1943 posts tagged with askMe.
Displaying 551 through 600 of 1943. Subscribe:
Region filter?
How about some kind of regional filter for AskMe questions that relate only to a specific country/area? Like this one. If the question appeared on the front page as [AU] What should I do ..., it would be more easily brought to the attention of people who could answer it and allow people who can't answer it to easily skip over it. [more inside]
I think my AskMe question belongs in more than one category.
Your solitary compulsion becomes a shared experience.
This AskMe post blows my mind in a minor and enjoyable way. Who knew? It turns out a lot of people have a Tourette's-like response to embarrassing memories. [more inside]
Please don't ask
I was in my local public library today and wanted to look up a thread about Paris that I'd seen in Ask Metafilter, so I got on one of the library's computers. I was surprised to find that the library blocks Ask MeFi. How common is this? How can I get the library to unblock it?
AskMe Answer Generator
Before you post your next AskMe question, you might try checking out MetaChat's thread of suggested automated AskMe answers. From "Don't eat it" to "Try Craigslist" to "Check out these twenty-five identical previous AskMe questions on this topic" to "Learn how to communicate. Pouring your heart out to 60,000 random strangers on the internet ≠ effective communication with your partner", we've pretty much got every topic covered.
Why deleted?
My answer deleted. Please explain why. [more inside]
Why anon?
This anonymous question about swimming has picked my curiosity. The guidelines say that questions that 'don't appear to require anonymity' may not be approved. Is swimming a reason to be ashamed in some part of the world?
X-posting AskMeFI and Uclue - is it bad?
Is it considered bad etiquette to post the same question to both Ask Metafilter and Uclue? [more inside]
trying to find an old askme about browser portal thingy
Coulda swore there was an AskMe about a site that would allow you to punch in a URL and see what the site looks likes on different browsers/platforms... but of course I can't find it. Anyone recall this or am I imagining it?
Using the stumped tag in askme
Since promoting the resolved tag worked so well, how about promoting the stumped tag?
Ugh, all RIGHT, mom, I get it.
Why do people feel the need to post the same (obvious) advice other people have given, especially after the asker has already marked the best answer? [more inside]
Because having your questions answered by *one* know it all is so pre-AskMe.
Salon's Cary Tennis referred one of his questioning letter writers to AskMe for a discussion on sighing. So how long is until is it until Dear Abby and Ann Landers just start to tell their readers, "Get counselling, and read AskMe, dear."
how is babby scarred??
While composing an AskMetafilter question about where I might purchase baby clothes, I was told the following: [more inside]
More than one category for AskMes?
I, too, would enjoy a pony: the ability to select more than one category for an AskMe question. [more inside]
Single Day AskMeFi Archive Browse
Is there any way to browse the Ask archives a day at a time? Browsing by date (e.g. http://ask.metafilter.com/archived.mefi/10/01/2006/ ) currently brings up an entire month at a time, which is rather unwieldy. [more inside]
It's an AskMe Miracle
The end result of this question just needs to be preserved as a "wonderful AskMe moment." Crushing problem solved in a way neither of us would have considered if it hadn't been for the suggestion in AskMe. Now we know, and the other credit-card-ignorant will know too when they search!
help me find a post
Can anyone help me find an old AskMe post about keeping promises that I forgot to favorite? [more inside]
Don't ask me!!
Well, I've seen this type of phrase around, and it hit one of my questions.
"This sounds like a legal question. You should really ask a lawyer."
I think it's legit to ask legal related questions here. One, someone may have had experience with the situation. Two, there may be a friendly lawyer around (hey, I've given free advice for my areas of knowledge).
When someone asks a question about what song was being played in this movie or whatnot, wouldn't it be rude or just useless to respond with, "That sounds like a music question. You know who could answer that? A DJ!"
People might as well just put "I dunno" or "me too". "IANAL" is one thing, answering to say "don't ask me" is just fluff. Yes? No?
Do Mefites get sick of eating Chatfilter?
In the "Do chinese people get sick of eating chinese food?" AskMe discussion, which might have had a germ of a worthwhile idea behind it, the OPP has essentially come out and said "my question is chatfilter."
When I said "conceal", I meant pockets, not the rectum!
Stealing and concealing, rectal bleeding, and being gay. Oh my! [more inside]
From whatever mod deleted it, I just wondered why my repsonse to this post was deleted, and what exactly is so offensive about it that it needed to be removed. A Mefi mail is fine, but if you want it public that's OK too. Thank you. Truly, I don't care about the deletion, but am truly interested about the policy/ethics involved.
Answers, not opinions.
I don't understand why some of the answers to this question aren't being deleted. They are expressing their opinions about whether or not it's appropriate to give children psychiatric drugs, or what drugs have worked for children they knew, and that wasn't what was asked.
I asked a question and many of the responses were that I am "biased." Is a judgement of character a prerequisite for answering a question?
AskMe is NOT an adoption service.
I adore konolia and have defended her before, but her comment in this thread is intolerable. [more inside]
Hooray for highlights!
When did you start putting that little highlight bar on AskMe comments that are from the original asker? Kickass! Thank you... [more inside]
Related questions are awesome.
Related questions are awesome. [more inside]
Mark askee answers
Mark askee answers. (Meaning, highlight answers posted by the user who asked the question in askmefi). [more inside]
My Ask to include My favorites?
PonyFilter: when I favorite an Ask thread, it should appear in 'My Ask'
I am a commenter, but not your commenter
Please, for the love of all that is holy, can we please stop?
[more inside]
Asked for X, got Y (where X equals help and Y equals grief)
Ordered X, got Y. Not only the title of the thread, but a good description of some of the answers received. [more inside]
suspicious questions?
Just thought I'd mention that I noticed a couple of questions in askme that all had to do with ferreting out techniques people use to get around spam filters and the like. [more inside]
AskMe OP Fervor
Which AskMe threads have been most dominated by the OP? [more inside]
Facts do not respect majority opinion.
Please resist the urge to "vote" your opinion in response to a question that has a definitive factual answer. [more inside]
AskMe Rescue - What are the disadvantages of being a man?
AskMe Chatfilter Rescue: Disadvantages of being male [more inside]
AskMeFi: The Key to True Happiness
Is it wrong to call out a post that's trying to find happiness? [more inside]
Stinking of gin...
AskMe data
Is there any data on AskMe responses? This post generated a remarkable 115 (and counting) replies. What's the record?
Stumpers in the blue.
Unanswered Q's on AskMe: I can haz ponies? [more inside]
Thread deleted, missing or imagined?
Yesterday there was a thread about by someone suspecting an apartment scam, it seemed to be a reasonable question but this morning it seems to be gone? [more inside]
Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to MetaTalk callouts
Why is talking like Yoda "funny" in this post?
Or do I have to be in the cabal?
Apologies if this was discussed elsewhere, but... why is there a best answer marked in an anonymous thread...?
Ministry of Mis-Information
Could people please stop giving medical advice with no basis in science in this thread? [more inside]
It's not you, it's me.
Oh, and ummmmm.... I may be reading this wrong, but didn't you already admit to looking at porn and get called out BY your wife?
[more inside]
AskMe sidebar, please
My Little Feature Request: Paulsc had an uncommonly well-written answer in AskMe. It would be a good candidate for the AskMe sidebar, oh wait, there's no AskMe sidebar. But there could be.
What happened to america1-3?
What is the likelihood this would happen? Two unsensational, unrelated posts (1,2) on AskMe within six minutes of each other by america4 then america5. Weird.
Why close anon AskMe questions?
Why close an anonymous question at the poster's request? Here's an example (the recent question from a young guy who wasn't sure he wanted to marry) [more inside]
Georgia on my mind.
AskMefi: Seoul
AskMefi Followup: I asked you guys for tips in Seoul, and the response was very helpful, I'm still here for 5 more days, but here are pictures of the awesome places you led me to!
OP Spotlight
Visually distinguish the OP's comments? (At least in AskMefi.) [more inside]