549 posts tagged with bug.
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AskMe bugs
TwoBugsInAskMetaFilterFilter... [mi]
Love preview, but can't see it
I like the new "instant preview" feature in the blue, but in the preview window, I'm seeing black text on a blue background -- in other words, not terribly well.
Did it get posted?
The last few times I've made an FPP, I've hit 'Submit' and it's pointed me back to the homepage...without the post. I hesitate to try again because I don't want it posting twice. I realize this was just discussed but I wanted to see if anyone had had a similar experience recently since the bug seems to remain.
Safari 2.0 tabs bug with background colors
i opened ask metafilter and metatalk in two tabs in Safari 2.0, closed the AskMeFi tab, and (i think) clicked a link in MeTa, and the top frame is still AskMeFi green. here's a link. looks like a caching issue obviously but i've refreshed and it's still there.
Bug: Cold Fusion Error in AskMe
Cold Fusion Error when accessing AskMetafilter. [more inside]
CSS fix for horizontal scrollbar
I'd like to submit a bug-fix to MetaFilter default.css stylesheet. It fixes the Mozilla/Firefox page rendering (on Windows) so that it no longer generates an annoying horizontal scrollbar. After much tinkering, it appears to be fixed by the following small change to the stylesheet:
.tinydatetime {
font-size: 10px;
font-family: verdana, sans-serif;
font-weight: bold;
color: black;
padding-left:5px; < ------ change to b>margin-left:5px;
padding-right:5px; < ------ change to b>margin-rightt:5px;
It needs testing on non-Windows platforms however.>>
.tinydatetime {
font-size: 10px;
font-family: verdana, sans-serif;
font-weight: bold;
color: black;
It needs testing on non-Windows platforms however.>>
I'm getting an error message
I'm not sure if it's been noticed already or how long its been going on, but when trying to access Metafilter I get this error message:
The ValueList() function has an invalid parameter: getLinks.link_id.
Parameter 1 of function ValueList which is now (getLinks.link_id) must be pointing to a valid query name.
Just makin' sure someone knows...
The ValueList() function has an invalid parameter: getLinks.link_id.
Parameter 1 of function ValueList which is now (getLinks.link_id) must be pointing to a valid query name.
Just makin' sure someone knows...
I was posting while Matt was deleting
It looks like I was posting a comment at the exact moment Matt closed the thread. Here's the error message (inside)
Doubled posts on the blue
I've noticed a fair bit of double posts recently on MeFi (not AskMefi nor MeTa).
Here (keswick), here (bugbread) and here (3.2.3.) Is there some newly introduced bug in the posting code?
Here (keswick), here (bugbread) and here (3.2.3.) Is there some newly introduced bug in the posting code?
Timezone bug?
did the timezone option JUST stop working in the blue, or has it been busted for a while and i just noticed?
Link date error when posting to AskMe.
Variable LINK_DATE is undefined. [more]
MeTa: menu bar miscolored
The MeTa menu bar is showing green, while the rest is the appropriate gray. What?
AskMe archives missing a way to go to older pages
When viewing a category in AskMe, it defaults to the last 30 days. Unfortunately, it seems to neglect to show the clever widget to allow one to go back further. It shows in MetaTalk's categories.
Cold Fusion busted again
Cold Fusion error on this thread.
Is anyone else seeing the green Ask Mefi header but on Metatalk?
GoingBlindFilter: Is anyone else seeing the green Ask Mefi header but on Metatalk? Here's what I mean
NEXT not nexting in user search
Archived results of a user search are broken down in batches of 50. However, going to different pages of the results keeps giving the same 50. (I tried using NEXT and clicking individual page numbers.). I'm on Firefox on OS X.
Display problem in Safari 1.3
In Safari 1.3 the background of the top nav panel on AskMe is in MeTa grey rather than green.
Why didn't my ad run?
I don't know if this is a bug, per se, but it's certainly a problem. I submitted a text ad a while back and paid for it with PayPal. I never got any email, and the ad was never activated. I can log into the ad system and see it in the inactive section, but there is no option to activate it. It never ran, there are 0 views.
In addition I had a hard time figuring out who to contact about this. There is nothing in the ad system area, the wiki, the text ad information page, or the text ad order page telling me who to contact with a text ad problem! I found Matt Haughey's address on the About page, but it has been about two weeks now with no response.
Any suggestions? I'd love to know how to get the ad activated, how to prevent this in the future, and/or how to get my money back.
In addition I had a hard time figuring out who to contact about this. There is nothing in the ad system area, the wiki, the text ad information page, or the text ad order page telling me who to contact with a text ad problem! I found Matt Haughey's address on the About page, but it has been about two weeks now with no response.
Any suggestions? I'd love to know how to get the ad activated, how to prevent this in the future, and/or how to get my money back.
Not Actually More Inside
The description of the Your Question field on the AskMetaFilter post preview page has the text from the Extended Explanation (AKA more inside) field).
Comment count does not match actual comments
3067 != 3202 ; 443 != 471 ; 426 != 432 ; but 11 == 11. An old user thing? Or a massive cover-up? Follow the money!
Should I report every error message I get from the site?
Metaquettefilter: When I see things like "Parameter 2 of function Right which is now 0 must be a positive integer" when I'm trying to get my nigh-hourly dose of ask.mefi, should I just assume a wizard did it, and it'll all get taken care of, or should I report it? I *hate* the idea of being the 3000th person to complain about something and thereby be part of what's keeping it from getting fixed....
Posts get deleted, but tags stick around.
Quonsar! Horowitz! Matrioshkadolls!
Yikes, my eyes! Whaaaa. Posts get deleted, but tags stick around.
Yikes, my eyes! Whaaaa. Posts get deleted, but tags stick around.
Bug with selection contact options
When adding contacts, if you select some option under Family (or any section really) you cannot then deselect all Family options.
Best Answer doesn't show "more inside"
Pagination not right
Something on the "Showing results ... of ... answers by ..." pages seems to be broken.
This page should be my 50 most recent answers, and it is, but this page does not show answers 51 - 100 like its supposed to, but rather shows answers Most Recent - 100. Clicking either page number or NEXT yields the same results.
Also, Matt, as I post this -- should the dead blogroots.com link still be on the Metatalk posting page?
This page should be my 50 most recent answers, and it is, but this page does not show answers 51 - 100 like its supposed to, but rather shows answers Most Recent - 100. Clicking either page number or NEXT yields the same results.
Also, Matt, as I post this -- should the dead blogroots.com link still be on the Metatalk posting page?
Nothing to see here
Every time you click "comments" to see the answers in Ask Metafilter, the page that loads says "Nothing to see here, move along... You've stumbled upon a non-existent post, or one that was deleted for various reasons."
Multiple best answers in askme: feature or bug?
I noticed an AskMe thread with two "Best Answers". Is the ability to mark more than one answer as "best" intentional, or is this a bug? I'm sure there are going to be cases of ties, so perhaps this isn't a bad idea.
An archive-status related bug
I'm assuming it's related to this, but when I'm not logged in, each thread in the blue ends with the "This thread is archived and is closed to new comments" message, instead of the "Register or login to comment" message.
I am TOO logged in. The thread has been taken out.
When viewing a deleted thread (While logged in) I see a bit at the bottom that says "You are not currently logged in. Log in or create a new account."
I can confrim that this is happening in every thread that is currently missing off of the front page.
Firefox 1.0, WinXP, &c.
I can confrim that this is happening in every thread that is currently missing off of the front page.
Firefox 1.0, WinXP, &c.
"Mozilla not fit for general use"
Does the "Mozilla not fit for general use" FPP count as a self-link? It only calls out a single bug, which the author has commented on several times. For that matter, I don't think a layout bug is usually worthy of a FPP.
Error executing database query
Trying to get to the blue ... my default view is 20 most recently commented threads... get Error Executing Database Query. [Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]Invalid column name 'link_day'.
The timezone slips occasionally.
PST slippage in the blue... Occasionally my time reference on MeFi gets whacked back to PST, though my preferences are EST. When I see the problem, I edit my profile (changing nothing), submit and ta-da, EST. Don't need no pony, just bringing it up. Happens ~ once a month.
The title of the AskMe page reads "Announce Metafilter"
While I'm as excited as anyone about announce.metafilter.com, I wonder if the fact that the title of the ask.metafilter.com page reads "Announce Metafilter" is a bug?
I messed up some html with a single quote.
I inserted a single quote in a post on accident and the MeFi code that normally would be the rest of the page (i.e. all the buttons and such) showed up in my preview textbox.
Search Metafiler bug
Found a bug in Search Metafilter that could be rather painful for both the server and the client. [mi]
Always refreshes to the first view of the day
Everytime I view a MeFi/MeTa/AskMe page, it brings me to the first time I viewed the page that day. I can reload the page and see new posts and/or comments, but if I leave that page everytime I go back it displays the first load of the page, not even the most recently viewed version. [MI]
"Posted At" seems to be occasionally hinky
"Posted At" seems to be occasionally hinky. When I click the link to Mayor_Curley's embedded-image post (supposedly http://www.metafilter.com/mefi/38941#832736), it pops me to a different part of the page (http://www.metafilter.com/mefi/38941#832671) which is the first comment in the thread). I think I have seen that with some of my own posts in the past, perhaps when previewing, editing, previewing, editing, etc...
Broken Posts: add them here.
Broken Posts: add them here. I also found a couple of threads that went wonky after adding keywords (1, 2). If anyone else has any nasties, we might as well batch them here.
Adding tags to my old thread caused a mess.
I made my old thread unhappy when adding tags. Not sure how that happened.
What's up with the date headers on AskMe?
Right now I see three "January 23" headings in AskMe, atop three "January 22" headings. Prior days display just fine. What's the story, Morning Glory?
Today's massage broke lofi.mefi.
Today's massage broke lofi.mefi.
Is AskMe sending unsolicited info?
I have only been a member since Jan. 1, but today for the first time my firewall program alerted me that Ask Me was attempting to send information in the "private information" category (my home address) to the Ask MeFi site. Has anyone else noticed this? Why is this being done?
Timezone bug.
Timezone confusion; though my prefs are set for Eastern time, timestamps are coming up PST. ?
CFML error while processing request in AskMe
Anyone else having problems with AskMe right now? [+]
smart quotes and other characters mangled (IE, mac)
IE for Mac occasionally mangles posts with quotation marks, apostrophes, etc. For example: “Y’all must stay non-nuclear, but we’ll have as many nukes as we want. We’ll make new nukes but keep the old. And if you don’t like it, just take a good look at Iraq, because you could be next.�
Askme bold bug
Minor bug ... all text at AskMe is bold starting with the "I need a case for my iPod. [+] posted by Who_Am_I at 7:45 AM PST - 8 comments" - and below.
Askme bug
Ask has 3 December 31sts. Matt - i'm sure you'll catch it. But I figure you might come here first.
xmas xmas xmas
I love Christmas as much as the next guy, but AskMe appears to be displaying December 25th three times at the moment, although no questions seem to be duplicated.
Large blank space unintended
Large space on the mainpage between superposition's Oprah post body text and the footer. Doesn't show in the comments section. Firefox 1.0. XP
I see two "December 10" headers in the green.
I see two "December 10" headers in the green. Do I need a new glasses prescription?