February 2010 Archives (all archives)
February 28
The AskMe thread on blood donation by gay men really needs a MeTa outlet.
The AskMe thread on blood donation by gay men needs a MeTa outlet. [more inside]
Meetup: Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass
Let us rock the 310
Hey Los Angeles West Siders, it's been a while, how about we have a few drinks? [more inside]
Last Minute San Francisco Meetup
Hello San Francisco! How about drinks this coming weekend? [more inside]
Taking one's 120 Crayolas and going home
What is MeFi's policy when people quit the site and want all their posts + comments deleted? [more inside]
February 27
Bringing your procrastination in life
First Annual Champaign-Urbana (IL) Metafilter Meet-Up? [more inside]
If you give a grouse a cookie
In December, OmieWise posted a fantastic link to Gourmet Magazine's Favorite Cookies 1941–2008. Most of the pages for earlier years' recipes are now gone. Gourmet isn't writing back. Anyone have the presence of mind to save some of these? [more inside]
February 26
Mefi runs!
Do you like running? [more inside]
When making a new contact, the following doesn't seem to be very MeFi-centric.
Friendship acquaintance friend none
Physical I have met this user in the real world.
Professional co-worker colleague
Geographical co-resident neighbor none
Family child parent sibling spouse kin none
Romantic muse crush date sweetheart [more inside]
Metafilter Ask/Tell (Interviews)?
Metafilter Interviews or Ask/Tell? [more inside]
MS Bike Tour Stonewall to Gimli, Manitoba
MS Bike Tour - Biking to the Viking - Join Team Axon, Axe Off! [more inside]
Mass Hysteria
A while ago I ran across a link (here in the grey, I think) to a post on one of MeFi's satellite sites (MetaChat, maybe?) that described how dogs and cats interact with the world differently. I can't remember where it was posted, or who posted it, and google isn't turning up anything useful. Does anybody remember this?
PLAPDXMefibrarians UNITE
Mefibrarians descend upon PDX; Meetup and possible 10.6.1? [more inside]
Looking for an ask.mefi comment about our corporate government
Looking for a comment on an ask.mefi question that was along the lines of "the government is run by corporations and there's nothing we can do about it and that's all it ever will be, ever," but in a much more eloquent way. I think it was sometime in the past 12 months. I know that's not a lot to go on, but anyone have a clue where I might find it?
Fantasy Baseball 2010
Fantasy baseball is open now. Who wants in? [more inside]
Melbourne meetup by the Yarra, with snags and beer.
Melbourne meetup by the Yarra, with snags and beer. March 26. Be there. [more inside]
February 25
Why no health care summit on front page?
This question might not be one for MetaTalk, but why was nothing on the health care summit a FPP? [more inside]
Don't take this the wrong way, jessamyn...
Lacking confidence, I will not call this a pony. It's just a suggestion: how about setting that optionally removes moderators from the "contact activity" sidebar? I adore jessamyn, and many of her answers deserve to be favorites/best answers, but due to her high-profile here, my list has become a digest of jessamyn's activity, which crowds out all my other contacts. (This only affects people who have moderators as contacts.)
Anyone remember this photoshop adventure on Metafilter a while back?
Looking for something I saw on Metafilter ages ago: A man posts a picture of himself and his nephew (possibly) on a digital photography forum. The photograph was badly scanned and has white pixels on it, and he's asking the forum members to correct this for him. Instead of doing this, they have all sorts of other photoshop fun with it, warping the image and adding all sorts of inappropriate content. The original submitter keeps imploring them to stop, to no avail. I don't remember the details, so it's tough to google. Anyone remember this? Thanks!
February 24
Give it a watch and a listen, but not just a listen.
What's the difference in MeFi-comment-worthiness between posting a link to a Youtube video of a song and an actual mp3 of the song itself? [more inside]
Is there a doctor in the house?
Could you please point me to good comments or posts about the experience of being a GP/family practice physician? [more inside]
It's All Nouveau To Me.
The Whelk Invades New Orleans. Bonjour citizens of Louisiana! I'm gonna be in New Orleans from Thursday March 4th to late March 8th tagging along for a conference. Who's up for some bon tempes?
To faithfully pursue
". . . We believe the bible to be the inspired word of God, and that it is wholly truthful and accurate." Can this AskMe question legitimately be answered? [more inside]
Metafilter members, help a student out!
Metafilter members, help a student out! A request to rally the strength of this community (with permission from the mods). [more inside]
February 23
49b: Snowplow Trains!
Episode 49b was recorded last week right after the vacapinta one. It covers all aspects of the site from mid-January to mid-February and runs about 45 minutes. [more inside]
Religion derail
Must every thread about religion turn into an exercise in how religion is inherently a force for evil? [more inside]
self-link FPP
self link FPP, isn't this a no-no? [more inside]
Get a Lawyer! Really, you need a lawyer! Hey, you might want to get a lawyer!
What is the point in allowing legal questions when the only reasonable answer is going to be "get a lawyer"? One of many examples. Also, the people who ARE lawyers on the site cannot give legal advice anyway.
Set your expectations low and you won't be disappointed
As promised: ChiMeFi MonthlyMichAveMeetup is a GO! 6pm on March 3rd, meeting at the Billy Goat under Michigan Avenue for a quick drink and then heading to a SEEKRIT OUTING! [more inside]
The pitfalls of cool
Does anyone remember that awesome screed against cool? [more inside]
gnocchi and a double-fudge cupcake
February 22
seems a bit overdue, no?
TOKYO! Isn't it maybe time for a meetup? Early or mid-March?
SXSW/Austin meetup
SXSW/Austin meetup? [more inside]
Etiquette on marking your in-thread AskMe response as Best Answer
Etiquette on AskMe OP's marking their own in-thread response as Best Answer? [more inside]
Updating old, dead FPP links?
Dead link updating pony? [more inside]
TNH overflow
People apparently can't stop talking about TNH and Boing Boing! And here's a place to do it. Thank you.
Hive Love
What are your favorite relationship filter askmes? [more inside]
I have to ask.
So this question wasn't framed very well, but did it really break the guidelines to the extent that it needed to be deleted? [more inside]
Post Your Postcards!
Massive Postcard Swap update! There is now a Flickr group available if you would like to share your bounty. [more inside]
That group's beliefs differ slightly from our own group's beliefs!
Can we stop with the "Those people are so stupid" poll posts? [more inside]
February 21
Is there some reason for the plethora of closed threads on metatalk recently ? [more inside]
Have you seen boner?
How does Mefi feel about posts concerning quasi-celebrities, that I really don't know personally, who have gone missing? [more inside]
Lawrence, KS is overdue for a meetup.
Lawrence, KS is overdue for a meetup. Let's plan one for March. [more inside]
Animal Crossing has stolen my soul
The last time anyone asked about a meetup of MeFites in Animal Crossing was in 2006. Anyone playing AC: City Folk want to visit and swap fruit? [more inside]
February 20
London meetup this week? [more inside]
Norway? On Skates?
Norway got called out in an AskMe about Hockey. Aside from our cool curling gear, I just wanted to point out ice hockey in Norway, even in downtown Oslo, does exist. You must clear your own snow though.
More than one new question?
On the green, where it would normally say "New Question", I'm getting "New Question (0)". Feature? Bug? Indication of something I didn't know about the site?
Book Bunny
Haig? Haig? Haig?
No Alexander Haig obitfilter? Really? [more inside]
Mushrooms optional.
PDX 10.5.1 was ...entertaining, especially after the tequila happened. I'll let someone else plan 10.6 (20 march, EastBurn?), but...
PDX 10.7. 24 April, at Enchanted Forest anyone? [more inside]
Still Comatose
Weekend on the spreadsheet
There's a pretty active AskMe thread of movie recommendations going on right now, I threw all the recommended titles into a spreadsheet people can download along with plot, director, etc. Right now it's about 200 titles, I'll update it in a few days with whatever else gets added. Hope someone finds it useful.
February 19
We're linked by username, of course I care!
scody disabled? [more inside]
Crazy little thing called taters
"Best" time for AskMeFi post?
Best time to post AskMeFi question? [more inside]
February 18
bug? youtube embed disappeared
The embedded youtube arrow thingy has disappeared for me. [more inside]
Show of hands: how many MeFites make their own beer? Would you be interested in doing a homebrew swap similar to the CD swaps? [more inside]
February 17
Gimme a fuckin' break
What's so funny about . . .
Alright, after having my question deleted from AskMeFi, I'll try in MetaTalk:
While reading and posting in this thread I noticed a lot of people thinking that it's particularly creepy for an older man to hit on a much younger woman. It got me thinking about men who are older and in relationships with younger women and what the general opinion of women is regarding this. So my question, ladies of MeFi; do you generally find it creepy or distasteful when older men date younger women? And if so, why? [more inside]
Rapid Transit Fisticuffs?
What happened to the thread about the fight on the Oakland bus Monday? [more inside]
Update to "Belgian Man in Coma discovered to be conscious after 23 Years"
How does deletedthread.blogspot.com work? Do the mods update it manually, or is it somehow automated? If the latter, how long does it take for a deleted thread to pop up over there?
Coney Island Follow-Up
Update: A while ago, Coney Island's looming gentrification was discussed on the blue. Well, it's been a while - and the results are coming Memorial Day, 2010. [more inside]
Not so delightful, apparently
What could possibly have been the issue with this question that comments needed to be deleted?
Disapproving of the sinners doesn't seem to be mefites style, so what gives?
February 16
What was the shortest AskMe question without [more inside]?
What was the shortest AskMe question without [more inside]?
Metafilter's Own Maursam
A couple months ago, someone asked about the history of Gold Bond powder. As occasionally happens 'round these parts, the daughter of a 2nd-generation exec popped in to drop some knowledge. [more inside]
Funkiness with Edit Profile
The settings in Edit Profile open to how they were set on the computer where they were last saved, not what they are set to for on the computer you're currently using. [more inside]
...and HAMBURGER in a sarcastic font represents utmost sincerity
Idiopath on October 20th, 2009: If metafilter supported it, using an absurd font would probably be a better analog. [more inside]
Looking for a Linux vs. Mac vs. Windows AskMe
I'm looking for an AskMe that details the benefits of Linux-Ubuntu for a previous Windows/Mac user. [more inside]
February 15
It starts out normal enough...
Just a teeny blip on the meta-Meta screen but I know how much y'all like that sort of thing: the guy who's trying to stay sober by drawing a comic a day noticed we were talking about him. Congrats on helping an alcoholic go another day without drink. [more inside]
49a: Better Know a Moderator: vacapinta
This half episode hovers around 38 minutes and features a long interview with vacapinta talking about becoming a mefi mod, life in London, and his adventures in a new timezone. The second (normal mefi recap) half of this podcast will be up later this week.
Holy shit, this got weird. [more inside]
Can I repost a deleted FPP as an askmefi?
I posted a FPP that was rightfully deleted, however out of it was coming some interesting details about the topic and I'd like to learn more. Can I rephrase it as an ask mefi or is that bad form? [more inside]
This is not a demographic marketing question, I swear
Has there ever been an attempt at a kind of Metafilter community census? [more inside]
SF MEFI GDC 2010: the acronym-ing
Anyone up for a San Fran GDC meetup? March 9th - 13th is the target. [more inside]
Listing all details for meetups in one convenient place
Need a structure to unambiguously post venue details for meetups once decided [more inside]
Yeeeeeeeeeehaw! Houston Meetup March 2010
I reckon the rodeo is as good an excuse as any to have a meetup, y'all. Houston Meetup, March 2010. Unless yer yellow... [more inside]
Worst mental health Ask every.
Holy crap mental health AskMe. [more inside]
February 14
I was coming in here to ask if this question wasn't a bit long. It has now been sliced up by the mods so it doesn't take up most of the first page of AskMe, and reads in paragraphs below the mod-added fold. However, it is still not a question. [more inside]
Standard nerds!
Attention lovers of the IT Crowd! [more inside]
February 13
I thought Metafilter revolved around SF
New Yorkers perceive their own city differently because it's constantly reflected back to them in movies and books. Was this discussed on Metafilter, maybe in a comment on Ask? [more inside]
Phil Agre found January 16 2010, sort of
MeFi update: Phil Agre no longer missing as of January 16, sort of. [more inside]
Who are the MeFi Olympians?
Who are the MeFi Olympians? [more inside]
February 12
when did this thing happen?
Ok this is totally trivial but when did recent activity get post & comment activity squished together? I like. Is it newish?
"everyone should dress up and look beautiful"
Vancouver meetup
An Olympic Vancouver meetup? [more inside]
February 11
Hoosier cabin fever
Anyone up for an Indianapolis/Central Indiana meetup? [more inside]
how to buzz mefi
How did matthowie post a mefi fpp straight to Google Buzz? [more inside]
Not the Cameron movie. Not the Shyamalan movie either.
Is there a Greasemonkey script for displaying user avatars next to posts and comments? [more inside]
February 10
Come on. You're snowed in. Might as well plan a meetup, guys.
I know it's been tried before, but nth time's the charm. The Meetup Map says that there's never been a meetup in NJ. Let's rectify that with a meetup in the Princeton-ish area. [more inside]
update on chronic cerebrospinal insufficiency in MS
Update to this thread on chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency in multiple sclerosis: the results of the first stage of a followup study of 500 participants at Buffalo Neuroimaging Analysis Center have been released. [more inside]
Are there questions nearby?
Location-specific AskMe pony. [more inside]
Modern Warfare 2 on PS3?
Is there a Mefi Modern Warfare 2 gang playing on PS3? I just started playing multiplayer, and I'm sick of getting my ass kicked by 4 year olds with lightning thumbs.
Words With (Metafilter) Friends
Words With Friends Free is a free implementation of Scrabble for the iPhone. One of the nice things is being able to invite players by username.
Let's get our words on; post your Words With Friends username here if you'd like to play.
I'm on Words With Friends as "DWRoelands".
(I am assuming these sorts of posts are still okay, based on the similar Spore thread from a while back. Please delete if things have changed.)
February 9
Don't over think this.
I recently commissioned an original comic from Adam Koford (aka Apelad), based on an in-joke from a certain blue website. Here is what he has drawn. [more inside]
Really, it's NSFW? I had no idea...
If the details of a question are NSFW, shouldn't the question itself be SFW? [more inside]
Comment and Go To Jail
Amsterdam Meetup! I'll be in Amsterdam the weekend of March 6-7. Let's have a beer. [more inside]
February 8
A concern about anonymous posting
I'm a little worried that the increasing number of anonymous posts about personal and relationship issues may, if it continues, change the character and tone of AskMeFi.
Have the Meta-powers that be ever considered hiving (heh) off the anonymous posts into their own page? [more inside]
Scenes from an Austin Meetup
A series of tiny interviews with attendees of the latest Austin MetaFilter Meetup. Hear the voices of divabat, immlass and spikedmajorhairydick, among several others! Thrill to stories of secret initiations and mysterious orangutans! Find out what MetaFilter has done for us lately! Listen for your humble reporter growing progressively more intoxicated as the interviews go on! It's 25 minutes of completely idle chitchat, friends -- CAN YOU AFFORD TO MISS OUT?!? [more inside]
Related Posts
[derail] on sperm v. adoption question
Let's continue a discussion from this thread that got zapped for being chatfiltery. It has to do with adoption. [more inside]
February 7
Cat reclawing? Seriously?
how far is near?
How big a radius does the "nearby metafilter members" feature cover? [more inside]
Script that explains new favorites on old things
Is there a greasemonkey script that lets us see why old comments have been favorited? [more inside]
Double Didn't Die
When an FPP gets flagged as a double (or, say, a double double), how come it sometimes isn't deleted? [more inside]
MaxFunCon Scholarships
"Thanks to Matt Haughey of Metafilter.com, we are thrilled to be able to offer two full scholarships to MaxFunCon 2010! Scholarships will be awarded to one lady and one gentleman who apply. Each scholarship will cover the full cost of attendance, which includes accommodations, food, beverages, and all MaxFunCon activities at Lake Arrowhead." [more inside]
February 6
A bit of closure
Thank you Metafilter
Thank you MetaFilter [more inside]
February 5
Redirect upon signing out?
Pony request: When we sign out, can we please be redirected to the page that we came from, instead of to the main page? Just like actually does happen when we sign in.
We do.
"A lot of people obsessed with venture capital see Metafilter as a lifestyle business, but in my mind, it’s a mature business. It works really well and yet nobody aspires to do something like this and I don’t know why. Nobody celebrates just simple businesses that work." - Interview with Matt Haughey by Sue Medha [via Matt's twitterfeed]
Maybe we can the mods to grade the final
Is anyone interested in working through a free class on American Literature since 1945 book club style? [more inside]
They haven't turned the beer off yet, have they?
According to the map, it doesn't seem like there has ever been a meetup in Colorado Springs. Anybody up for one this weekend? [more inside]
Photo Friday on Metachat
It's Friday!...which means that over on Metachat, we continue the Friday tradition of posting photos by members on a given theme (this week, Fences; other recent marvels, Glow, Photobooth, Reflections, Old/New. If you haven't been over to MetaChat in a while, or ever, Photo Friday is a nice place to start with a post or a comment - and a relaxing way to wind down the work week with a few moments of Zen. [more inside]
Do you read Mefi archives or your favourites?
Do you read Metafilter archives and/or your favourited items? [more inside]
People who have favorited Kid Charlemagne's commentary have also snaked about....
If I had a feature or utility that would let me see who has favorited comments I have made I promise I would feed and water him every day. And clean out his stall. [more inside]
Calling all London, York, and Cardiff MeFites!
Hello London, York, and Cardiff MeFites...I want to meet you! [more inside]
February 4
Meaningful Lending Becomes Thoughtful Giving
3 months. $5,000 more, lent via Kiva. Go team. [more inside]
Pax East, Boston Meetup
I know that about 90% of the target constituency is already covered in the thread over on mefightclub, but I figured I'd ask back here as well - any more MeFites planning to head to Penny Arcade's Pax East in Boston, MA, 26th-28th March? [more inside]
Civil discourse that's actually civil
Chrome Bug
Bug: Flag drop-down box doesn't work in Chrome. [more inside]
You Rock
Just a callout to all you smart mofo's [more inside]
Old media eyes comely site 150 years its junior; sparks fly
"What I wish I could do is take our tens of thousands of nice registered subscribers and offer them a Metafilter-style community." --Paywalls, Blogs, Comments, Editing and Magazines: A Conversation with Paul Ford, Web Editor of Harper's Magazine
Mr. Fidler, tear down this home!
As a follow up to this post, the house Robert Fidler secretly built behind a giant wall of hay without planning board approval must be torn down.
How does Aardvark compare to Ask Metafilter?
How does Aardvark compare to Ask Metafilter? [more inside]
February 3
Bay Area Meet-up.
SF Meetup - February Edition. [more inside]
Anonymity + audience = ?
Looking for an oft-linked cartoon. Maybe? [more inside]
But how are there so many double posts even WITH this feature?
This is a thank-you note to whoever coded the FPP submission system. [more inside]
February 2
Plagarism on the F-Pee-Pee
What's—the deal—with FPP plagiarism? [more inside]
Philly-area spawn-friendly meetup! [more inside]
MeFi now on Twitter
Want to follow MeFi on Twitter. Now you can! [more inside]
But that's not what you said in 2007!
Checking through previous AskMe posts: proper etiquette? [more inside]
hamburger. hamburger! hamburger. [hamburger] i'm confused.
what is "hamburger" and why is it bad? i used to think i knew but i would like clarification.
February 1
W-A-S-H-I-N-G-T-O-N, baby, D-C
Washington, DC mefites! I'll be in town next week for a conference, and would love to meet up with you all. [more inside]
Must.. Leave.. House...
Atlanta, it's been nearly a year since our last meetup. Who's up for another? [more inside]
I'll Be Back...for that link
I need help finding an AskMe post where someone asked about the plot holes of Terminator: Salvation. [more inside]