousy post?

Some of us seem extremely mindful of MetaFilter's integrity. Does it only hurt it further to barrage a poster with bitching? (PS - I'm aware of the fact that this very post could be a repeat, but it was hard to search for this - the ironing would be delicious).
posted by ORthey on Mar 30, 2005 - 44 comments

deliberately cryptic commenting is annoying as hell

In the interest of avoiding further derail of the Aryan Justice thread, I am going to accept amberglow's invitation to bugbread and state that deliberately cryptic commenting is annoying as hell and is counterproductive to the idea of communication.
posted by John Smallberries on Mar 29, 2005 - 71 comments

Scriptural mythos without atheists

In the same way we want to avoid people's pet theories on pornography invading threads on pubic shaving (old gray/green thread, wish I could remember the URLs), I wish Metafilter's multitude of strident atheists would extend the courtesy of keeping their unhelpful but oh-so-clever snarks [6,6,6] out of otherwise cogent discussions on scriptural mythos. We can talk about these things objectively without being vilified as damn fundies, right? Thanks, and Happy Easter.
posted by brownpau on Mar 28, 2005 - 150 comments

Troll vs. good poster?

Excuse me ignorance for a few moments, but I in all honesty cannot for the life of me understand why bevets is being considered a troll/flamer in this thread about evolution.
Now, I am a full proponent of the Theory of Evolution. However, that said, all bevets is doing is disagreeing with the Theory. Some people like orthogonality decide to actually respond to bevets' ideas. Not to pick on any one user, but then you get bshort who sounds more like a troll than bevets by not even thoughtfully responding to bevets' creationist ideas.
In all honestly, if byver wants to have an open dialogue about this topic, what is the problem? Does that make him a troll if he earnestly wants to discuss the topic, even if you all think he sucks at it because if so, then a whole LOT of users would be trolls with whom the masses just happen to agree with.

*note* I do NOT intend this thread to be a pileon over bevets (enough of that happened in the thread), but rather what makes a troll vs. a good poster since all I see here is a very strong disagreement in ideologies.
posted by jmd82 on Mar 26, 2005 - 58 comments

Pre-MeMail email etiquette question

Last week I posted a music question to AskMe. To be honest, I really, really wanted one particular user to answer (he/she did) because I know from their previous answers that they know a lot about recording/playing music. What I want to know, though, is whether it would have been considered bad etiquette to email this person directly, after hunting down their address via the home URL on their profile. Basically - an unsolicited email. If you received such an email from a fellow Mefite would you consider it spamming and/or somehow taking advantage of the "community"?
posted by bunglin jones on Mar 25, 2005 - 34 comments

Self-link, it seems

Self-link, it seems
posted by John Kenneth Fisher on Mar 25, 2005 - 69 comments

hate site link warning

The first link on this thread The Seven Dwarfs of Auschwitz is to a Nazi site, pushing a holocaust denial agenda. Can the FPP be edited to flag this up, so people know what they're clicking on? It turned out that the poster had a good reason for giving that link, but I would have preferred to have had that explanation up front. The lack of explanation led to a derail on the thread. In general, I think it would be courteous to flag up links to neo-nazi sites, so people can make an informed decision about whether to visit them.
posted by Flitcraft on Mar 18, 2005 - 64 comments

Should I report every error message I get from the site?

Metaquettefilter: When I see things like "Parameter 2 of function Right which is now 0 must be a positive integer" when I'm trying to get my nigh-hourly dose of ask.mefi, should I just assume a wizard did it, and it'll all get taken care of, or should I report it? I *hate* the idea of being the 3000th person to complain about something and thereby be part of what's keeping it from getting fixed....
posted by kimota on Mar 16, 2005 - 6 comments

How to deal with partisan posts on MeFi.

Metafilter is not Wikipedia. There's no expectation of neutrality here. So instead of telling the poster to get his own blog, why not read the links, then add more links and observations from your own perspective. That's why they call them comments.
posted by Saucy Intruder on Mar 15, 2005 - 38 comments

Don't get snarky just because you don't like the answers.

Etiquette suggestion: don't get snarky with people who are trying to help you.
posted by techgnollogic on Mar 12, 2005 - 58 comments

I voted for what?

I just got sort of tricked into voting for the fore-edge painting post on metafilter:remixed by casu marzu. While I DID think it was a great post, I had no idea mefi:remixed existed, and would have liked more of a "click here if you think this post deserves recognition on another site" link. Or something. It's not a big deal, just a courtesy issue.
posted by ArsncHeart on Mar 9, 2005 - 12 comments

Better expressing my sarcasm

In the short time I've been Metactive, I've already had to apologize to 4 different people for not expressing my sarcasm well enough. Care to share your superior methods of sarcasm?
posted by hellbient on Mar 8, 2005 - 84 comments

Someone died, and it was still funny, apparently.

Death to Reporters!The Vindication of Eason Jordan!Pre-emptive strike!Why do you hate America so much? • Looks like Nicola Calipari's death is another great opportunity for sneering, soulless political point-scoring. Why was the only semi-respectful treatment of the story the only one to get deleted?
posted by dhoyt on Mar 5, 2005 - 3 comments

Attack on poster history is unwarranted

A number of recent contentious discussions have quickly devolving into attacks on the past history of the individuals under discussion or justifications that break down to “They do it too!”. Would it help improve the tone of discussions to ask posters to consider the direct relevance of their comments on the topic under discussion, rather than firing off ‘unrelated’ repsonses that read like cheap shots or weak justifications? [mi]
posted by lirio on Mar 4, 2005 - 26 comments

I was inconsiderate.

Just want to apologize for the poor wording on my post today linking to this article. My mistake was terribly ill-advised wording in my fpp. Sorry to have offended, and I understand why it was offensive and why the fpp was deleted.
posted by mcgraw on Mar 3, 2005 - 84 comments

I would like to encourage members to refer to other members by their full usernames.

PetPeeve Filter: I would like to use this post to encourage members to refer to other members by their full usernames in comments.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero on Mar 2, 2005 - 134 comments

"Please read the link" callout

Metafilter fascism: Please click on the link at least once *before* filling up the thread with stupid comments. In this case, the poster (matteo) merely quotes pieces of a work of fiction before delmoi and TargetPractice jump in with knees in full-jerk mode.
posted by vacapinta on Feb 28, 2005 - 30 comments

Piracy of Calvin and Hobbes.

Perhaps I'm not the model MeFi poster, and call me old-fashioned, but I find something really, truly shady about the abject, unapologetic theft of another's creativity being advocated on the Blue. Does piracy qualify as the best of the web?
posted by AlexReynolds on Feb 27, 2005 - 277 comments

google made me awesome

I know that lots of people love y2karl's posts, but when he damn near admits that his work is courtesy of Google, then we've moved beyond being the "best of the web" and into the realm of "you need your own blog".
posted by Avogadro on Feb 25, 2005 - 131 comments

Guidance on the correct use of AskMe's [more inside] field

Uhm, everyone using [more inside] in Ask MetaFilter sort of defeats the purpose if it and looks, err, bad, does it not? Is there anything to do about it?
posted by xmutex on Feb 18, 2005 - 31 comments

If you have to update, please do it in one comment

I really wish ericb would post all of his findings in one message, instead of dribbling them out over several. Apparently he's got amberglow doing it, too. What's the point?
posted by crunchland on Feb 18, 2005 - 72 comments

Does he have some asshole pass from Matt?

What freen said.

or, in his own words: Why is dios's continual rude and offensive behavior tolerated? The vast majority of his comments are caustic and intended to be insulting. His behavior is not new and surely not unnoticed. Does he have some asshole pass from Matt?

And stop the "queen" shit too--it's offensive.
posted by amberglow on Feb 17, 2005 - 170 comments

So I shouldn't talk about guns or declawing cats. What else should I know?

I have some ideas about getting rid of religious fundamentalism, winning the War on Terrorism, and inoculating our nation against ever electing anyone like George Bush to the White House again -- all at the same time and using nothing more lethal than words and a few diagrams.

I'm new here, and I would appreciate suggestions on what I should particularly avoid doing in discussing such matters in this group.

I am also from an older generation, and I am extremely upset about the current atmosphere in Washington, if any of this helps to explain the kind of answers I need.
posted by jhilton on Feb 17, 2005 - 55 comments

Asshole pass?

Why is nofundy's continual rude and offensive behavior tolerated? The vast majority of his comments are caustic and intended to be insulting. His behavior is not new and surely not unnoticed. Does he have some asshole pass from Matt? If such a thing exists, can I get one too?
posted by dios on Feb 16, 2005 - 119 comments

1st-degree personal attack

This is a personal attack, and one that is way off base.
posted by mek on Feb 14, 2005 - 41 comments

Baseless accusations

Have unsubstantiated smears become common currency at MeFi too now?
posted by semmi on Feb 14, 2005 - 34 comments

Can I contact someone via MetaTalk?

I want to pass on some info to someone regarding their expired (and kind of unfulfilled) AskMe question, but there's no email listed on his/her contact page. Is it within MeFi etiquette to post an open note here on MetaTalk for nakedcodemonkey?
posted by blueberry on Feb 14, 2005 - 3 comments

I AM PMS-ing

Snark/non helpful alert. And we wonder why folks think this is a boyzone? Am I pms'ing? Yes. Overreacting? Possibly. Does not calling it out = acceptance, joking or not?
posted by yoga on Feb 12, 2005 - 66 comments

"Mozilla not fit for general use"

Does the "Mozilla not fit for general use" FPP count as a self-link? It only calls out a single bug, which the author has commented on several times. For that matter, I don't think a layout bug is usually worthy of a FPP.
posted by grouse on Feb 12, 2005 - 35 comments

Is it ok to post followups in threads?

Honest, innocent question: Is this o.k.?
posted by mudpuppie on Feb 8, 2005 - 13 comments

Is there etiquette on commenting in your own posts?

Is there etiquette on commenting in your own posts (FPPs?)? I'm exercising restraint - don't want to end up on Noobs Gone Wild. Looser in the green than the blue?
posted by hellbient on Feb 8, 2005 - 20 comments

AskMe is not for Help Wanted ads.

Ask Metafilter is not a volunteers wanted noticeboard.
posted by fvw on Feb 8, 2005 - 26 comments

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