550 posts tagged with Bug.
Displaying 501 through 550 of 550. Subscribe:

duplicate post after preview

I was adding a comment to a thread I started, and I previewed it once, added another line and previewed it again before posting. But it posted the message twice. The first being what was in the first preview and the second is what I wanted to post. The server had a slow reponse, and maybe that was a result or the cause of the error.
posted by riffola on Sep 20, 2001 - 0 comments

non-existent username gives error

If you try to manually type in a non-existant username, you get an error. (Example ). Minor issue, really, but I thought I'd point it out.
posted by gd779 on Sep 14, 2001 - 3 comments

"My comments" bug

Remember that bug we talked about a few months ago, where "My Comments" doesn't show up on the front page pull-down menu? It's back. I wonder if it has something to do with how the page is currently being rendered as a static page, instead of pulling from the db.
posted by jpoulos on Sep 12, 2001 - 1 comment

wrong date on post about trailing slash

The post about the extra trailing slash bug is listed under September 4th, when in fact it's from August.
posted by moss on Sep 4, 2001 - 0 comments

Bug in the search results.

Is it just me, or are the "Go to the detail view for this result" links on search results not scrolling to the anchor points?
posted by machaus on Sep 4, 2001 - 2 comments

3 or 4 choices? Bug

During today's name-server downtime, I noticed that when I connect directly to the IP, I can't list threads by "my comments". The listing menu only had three choices. When I access through "www.metafilter.com" I can; the menu has all four. I have no idea why this might be.
posted by Steven Den Beste on Jul 29, 2001 - 2 comments

Blank page bug

What ... Just ... Happened?

I came here a few minutes ago and there was nothing but a big white space and a line that said that the URL didn't exist.

It was scary.
posted by Grangousier on Jul 19, 2001 - 6 comments

MetaTalk login logout bug report

More logging-into-MetaTalk pain and dismay...

I'm at a new job as of this week and so am using a new computer, and I can't log in completely (it seems) to MetaTalk... I can log in and show up as logged in on the front page of MT or on a category main page, but when I click through to a thread there's no logged-in indicator and no posting form.

Similar/related to a problem where I can't seem to log *out* of (some pages on) MetaTalk, from home.

Matt, I emailed you about the latter a month or two ago, not sure if you got it though... if you did & are aware of the problem, please disregard this bug report and just work on getting me that pony.

posted by Sapphireblue on Jul 13, 2001 - 0 comments

Mefi member count discrepancy

Someting simple, actually (I hope). On the front page of MeFi, if you're not logged in, the member count is 9342. When you're logged in the member count is 9075.
posted by pnevares on Jun 19, 2001 - 8 comments

Little problem with XML parsers

a tiny problem with the rss feed -- some xml parsers (particularly expat, the parser used inside mozilla and perl's XML::Parser, require that the '' appear at the very beginning of the file. it seems like an overly strict reading of the spec to me, but there you are. kudos for adding the feed, in any case!
posted by jimw on Jun 17, 2001 - 3 comments

Metatalk 404 error

I keep getting the following when accessing Metatallk:


Error Occurred While Processing Request

Error Diagnostic Information

An error has occurred.

HTTP/1.0 404 Object Not Found

Please inform the site administrator that this error has occurred (be sure to include the contents of this page in your message to the administrator).

Any idea why?

posted by ParisParamus on Jun 15, 2001 - 13 comments

Comment text disappearing after preview.

Editing weirdness. Is it just my lack of standards compliant browser (all I ask for is a browser that is compliant, supports imap mail and runs on linux) or what? Tried to post a comment and previewed. Last night there was nothing to edit "below" and back erased everything. Today at one point I could edit below, then I couldn't although back left text in place. Neither seems to be true here (talk not mefi).
posted by noether on Jun 8, 2001 - 6 comments

Why can't I post?

Why I suddenly haven't any posting rights for the main page, allthough I've already posted and commented different threads?

So, maybe one of you could announce this link for me:

ReBlogger is a blogvoices alternative.

posted by ronsens on Jun 7, 2001 - 3 comments


Ok, what gives. One second I'm reading about hooker-come-law-school-garduate, and now it "sorry.metafilter.com"

I'm sure you've seen it too by now. Hoax? Hack? The "final solution" for MeFi?

posted by Hackworth on May 21, 2001 - 97 comments

What have I done to get this white and blue stuff?

don't know what i've done, but the last couple of days i seem to click on a link and the whole screen just reverts to white background and blue letters with underlined links rather than the link i'm trying to access. seemed to happen most with search features....
what have i done? is my pc about to meltdown? ;-)
posted by cakefork on May 14, 2001 - 6 comments

Not no comments and no links since last visit

i'm not sure if this has been covered before - i read thru a few posts and then gave up. when i visit MeTa first, I get that read out at the top telling me how many comments and links since my last visit, which is great. if i visit MeFi first, however, when i come here to MeTa the read out always says no comments and no links, even tho in all likelihood there have been some. then i have to go fishing for them.

is this something everyone is experiencing, or something i can adjust in some prefs somewhere that i don't know about? i know i could avoid it by always checking in with MeTa first, but sometimes i forget. a lot of times, actually.
posted by the webmistress on May 5, 2001 - 2 comments

The scholarship link buttons seem to have disappeared

It's the Case of the Missing Buttons! I could just be going blind or crazy or something, but the scholarship link buttons seem to have disappeared from both the link on my website and the scholarship page itself.
posted by jess on Apr 23, 2001 - 6 comments

You used to be able to leave this blank.

posted by sam123 on Apr 21, 2001 - 26 comments

Error with the MeFi scholarship link in Opera.

Opera5 shows the "MetaFilter college scholarship" as an off yellow link but it's not clickable. After a quick glance at the HTML it seems Opera doesn't like the negative value, "margin-top:-20px". It looks like there's an unclosed DIV tag around that area too, well, maybe.
posted by holloway on Apr 16, 2001 - 7 comments

Can't actually POST after PREVIEW

Mac IE 5. Both the "Preview" and "Post" buttons on the link submittal are resolving post_preview.mefi today, resulting in an inabilty to actually post the link once I've verified that everything's hunky-dory.
posted by m.polo on Apr 7, 2001 - 2 comments

Bug: IE 5.0 for Mac, text formatting commands.

I am using IE 5.0 for Mac. The text formatting commands do not appear at the bottom of the main text box. Any ideas?
posted by ParisParamus on Apr 6, 2001 - 4 comments

Pop-up when using spellchecker

Anybody else getting a 'LowestBid' window showing up when the spell checker window finishes? Is this a feature I'm not aware of, or is somebody hijacking my window?
posted by daver on Apr 4, 2001 - 1 comment

Text preferences not changing on second computer

I read MeFi from two different computers (one at home, one at work); I changed my MeFi text preferences on my machine at work and they applied without problem. The prefs don't take on my home machine, though, even after I went to the bother of going back into the prefs on my home machine and resetting them again to be exactly the same as my work machine.

Yes, I have the same fonts on both machines, as well as the same browser (IE 5.5 SP1).

Any clues?
posted by briank on Mar 31, 2001 - 3 comments

Error on logout, refresh

I read MeFi on a shared computer, so I tend to log out right after I post something. But whenever I log out then try to reload the front page, I get an error. The message is inside.
posted by shylock on Mar 27, 2001 - 1 comment

teeny-weeny glitch with the sort feature

Another teeny-weeny gltich with the sort feature. I had mine set for "most comments". When I went to look at a page and came back, it was still set to most comments although the dropdown menu now says date (my previous setting). This persists through refreshes.

Either "most comments" is sticky and it's not supposed to be (i.e., the menu is right but the URL is wrong), or the dropdown is reverting to the previous setting spontaneously.

As I say, the teeny-weeniest of buglets. (Oh, IE5/MacOS 9.0.4)
posted by rodii on Mar 27, 2001 - 6 comments

Links not linking

Not sure if this is a bug, but on some posts the links aren't showing up for me, both on the home page and on the detail. (IE 5.50)
posted by accountingboy on Mar 21, 2001 - 6 comments

Is anyone else having trouble with the My Comments sorting option disappearing?

Is anyone else having trouble with the My Comments sorting option disappearing?
posted by rcade on Feb 28, 2001 - 5 comments

In-thread graphics wonky in Mac Netscape

In-thread graphics always get wonky on my Mac's Netscape. In this case, it's the Amazon graphic. Not only does it cover up other text, but it doesn't let me click on it. Any chance a plan-text link can be posted?
posted by luke on Feb 6, 2001 - 3 comments

"My Comments" sort nice, but buggy

I note a new option on the pulldown: "My Comments". I just thought I should point out, though, that it didn't appear until after I'd selected some other option first: that is, the menu only had three options on it the first time.

Nifty, though.

(NS4.76/Linux RH6.2/KDE)
posted by baylink on Feb 4, 2001 - 0 comments

Problem with passwords while posting a comment.

Password problems: When I hopped over to MeFi today, I found I wasn't automatically logged in any more. I don't know if that's a MeFi problem itself, as I've had all sorts of weirdness with IE lately on my end. I logged in, no problem. But then when I tried to post a response in a MetaTalk thread, my password wasn't automatically filled in like it usually is. I didn't even notice until I hit "post," at which time I got a yummy ColdFusion error.
posted by aaron on Jan 29, 2001 - 1 comment

MeTa layout bug

Dunno if this is a bug or what, but: I wanted to set my preferences in MetaTalk (to make my font size smaller). This happened to be while I was putting something in the posting form field. At the bottom there was what I thought was the usual menu bar:

but when I clicked on "Customize" I got a 404. Then when I went to report this I discovered that that menu bar *only* appears for me when I've already clicked "preview" on comments I'm making. Is the page with the menu bar a remnant layout that's been removed elsewhere?

posted by rodii on Jan 29, 2001 - 1 comment

I don't want to go so far as to say this is a real bug yet

I don't want to go so far as to say this is a real bug yet, but ... is anyone else noticing discrepancies between the "number of new responses" listed at the top of the front page, and the number of new comments that are actually showing up on each link? I've been having intermittent discrepencies for a while, and tonight's one of them. MeFi says 113 responses, but I can only count 102. And I have the front page set to give me the last two weeks worth of links.

So either there's a really-old-yet-really-popular thread back in the archives somewhere, or the count's getting wonky. Any ideas?
posted by aaron on Jan 15, 2001 - 2 comments

The MeFi "Best Of" Mailing List page doesn't seem to be working properly

The MeFi "Best Of" Mailing List page doesn't seem to be working properly. I'm not subscribed to it, but I wanted to check out the archives in case I was interested. Did it get deactivated?
posted by pnevares on Dec 5, 2000 - 4 comments

New user message appears in error

I've been a user for many months and posted many links and comments (54 and 75, to be exact). However, when I try to post a new link, I get the new user message that I can't post main page links yet. What's up with that?
posted by veruca on Nov 9, 2000 - 4 comments

The option to receive the best of email won't stay ticked.

I have selected the option to recieve the wonderful new best of email, but the option does not stay ticked and i haven't recieved any emails. Any ideas ?
posted by Zool on Nov 7, 2000 - 1 comment

"Connection failure members" bug

Hullo Matt, we have a minor bug:

When I load MeFi, instead of being told how many members there are, I instead get: "Connection failure members".

Is this an M2K bug? :-)
posted by Avogadro on Nov 2, 2000 - 3 comments

thanks for deleting my plain-text password

Thanks Matt, for deleting my previous password-revealing eQuill post.

I think I've refined the problem more though. In the whois microsoft.com thread (too lazy to link) while previewing the comments I have in a blockquote, the formatting is off in much the same way as the ul block I linked to.

Basically, the layout was broken after the blockquoted area, and the text started flush to the left of my window. While it doesn't actually effect the final posting, perhaps there's missing close cell tags in the preview or something?
posted by cCranium on Oct 23, 2000 - 3 comments

Bug: You aint' all th@

minor bug: The @ in an email address shows as a url encoded %40 in a user's profile page. The link works okay, it just looks weird.
posted by lagado on Oct 15, 2000 - 1 comment

Putting HTML tags in a post works in preview, but not in the actual post

I wanted an HTML tag to appear in my post, so I typed ampersand-lt-semicolon and ampersand-gt-semicolon for the karats. Looked fine in preview, but they got converted to karats -- and therefore invisible comments -- for the post.
posted by luke on Sep 25, 2000 - 1 comment

Log-in issues with MF and MT

Just today, MF, but not MT, *does* think I'm logged in, but does *not* fill in the password field on my posting pages automatically. W98/NS4.7x and it's been working ok up til now. Not having the password there, incidentally, preview's you through to a preview page *without* your posting at the bottom; no apparent error message.
posted by baylink on Sep 4, 2000 - 2 comments

The Day the Login Died

The Day the Login Died: for some reason, this afternoon I had to login today again after months of happy not-having-to-rmember-my-password. Has this happened to anyone else? Netscape Navigator 4.08 on the Mac, if that matters. Is this a Metafilter problem, or a browser problem?
posted by mrmorgan on Aug 14, 2000 - 1 comment

Indent after post bug

Matt, after Skallas's post on Symantec charging for virus updates, the entries indent another indent's worth. Still not sure what causes that...
posted by mrmorgan on Aug 13, 2000 - 0 comments

No place to post comment

I'm using IE 4.5 for the mac, and I get this strange bug whenever I hit "... comments".

It happens like this:
The first time that I come to Metafilter on a particular day, if I click on "... comments" next to a post that someoen has put up, I get the various comments, and everything is normal up until the password form. In it, there's a bunch of "" tags, and stuff like that, and instead of having the normal form to post your comment in, I get some weird error (I'd post it, but I'm not getting the error now).

I can fix the problem if I delete my "password" cookie, so I imagine it's related to that somehow. I hope you can fix it =).
posted by ookamaka on Aug 12, 2000 - 0 comments

I can't get user info when I'm previewing a comment

I can't get user info when I'm previewing a comment. After I enter a comment and hit preview, I've tried twice (2 different threads) to click on a users name (opening the link in a new window) and both times I got a 404 Error. The URL I end up trying to use looks like this http://www.metafilter.com/contribute/user.cfm?user_ID=993
posted by sudama on Jun 29, 2000 - 1 comment

Page display on IE 5 for Mac (June 2000)

The floating 'other blogs' palette does not work well at all in MSIE 5.0/Mac. When the home page first loads, it shows up on the left side of the page, obliterating much of the text of the links. Only when the page is finished loading does it move to its proper place on the right side.

Then, when paging up and down, the palette only draws down to about halfway through the "kottke" link. Yuck.
posted by aaron on Jun 3, 2000 - 1 comment

Stuck logged in on MetaTalk.

D'oh - I just noticed it's not easy (actually, it's not possible) to log out of metatalk. Sorry about that, I'll dig in and see what the problem is this weekend.
posted by mathowie on May 19, 2000 - 0 comments

Clicking on a username in Metatalk gives me an error

Clicking on a username in Metatalk gives me the following error:

Template file not found.
HTTP/1.0 404 Object Not Found

posted by Calebos on May 10, 2000 - 1 comment

MeTa: "Back" link working logically but not helpfully.

The returned URL from a MetaTalk comment posting is not identical to the page from which you posted it, which means that "Back" takes you back to the comment page with the filled in form, rather than back to the parent page, a feature I'd always rather liked...
posted by baylink on May 10, 2000 - 2 comments

You need to set your time-of-day clock

You need to set your time-of-day clock; you're seven hours off.
posted by Steven Den Beste on Mar 24, 2000 - 1 comment

Tossed into metatalk again

Bug's still there... if you hit "post a topic" from a comments page, it tosses you into metatalk. I almost did it again. Doh.
posted by endquote on Mar 24, 2000 - 2 comments

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